The Sinti-Roma population within Germany itself is quite insignificant, surely in comparison with that of her neighbors, I should think, e.g. Romania, Italy, Slovakia.
Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
30 Dec 2018 / #32
The Sinti-Roma population within Germany itself is quite insignificant,
The native ones for's the immigrants which cause much havoc. Leaving their dirt poor ghettoes in Romania, Bulgaria and elsewhere to ship their children off to Germany to get their by EU-law allowed support money. Adults get sold by human traffickers with wrong adresses and not-existing jobs equally to be registered in Germany to get their by EU-law allowed welfare money.
Their numbers are rising quickly!
And there is not much the gov can and will do, all the while only shrugging shoulders and pointing at the meantime all the progress being made in the past with the acceptance of these minorities flies just out of the window again. They are back to their old bad image...
The political situation in Germany is deteriorating quickly with the uncontrolled migration, violent crime, media dishonesty,
Are you saying we should cancel our summer vacation plans to Paris? lol
Im sure the European tourism industry will take a big hit in 2019
They are practically giving away flights to Europe now, but who really wants to go there anymore?
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
31 Dec 2018 / #34
.A potential solution could be to relocate to a Polish town near the border and commute to work in eastern Germany
That solution only works if you accept Polish taxation.
to raise and school their children in a much more traditional, conservative society.
Western Poland isn't traditional or conservative. Those people also have strong and deep-rooted suspicion of foreigners, especially Germans - you won't be embraced or welcomed in such towns, but rather you'll be seen as a source of cash. You can also expect open hostility from some people, and there's a huge chance of the children being bullied or attacked for being German.
Szczecin is about the only realistic option.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
31 Dec 2018 / #35
You can also expect open hostility from some people
Absolute cobblers, I live here you don't, there are plenty of Germans here in the border towns , many poles work across the border and speak German, Gorlitz is full of Poles who live and work with Germans, you will find countless Germans here doing business and their shopping, they buy vacuum packed pork shoulder by the trolley full,I have never heard a bad word uttered to them in Polish.
Those people also have strong and deep-rooted suspicion of foreigners,
Really where?, we have Brits Americans Dutch Germans French Turkish, Hindus, Sikhs Vietnamese the list goes on, yet to see a local article in the news relating to a race hate crime (maybe some big cities are different but not Wroclaw for sure).
race hate crime
Polish authorities don't do hate crime. Whenever I'm stopped by the traffic cops I wind them up by saying I had to get away from Britain and all the blacks. That sets them off on a racist tirade about "the filthy vermin etc etc..." Wroclaw and Tri City have normal educated populations who travel, but the Polish hinterland sees plenty of race crime still, and when it happened to my daughters' boyfriend nobody stepped forward to say a single word in his defence.
So, no, Poland is not yet the great liberal land that it historically was, and probably never will be, with Ziobro and these fecking eejits running the asylum. Thank God the huge majority of the population want nothing to do with their rampant nationalism.
The Sinti-Roma have always borne a difficult lot over the centuries. No European country has yet to have come up with a sensible solution to the problems of vagrancy, pilfering, and unemployment.
There's presently a special office in the Federal Republic to deal with that overflow of Syrian migrants, perhaps there should be something similar in nature to dealing with the long-term plight of Europe's dwindling, if omnipresent, Sinti-Roma population.
There's presently a special office in the Federal Republic to deal with that overflow of Syrian migrants, perhaps there should be something similar in nature to dealing with the long-term plight of Europe's dwindling, if omnipresent, Sinti-Roma population.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
31 Dec 2018 / #38
The thing is they don't count as foreigners but as EU-citizens, coming from the poor South of Europe but still EU all EU-laws apply to them automatically too, that's why there won't be a special institution as for refugees.
. That sets them off on a racist tirade about "the filthy vermin etc etc
I don't believe this, what words did they use? I can believe they have less than progressive views but I've never heard a Pole talk like that...
There have been cases of violence against non-whites (Silesia was an especially inhospitable place for students from Africa) but on the other hand no African has ever had problems finding a girlfriend or three in Poland (take that daddy!)
The Sinti-Roma have always borne a difficult lot over the centuries...dwindling, if omnipresent, Sinti-Roma population
They bring most of their problems on themselves (not all, but over 50%) and what on earth gives you the idea that they're dwindling? They have very high fertility (a probable problem in the long term for Hungary since there was a gypsy baby boom under the socialist government....)
they are one of the few groups that (to some extent) benefitted from communism as communist governments were more or less winning in the struggle to get them settled and in schools and then into jobs, but the end of communism meant they could follow their (terrible) instincts once more and re-segregate...
Chorzow to be precise.....the last time I gauged their opinion (and it was solicited I suppose) the police "joked" that they understand why I I would like a white society where "I could walk with my wife in the streets and not be attacked by some ***** fecker with his dirty thieving hands etc...") The starred word is that race word for a black person....
Next time I must leave my phone on record:) :) Seriously though, unless your car is registered from out of town, they are polite enough ninety percent of the time. I couldn't comment on the Western borderlands which is the topic, but as Dolno says, it follows that the closeness to the border would mean that Poles are better assimilated and no longer stand and gawp when they see a black face. Silesia is, even today, still stuck a little in that time-warp, and race hate behaviour is never prosecuted.
Maf, if you compare their birthrate with that of other minority groups within Germany, especially from the Middle East, you'll find it comparable, I'm sure.
They have never been thoroughly integrated into society. At least, second, certainly third generation Turks or "Turkish-Germans", have become almost
completely "German", both in their language as well as their socialization.
They have never been thoroughly integrated into society. At least, second, certainly third generation Turks or "Turkish-Germans", have become almost
completely "German", both in their language as well as their socialization.
Wroclaw and Tri City have normal educated populations who travel, but the Polish hinterland sees plenty of race crime still
Well, you are too stupid to comprehend the world around you but for the benefits of others:
In every euroapen society there is a certain number of trouble that is only natural if you happen to cam across them that is a bad luck. Hate crime is BS, there is a crime!
So saying that in same village people are more nasty and prone to commit a crime than in the city is nothing but hate, prejudice and stupidity in action not a crime thought.
The starred word is that race word for a black person....
If you starred out the world - Murzyn - you're even a bigger idiot that I have thought. well that is sad.
There's no need to turn this thread
I always tune into un-sanitized feedback from someone who has boots on the ground in Germany, this is all. Clearly you are not deciding on moving whimsically. There are clear motivations for you to act. Therefore, can you be specific with those motivations and elaborate. If not, that is your choice.
Just wondering why nobody has set up a town in some remote place that all the swivel eyed and tinfoil hat alt right types can live in and run according to their own rules ? Of course there is a long history of that - the Amish, Welsh in Patagonia, jonestown etc.
Can the Polish govt set aside a few hundred hectares and let these guys run their schooling and public services in their own style ? Would make good TV if nothing else
Can the Polish govt set aside a few hundred hectares and let these guys run their schooling and public services in their own style ? Would make good TV if nothing else
If you starred out the world - Murzyn - you're even a bigger idiot that I have thought.
With this I can fully agree. It has always been an insolvable mystery of the PF why all members of the former notorious Brit Bullies' gang notoriously think that the word "Murzyn" is racist in Polish.
Yes, from Germany. I had no idea that Poland is more socially conservative overall than the Czech Republic.
If you are from Germany, I would recommend a book by Steffen Möller "Viva Polonia" in which he discusses the Polish mentality from the German point of view:

"Viva Polonia - als deutscher Gastarbeiter in Polen" ist mein subjektives Porträt der polnischen Mentalität. Auf 400 Seiten geht es um Aberglaube, Gastfreundschaft, Verschwörungstheorien, Liebe und vieles mehr.
For those German people who have never set foot in Poland, I would recommend another of his books:

[...] Trotzdem haben zwei Drittel der Bundesbürger noch nie einen Fuß ins Land unserer östlichen Nachbarn gesetzt. Hauptgrund: Angst vor der Reise. Deshalb möchte ich in meinem neuen Buch zeigen, wie simpel es eigentlich ist, die Oder zu überqueren. Ich nehme meine Leser mit auf eine Zugreise von Berlin nach Warschau. Unterwegs entdecken wir traumhafte Landschaften, erleben wahnwitzige Kulturschocks und lernen eine geheimnisvolle Passagierin kennen. Wenn uns nur nicht andauernd Pan Mirek stören würde, der übelgelaunte Schaffner!
some remote place
Probably for the same reason why batsh!t crazy marxists, leftists, anti-fa remain a pollutant in safe western countries, instead of moving to ideologically aligned regions like Cuba, Laos, North Vietnam or North Korea. If there is one thing leftists excel at it's hypocrisy.