"aahhhhh, pojde do lekarza i powiem mu ze mam goraczke, dostane kilka tygodni wolnych....."
I have seen this type of attitude many times in Poland, it is also very prevalent in other socialistic countries.
I was once given an explanation by a Russian about this type of mentality, which is the best I have heard. He explained to me " having spent time in the west I see the difference, in the west society controls society you respect the rules, if you do something wrong, you face the consequences. You are on your own, you don't work you don't survive, the country is not your mother, society provides your feed. Here in the East the country is our mother, she is there to provide, she controls society, rules are guidelines we all learn how to make them work for us from an early age"
The problem now facing western Europe, they moved to a socialist path over the last 25 years. Now the current generation are more eastern than western in mentality, they have not severed the umbilical cord and are still sucking on the nations (motherland) breast.