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Expats` opinion on alien immigration to Poland - for or against?

OP pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Sep 2015 /  #61
Yes, his name was Johnny Walker. Why?
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
29 Sep 2015 /  #62
Plagiarized content removed.

The answer is no, you have not. Just ask yourself "WHY?"
In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture.......so much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband.

Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they ?
In short they just don't belong in Poland or any other non Muslim country.
Your buddy jon however wants to change Poland 's culture into a Progressive Politically Correct Immoral culture.
Does that answer your question WHY ?
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
29 Sep 2015 /  #63
Gave you ever seen a Muslim hospital?

what do u mean by muslim hospital ? or even christian hospitals

Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?

again ... what's a muslim/christian orchestra ? do you mean the members are muslims or christians ? or do you mean the theme of the orchestra is muslim ?

Syrian,lebanese,egyptian... etc national orchestras have a majority of muslims musicians

and as for muslim themed music/bands/orchestra , check "sufism songs//music"

Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?

I have witnessed and i have seen many ads

Have you seen Muslims, shake hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?

that depends ,some muslims have no problem with handshaking while others might

In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture.

again , true to some extent , depends on the muslim

hat often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband.

first it's hijab , they might be frowned upon but not beaten (in syria) , and lol for being beaten for talking to another man , i would invite you to syria to see yourself , but we kind of have a war going on
Polsyr  6 | 758  
29 Sep 2015 /  #64
Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?

JR, this has got to be the dumbest thing ever to come out of your mouth.
Hospitals were a Medieval Islamic development. Here is a credible source to confirm that, the US National Library of Medicine.
Quote from above source: "In Islam there was generally a moral imperative to treat all the ill regardless of their financial status. The hospitals were largely secular institutions, many of them open to all, male and female, civilian and military, adult and child, rich and poor, Muslims and non-Muslims. They tended to be large, urban structures."

Anyway, the whole topic is addressed to expats in Poland, what are you doing nosing into this?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Sep 2015 /  #65
In Germany for example about half of that surplus comes from about 100.000 people paying very high tax on very high earnings - foreign bankers in Frankfurt,

you simply do not understand a very basic fact, money are not money anymore, its currency - spot the difference. What has value and what adds to wealth of a country is work, meaning people doing something useful for other people, that creates wealth. Bankers do not add anything, looking only on numbers is useless and misleading.

Also the richest people do not pay majority of taxes those are being paid by average people. Also those bankers do get more back in all tax rebates, privileges and exception that they pay in, not to mention a fact not that recent that public currency had to pay for private bankers misdeeds and it was quite a sum.

In regard to immigration, if people are willing to work and pay their way they are a useful added asset if they refugees and don't need to work they are a burden.

In time pasts refugees had to prove that if they go back to their home countries they will be killed or at lest put in prison, nowadays they need to come for the general area of some conflict.

In short refugees are not an asset and shouldn't been mistaken for immigrants.

By the way recently some idiots were again bombing Syria WTF? Maybe those doing that bombing would like to take few millions Muslim in?
cms  9 | 1253  
29 Sep 2015 /  #66
Ironside, like most armchair socialists its always the bankers fault. My post was not about that, more an answer to Pawian's post that immigrants in Germany generate more cash than they take out in benefits - a claim which I consider to be very debatable.

And you are quite incorrect about the tax burden falling on the average Joe - in most Western countries the top 10% of earners pay around 40% of the tax. In Germany then the top 1% of earners pay almost 25% of the total income tax receipts.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Sep 2015 /  #67
And you are quite incorrect about the tax burden falling on the average Joe - in most Western countries the top 10% of earners pay around 40% of the tax. In Germany then the top 1% of earners pay almost 25% of the total income tax receipts.

It depend on country and methodology.

Ironside, like most armchair socialists its always the bankers fault.

I'm pointing out facts and you are the one who started talking about bankers, and presenting them as model citizens who are a cream of a society and who contribute more than all the rest of a society. Which isn't biased at all according to you. So, we know now who is paying you, nothing more.

not long past we have seen as those upstanding citizens and major contributer had their privet debts and losses paid by public money. Shouldn't they go bankrupt if they are ardent supporters of a free market, competition and capitalism?

My post was not about that, more an answer to Pawian's post that immigrants in Germany generate more cash than they take out in benefits - a claim which I consider to be very debatable.

Immigrants is a very broad term, if you mean refugees than of curse it is clear they do not generate anything, expect maybe for new jobs created to address their needs.
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 Sep 2015 /  #68
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?I have witnessed and i have seen many ads

There are very many indeed but how many of them raise funds for non-muslims ? good luck trying to find them
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
29 Sep 2015 /  #69
Anyway, the whole topic is addressed to expats in Poland, what are you doing nosing into this?

I wasn't about to let more Muslim propaganda get started.
My posts make it very clear why Islam is not wanted in Poland.
You and the rest of the Muslims here want to sugar coats sh*t with how wonderful it would be just like jon did with his puketred rainbow.

Best to nip it in the bud before it even gets started.
So now we ask our questions so only a certain group can be bias like; Americans only opinion on, Brits only opinion on, Muslims only opinion on, etc.

Would make the thread a tad one sided and bias one would think.
This thread started with pictures showing ONLY Muslims so one would come to the conclusion it was a pro Muslim thread.
With the famous poll that was taken by the Polish newspaper that showed 94% of Poles do not want Muslims in their country a
thread had to be started asking none Poles what Poles themselves have already answered.
So now a different angle and spin had to be put on it to justify the Muslim refugee economic invasion to spread Islam.
That is what I am doing nosing into your so called "closed clique" bias thread. :-)
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 Sep 2015 /  #70
The hospitals were largely secular institutions, many of them open to all, male and female, civilian and military, adult and child, rich and poor, Muslims and non-Muslims. They tended to be large, urban structures."Anyway, the whole topic is addressed to expats in Poland, what are you doing nosing into this?

Nice try.

Twenty years ago I would have listened with an open mind.

The peaceful spread of Islam in Europe and America has lost it's advantage of surprise as there are many countries that have witnessed first hand how this will all play out.

Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, England, France have all seen how muslims first arrive and settle and actually integrate pretty well during the first generation of settlers. It's only subsequent generations that become more hardline and more orthodox-burkas are only a recent development here in the UK.

You can try to soften up your target countries by extolling the virtues of Islam in relevant forums and Facebook pages but the rest of us know all we need to know.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
29 Sep 2015 /  #71

Not even trying; stating historic fact with solid reference.

the rest of us know all we need to know.

Yeah knock yourself out.
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
29 Sep 2015 /  #72
Spot on Spiritus, you nailed it perfectly.
The world has caught on to the Muslims Islamic intention to spread Islam world wide or die.

some muslims have no problem with handshaking while others might

Maybe you would like to explain to the people here WHY some Muslims don't shake hands......lol

JR, this has got to be the dumbest thing ever to come out of your mouth.

Naw, I can beat that one no problem. I just need to get a pint of Glenfiddish 15 under my belt first.
Polsyr I have no problem with Christian refugees coming out of Syria who are being killed just because they happen to be Christian.
America is spending billions of $$$ to throw Bashar Assad out of office after he has killed tens of thousands of his own people.
I myself support that Polsyr.
However Russia along with Iran have decided that this is illegal to do by the United States. (Did you watch the video I posted on this ?)

So now Russia has build up a huge military base in Syria to fight ISIS yet keep Assad in office.
So to answer the loaded question of this Muslim thread I must first ask, "what kind of Muslim immigration ?"
The Syrian Christian Muslims running for their lives or the invasion of Islamic Muslims to destroy cultures to promote Islam ?
My gosh the Muslim leaders even announced publicly that they were going to send millions of their Islamic people into Europe soon and guess what.

The rest of the world has woken up to this invasion and it's true intent, including Poland, so please give up with your propaganda b.s.

Muslims are not wanted as the Polish polls showed overwhelmingly.
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 Sep 2015 /  #73
there is a perverse type of hypocrisy here in that so many muslims are clamouring to settle in the West yet once they are here they clearly resent Western values (yet not so much that they would actually want to go back to their ancestor's homes).

Hospitals were a Medieval Islamic development. Here is a credible source to confirm that, the US National Library of Medicine.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/islamic_medical/islamic_12.html

And here is another credible source confirming that hospitals were used as far back as Roman times
and another

You clearly have an agenda you are trying to push.

I have read the page you link to and your comment that "hospitals were a Medieval Islamic development" is very misleading. The article you refer to writes about the development of hospitals in Islamic countries during the medieval times but your comment is very clearly trying to claim that hospitals were developed during Medieval Islam.............which it clearly wasn't.

Nice try though and please keep them coming........
29 Sep 2015 /  #74
WHY some Muslims don't shake hands......lol

well, according to some muslim belief , it's a form of sexual harassment, it is stupid if you ask me, but many religions have idiotic ideas like these.

These invading muslims are richer than most Poles,

hmmm... so you're saying that syrian muslims are richer than poles (any source) , according to a quick google search , the gni per capita of poland was 19k dollars in 2010 and Syria was 5K dollars in 2010 , or course after this date , poland's gni per capita has increased and the Syrian one has decreased .. so I ask you kindly to stop speaking nonsense..

their reason for invading Europe is to take over the world. This was their plan for a long time and now

O.o pinky and brain anyone ?
the reasons of them seeking refuge is to invade europe !!? I wonder why they didn't come in masses before 2011 ? oh yeah ... because there wasn't a WAR in syria

by pretending they are poor and homeless

well, have you seen how syrian cities are/have being destroyed ? or should I post some images to prove that ?

Why don't these muslim men stay and fight for their country? Poland did.

Some of them are fighting what they believe for, but a lot of them are fleeing because there is no righteous side, it's not as simple as poland defending itself against a foreign invader... it's a civil war/war against terrorism/war against dictatorship , and whoever you choose to fight with , you will participate in the killing of innocent syrians, you can choose to side with the dictator who tortures people to death (no need to tell you why what's bad) , you can choose the rebels who have a tendency of creating a state with islamic laws (and again most syrians don't want that) , and then you have a..holes number 1 ISIS who are way more extreme than the rebels (again , no need to explain why they're bad) , most syrians are sick of this war and sick of all the warlords directing it ..

You might think that syrians might try to stand against all these sides ,but it's literally impossible, since big nations are behind the conflicting sides in syria , and any new movement who challenges these conflicting sides will be crushed without a doubt .
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 Sep 2015 /  #75
oh yeah ... because there wasn't a WAR in syria

but most of the "refugees" are not from Syria and therefore it is arguable if many of them are even refugees. Why are there so few women too ?
29 Sep 2015 /  #76
Yes, that's why there should be a process to send everyone who's not entitled to asylum home, but this doesn't change that the statements that tygrys made were funny and illogical, if the people who are coming are rich and want to invade europe, they could just come legally :) ,or literally buy europe (like Qatar that has half of the Champs-Elysées or other arab gulf rich arabs that bought big parts of London) ,because applying for a visa isn't hard if you have money.

The reason why there are so few women is because usually they make the men go through the dangers of the road and once they reach there and get asylum, they will be able to summon their family members.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Sep 2015 /  #77

I wonder why Poland's leaders do not more widely explain to the world that Poland willihngly received from 80,000 to 100,000 Muslim Chechens without any EU or Merkel pressure. So far only some 5,000 Soviet diaspora Poles have been repatriated and many are waitng their turn in Kazakhstan and war-torn eastern Ukraine. Doesn't charity begin at home?
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
29 Sep 2015 /  #78
I wonder why Poland's leaders do not more widely explain to the world that Poland willihngly received from 80,000 to 100,000 Muslim Chechens without any EU or Merkel pressure.

Now there are about 10.000.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Sep 2015 /  #79
FOR. There are plenty of foreign faces in the Tri-City, who live here. I like it, for the Tri-City is not boring conservative Poland.
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 Sep 2015 /  #80
Yes, that's why there should be a process to send everyone who's not entitled to asylum home, but this doesn't change that the statements that tygrys made were funny and illogical, if the people who are coming are rich and want to invade europe, they could just come legally :)

Ok. I don't entirely disagree with you.

However, I think you are over simplifying matters.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Sep 2015 /  #81
because applying for a visa isn't hard if you have money.

Visa dont give you access to free housing and benefits.asylum does.
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 Sep 2015 /  #82
The reason why there are so few women is because usually they make the men go through the dangers of the road and once they reach there and get asylum, they will be able to summon their family members

Aha. So the journey to safety is considered more dangerous than staying in their war ravaged country ? I expect you will respond by saying how many migrants have died in the Med trying to reach Europe but my response to that would be that Europe is not the only land mass where safety can be reached. There are many Arabic/Islamic countries that do not require dangerous sea crossings.
Lyzko  41 | 9564  
30 Sep 2015 /  #83
Apparently, Poland and especially Hungary aren't the only countries getting antsy about migrants! Austria's Freedom Party, a "bequeath" of the late Joerg Haider (may he too rot in peace!!!), has been acting up again. Like the Pegida in Germany, the OFP is convinced of a conspiracy of "Muslimization" throughout Europe which poses a grave threat to "Europe's Christian culture" (quote from Heinz Strache, a spokesperson for the movement).

"Judeo-Christian" would have been a more apt choice of words, I think:-)
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
30 Sep 2015 /  #84
This thread started with pictures showing ONLY Muslims so one would come to the conclusion it was a pro Muslim thread.

Who else should I have shown?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Oct 2015 /  #85
foreign faces

What's so good about foreign faces? Already Mickiewicz wrote:

Cudze chwalicie, swojego nie znacie.
Sami nie wiecie, co posiadacie.

(You praise all things foriegn and think they're the best.
But know not what you yourselves possess.)
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
1 Oct 2015 /  #86
There are plenty of foreign faces in the Tri-City, who live here. I like it,

Not to worry as soon there will be many more.
Muslim birthrates are 8 children per family while Europeans average 1.4.
When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children and extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England's experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or even more.

By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone.
When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind and then Sharia Law.
Tell us you like it then.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Oct 2015 /  #87
Ok, my choice of pics could be misleading. I admit I focused on Muslims because their case is the most conspicuous currently.

How about immigrants from other ethnicities/nations?
Ukrainian people are the most numerous.
See how Ukrainians storm the Polish Ukrainian border crossing:

They stay and find employment here:

Chicken production

Window factory



Ukrainian TV footage: Ukrainian gastarbeiters in Poland

Ukrainian tips how to obtain a work permit in Poland

etc etc

Discussion turned into meaningless talk unrelated to Poland - thread closed.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Expats` opinion on alien immigration to Poland - for or against?Archived