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Driving skills of drivers in Poland?

No Nonsense  6 | 68  
11 Apr 2011 /  #1
and are Poles good drivers in general? I wouldn't think so, because they're generally book smart in less than useful things and not so good with technical stuff like driving. That's how I see the Polish in me, polish jokes are what made me realize this (I'm not trying to relive old stereotypes but they're true). I often find myself thinking I need to take a common sense class, because I'm already very book smart but I lack common sense that less educated people have.

When I was 15 I slammed the accelerator in reverse against a wall and ruined the bumper. I actually slammed the accelerator so hard it bounced off the edge. Haha, when I remember it, it makes me laugh so hard I cry. I thought I had put it in drive and was frustrated that it wasn't going forward so I slammed on the accelerator not thinking what I was doing. This was before drivers ed, so you can't really blame me exactly.

But anyway, I am intimidated by things like parallel parking, but my reactions are very quick and I'm a good highway driver. I can drive 80 and keep it straight, others that try to go that fast often zigzag around. I have a tendency to want to whip my car around tight curves and its always a contest with myself to see how smoothly I can go over it while still maintaining speed. Right of way at big intersections confuses me, and I often find myself being honked at because I'm too cautious (this I figure either has to do with being Polish or having a slight strain of dislexia in childhood).
beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Apr 2011 /  #2
and are Poles good drivers in general?

Yup, I've only had one speeding ticket in my entire life :)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #3
Women's limits are parking a car in a spot without crossing lines.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
12 Jun 2017 /  #4
I am quite sure I am a better driver than you Nottie. If you wish to generalise by gender then I will do it by nationality.

I am not saying that ALL Polish people are bad drivers, just that if I see one ahead of me on the road, I hang back and try to find an alternative route.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #5
I am quite sure I am a better driver than you Nottie

really? i do more than 3000 kilometres a week.
It's many times more than what you drove to Rosman lolol

I bet it was you :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
12 Jun 2017 /  #6
well that's very good for you dear. Quality not quantity though isn't it? You do know that Polish licences/drivers are literally a joke in the UK don't you?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #7
I know you are a joke lol

And believe me when i do my 3000 kilometers a week i do see what women do in traffic.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
12 Jun 2017 /  #8
yes they drive safely and normally. That is why their insurance premiums are lower. Duh.
I have seen what people who passed their tests in Poland do..
It happens all the time. I personally think that until the Polish test is improved, Polish people should have their driving licences revoked at the border. Every border.
Atch  21 | 4139  
12 Jun 2017 /  #9
I have moved to the UK WITH NO REASON

Ooh I see Roz touched a nerve there. The grammar is all over the place. Simple past not present perfect in this case and it's FOR no reason, not with no reason. With no reason would indicate that you were out of your mind, you know? Well, actually, maybe that's what you meant..........

Anyway you big old spoofer, if you went there for no reason, having 'abandoned' your job as you so colourfully put it, why did you stay there? Again for no reason?

Sounds like you have yourself a good Polish husband Atch.

Oh he's the best :)) And he has a great sense of humour, he'd need to have, being married to me :D

Yes Poles are very bad drivers. Excessive speed, don't use their mirrors, no respect for pedestrians, poor observation, list is endless.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
12 Jun 2017 /  #10
more than what you drove to Rosman

"Rossmann" is spelt with double s and double n - a bit like your other nick 'SS-notty'.

If your driving is as bas as your spelling, Roz should never come to Poland by car.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
12 Jun 2017 /  #11
Roz should never come to Poland by car.

lol it's fine Z., it was bad enough in Czechia...
mafketis  38 | 10870  
12 Jun 2017 /  #12
Yes Poles are very bad drivers

Generally true, but not the worst I've seen in Europe.

Off the top of my head Romania and Malta are worse (I have't been to Russia or Italy yet so that might affect my rankings when/if I go).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
12 Jun 2017 /  #13
Greece is pretty bad ..everywhere u go you see these little roadside shrines where someone has died.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #14
Generally true

Since this stamement is ok for leftards then ill say Black People are generraly low IQ
mafketis  38 | 10870  
12 Jun 2017 /  #15
Greece is pretty bad

I've mostly just been to tourist places where the crowding means that nobody can go very fast.... I supposed rush hour Athens might do bad things to my heart. Mexico can be weird and terrifying (not Europe, no). A friend of mine used to say that the physical laws governing the universe changed at the US-Mexican border which is they only reason any Mexicans were still alive....
Atch  21 | 4139  
12 Jun 2017 /  #16
Poles are very bad drivers.

Generally true,

Since this stamement is ok for leftards then ill say Black People are generraly low IQ

Just a minute now Notty. You wouldn't be trying to deflect the discussion away from the fact that Poles are bad/dangerous drivers now would you? If Poles are indeed no worse than British drivers then why not provide the 'scientific' evidence to that effect? Or indeed if British female drivers are worse than Polish males, get googling and prove it. There are plenty of stats out there regarding accidents and safety on the roads in Europe.
johnny reb  46 | 7527  
12 Jun 2017 /  #17
I rest Notty's case

1. Drive up to the cash machine.
2. Put down your car window.
****************************** *

(What is really funny is that most of this part is the truth !)

1. Drive up to cash machine.
2. Reverse and back up the required amount to align car window with the machine.
3. Set parking brake, put the window down.
Atch  21 | 4139  
12 Jun 2017 /  #18
Ok, here's a few stats for you. In 2015 Britain had the second safest roads in Europe in terms of deaths per million inhabitants over number of miles travelled. Poland, Latvia and Croatia all doubled the European average, according to the European Transport Safety Council. Now those are facts.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #19
Who the **** care about that? Show me that women are better drivers than men!!!
Atch  21 | 4139  
12 Jun 2017 /  #20
Who cares? Well I'd say the families of the dead would care. It is actually a fact that women are safer drivers than men and that's been shown in numerous studies over many years. If you have time to check out all that race stuff you can do a bit of research on it.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #21
STATISTICS all over the world SAY THAT women drivers ARE WORSE or maybe to you worse is the better?!?!
Atch  21 | 4139  
12 Jun 2017 /  #22
You're wrong.


A few examples Now show me the stats on which you base your assumptions.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #23
Then please show me how many kilometers a week women do!!!
Or they drive to the local Rossman and back?!

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Jun 2017 /  #24
Oh look who it is.

Turned on women now, have we? Angry because girls in school want nothing to do with a raging impotent loser?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Jun 2017 /  #25
Seems youre vocal and accept science backing up women drivers.
How is this working for you?
It is 100% science backed!

We all know you fancy underage teens of any gender.
Ironside  50 | 12314  
12 Jun 2017 /  #26
I don't know about statistics but the fact remains (based on experience) women are a crappy drivers, dangerous too. Sure dude are speeding, drink driving and all that stupid nonsense that is connected to adrenalin and risky behaviour but with age they generally mellow down. Whereas even though plenty of women drivers are good drivers some of them are just right down ****** and shouldn't be allowed on the public roads.

posted in random
Atch  21 | 4139  
13 Jun 2017 /  #27
even though plenty of women drivers are good drivers some of them are just right down ****** and shouldn't be allowed on the public roads.

But surely the same could be said of men. Not all of mens' bad driving is down to their hot-headed, reckless youth. I've seen plenty of middle aged men executing dangerous and reckless manoeuvres and in Poland a lot of the older men are particularly bad as they learned during years when it appears to have been a free-for-all on Polish roads with almost no rules. Come on Ironside, the number of times I've seen Polish drivers mount the pavement to overtake traffic jams and I've had cars who want to park, drive straight at me at considerable speed on the pavement in Warsaw numerous times. They don't understand the concept that if you're going to mount the pavement for parking purposes, you SLOW down. Poland has a disproportinately high number of road fatalties involving pedestrians.

As to the stats and facts, according to the EU's analysis of accidents and fatalties in the member states 'there is extensive evidence to show that men have a higher rate of collisions than women'.

Then please show me how many kilometers a week women do!!!

'data available in Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK have shown that large differences in male and female mortality rates
remain even after taking into consideration the fact that men use the roads more than women.' (Source EU study on gender in road accidents 2016)

Of course there are some terrible women drivers and quite a few old dears who shouldn't be on the road. In fact people of either gender who drive too slowly can also be a danger, hesitating at junctions, stopping suddenly, slowing down to a crawl on bends or when they see approaching traffic etc. In my experience they exhibit a lot of behaviours that are likely to cause someone to crash into the back of them. However the stats overwhelmingly bear out the fact that it is men who are repsonsible for the overwhelming majority of fatal accidents on the road and who commit the highest number of offences related to dangerous driving. To suggest that they are 'better' drivers because they can parallel park in a tight space is cobblers. And even that is questionable as covert surveillance of British car parks has shown:

terri  1 | 1661  
13 Jun 2017 /  #28
If everyone (men and women) drove at all times according to the Road Law law there would be no accidents.
If men did not see a car as an extension of their penis - there would be no accidents.
If women thought about driving whilst driving (instead of everything else) there would be no accidents.
mafketis  38 | 10870  
13 Jun 2017 /  #29
If everyone (men and women) drove at all times according to the Road Law law there would be no accidents.

Not technically true since some accidents are caused by circumstances beyond any driver's control (and for which no reasonably laws can be written)

If men did not see a car as an extension of their penis - there would be no accidents.

I see and understand what you are saying, but I for one am not prepared to make that sacrifice!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
13 Jun 2017 /  #30
women are a crappy drivers, dangerous too

oh right that must be why women's insurance premiums are invariably lower..:):)
Your 'logic' is astounding.
Perhaps we should just say that some people are bad drivers, whether they have a penis or not..:)

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