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Everything this guy says I feel about Poland

22 Jun 2019 /  #1
Except worst. Unlike there, they wont be friendly to you here or even give you a chance unliek Americans. And theyre even more groupy and more offstandish. Imagine feeling like that guy here all the time knowing that....


He would probably commit suicide had he have to live here or been deported here.

I like this comment below the video as well because it is so true among these Warsaw Polish people, all they want is some benefit to them from any of their interactions particularly the females trying to get a free meal card or get out of scheme card all the time at the social events in this town:

"It sucks when you're alone and nobody wants to talk to you unless you have something to offer them"
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Jun 2019 /  #2
That's sadly how polish culture has become. If someone can't benefit themselves at your expense they don't want nothing to do with ya. We learned capitalism a little too quick....
22 Jun 2019 /  #3
Check out niggasin.space:

Hey I finally found the paperwork on my last case:

It told ya.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2019 /  #4
I watched it. It's depressing but so true. And that's exactly what I wrote in my brilliant book:

Notice that I said buddies, not friends. It will take him a while to realize that men don't have friends. The distinction is critical: a buddy is a guy you shoot pool with; a friend - a person you can tell your deepest secrets and count on when you hit the bottom. Men are having hard time understanding the difference because, from their early childhood, they were told not to show weakness, to suck it up and shut up. This is why they die earlier and tend to be violent with women before they do.

That is why the smart thing is to marry a woman and have a couple of kids. All the fake excitement of getting drunk with your "friends", acting like an a**hole and coming home at 5 am will leave you exactly where that guy is now.

Bottom line: life is worth living only when somebody relies on you. To you 'friends", you are just a random throwaway guy. Just like here. They need you as a replacement for the wall they would be talking to if you were not around.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
22 Jun 2019 /  #5
"Groupy and standoffish.."


I dare you to try to find ANY European society that isn't, cliquish or outwardly reserved to some degree!
Although only briefly in Poland, and some time ago, I'm afraid, I have lived for nearly a year and six months in Germany, returning every year until around the beginning of 2000, and I found the Germans on average far more socially distant at the outset than any of the Poles I met travelling:-)

Tough to generalize, but maybe because I've visited as well as worked in various other countries on the Continent, among them Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, Czech Republic, I wasn't quite as disquieted as you appear to be by Polish behavior.

Give 'em a chance, would be my advice, for what it's worth.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2019 /  #6
Then you didn't watch that video. His problem was not Sweden vs Spain. His problem is alienation and not belonging in the "me" world of shallowness and the smartphones that only add to the sense of isolation which is universal in the current "high tech" societies everywhere.

Do you ever see any people congregating at the village square with that gazebo in the middle? They are all home on the internet or watching Netflix.

Last time I saw my neighbors in large numbers was when the power crapped out.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
22 Jun 2019 /  #7
Hear, hear!

Digitalization of overblown technology burrowing its little head into every aspect of our life was and remains the actual "killer" of all that was once literate, articulate, intelligent, and focused.

Youth today communicate, with exception of course, in an unintelligible series of verbal flatulence followed by giggles.
The entire planets on speed, processed sugar, and the rest of us are left frustrated at the starting post.
antheads  13 | 340  
22 Jun 2019 /  #8
that guy is an idiot.
"ive done acid , i've done a lot of halucinegens" yes those drugs can make one very anti social and anxious.
"my culture is drum and base and jungle, but my culture is dying young kids are not into it" It's now called Dubstep idiod. This guy needs to stop over analysing, join a gym or start a hobby. go to some meetup groups and stop navel gazing and poor me.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2019 /  #9
This guy needs to stop over analyzing, join a gym or start a hobby

Off the subject but still close enough...

We should stop feeling sorry for the addicts and quit treating addiction as a disease. A month in a rehab can buy a lot of tuition for a good kid who just does not have enough.

My kind of rehab clinic would provide an unlimited supply and a cheap funeral. Most families would be relieved and grateful - if they were honest. Problem solved.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
23 Jun 2019 /  #10
Addiction though IS a disease, Rich!
But the addict also has to want to be cured:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2019 /  #11
Addiction though IS a disease, Rich!

No, it's not. It was made a disease by those who profit from it. A disease that can be "cured" by doing nothing is a habit, not a disease. If I did nothing after being diagnosed with prostate cancer I would be dead now. If you are "addicted" to cigarette smoking, just do nothing in a locked room with no access to cigarettes and in a month you will be "cured". It's that simple. Running nose is a disease except it is so mild that your own immune system can take of it.

Hating your own gender is a disease but the politically correct idiots made sure it's not even though it requires drugs and surgery. Go figure.
23 Jun 2019 /  #12
It's that simple.

If it's that simple, then there would be no deaths from drug or alcohol addiction. It's far more complex than that.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2019 /  #13
Speeding kills. Another "disease"?

"Addiction" does not kill. Placing bad chemicals in your body does. It's that simple.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #14
If anybody cares:
There's a beach in Poland.
You can walk for 2 ( TWO) hours on a weekday without meeting anyone.
Then , in the distance a figure appears. An ordinary guy, like yourself.
You pass.
You say hello.
He doesn't answer.
Time after fukkin time, so my data is good.
Some Poles are fuckking weird, and it is clear to a foreigner like me, after THIRTY fukking years, obviously need help.
I don't 😁
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2019 /  #15
You say hello.
He doesn't answer.
Time after filling time.

Spot on. That is why Americans are superior to anything that walks. Where I go for a walk, one out of ten will ignore you because he or she is a bloody Oriental.
pawian  226 | 27453  
23 Jun 2019 /  #16
after THIRTY fukking years, obviously need help.

Sorry, , it is you who need help. If you spent 30 years in Poland and l expect that a Polish stranger will reply to your crazy hello uttered with a stupid grin, then it means you lost 30 years of your life because you still know nothing about the country and its culture/customs. We talked about it many times in many threads here that Poles are cold at the beginning, they need time to warm up to you.

The majority of your recent posts written here sound as if you were trying to convince yourself that your decision to leave Poland and go back to England was justified because Poland sucks. That`s a pathetic attitude - you should start realising it from now on.

Simply speaking - you are giving us BS.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #17
You are unable to take criticism Pawian and are culture bound IMO.
It is absolutely NOT normal in present society for strangers to totally blank each other on a lonely beach.
I am astonished that you would condone such antisocial behaviour
pawian  226 | 27453  
23 Jun 2019 /  #18
It is fekking absolutely normal in Poland. If I was there, I would also ignore some stupid bastard who spoils cudowne okoliczności przyrody/ the wonderful circumstances of nature as well as my reflexive pondering by his idiotic presence and even more idiotic hello. :):)

Besides, how should I know if he wants to borrow 5 zlotys, or have sex with me or is just crazy? :):) I`d better ignore him just in case. You must have made such an impression on them, that is why you were ignored. And on top of that, they probably got suspicious about your foreign accent. :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #19
I feel sorry for people like you. For you are barking mad
I spelt out the situation. The forum can read it, but you insist that such behaviour is normal?
Are you mad?
Again - an isolated beach - I know this is hard to understand, as Poles live to group together but my post was clear to anyone
pawian  226 | 27453  
23 Jun 2019 /  #20
No, you are mad if, as a foreigner who deliberately decided to leave Poland because it sucks, you are trying to teach Poles how they should live.:):)

Yes, isolated beach. So what? Is it compulsory to say fekkin hello on the beach? There is such a tradition in the Polish mountains, but not on beaches. Stop transplanting silly English customs into Poland - saying hello on the beach. What, new świecka tradycja? :):)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2019 /  #21
Yes, isolated beach. So what? Is it compulsory to say fekkin hello on the beach?

Compulsory is when the cops tell you. Normal behavior is NOT compulsory.

Stop transplanting silly English customs into Poland

He is "transplanting" nothing. Just comparing. That Polish coldness is no virtue.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #22

There is such a tradition in the Polish mountains, b

A tradition?
You are a twerp, sorry to say.
The next guy that ignores me on a secluded beach, if I were 30 years younger, I would happily chin
You and your mores are not wanted in a normal sociable world. I know what is normal. You clearly don't
23 Jun 2019 /  #23
It is absolutely NOT normal in present society for strangers to totally blank each other on a lonely beach.

thats because they are antisocial. its not that like he says it takes them to warm up to you, its that they only see benefit or soemthing tog ain from ever warming up to you. like I said eaelier theya re users and selfish and manipulators. basically a country and cukture of sociopaths or prisoners. its like being deported to a prison from a prison.
pawian  226 | 27453  
23 Jun 2019 /  #24
Just comparing.

Rich, long time no read. I thought you stopped talking to me after our last discussion. I am glad you regenerated. :):)

The next guy that ignores me on a secluded beach, if I were 30 years younger, I would happily chin

You mean punch? :):) You are really crazy, you should be isolated. :):)
23 Jun 2019 /  #25
The other day I was coming back from praga north or this bar on Brzeska street and it was entirely empty this was like 3 am and I was tyring to hit old town warsaw. this guy was alone standing on main street near a door like he was waiting for someone. but now that i think abiut it maybe he was robbing a place who knows. as i walked by i saw him looking at me weird so instead of reacting like sociopath polish or msot ex cons would I simply said sup to see his reaction. he said something like do I know you and I was already a bit drunk so i went off and flashed on him. i started walking to him and say elts get it on in Polish lets see how you throw down. but he didnt move toward me and i just flexed on him and left.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #26
Also. I an not a "foreigner" Pawian. I have paid into the Polish exchequer for 28 years now.
So go fukk yourself.
23 Jun 2019 /  #27
It is fekking absolutely normal in Poland.

you are defending a sick society and cukture even russians are more friendly and superior to you. and thats saying a lot considering americans consider russians brutes who just growl at bars at women withiut saying hi.
pawian  226 | 27453  
23 Jun 2019 /  #28
Also. I an not a "foreigner" Pawian. I have paid into the Polish exchequer for 28 years now.

You are a foreigner mentally. 30 years spent in Poland haven`t taught you to accept the country`s customs? You are really an expat loser like others said about you. I didn`t want to believe them because they seemed so biased, especially those Americans, but now I see they were right. :):)

So go fukk yourself.

No, thank you. :)

You and your mores are not wanted in a normal sociable world. I know what is normal. You clearly don't

hahaha that`s wonderful. Thanks.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #29
We should get this straight.
Pawan says that two human beings, passing each other on a deserted beach after 2 hours of solitude, should not necessarily say a cursory hello?
He's having a fukking laugh.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Jun 2019 /  #30
expect that a Polish stranger will reply to your crazy hello uttered with a stupid grin

such behaviour is normal?

It's a cultural thing. In the US for example, people will smile at you all the time, wishing you a great day while being over the top friendly. Especially in restaurants and shops. If you do the same in central European countries, people will think you have a screw loose. They consider such behavior fake and shallow.

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