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Driving skills of drivers in Poland?

Ironside  50 | 12314  
13 Jun 2017 /  #31
But surely the same could be said of men

As I said they are dangerous and bad in a different way. Reckless and aggressive - that can be cured. Women drivers - thoughtless, hesitant and insecure, without understanding of a traffic, without grasp of spatial dynamic - not really curable.
Atch  21 | 4139  
14 Jun 2017 /  #32
The problem is that reckless and aggressive can only, it seems, be cured over many years and in the meantime how many lives are lost as a result of that behaviour.

without understanding of a traffic

The stats show otherwise. Stats show that it's actually women who observe the rules of the road and understand how traffic should
work. What you're saying is that they struggle to cope with mens' behaviour in traffic such as overtaking on a bend, going straight through a junction or roundabout without a glance right or left, coming up the inside lane on a motorbike, lane hopping, no indicators, driving straight through a pedestrian crossing where somebody is waiting to cross.

As for hesitant and insecure that's a generalisation which certainly doesn't fit all women drivers but it can certainly be cured as can poor driving techniques. That's down to being poorly taught in the first place. If you get a good instructor and learn proper defensive driving skills you can overcome that. For example when I started driving I had a tendency which is very common in learners to 'wander' towards the centre of the road and out of lane. My instructor showed me a little trick of periodically checking my left hand mirror to monitor the position of the back wheel in relation to the line at the side of the road. There are times when you need to be confident in traffic and push ahead such as overtaking where you can't be faffing about, and there are others when you should be more cautious.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
14 Jun 2017 /  #33
I would say generally ladies are too much focused on one thing while driving, for example they just keep their attention to the front view and do not much care much about what is going on on the back or the next lane.

Men are so reckless and because of that you should always be on alert

Some ladies drive so slow on the highway causing big danger

The problem in Poland about driving in general (woen or men) is that they do not care; example, you drive on the left lane with 130/140 on the highway, suddenly someone can change their lane to the left when they are much slower than you which can cause fatal accidents. Another example, it is hard to stop next to zebra because people behind you do not want to stop or give the way to the pedestrians so that if you make break to stop close to the zebra, the car behind you might hit yours.

List can be extended
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
14 Jun 2017 /  #34
How do you know that a woman driver is about to turn?

She turns wipers on on a sunny day.
terri  1 | 1661  
14 Jun 2017 /  #35
Very true.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
14 Jun 2017 /  #36
Just after i wrote

Was taking a walk and an old lady with walking sticks who seem to have problems with both legs wanted to pass across the road and there is no zebra on this road as far as i can see

Nobody even tried to slow down and the lady had to rush to pass after 2 minutes, while she was passing one car was coming too fast without slowing down despite the fact the driver saw the sticks, she hardly passed without falling down
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
14 Jun 2017 /  #37
wanted to pass across the road and there is no zebra on this road as far as i can see

Your point is? I believe crossing a road anywhere but on zebra crossing is dangerous regardless if one is old or young, healthy or disabled.

BTW. She has broke the road law. She should be happy she lives in Poland though. In some asian country she would certainly get ran over and if the country was muslim she could become a victim of a gangrape if she fell.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
14 Jun 2017 /  #38
is no zebra for more than maybe a kilometer on a main road? How do you expect her to go somewhere, maybe buying a helicopter would be a good idea for her to transport herself or sit at home, you have right.

If those countries are that bad, why do you even bother to compare Poland with them?
terri  1 | 1661  
14 Jun 2017 /  #39
Re: zebra crossings. I have personally experienced drivers stop at the zebra crossing to allow me to cross. I do not go out in the road if a car has not stopped. However, as 2 of us were walking across a zebra, a driver drove through it, missing us by inches. We saw him driving at speed, and had we not stopped on the zebra itself we would have been dead. Total disregard for life.

Best idea is to take photographs on your mobile phone of people driving their cars through the zebra crossings whilst other people are are crossing them and posting them on Facebook. Make sure you get the car's plates.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jun 2017 /  #40
BTW. She has broke the road law.

No she hasn't.
terri  1 | 1661  
15 Jun 2017 /  #41
I have observed thousands of people crossing roads in Krakow, Poland.
Some have their head in their phone and just step out without looking left, right and left again. They seem to think that they have a right to cross anywhere even in front of a moving tram. Many people cross wherever it is convenient for them and not where they should. I have shouted at them for not looking (words such as - you want to kill yourself right now) and they look at me as if I came from another planet. People should only cross the road when and where it is safe for them to do so.

If pedestrians and drivers helped each other, had respect for each other on the road - everyone would be happy and they would live longer - but that point (of being safe and living longer) is very hard to explain to people..

The others who need to brush up on their skills are the cyclists who ride their bikes on the pavements.......

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