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Fashion and Style in Poland

Kemaleon  3 | 122  
4 Apr 2008 /  #91
Oh yeah, Paris Hilton sure is classy

(::::Warning! NSFW::::)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Apr 2008 /  #93
Fashion is so diverse these days...its not just about one or two - uniformed styles like it has been in the past (rockers n mods etc) I think people tend to wear what they like and bugger convention....its how you wear it at the end of the day!
4 Apr 2008 /  #94
Not come across him before, but he's got some really cool designs.

I think that he is more of a pop art star that a desigenr alone.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
5 Apr 2008 /  #95
I was shopping today (nothing unusual there :) but I wasn't really all that impressed with the so-called "Spring Fashions". Here's an example of what I saw Next[

next.co.uk/shopping/women?LID=01_02_02 (there's a few pages to look through).
Are these similar to what is predicted for fashion in Poland this year or is it different?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
5 Apr 2008 /  #96
Here's an example of what I saw Next

what is it with fashion these days that they are trying to make young women look at least 10 years older with what they are wearing...
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
5 Apr 2008 /  #97
Well, actually, with a lot of what I saw today, you're spot on. Gone are the days when they tried to make women look younger ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
5 Apr 2008 /  #98
Gone are the days when they tried to make women look younger ;)

yeah... well i dont see their logic, its getting warmer so they should encourage us to maybe uncover a little bit, and instead they suggest we wear someting our grannies would wear. i cant wait till i can finally ditch all the jumpers and long sleeved tops!
Mali  - | 300  
5 Apr 2008 /  #99
Are these similar to what is predicted for fashion in Poland this year or is it different?

Yikes! I saw one maybe two things that I would actually wear from there. And both items I would only wear if I had to go to a conservative event.

i cant wait till i can finally ditch all the jumpers and long sleeved tops!

Exactly. There is nothing flattering about wearing a tent instead of a tank. I'm not saying that women should walk around looking like skanks but there is no reason to wear a top that'll make you look 40inches wide (obese!). I love wearing clothes that flatter and accentuate my waist and wouldn't be caught dead in most of that crap.

not flattering:
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
6 Apr 2008 /  #100
I see what you're saying, but to add a little 'Man-logic' to that:
"You can see her nipples in the first pic!"

Girls wearing certain dresses/skirts with jeans/trousers is not a new trend but it seems to be getting worse, like those pics that were shown, they seriously do not go together, the fact that the girls posture is awful and she is way too skinny doesn't help either. And why does she have the hair style of a small boy?


Ok i'm just getting bîtchy now.... oh sod it, i gotta ask:

What is it with this pointy shoes craze?
I appologise if any of you gals love this style but i cant help but feel it just looks terrible, it is fading a bit now but not long ago the length of some of these 'feet-canoes' was getting ridiculous!

If you keep wearing them, your feet will stay that shape you know...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Apr 2008 /  #101
i second kemaleon's seconding! I don't know any guy that finds those stupid looking tops attractive in any way.

And trousers with dresses, be they baby-doll dresses (i.e. those stupid moomoo things) or actual dresses is just plain ugly and unattractive. No woman should ever experiment with that look, ever!

Pointy shoes? kitsch.
Mali  - | 300  
6 Apr 2008 /  #102
What is it with this pointy shoes craze?

I am probably one of the few females that hates pointy toe shoes. They are f'ugly to me. They look like witch shoes.

And trousers with dresses, be they baby-doll dresses (i.e. those stupid moomoo things) or actual dresses is just plain ugly and unattractive. No woman should ever experiment with that look, ever!

yeah, I'm not a fan of unflattering layers either. Nothing good can come from wearing a dress over pants.

What do PFers think about Uggs?
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
6 Apr 2008 /  #103
er yeah, nice... I'm sure the Camel doesnt need me anymore...

I think they can look good with the right outfit, and i hear Eskimos swear by them!

Nice snake-shoe pic in your profile by the way.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
6 Apr 2008 /  #104
I am probably one of the few females that hates pointy toe shoes. They are f'ugly to me. They look like witch shoes.

I don't like pointy toe shoes either. I have one pair, which look nice with jeans and a top in the summer but I can't wear them if I have to walk any distance because they get hurt. And yeah, the pointy bit makes me think of a witch :)

What do PFers think about Uggs?

They are hard to walk in. I see girls with them on and they're basically walking over the side and back of them. I bought a cheaper version (infact 2 pairs) over the winter and they great and sturdy (but still managed to fall on the ice :)

edit: mines were black :)
Mali  - | 300  
6 Apr 2008 /  #105
Nice snake-shoe pic in your profile by the way.

Thanks :) (they're faux snake, btw)
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but I choose to read it as a compliment :)

I don't like pointy toe shoes either. I have one pair, which look nice with jeans and a top in the summer but I can't wear them if I have to walk any distance because they get hurt. And yeah, the pointy bit makes me think of a witch :)

yay! I'm not alone! My sister LOVES them. I will never know why.

I see girls with them on and they're basically walking over the side and back of them

LOL!! I see that all the time. Apparently, that happens because the skin stretches so much that they end up losing some of their shape. It looks sloppy.

I bought a cheaper version (infact 2 pairs) over the winter and they great and sturdy (but still managed to fall on the ice

I see people wearing them in the summer all the time. a summer dress, bug-eye sunglasses and Uggs :S
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
6 Apr 2008 /  #106
Aye was a compliment: not too pointy, not needlessly over-detailed, shiny!

::No snakes were harmed in the making of this compliment::
Mali  - | 300  
6 Apr 2008 /  #107
Aye was a compliment: not too pointy, not needlessly over-detailed, shiny!

I love shiny :)

::No snakes were harmed in the making of this compliment::

Thank Goodness ;)
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
6 Apr 2008 /  #108
yay! I'm not alone! My sister LOVES them. I will never know why.

Actually, my sister has a few pairs too...but she is a witch haha ;)

LOL!! I see that all the time. Apparently, that happens because the skin stretches so much that they end up losing some of their shape. It looks sloppy.

It does look sloppy and can't be good. My cheapo ones don't do that at all. :)

I see people wearing them in the summer all the time. a summer dress, bug-eye sunglasses and Uggs :S

Really? Surely your feet would sweat in them? Mines have furry linings so they would be to hot for sure :)
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
6 Apr 2008 /  #109
Oooh ooh i have a new question!!!

Whats with the belts you Polish Princesses wear? EVERY Polish girl i met over here love huge studded belts? They look nice dont get me wrong, but i just found it quite funny
Mali  - | 300  
6 Apr 2008 /  #110
My cheapo ones don't do that at all

I love that the knock-offs are better than the $200 pair :)

Really? Surely your feet would sweat in them? Mines have furry linings so they would be to hot for sure :)

yeah, can you imagine how nasty they must smell?

Whats with the belts you Polish Princesses wear? EVERY Polish girl i met over here love huge studded belts? They look nice dont get me wrong, but i just found it quite funny

maybe its the trend in Poland. I haven't seen that too much around here, from the Polish Princesses or otherwise.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
6 Apr 2008 /  #111
Ah of course, Canada huh? nice.

Should the issue of Winter boots in Summer seem so strange?

Surely you all have seen what the girls here in England wear (or rather: not!) in the Winter? Even the men's attitudes are changing, comments such as:

"check out the legs on Her!!"
are being replaced with:
"Crikey! i bet she's cold!!"

Maybe its just relative, when is the weather in England ever consistent enough for Winter boots not to be a good option!
Mali  - | 300  
6 Apr 2008 /  #112
Should the issue of Winter boots in Summer seem so strange?

yes! Winters are freezing cold and summers are humid and hot. In the summer, we get 28-36 Celsius all the time. Try wearing furry boot then lol.

I've been to London once in the summer and the weather was so inconsistent. One minute I was wearing a sweater, then I had to take it off because it was too warm, then the clouds came again and I was cold. Mother Nature sure is fickle over there in England :)
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
6 Apr 2008 /  #113
I love that the knock-offs are better than the $200 pair :)

So do I at £20 for one pair of mine and £25 for another...bargain :D

yeah, can you imagine how nasty they must smell?

Ew! No! But now I'll wonder if I see any girls wearing them this summer...I'll wonder if their feet stink.. :D
sapphire  22 | 1241  
7 Apr 2008 /  #114
UGG boots: I went to Africa in a pair of cheap Ugg boots.. well it was cold when I left home and I didnt know the airline was going to lose my luggage for 5 days.. so until I could get to the local market to buy some flipflops I was traipsing around in 30 degrees in a pair of the aforementioned boots, which I can tell you is not a good thing in that kind of weather. Personally I resisted buying any of these boots for a very long time as I thought (and still do) that they are ugly, however, when its cold outside there is something to be said for them. Has anyone seen those disgusting knitted versions .. they are just wrong on all levels. Last week I saw a man in a pair of Ugg boots in London, is this acceptable? He had his jeans tucked inside them and I just thought.. .wrong!
djf  18 | 166  
7 Apr 2008 /  #115
UGG boots:

Lots of girls wear these with tights and a skirt (usually denim). Unfortunately they also appear to have lost the ability to walk in them and just scuff their feet along. Either the boots weigh a 'tonne' or they bought the wrong size.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
7 Apr 2008 /  #116
Last week I saw a man in a pair of Ugg boots in London, is this acceptable? He had his jeans tucked inside them and I just thought.. .wrong!

Get me a gun!

Unfortunately they also appear to have lost the ability to walk in them and just scuff their feet along

Its funny you say that on my way back from teh supermarket on Saturday there was a young girl "trying" to walk in them and they seemed to fit quite badly, in that the sole of the shoe was half twisted....for me they just like look big slippers..(ohhh am sounding old, I just dont like them though).

As for the comments about Next, they have hardly ever been cutting edge so I think its a bit unfair to say that they are representative of British fashion, Next is somewhere you go to get work clothes or possibly an outfit for a wedding same as Oasis.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
7 Apr 2008 /  #117
Next underwear for men, accept no substitutes!

Otherwise yeah i agree, they are a little up their own backsides if you ask me...
bonbon  - | 1  
11 Apr 2008 /  #118
What is the preferred colour for women this spring in Poland?
love to know so a when I come for a visit, I'don't look out of place
Smile girls :-)
Mali  - | 300  
11 Apr 2008 /  #119
love to know so a when I come for a visit, I'don't look out of place

I don`t know what the preferred colour is but bright colours are generally popular in Poland. People like to look happy and bright. Whenever I`m there for a visit I always see women in yellows, reds, blues, greens etc.. (not all at once, mind you..)
osiol  55 | 3921  
11 Apr 2008 /  #120
Are string vests popular over there?

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