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What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Nov 2010 /  #31
5zl beer?

(was 3zl when I first came here :(((()
jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Nov 2010 /  #32
Jarnowa, stop whining about 3rd world males. If you blabber about it once more, I promise you I will send a whole bunch to Warsaw to look for you (finding an ugly, frustrated Flemish "onnozole zot" shouldn't be too difficult). And I will choose my "troup" well, because they will want to do something very nasty with you.

If you think it's acceptable to threathen me just because i tell you why 3rd world males come to Poland, you are either sick in your head or don't respect the freedom of speech of Poland.

Why don't you just f#ck off to your own country where you can kiss 3rd world #sses all day?
cheesymac  4 | 60  
26 May 2011 /  #33
honestly, indians for sure... can give a rats bottom about polish women or any other ethnicity... if they so happen to be with someone out of race... or even out of caste they are being polite and well-mannered and do not want to break the girls hearts

otherwise, they would find their own caste...
if you do not believe me... then don't
if you do
Midas  1 | 571  
26 May 2011 /  #34
can give a rats bottom about polish women or any other ethnicity...


I've seen Indians and Pakistanis simply begging for some attention from non-Indian/non-Pakistani women... So plz allow me to remain skeptical.

cheesymac  4 | 60  
26 May 2011 /  #35
some attention from non-Indian/non-Pakistani women... So plz allow me to remain skeptical.

They must be half-wits and not true Indians... because there are dogs in every culture and ethnicity...
nonetheless, too be honest... the culture and obedience displayed by Indians is second to none, so in the remarks you are making about them going for other races it is absolutely absurd, again, dogs will be dogs... but with all honesty, when you marry out of race you lose a part of your culture and family ties, as well, any noble Indian man knows the chance of their offspring marrying an Indian is slim if they marry out of race. So let them branch from the greatest civilization known to man... if they are such cowards...

the notion made by some about Indian women being hideous is completely false and they must be misinformed or have not looking at the current generations girls. I would say they are on par with any other culture unless you are blindly into your own women.

To make statements like you guys have above.
Is to say you guys do not look for true beauty, but rather, a women that used plastic surgery and botox and so-forth to get ahead.

Considering this... I would strongly recommend you look 20-30 years in the future who would care about looks... when you have and Indian women cooking you some Indian food... !!!

While western women won't even cook and your divorce rate keeps climbing...
get outtttttt of here with these stupid notions, like I said a dog is a dog.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 May 2011 /  #36
I think that our enthousiastic promotor of race-mixing, Mr. Lodz_the_Boat prefers to see these posters as fake, so he can continue denying the increasing threat of 3rd world males looking for a white woman.

Its no worse than Polish guys looking for third world women because they can,t get a Polish girl and their mum wants them out of the house...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
26 May 2011 /  #37
What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland?

I think it is pork, available in big quantity and high quality, in addition to good beef.

It reminds me of two guys I met. One was an Israeli, eating ham at a hotel in Gliwice and saying that although he could buy pork "at a butcher behind the corner" in his country, nothing could match genuine Polish ham. The other one was an Indonesian, telling me Malesians having the luck to visit Indonesia, usually returned home with terrible hangover and were explaining their Muslim authorities they had to had eaten something very unhealthy in that "pagan country" ;-)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
26 May 2011 /  #38
Personally, I think many make out that they are from there but are likely foreigners trying to provoke racist reactions from Poles.

I don't think they have much of a fascination at all. All the Indians I've met are decent folks, very much into their restaurant business and not Polish girls as some would like to believe.
Midas  1 | 571  
26 May 2011 /  #39
They must be half-wits and not true Indians... because there are dogs in every culture and ethnicity...

So basically you just called a member of your own race "a dog" based on the fact that he wanted to get with a women of another race... really classy there, mister...

so in the remarks you are making about them going for other races it is absolutely absurd

One of the rather richer people of Indian descent in the U.K., a certain Mr. Arun Nayar, is still married to Elizabeth Hurley ( divorce proceedings ongoing, wikipedia tells me, she filed first ) and unless You start courting Pippa Middleton You can't really go much more British than Elizabeth Hurley.

Hence, You're speaking out of your ass. Again.

but with all honesty, when you marry out of race you lose a part of your culture and family ties, as well, any noble Indian man knows the chance of their offspring marrying an Indian is slim if they marry out of race.

You're really narrow minded to say that. And the fact that some Indians are racist ( please re-read what You wrote ) doesn't mean all of them are.

So let them branch from the greatest civilization known to man... if they are such cowards...

Have You been drinking? Or has the smog in Katowice gotten much worse and affected Your brain cells somehow?

Considering this... I would strongly recommend you look 20-30 years in the future who would care about looks... when you have and Indian women cooking you some Indian food... !!!

I hate to break it to You, pal, but non-Indian women cook too.

Although if it makes You feel any better I have indeed sampled the fine Indian cuisine in my younger and wilder days in London. So, I will agree that Indian women can cook. And the precious few ones I associated more closely with were also real tigresses in the bedroom, if You catch my drift.

your divorce rate keeps climbing...

Don't worry pal, as India's social progress speeds up so will your divorce rates.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 May 2011 /  #40
Stu and others ... I would also like to wonder "What on earth is the facination of UK, USA, Autralians and other Western folks with Poland?" ... is it because they want someone who would be "grateful"? ... somehow a "facination, a day dream" drives them here? ... what drove you here? Business? Scam are you? ... You can be too ... ya know ... anyone can... it is not something which goes by color or race you see. These days its not uncommon to get emails of scammers from UK or other parts of Europe aswell. Lets not forget the biggest scammers in case of dates and relationships being that of Russia (not an African nation).
jarnowa  4 | 499  
27 May 2011 /  #41
Its no worse than Polish guys looking for third world women

Are you serious? :D

Maybe 1 in 100 Polish guys prefers Asian or African girls (who are very hard to find in Poland, 9 out of 10 Africans and Asians i've seen in Poland are male) and you think you can compare that to the problem of thousands of 3rd world guys who try to migrate to Poland to marry a hot Polish woman?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
27 May 2011 /  #42
I just said its no worse...

I realise there a very few Polish guys who would do it....
11 Jul 2011 /  #43
You poles better be careful of nepalis, pakis and bangladeshis,very bad people. Pakis and bangladeshis- Criminals.
Nepalis-Selfish and greedy. These people will never do good to your country. Look what these people have done in UK. So you gotta learn a lesson. After all, you are the country of Madam Curie. So be pragmatic.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Jul 2011 /  #44
i don't know but I have yet to see a place that doesn't go downhill once brown people decide they want to immigrate.

Look how dirty those countries are, it's not because of tourists.
Where ever they live in large numbers, they manage to turn it for the worse e.g. Uk, Germany, France, Canada (west coast), Australia...
modafinil  - | 416  
11 Jul 2011 /  #45
i don't know but I have yet to see a place that doesn't go downhill once brown people decide they want to immigrate.
Where ever they live in large numbers, they manage to turn it for the worse e.g. Uk, Germany, France, Canada (west coast), Australia...

UK, Germany and France are 3 of the countries that arn't anywhere near as deep in muck as the countries that have lower brownie immigration.

Look how dirty those countries are, it's not because of tourists.

Are you talking about the conditions in which curry-eaters have left the public toilets that you cleaned in your global tour of these countries?
12 Jul 2011 /  #46
UK, Germany and France are 3 of the countries that arn't anywhere near as deep in muck as the countries that have lower brownie immigration.

You east europeans are also no better.
Well in all the 3 countries named here.
Polish,Nepalis,Indians, Pakistanis,Banglachaps,Arabs,Serbians and Africans clubbed together.
what they all have in common?
1.Thieves .
2.They all produce children like cattle.
3.They extract all the benefits from the goverment without doing nothing.
4.They steal taxes, you know how?
5.Short tempered, find it easy to fight.
6.Lack education and manners.
7.Sell drugs.

By the way, you are 1 million in Germany and all these named above combined 1.5 million .
What is your contribution to German Economy?
What industries do you own?
Marynka11  3 | 639  
12 Jul 2011 /  #47
I used to have an Indian neighbor who was exporting fabrics from India to Poland and a couple of other countries and he said that Poland is where the most beautiful people live.
Midas  1 | 571  
12 Jul 2011 /  #48

*cough* *cough*

Racist much?

Wonder what's Your perception of Jews...

Anyways - putting Poles ( EU as of 2004 ) in the same bag as "Nepalis,Indians, Pakistanis,Banglachaps,Arabs,Serbians and Africans" ( not EU last time I checked ) is no longer possible.

Poland is quite well on its way to becoming a rich and developed country. Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa for the most part - are not.

Serbia is an entirely different matter altogether, they're roughly where Poland was in 1990 and nobody knows which way they'll swing.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
12 Jul 2011 /  #49
he culture and obedience displayed by Indians is second to none,

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that...One of the nicest people Ive met is Indian, but he wasnt brought up in India and he's just one person.

2.They all produce children like cattle.

Average size family in Poland is 2 kids, now please tell me what is the average size family is India?

Poland is quite well on its way to becoming a rich and developed country. Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa for the most part - are not.

India is on its way to becoming wealthy for those that are in the top 5,000,000 - the rest will stay poor and be trying to find ways to get out, same as the rest of the BRIC countries...huge populations and a small % of which are doing well...3 of which are still benefactors of aid from the West which Poland contributes to.

I used to have an Indian neighbor who was exporting fabrics from India to Poland and a couple of other countries and he said that Poland is where the most beautiful people live.

Indian's a full of the nice talk - just wait till he was with his friends and telling them how he was cheating people in Poland :)

Anyways - putting Poles ( EU as of 2004 ) in the same bag as "Nepalis,Indians, Pakistanis,Banglachaps,Arabs,Serbians and Africans" ( not EU last time I checked ) is no longer possible.

I dont think it ever was - by the way Arabs are "perceived" as being rich and I would never have put Serbs in the same bag as 3 countries either.... :)

6.Lack education and manners.

All Poles have an education from an early age regardless of their social standing, they also have a large % that go on to further education, the other countries dont even come close and as for manners, Ive had a couple of Polish guys give up their seat on the bus, the others wouldnt even think about doing such a thing (true - asians and africans are ignorant in this matter!).
Midas  1 | 571  
12 Jul 2011 /  #50
Indian's a full of the nice talk - just wait till he was with his friends and telling them how he was cheating people in Poland :)

While it might be slightly racist it also sums up rather nicely a whole bunch of Indian people I've dealt with over the years. Not really difficult to find a two-faced Indian, in my opinion.


He's racist, talking with him is like chatting with a toilet.

by the way Arabs are "perceived" as being rich

And for the most part, they are rich. Manners are another issue.


Serbia and Croatia have gone in rather different directions, Croatia is pretty much greenlighted for the EU, Serbia isn't and for a long time ( genocide, Kosovo ) may not be.

But true, putting them in the same bag as the pakistanis isn't ok, I'd say they'd fit right in with other EU red lights ( Ukraine, Turkey, Belarus ).

All Poles have an education from an early age regardless of their social standing,

True. Poles are usually well educated. Now, that education isn't often too practical, but it is education nonetheless.

Indians who most often claim to be extremely educated rarely have 1/3 of the general knowledge a statistical Pole out of high school has.
13 Jul 2011 /  #51
Wonder what's Your perception of Jews...

They are great people. Poles cant be jews. Forget it. Not even in next 100 years time span. Jews dont like poles. They laugh at you.

Common comment for you people from them -" Illiterate communists "

by the way Arabs are "perceived" as being rich

only some not all arabs are rich. In germany they own vegetable shops or are blue collar workers or sit on social security paid by us.

Average size family in Poland is 2 kids, now please tell me what is the average size family is India?

Average size family in Poland is 2 kids, now please tell me what is the average size family is India?
Hey I am not indian ok. In UK Pakis, Polish and Africans have the most kids, you know why? to get money from the goverment.

We wont allow that in Germany. We dont want mentally retarded kids.

All Poles have an education from an early age regardless of their social standing, they also have a large % that go on to further education, the other countries dont even come close and as for manners, Ive had a couple of Polish guys give up their seat on the bus, the others wouldnt even think about doing such a thing (true - asians and africans are ignorant in this matter!).

Education and polish, forget it. They beg from EU which is paid by us. They dont have money to fund universities in poland. Polish education is cheap crap not worth anything in Germany or France. Most of your university graduates dont speak english. In Germany all university chaps speak english.

Indians who most often claim to be extremely educated rarely have 1/3 of the general knowledge a statistical Pole out of high school has.

Really, most of the IT chaps in Germany are from there , now even management. Most of the factory workers ,electricians and prostitutes from poland, aint that great ?

indians, poles, pakis average in germany 4

Poland is quite well on its way to becoming a rich and developed country.

Really in what ways poland is on the verge of becoming a rich country?
You dont own anything. You are blue collar workers in whole of europe. I see you as a country of electricians , carpenters and prostitutes.
Midas  1 | 571  
13 Jul 2011 /  #52
They are great people. Poles cant be jews. Forget it. Not even in next 100 years time span. Jews dont like poles. They laugh at you.
Common comment for you people from them -" Illiterate communists

You don't have the foggiest idea what You're talking about.

I happen to be Jewish, born in Poland and I still feel quite a bit of fondness for this particular country.

And I happen to have plenty of Polish friends who like Jews. Most of my Jewish friends in London also don't consider Poles "communists", "illiterate" or anything else.

Really in what ways poland is on the verge of becoming a rich country?
You dont own anything. You are blue collar workers in whole of europe. I see you as a country of electricians , carpenters and prostitutes

Been to Poland much, recently? I guess the answer is no, You wouldn't be writing half of that crap. Wroclaw, Poznan and Szczecin, for example, are much more economically vibrant nowadays than any of the cities in the former East Germany.

I personally think You're just another indian gastarbeiter with delusions of grandeur.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
13 Jul 2011 /  #53
n UK Pakis, Polish and Africans have the most kids, you know why? to get money from the goverment.
We wont allow that in Germany. We dont want mentally retarded kids.

Im English, the Poles dont even come close to Africans and Pakis and all the rest - Ive never ever seen a Pole with 5 kids in toe!

only some not all arabs are rich. In germany they own vegetable shops or are blue collar workers or sit on social security paid by us.

I think you'll probably find that they are north african and not from the UAE :)

Education and polish, forget it. They beg from EU which is paid by us. They dont have money to fund universities in poland. Polish education is cheap crap not worth anything in Germany or France. Most of your university graduates dont speak english. In Germany all university chaps speak english.

All of my grads speak English because strangely enough, they're educated in England (Im English!)..Now for Polish universities...No idea, but one in Krakow is on the list of top universities in the world so they cant all be bad also had the pleasure of working with a couple of Polish engineers who were excellent - so again, their education system cant be that bad.

Really, most of the IT chaps in Germany are from there , now even management. Most of the factory workers ,electricians and prostitutes from poland, aint that great ?

Cheap labour - Indians are not that great and it says more about Germany if you're allowing them to take up management positions :) some factory work is skilled and electricians are skilled and if you have to go with foreign prostitutes because your own women are so ugly then..hey hoe!

I see you as a country of electricians , carpenters

You forgot Doctors, Dentists and Engineers...of course the mostly the best will stay in Poland because they can make a decent life for themselves there....

You don't have the foggiest idea what You're talking about.

I'll second that!

I personally think You're just another indian gastarbeiter with delusions of grandeur.

Yep an Indian who "thinks" he is German...that's something he wont be...not even in a 100 years ;0)
Skrymcz  - | 30  
13 Jul 2011 /  #54
2.They all produce children like cattle.

Most cattle don't have any calves at all.
13 Jul 2011 /  #55
You forgot Doctors, Dentists and Engineers...of course the mostly the best will stay in Poland because they can make a decent life for themselves there....

Well thanks for the reply.
Kidding best doctors and engineers in Poland forget it.
They cannot manage their own systems in poland. Tell me why all the metal works were brought over by an indian? Those were the biggest assets of Polish goverment. Then most of the IT outsourcing in poland is also owned by indians. All other industries in Poland are owned by Germans.Coz polak engineers are stupid. Our DB might buy over whole polish railways too. Its between French and Germans now. Doctors not really, Example -UK, you have 31,000 indian doctors in NHS and not even 500 polaks ,why? 6000doctors in UK are German, do you know that?

Yep an Indian who "thinks" he is German...that's something he wont be...not even in a 100 years ;0)

Not really . I am german , a bavarian. Not all indians are good but some of them are .They are doing good in Germany better than yu guys. In my company they are board members too, none polish. There is something to learn from them, how they could do it despite of being from 3rd world and we could not do it?

I happen to be Jewish, born in Poland and I still feel quite a bit of fondness for this particular country.

You may be a poor jew thats why you sit with polaks.

Yep an Indian who "thinks" he is German...that's something he wont be...not even in a 100 years ;0)

Truth is bitter. East europeans cannot digest that truth. You guys have problems with Chinese, Japs , Koreans too.
Better late than never. Otherwise you be poor and beg from us.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
13 Jul 2011 /  #56
UK, Germany and France are 3 of the countries that arn't anywhere near as deep in muck as the countries that have lower brownie immigration.

the point is that "brownie immigration" has increased crime, unemployment and urban pollution in those places; Europeans end up footing the bill for the majority of these people to come in and turn what was clean into something that is dirty and if it is dirty, they'll make it dirtier.

Look at the Ganges river at its source, then look at as it enters the ocean- people from that region seem to relish festering in pollution. My best friend is from Pakistan, he refuses to rent any property to anyone from the middle or near east. Why? He says white people take care of things better, brown people just run his properties into the ground.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
13 Jul 2011 /  #57
Truth is bitter. East europeans cannot digest that truth. You guys have problems with Chinese, Japs , Koreans too.
Better late than never. Otherwise you be poor and beg from us.

I'd like to meet you......i'd teach you some truths.....and it wouldn't require any dialogue.

Not many bavarians left these days are there? Being outbred by your Turkish colleagues arent you?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
13 Jul 2011 /  #58
UK, you have 31,000 indian doctors in NHS and not even 500 polaks ,why? 6000doctors in UK are German, do you know that?

Indian doctors are not that brilliant and you may want to do a bit of research - we have been trying to stem the employment of them - they now need work permits :)

I personally have known 1 Polish GP - never come across a German.

I also have a friend who works for the GMC (General Medical Council) and most of the complaints are about asian doctors - not Poles!

You guys have problems with Chinese, Japs , Koreans too.
Better late than never. Otherwise you be poor and beg from us.

Ive told you several times...Im English, not Polish - we have a problem with pakis and africans and the rest of the tash from 3rd world countries and we're certainly not poor, the EU tries to screw us at every turn for more and more!
13 Jul 2011 /  #59
Not many bavarians left these days are there? Being outbred by your Turkish colleagues arent you?

Sorry pal yu are wrong, we are still in majority today. What will you teach me? you are poorly informed. Go and take some education.

Try our TUM or LMU perhaps.

Indian doctors are not that brilliant and you may want to do a bit of research - we have been trying to stem the employment of them - they now need work permits :)

I personally have known 1 Polish GP - never come across a German.

I also have a friend who works for the GMC (General Medical Council) and most of the complaints are about asian doctors - not Poles!

But still poles less in numbers coz poor education. Now here, we will have these indians guys too soon. We are short of specialists. These chaps are doing well in US too. Some regulations have been changed or are in the process of being changed. By the way Swedes are taking lot of them. They have changed laws for that.
Daisy  3 | 1215  
13 Jul 2011 /  #60
Indian doctors are not that brilliant and you may want to do a bit of research

I recently had a brilliant British born Indian doctor, obviously he did his training here, so maybe that's the difference. He liked to be called Dr Bob as no one could pronounce his name.

My Dad has two German doctors at his group practice, one is brilliant, the other one is crap, but dad likes her because she's very attractive, apparently.

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