Several have.
Should I expect racism as a 'black' woman in Poland
^ How do they compare to Godson both in terms of their political records and the obstacles they faced and overcame as a racial minority?
An interesting blog here that you might like to have a look at, written by a guy who lives in Poland and is black:
@Johnny, either by design or unintentionally, you completely misread my post!
I was saying that as W.A.S.P.s have always had the power, THEY have been the ones to make fun of the more vulnerable ethnics groups among us, namely African-Americans, Jews, Hispanics etc..
I am an assimilated Jew, though the scion of completely English-speaking and Americanized Jews who came from Germany.
Why shouldn't the "others" occasionally deride the white bread establishment, much as Woody Allen did in "Annie Hall" in that scene showing Woody and Diane Keaton at the dining room table and Granny Hall imagines Allen as an orthodox Jew in full garb. The scene showed the overly mannered, superficial setting of a typically caricatured Protestant family from the upper classes.
As far as racisim in Poland, I feel once again that a random, identifiable Jew would be at far greater risk than a black woman, as the latter is not seen as a threat to take over Polish society.
Stick to the topic about racism toward black people in Poland
I was saying that as W.A.S.P.s have always had the power, THEY have been the ones to make fun of the more vulnerable ethnics groups among us, namely African-Americans, Jews, Hispanics etc..
I am an assimilated Jew, though the scion of completely English-speaking and Americanized Jews who came from Germany.
Why shouldn't the "others" occasionally deride the white bread establishment, much as Woody Allen did in "Annie Hall" in that scene showing Woody and Diane Keaton at the dining room table and Granny Hall imagines Allen as an orthodox Jew in full garb. The scene showed the overly mannered, superficial setting of a typically caricatured Protestant family from the upper classes.
As far as racisim in Poland, I feel once again that a random, identifiable Jew would be at far greater risk than a black woman, as the latter is not seen as a threat to take over Polish society.
Stick to the topic about racism toward black people in Poland
26 Sep 2016 / #125
It's not "unfortunate" that Poland has Succumb to the toxic ideology of immigration and race mixing forced by western leaders, they wish to preserve their culture and the people belonging to it, what they don't want to see is mass immigration (as seen in Sweden, England, Germany, Italy and others) polluting their home and lives with savagery, uncivilized acts of aggression and the overall abuse they treat the cities and towns they flood into with, this is not some one sided view it is very much a fact as we have seen throughout the past few years as rape and violence has risen drastically all committed by "refugees" also being 72% male
Yet in south Africa which was once a thriving country has been decimated by uneducated troglodytes which the Mugabe welcomed into those areas in his racist hatred act in forcing out white farmers, seeing what he has done to his country he has asked them back
So tell me why it's bad that poland doesn't want criminals and rapists and people who support barbaric ideals of islam and the africans who poor over and do nothing but attack those who try to help.
also the original poster of this page, it is a shame your mother and father had mixed, that a polish blood has been destroyed along with a carribean, mixing destroys culture and diversity.
Yet in south Africa which was once a thriving country has been decimated by uneducated troglodytes which the Mugabe welcomed into those areas in his racist hatred act in forcing out white farmers, seeing what he has done to his country he has asked them back
So tell me why it's bad that poland doesn't want criminals and rapists and people who support barbaric ideals of islam and the africans who poor over and do nothing but attack those who try to help.
also the original poster of this page, it is a shame your mother and father had mixed, that a polish blood has been destroyed along with a carribean, mixing destroys culture and diversity.
"Mixing" races is not toxic!! How governments often pit one ethnicity AGAINST another sheerly for economic gain, THAT'S toxic:-)
johnny reb 49 | 7888
26 Sep 2016 / #127
"Mixing" races is not toxic!!
Depends on who you are asking.
Poles may disagree.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
26 Sep 2016 / #128
decimated by uneducated troglodytes which the Mugabe welcomed into those areas in his racist hatred act in forcing out white farmers, seeing what he has done to his country he has asked them back
Mugabe was never in power in South Africa - what are you talking about?
Johnny, every homogeneous nation has her own personal agenda as to how her country ought to look. The US as well back in the '50's, with "Dick & Jane", TV programs such as " The Ozzie & Harriet Nelson Show", "Father Knows Best" etc.., well into the late '80's, presented an unrealistically lilly white America which may have once existed for the broad population, but surely is and was clearly out of step with the changing times.
Furthermore, I've always maintained that it's never the race, but rather the CLASS of representatives which the general population sees of that race.
If America saw solely or even mostly the British-educated children of Nigerian diplomats as representative of the black race, there never would have been any "racial problems".
If well-off Caucasian Europeans saw migrants as respected, target-language speaking doctors, teacher, lawyers and honest businessmen instead of down-and-out poor, illiterate, non-target language speaking beneficiaries of the welfare state, again, there wouldn't be an issue.
After all, perception IS reality:-)
Furthermore, I've always maintained that it's never the race, but rather the CLASS of representatives which the general population sees of that race.
If America saw solely or even mostly the British-educated children of Nigerian diplomats as representative of the black race, there never would have been any "racial problems".
If well-off Caucasian Europeans saw migrants as respected, target-language speaking doctors, teacher, lawyers and honest businessmen instead of down-and-out poor, illiterate, non-target language speaking beneficiaries of the welfare state, again, there wouldn't be an issue.
After all, perception IS reality:-)
back in the '50's
Didn't you ever watch the all-black "Amos & Andy Show"? You can see it on YouTube.
"...all-black..(played by two white guys, if memory serves me right):-) Yes, unfortunately I have. Most embarrassing!
played by two white guys
Absolutely not! The main threesome Amos, Andy and Kingfish, Kingfish's wife and his toxic mum-in-law were all black as the ace of spades on the TV show. Earlier it had been on radio and I don't know who played the roles.
I was mistaken then:-) Appreciate the correction, Pol! Many black minstrel shows however WERE in fact nothing more than whites masquerading as blacks, particularly in very early vaudeville.
black minstrel shows
That's true. They used blackface (a singed cork to produce the effect).
As far as Poland is concerned, the more homogeneous the society, the more jealously guarding of her original ethnicity, culture, and language:-)
Germany is, or at least was, much the same in the latter regard!
Germany is, or at least was, much the same in the latter regard!
johnny reb 49 | 7888
27 Sep 2016 / #136
well into the late '80's, presented an unrealistically lilly white America, but surely is and was clearly out of step with the changing times.
And everyone got along great didn't they so VERY REALISTIC in "Lilly White America."
Did you see racial riots in the 50's ? Nope
Did you see Black boys kissing White girls in the 50's ? Nope
I rest my case as in the 50's things ran smooth between the Whites and Blacks.
Poland is watching and they want no part of this non sense of what you call "clearly out of step with changing times."
Poland doesn't want to or have to change to the Progressive Liberals terms of demanding what you call "out of step" to 'enrich' their culture.
Screw you and take your out of step crap elsewhere is what "Lilly White Poland" is telling you.
Hats off to Poland.
If you bothered to READ my post, Johnny, you'd have noticed I was referring to TV-land, NOT necessarily to the "real world".
K-Mac was right
28 Nov 2016 / #138
Lyszkos own words:
"I am an assimilated Jew, though the scion of completely English-speaking and Americanized Jews who came from Germany. "
He then continues to extoll the virtues of race mixing.
"Mixing" races is not toxic!! How governments often pit one ethnicity AGAINST another sheerly for economic gain, THAT'S toxic:-)
Jesus Christ, speaking of stereotypes. What's toxic? Undermining the social cohesion of a nation is toxic. You just can't help yourselves, can you?
'Well, you let me in and that worked out fine, hehehe, so why shouldn't you help the poor shvartses? Borders are raaacist, goy!'
"I am an assimilated Jew, though the scion of completely English-speaking and Americanized Jews who came from Germany. "
He then continues to extoll the virtues of race mixing.
"Mixing" races is not toxic!! How governments often pit one ethnicity AGAINST another sheerly for economic gain, THAT'S toxic:-)
Jesus Christ, speaking of stereotypes. What's toxic? Undermining the social cohesion of a nation is toxic. You just can't help yourselves, can you?
'Well, you let me in and that worked out fine, hehehe, so why shouldn't you help the poor shvartses? Borders are raaacist, goy!'
"Undermining the social cohesion of a nation is toxic."
Couldn't agree more, and that's what Trump is trying to do. Thankfully, he won't succeed, because (cockeyed optimist that I am), I believe that there are more right-thinking than wrong-thinking people in this most inexhaustible nation on earth!!
We won't be done in, out-trumped, by the Donald, no matter how rich he is:-)
Couldn't agree more, and that's what Trump is trying to do. Thankfully, he won't succeed, because (cockeyed optimist that I am), I believe that there are more right-thinking than wrong-thinking people in this most inexhaustible nation on earth!!
We won't be done in, out-trumped, by the Donald, no matter how rich he is:-)
28 Jun 2017 / #140
The poles just don't know any better, they are highly unsophisticated and uneducated. My advice? Theres better uncivilised countries to visit
agniesca, by stating that Poles are unsophisticated and unintelligent you make yourself look stupid. A week or so ago I had a dinner party to celebrate Bloomsday (never mind). In attendence were a film maker, an immunologist, a psychiatrist, a few university teachers and a translator. One guest, an assistant professor, had to drop out at the last minute. It's a pity I couldn't invite you to fill his place. You could have told all those Poles how barbaric they are.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
28 Jun 2017 / #142
I had a dinner party to celebrate Bloomsday
Invite next year, please :)
We're thinking of doing a public one next year, following the success of our Burns night this year. I won't post a link to me singing in a kilt.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
28 Jun 2017 / #144
To any blacks/Africans looking to come to Poland:
There are quite a few black tourists - especially from the former French colonies and west africa in general. There's also a growing amount of residents from places like nigeria, Ghana, etc. You may receive a few prolonged stares simply because there isn't many blacks in poland atm and if comparing foreign groups there's far more Koreans and Chinese (esp tourists). However I wouldn't expect any downright racism from normal day to day interactions. If someone is racist towards you itd mostly be from young soccer hoolis that often hang out around bloki in usually poorer areas loitering about or a really drunk guy (oftentimes Ukrainian - idk why it seems these guys start like 3/4 of all the fights in the clubs and bars. Polish guys use to do that back in commie tomes and the 90s but its become passe).
There are quite a few black tourists - especially from the former French colonies and west africa in general. There's also a growing amount of residents from places like nigeria, Ghana, etc. You may receive a few prolonged stares simply because there isn't many blacks in poland atm and if comparing foreign groups there's far more Koreans and Chinese (esp tourists). However I wouldn't expect any downright racism from normal day to day interactions. If someone is racist towards you itd mostly be from young soccer hoolis that often hang out around bloki in usually poorer areas loitering about or a really drunk guy (oftentimes Ukrainian - idk why it seems these guys start like 3/4 of all the fights in the clubs and bars. Polish guys use to do that back in commie tomes and the 90s but its become passe).
12 Jul 2019 / #145
are Poles cold as like Slovaks or like Czechs (of these Slovaks are nicer imo)?
One thing is certain, any prejudice you come across in Poland will be an odd stare, or a smirk from a child. An easy attitude, humor and smile should clear the way. Much, much worse than this kind is the prejudice or harassment which is well funded, secret and armed with the omni present surveylance. From that one black foreigners are free.
Don`t forget about lustful looks from some Polish males who consider black their favourite colour.
mike larry - | 3
17 Jul 2019 / #148
generally speaking black girls are very attractive to male groups - they are sooo exotic ;)
Exactly. That is why I would advise all black females who are single to come to Poland before it is too late and more of them appear. Currently, those who come now will have no competition at all.