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What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland?

modafinil  - | 416  
13 Jul 2011 /  #61
I also have a friend who works for the GMC (General Medical Council) and most of the complaints are about asian doctors - not Poles!

Not true. I worked in that field. 3rd world doctors are not over-represented in GMC complaints. The work permit is more regarding nursing where hearing a UK accent may have been about 1 in 10 (in London). A work permit only needs a Medical Director to rubber stamp a letter. The real issue is on linguistic ability.

Polish doctors move to countries where pay is much higher than the UK where Consultant level medicine may get you £80k for a three day week, a pittance compared to the US. Poland's education for medicine is well reputed as are Jag Uni graduates.
Midas  1 | 571  
13 Jul 2011 /  #62
Coz polak engineers are stupid.

You are quite simply, a racist that should be banned from the forum.

And in regards to wealth -- I'm rather certain I could buy you and your puny German assets 5 times over. Not that I'd like to live in Germany though, guys like you could figure out it is high time for Kristalnacht 2.0.

In my company they are board members too, none polish.

That rather means that Indians have purchased this particular company. Kind of odd that You deride Poland for selling its assets to foreigners ( typical in the course of post-communist privatization ) and praise Germany for doing the same.

Not really . I am german , a bavarian.

I have yet to meet a white German with such a hard-on for indians. And since I met a lot of indians that routinely feed people BS over the internet and in real life I stand by what I wrote previously. You're an indian guy living in Germany, which is somewhat confirmed by your spelling and grammar.

My best friend is from Pakistan, he refuses to rent any property to anyone from the middle or near east.

I'm pretty sure someone could sue him in the UK for doing that, but as an owner of rental property in London I have to say that quite a few people around here adhere to the same policy.

and not even 500 polaks ,why?

Again, no ******* clue what you're writing about whatsoever:


The article is from 2005, here are some quotes:

Last year 498 Polish doctors registered with Britain's General Medical Council (GMC), compared an average of 17 a year previously.

His agency is among dozens which have sprung up in Poland and the UK, using trade magazines and websites to advertise jobs in British hospitals and advise people how to obtain the GMC registration essential for anyone seeking NHS work. About 4,000 Polish doctors have applied for it since 1 May 2004.

You should honestly be quiet when grown-ups are talking about stuff you don't understand.
13 Jul 2011 /  #63
Polish doctors move to countries where pay is much higher than the UK where Consultant level medicine may get you £80k for a three day week, a pittance compared to the US. Poland's education for medicine is well reputed as are Jag Uni graduates.

Thanks for the reply. They are unwanted in Denmark and Sweden thats why they brought in these indies. They tried with polish doctors for 3 years but that failed miserably.Neither they learn their language nor they have good english skills. In US, now way for polak medics. Lot of brits and german docs in US too. Polaks better stay in their communist poland. They are arrogant and stupid too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Jul 2011 /  #64
In US, now way for polak medics.

That would be why three (I think?) medical universities in Poland, upon graduation, allow entry to the US medical system?
modafinil  - | 416  
13 Jul 2011 /  #65
the point is that "brownie immigration" has increased crime, unemployment and urban pollution in those places; Europeans end up footing the bill for the majority of these people to come in and turn what was clean into something that is dirty and if it is dirty, they'll make it dirtier.

TBH I'll have to look into your claim a bit deeper. What you say still apears to be playing on negative stereotypes(which I threw back at you earlier, (wasn't meant as a personal offence)).The point I was making is these countries carry their immigration issues on their own backs and have still managed to keep ticking over. An EU country such as Greece which is painted by UK media as institutionally racist has also shown itself to be the most inept. The 3 countries are final destinations for far-flung immigrants once they get into the EU, not a European burden as much as a nationalistic one.
13 Jul 2011 /  #66
You're an indian guy living in Germany, which is somewhat confirmed by your spelling and grammar.

Well Its just that I said something positive so you started calling me indian, strange. Typical east european. Get over this communist hangover. You know in Bavaria majority of the people still consider themselves to be aryans and they do accept indians but no polaks.

Their asses got kicked in past, aint it?

Truth is bitter accept or not. You dont seem to be a jewish. I have not met a jewish like that.

That rather means that Indians have purchased this particular company.

You dont seem to be educated as you pretend .
Well board members are nominated in majority of the cases on the basis of competence. Yes some of them own companies too.
i.e. energy,IT,auto components, transportation even fashion.

Not a single company owned by Polak in Germany. Ain't that great?
Midas  1 | 571  
13 Jul 2011 /  #67
Lot of brits and german docs in US too. Polaks better stay in their communist poland. They are arrogant and stupid too.

Dude sounds exactly like a certain indian by the nickname of cheesymac who used to post here on the forum before getting a ban for racism.

Wonder if they're one and the same.

Regardless, please consider banning him. He spews out nonsence, doesn't back up his claims with any facts ( see the claim above about 500 or so Polish doctors being registered with the NHS ) and constantly makes racist and offensive remarks.
13 Jul 2011 /  #68
Dude sounds exactly like a certain indian by the nickname of cheesymac who used to post here on the forum before getting a ban for racism.Wonder if they're one and the same.

Well you have good stories, cant face the truth. I like japanese and koreans too. Better than you polaks.
Do you know something, South Korea has more patents in a year than whole of EU.
Japan gave the world a lot like lean, etc? What did yu give the world? yet you polaks hate asians so much and even germans. But you come running to Germany to steal right.

My best friend is from Pakistan, he refuses to rent any property to anyone from the middle or near east

So polish and pakis friends, that sounds wicked. Thats why we see so many pakis in Poland now. Well Polaks and pakis want to take over the world, cookin conspiracy. We gotta stop supporting you.
Midas  1 | 571  
13 Jul 2011 /  #69
Again, I petition for a ban for this bozo.

Downright blatant racism.
13 Jul 2011 /  #70
Well cant digest the truth so this petition, right.

What about Polish racism theory against chinese, japs, indians, and koreans?

How dare you east europeans?, look down upon other people when your contribution to EU is nothing.

Did'nt you get money from French,German and British tax papers ?

Whats your progress till date? Aren't you the hated folks everywhere in west europe? Why?

Better late than never or else go back to stone age with your islamic friends, the pakis.
13 Jul 2011 /  #71
Again, I petition for a ban for this bozo.

Downright blatant racism.

I would agree but as he hasn't registered, he can't be banned. Unfortunately.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
13 Jul 2011 /  #72

can you adjust your tone, please.

then i won't have to ban u for flaming and trolling

I would agree but as he hasn't registered, he can't be banned.

in fact he can be. but not suspended.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
13 Jul 2011 /  #73
in fact he can be. but not suspended.

Then please give one good reason why he/she has not been banned. Freedom of hatespeech?
A J  4 | 1075  
13 Jul 2011 /  #74
What on earth is the fascination of Dutch, Scots, English, Irish, Serbs, Americans, and Germans with Poland?

I've had my own reasons for registering, but that's all in the past now.. I just find this forum funny and I sorta stuck around, that's all.


Freedom of hatespeech?


Midas  1 | 571  
13 Jul 2011 /  #75
Freedom of hatespeech?

Actually the fact that PF never joined in on the whole PC frenzy is rather comforting.

Still, there is crossing the line and there is running across the line naked with a cross that happens to be on fire while wearing a KKK suit.

Since that "maching" boy made some statements that he'd never ever make publicly ( fear of a lawsuit ) or to eye to eye to Jews/Poles ( I'd slap him silly if I heard that line about what Jews supposedly say about Poles all the time ) I think it is only fair to ban him.

He doesn't really contribute anything only posts some BS that he doesn't even defend when it is questioned. Just look at how he STFU about Polish doctors the moment I posted evidence that he doesn't know left from right when it came to how many Polish MD's are registered with the NHS ( honestly, anyone who has had some contact with the NHS in London in the past 5 years will laugh at the "there are only 500 Polish doctors in the UK line" ).

So it is basically trolling at its finest.
13 Jul 2011 /  #76
Well...Polish women are easy so that's probably one of the reasons why they're interested in Poland.
A J  4 | 1075  
13 Jul 2011 /  #77
Deep down, we're all easy. (Some just know how to suppress it better than others!)

13 Jul 2011 /  #78
If that's the way you view it then Polish women have a much harder time suppressing it than western European women.
A J  4 | 1075  
13 Jul 2011 /  #79
Seems healthy to me. (So what *is* your problem?)

14 Jul 2011 /  #80
Since that "maching" boy made some statements that he'd never ever make publicly ( fear of a lawsuit ) or to eye to eye to Jews/Poles ( I'd slap him silly if I heard that line about what Jews supposedly say about Poles all the time ) I think it is only fair to ban him.

I will slap you silly if you talk **** in front of me. Jews laugh at you coz you guys did nothing in the last 60 years. Dont forget you live on begged money from us. Come up with facts and figures. You are 1 million in Germany. Not a single pole in investment banking, consulting and does not own any company which is worth even 10 million euros. Ain't that great?
legend  3 | 658  
14 Jul 2011 /  #81
What about Polish racism theory against chinese, japs, indians, and koreans?

Listen dude. I treat everyone equally (except for zionists hehe). Asians are cool in general. They are usually the smartest people in universities and east/south east Asians get high IQs.

They behave very civilized here in Canada. Japan and South Korea are flourishing with their economies, etc.

I dont know what you have against us. East Europe contributed a lot actually but was the center for most conflicts in WWII. Thats part of the reason their gdp is lower than West Europe.
14 Jul 2011 /  #82
I dont know what you have against us.

Its just that you people have no moral standards. You are not tolerant to other cultures. You wanna be spokesperson of EU without doing anything. May I ask you, what you poles have contributed to French or German or British economies? Lot of companies went sick in Germany, why we had to look outside EU to save them? why poles did not come foward? and now they wanna speak for the EU? isn't it immoral. What is your contribution to EU ? I frequently travel to Poland and I hear poles whinning against germans and other people. Poles coming to Germany questioning Germans , why so many foriegners are here? Thats we dont have any pole in my company in the whole of West European offices.

East Europe contributed a lot actually but was the center for most conflicts in WWII

Even asians were at the war. Thats not a convenient excuse. If they could do it, why not you?
Did'nt we dole out lot of cash to you? Even after that you are no where.
Now why should we pay for your polish kids and other east european kids when they will not even finish abitur and for skilled people, we have to look for the non EU chaps. You are fooling around with our tax payers money. Also you come to work in Germany, yu dont pay taxes. You are siphoning of the money. The same you are doing in UK, you work without contracts. You are cheating brits too. After that you speak **** against brits and germans.
14 Jul 2011 /  #83
Manching, you bring up very good points but unfortunately you might get banned since you're not allowed to expose the negatives of Poles/Poland on this site.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jul 2011 /  #84
Not true. I worked in that field. 3rd world doctors are not over-represented in GMC complaints.

Really? I'll have to tell my friend she is a liar then as stated, she actually works for the GMC.

Not true. I worked in that field. 3rd world doctors are not over-represented in GMC complaints. The work permit is more regarding nursing

So are you telling me Indan doctors do not need a visa for post grad positions?

A work permit only needs a Medical Director to rubber stamp a letter. The real issue is on linguistic ability.

Tell that to the 1,000s of doctors that studied in the UK...who had to go home :D

Polish doctors move to countries where pay is much higher than the UK where Consultant level medicine may get you £80k for a three day week, a pittance compared to the US. Poland's education for medicine is well reputed as are Jag Uni graduates.

Sounds like English doctors!
modafinil  - | 416  
14 Jul 2011 /  #85
Really? I'll have to tell my friend she is a liar then as stated, she actually works for the GMC.

Yep, ask her again. There was also an investigation into racism in the GMC the findings were left open to speculation with nothing proven.

So are you telling me Indan doctors do not need a visa for post grad positions?

Political football on this: the NHS and DoH actively went looking for Doctors from India in specialties British doctors weren't into, it was the home office said no but some time this year they stood down with Vince Cable saying high-skilled will get in(but hey, high skilled are unlikely to be claiming benefits). Wouldn't have a need to if it weren't for the 48hr week working time directive that immediately caused a shortage of doctors.

Everyone from over those areas need work-visas don't they? I thought it has been like that since forever.
Anyway, as for stemming doctor flow you may find the opposite is true. UK doctors will always come first - I can't recall of the maybe 100 junior doctors I met that weren't British. Nurses, now that's another story, but no Indains, Pakistanis or Nepalese so I won't go into it.

I should get black slaves on account of being white

You know, Abe Lincoln showed it was more cost efficient to hire workers as employees than keep slaves.
legend  3 | 658  
14 Jul 2011 /  #86
Poles are not tolerant to others? We are tolerant but some prefer Poland to have a majority Polish cultural.
Its not a bad thing.
Are you asian? Japan is very homogeneous country and it is doing fine (its basically got the best economy in the world along with Germany). Just because its homogeneous (like Poland) doesnt mean its bad. The people there are very friendly and keep their cultural. Same thing with Taiwan.

Poled contribute them with exports (grains, etc) and money from imports. Poland was in "Communism" for decades and completely flattened after WWII. Little or no other countries had it this bad. It is a valid reason.

Even asians were at the war. Thats not a convenient excuse. If they could do it, why not you?

Here since you seem rather harsh let me respond in a harsh matter.

Germany bombed the **** out of Poland, killed millions and millions of civilians. Destroyed the main cities. Warsaw was flattened. Germany paid Jews reparations. So think of Germany giving Poland money as reparations. Because lets face it lives are priceless and money is money :)

British people have little to whine about. They opened their borders and now you are complaining about Poles there. Blame your government.
16 Jul 2011 /  #87
We are tolerant but some prefer Poland to have a majority Polish cultural.

Not really you hate germans coz of history. You hate chinese, japanese, koreans and indians.

You know the people you like are arabs, pakis, nepalis and africans. What will you do with this illiterate garbage ?

Are you asian?

Hey I am bavarian, german and true aryan.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
16 Jul 2011 /  #88
german and true aryan

Hey, don't come that master race crap Fritz. Don't you remember what happened last time? And the time before?
16 Jul 2011 /  #89
British people have little to whine about.

Well ,I am sorry for my brit brothers. Their horizons are not broad. Earlier they were complaining about jews being rich and later they had problems with indians. Colonial fever seems to gripped them. They find it hard to digest the fact that some indians are richer than her majesty, the people they ruled for 200 years . So they opened the doors for you chaps well knowing the fact that you can never match them. Well , they are welcome here after all 35% of indian population is aryan , our lost brothers. They fought with us in WW2. They stood with us in our difficult times.

Hey, don't come that master race crap Fritz. Don't you remember what happened last time? And the time before?

Hey today we are economic powerhouse of Europe, the locomotive of european economy in the words of new IMF chief. Its not Poland, ain't it?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jul 2011 /  #90
indian population is aryan , our lost brothers. They fought with us in WW2. They stood with us in our difficult times.

Are you telling me that Indians stood with Germans in WWII? As far as I was aware India was still a British colony and they were on our side...

Thanks for the sympathy, but we're not ready to throw in the towel just yet :) We've come through much worse, we just need to get back to basics as and Island we have gone through many transitions over the decades, things are changing here some for the better.

They find it hard to digest the fact that some indians are richer than her majesty, the people they ruled for 200 years

I have no issue with this, my issue is that we still give foreign aid to this country which effectively comes out of my pocket, let them look after their own and we in turn will do the same for our own.

Yet you still have laws that Hitler introduced...

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