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Expats` opinion on alien immigration to Poland - for or against?

johnny reb  46 | 7620  
27 Sep 2015 /  #31
The only place I have ever went that I was not welcomed was here on the PF.
Why do Muslims insist on invading countries where they are unwanted and not welcomed ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Sep 2015 /  #32
Thing is Johnny - America also invades countries where they aren't welcome. Therefore, I'm not sure what your point is...

More to the point - we also invaded their countries and often. European colonialism has left a nasty, nasty scar in the world.
27 Sep 2015 /  #33
Why do Muslims insist on invading countries where they are unwanted and not welcomed ?

Hmm... Afghanistan... Iraq... the list goes on..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Sep 2015 /  #34
Yugoslavia, Grenada, Panama, Libya, Iran, Laos...and so on.

America (and the UK, and Germany, and others) has done her fair share of invading unwilling countries, and it seems rather hypocritical of her to now comment on the same thing.
27 Sep 2015 /  #35
Since we're talking about Syria, let's not forget about France and the UK in early 20th century..

What's funny is that France was relaying on syrian christians to be their allies, but there was a sense of patriotism and syrian muslims and christians united against the invader...

OP pawian  219 | 24792  
27 Sep 2015 /  #36
Muslim are Muslim and they will not fit into country like Poland. Very few - maybe, few more - no thank you!

But Poland already has theTatar minority which integrated perfectly despite being Muslim. Won`t new refugees assimilate easily too?


"It's difficult for a small nation like the Tatars to influence such a large nation -- one where 97 percent of people are of the same denomination," he says. "Here there is a threat for the Tatar people -- that they assimilate even too much with the Polish nation in terms of culture and even religion. And this is a threat to our small community."
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 Sep 2015 /  #37
Hmmm , according to the polish constitution "freedom of religion is ensured to everyone",so until they change that to "Poland is a catholic country" ,it's not accurate to say that poland isn't a house (of any religion)

I disagree but instead of arguing on fine points of the Polish Constitution, I must say that my guts tell that you are as much Syrian as I'm Egyptian.

It seems that syrians (muslims and christians) are doing well in countries like Sweden and Canada, we need some time to judge how the newcomers will integrate in germany , but i'm pretty sure Syrians won't do any trouble.

Good for them! Syrians do not want to come to Poland, so three is nothing to talk about.

But Poland already has theTatar minority which integrated perfectly despite being Muslim.

I knew you will poop out of nowhere with you big ignorant nonsense.
There is alway an exception to the rule.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 Sep 2015 /  #38
But Poland already has theTatar minority which integrated perfectly despite being Muslim. Won`t new refugees assimilate easily too?

lipka tatars were very few.took them centuries to assimilate..lots of trouble with them,pillaging,murdering,disloyalty ect.
if anything,they are good example how islamic people dont assimilate,and cause massive social problems
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
27 Sep 2015 /  #39
But Poland already has theTatar minority which integrated perfectly despite being Muslim.

No, they did not integrate perfectly, they simply are being "tolerated" by the Polish people.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 Sep 2015 /  #40
they were allowed to live in Poland,expected to serve as mercenaries in return
27 Sep 2015 /  #41
I must say that my guts tell that you are as much Syrian as I'm Egyptian.

What makes you say that ?
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
27 Sep 2015 /  #42
lipka tatars were very few.took them centuries to assimilate..lots of trouble with them,pillaging,murdering,disloyalty ect.
if anything,they are good example how islamic people dont assimilate,and cause massive social problems

Interesting. Another myth broken, then?

lots of trouble with them,pillaging,murdering,disloyalty ect.

I hope it isn`t based solely on Sienkiewicz`s theme of Mr Azja T. ? :)
gregy741  5 | 1226  
28 Sep 2015 /  #43
Interesting. Another myth broken, then?

what myth?

I hope it isn`t based solely on Sienkiewicz`s theme of MR Azja T. ? :)

just one example:
here your tatars joining ottomans against Poland,only to switch side when ottomans didnt give them same money and benefits as poland.
they were constantly pillaging villages if money were late.

johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #44
Thing is Johnny - America also invades countries where they aren't welcome.

Do tell delph and what country welcomes an invasion.....GONG GONG ! lol

Hmm... Afghanistan... Iraq... the list goes on..

The difference is America eventually goes back home and rebuilds the country they blew up, Muslims never go back home and rebuild nothing.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Sep 2015 /  #45
lipka tatars were very few.took them centuries to assimilate..lots of trouble with them,pillaging,murdering,disloyalty ect.

I hope it isn`t based solely on Sienkiewicz`s theme of Mr Azja T. ? :)

here your tatars joining ottomans against Poland,only to switch side when ottomans didnt give them same money and benefits as poland.

Ooops, it seems I guessed correctly you based your opinion on events which took place 400 years ago and later in 19 century were described by a famous Polish writer in the most popular novel ever.

Sorry, but we live in 21st century.
28 Sep 2015 /  #46
The difference is America eventually goes back home and rebuilds the country they blew up

Sigh... again.. iraq , afghanistan... libya ... i can SAFELY say they're more destroyed than rebuilt, unless you have a successful story that you'd like to share with us ...

Muslims never go back home and rebuild nothing.

Hmmm, muslims who are coming to europe aren't coming as invaders but as refugees or immigrants , .. rebuild nothing.. well i wouldn't say that , since the turks in germany helped in rebuilding germany... which wasn't destroyed by muslims
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
28 Sep 2015 /  #47
America eventually goes back home and rebuilds the country they blew up,

like Vietnam ? lol
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Sep 2015 /  #48
My opinion is that Poland (And other EU countries) should accept Syrian refugees after doing some background check before allowing anyone in

The "funny" thing in this case is that we would likely accept quite a few thousand (the real ones, not some feckers from 4 corners of the world that just joined the flow) of refugees without any crap from EU or anyone else. EUnuchs, Gerries, European far left and all of these deviants just make things worse trying to force their PC nonsense on countries and people. It's the same with the whole Muslim presence in Europe. If the approach was "integrate or feck out" I'm sure we wouldn't have many problems that we are facing now.
28 Sep 2015 /  #49
"All the countries you point out are 1st world countries and are generally wealthy compared to inward mono culture Poland."

I would prefer to be a bit poorer and have a unified country (culturally, racially and religiously) than become a "rich" country multicultaral country.

Many of the these "multicultaral" countries will continue to accept immigrants and they will not be so rich.
What you do not realize is that Poland and Eastern Europe were destroyed during WWII and Communism didnt help either.
Otherwise Poland would be probably richer than Spain today.
Western Europe was barely affected by WWII (in comparison to Eastern Europe). Additionally some countries got aid from US after the war. Eastern Europe did not.

"What cultural heritage ? You were under the control of Germany and Russia, you marry into British culture. Poles are in America etc. What culture ?. Do you mean that you like to propagate the world and receive an income from it but it can't happen the other way around."

This has got to be a joke. We Poles and Poland have a rich culture which has existed for 1000 years. Many Poles immigrated elsewhere probably during tough times under occupation. If they feel connected to Poland good for them.

"leave the EU, stop receiving money to build your country from these country's that have Muslims in it. "
Euroskeptic groups are increasing around Europe including Poland (although a bit slowly in Poland).
The EU has many problems and this immigration crisis shows it.
Money is not the most important thing in life. Poland would be getting richer regardless (although slower) without the EU.
And you know what I hope the EU fails.
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #50
like Vietnam

YES, like Vietnam. Billlions not to mention the imports for the last forty years.

again.. iraq , afghanistan... libya ... i can SAFELY

The money America has spent on those worthless countries is astounding !
And they still don't know if they have been punched or bored.

the turks in germany

But not the country of Turkey.
tygrys  2 | 290  
28 Sep 2015 /  #51
These invading muslims are richer than most Poles, their reason for invading Europe is to take over the world. This was their plan for a long time and now, by pretending they are poor and homeless, people open their hearts to them and are blind to the fact thet they are muslims, a nation of terrorists, a nation that has little regards to human life. They hate Europeans, they hate Americans, this is all a ploy. Why don't these muslim men stay and fight for their country? Poland did.
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #52
their reason for invading Europe is to take over the world.

Thank you tygrys ! SPOT ON !
Every time that I have posted that statement in the last year it either gets deleted, put in the bin or belittled by
the Muslims here with them replying how I am a racist or some other politically incorrect Progressive Liberal name.
I played hell trying to get it through their heads that the majority of Poles did not want Muslims in Poland.
We argued, debated, to no avail as they tried to promote their denial UNTIL the on line poll in a Polish newspaper
posted the results that 94% of Poles are against Muslim refugee immigration.
Go read that thread and see once that happen their tunes all changed because there was no more denying the fact that
Poland does not want Islam in their country and then have to support it with welfare benefits.
Step #1 completed. Mission Accomplished.
Now to get step #2 through their heads to the point the Muslims here and the tree Huggers can no longer deny which is the truth.

And that truth is EXACTLY what your above posts says as clear as a bell.

This was their plan for a long time and now,

Yes it has been tygrys and their leaders even boast about it.
I think it may be to late for Sweden, London and France as the Muslims have established themselves there already.
Poland has see the results of the culture clash and want no part of it.
Europe better wise up before they are REQUIRED to bow to the east three times a day with their butts up in the air or be labeled as an infidel and threatened with a beheading.
NIkolaybg  - | 10  
28 Sep 2015 /  #53
So the conclusion is... the immigrants in Poland are AGAINST immigration to Poland? Guys, what do the phrases "Poland for the Polish people" or "Great Catholic Poland" mean for you? You are all Polish and Catholics?
cms  9 | 1253  
28 Sep 2015 /  #54
"Foreigners paid on average €3,300 ($4,127) more in taxes and social security contributions in 2012 than they took out in benefits, generating a €22 billion surplus for the public coffers that year"

In most mature countries then you can drive a bus through these kind of figures. In Germany for example about half of that surplus comes from about 100.000 people paying very high tax on very high earnings - foreign bankers in Frankfurt, the Japanese of Dusseldorf and the IT workers of Munich and Berlin. Plus I am guessing a few euro from Robert Lewandowski.

In addition to what they take out in benefits you must throw in extra costs to the state (translation, higher schooling costs, extra police and surveillance, costs of processing the asylum claim, govt legal fees, subsidized tv and radio programmes in their language) - you very soon start to make a big dent in that 22bn surplus.

In the UK its the same but these poorly designed studies don't show the skewedness. It is not an argument to send everyone home but the "economic case" is by no means clear cut and without a doubt in depresses the wages and the bargaining power of the weakest members of native society. That's why I am against - there might be economic benefits to immigration but I would like them to be clear and indisputable before taking on the social risks.

In the US it is a different situation - for a start they tend to get more educated immigrants, secondly pension and retirement provision relies much more on participation and 3rd it is bigger with cheaper land and more place to spread out. The town where I spent some of my teens and college has been totally changed by immigration - Mexican, Indian, some African, quite a few Yugoslavs and ex Soviets - but it has not affected living standards.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
28 Sep 2015 /  #55
he immigrants in Poland are AGAINST immigration to Poland?

It is even worse Niki, immigrants to Poland are against immigration to Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #56
So the conclusion is... the immigrants in Poland are AGAINST immigration to Poland?

No, Christian immigrants that come from war torn Syria would be accepted. Islamic economic refuges would not.
BIG difference.

Guys, what do the phrases "Poland for the Polish people"

Keep Poland Polish means to keep the Polish culture pure and not get tainted with another undesirable culture that clashes with Poland's.

"Great Catholic Poland" mean for you?

Poland has a 98% Catholic heritage and does not want Islam to take over just like say Turkey is 98% Muslim and don't want a Christian take over in their country.

You are all Polish

Most.....the majority is and want to keep it that way.
What part of that don't the Muslims get........ to force themselves into a country where they are unwanted.
What would happen say I forced myself across the border into a Muslim country say, Iran. (BANG !)
And if I did live demand that my Christian faith be allowed to be practiced in public. (Chop)
Double standards is what the Muslims want but the Polish people are wise to it thankfully.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2015 /  #57
What would happen say I forced myself across the border into a Muslim country say, Iran. (BANG !)

Not much. Like in Hungary, you'd be arrested and deported.
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #58
They hate Europeans, they hate Americans, this is all a ploy. Why don't these muslim men stay and fight for their country?

Because they hate the country that they are from too.
Sixteen generations of war with Muslims killing Muslims has created lot of hate.
They know it is hopeless so they are moving out looking for a greener pasture.
The problem they are finding is that no country in the world wants them (including other Muslim countries) because of their f*cked up culture that they bring with them.

(Hurt people Hurt people) (beheadings, bombs, child rape, abuse of women, hostage taking, etc.)

Like in Hungary, you'd be arrested and deported.

I didn't hear of many illegal refuge's being arrested and deported from Hungry for illegal entry.
You may be arrested and deported because you are from Scotland, I from America so I would be used as a political prisoner in Iran.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Sep 2015 /  #59
I have a vague feeling that Polish voices prevail over foreign expat opinions in this thread. Well, I could be mistaken.

I met a British teacher during a conference in Krakow. He said he wouldn`t like to stay in Poland for longer time because it looked boring to him - extremely homogenous society, all whites, one and the same culture everywhere etc. He was really fond of multiracial crowds in his country. Despite tensions, he believed immigration enriches the country. He spoke about Polish immigrants very warmly. Polish immigrant kids excell in his British school in all subjects, except English. :):)
johnny reb  46 | 7620  
28 Sep 2015 /  #60
Was this "teachers" name jon by any chance ?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Expats` opinion on alien immigration to Poland - for or against?Archived