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Doctors taking bribes in Poland

Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
6 Mar 2010 /  #31
Do Doctors really earn enough without bribes?

If they got payed enough they wouldn't need bribes.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Mar 2010 /  #32
the bribes i pay and have paid are for Polish family members, the doctors have never even laid eyes on me.

Did you actually see the transaction, or did you just hand over a wad of cash to your Polish in laws for "bribes"?

How many threads have you started to complain about being ripped off?

OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Mar 2010 /  #33
Did you actually see the transaction, or did you just hand over a wad of cash to your Polish in laws for "bribes"?

The last one was a donation for my mother in law I put in half and my two brothers in law the other half. Of course i didnt see the cash handed over but the results were evident in her treatment. She was fast tracked for scans and treatment other wise there was a three month waiting list.


Why dont you try and contribute instead of making trouble all the time? Youre about as much use to this forum as a pork chop at a Jewish wedding.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Mar 2010 /  #34
She was fast tracked for scans and treatment other wise there was a three month waiting list.

It actually is no different to the UK in this respect - the only difference is that you get an invoice for the 'bribe' in the UK.

An example from the UK. A friend of mine had thyroid problems and needed to see a specialist. Waiting time - 18 weeks. Then it was discovered that she was actually covered under private medicine due to her dad's policy covering children in full time education without age limit (she was in university) - and she got to see exactly the same specialist every two weeks as she was due to see in 18 weeks.

What's the difference between that and paying a 500 zloty bribe to skip the queue to the specialist in Poland?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
6 Mar 2010 /  #35
It actually is no different to the UK in this respect - the only difference is that you get an invoice for the 'bribe' in the UK.

Ive already stated that - we call it having to go private (see the same consultant you would have done under the NHS but a damn sight quicker), but at least its legitimate...Plus you can claim it back off your insurance (my mum had to do it a few months back) so, its if you can afford the initial outlay and its a personal choice...Its not like a "bribe"
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Mar 2010 /  #36
What's the difference between that and paying a 500 zloty bribe to skip the queue to the specialist in Poland?

Your example is thyroid problems mine is liver cancer one is life threatening where everyday counts the other is not.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #37
Do we drive the machine paying bribes?

Good question and I would have to say Yes.
If we continue to give bribes people will continue to take them.

Do Doctors really earn enough without bribes?

Another good question, I was a teacher when I first came to Poland and I was told I was earning more than a fully qualified doctor and all I had done was a TELF course, I had gone to college in Ireland but English teaching was well paid and I had everything sorted out before I came here.

Who pays the bribes, im thinking its the poor people that are more likely to shove a few hundred zloty in the Doctors back pockets.

Sick people pay the bribes, I know it sounds obvious but you know yourself, when you are sick you will do almost anything not to be sick any more.

How integrated in the system is this corrupt procedure?

I don't know about Poland but I was amazed that it is part of the system in lithuania.
I could not believe Lithuania's attitude, I even had one (25ish year old) protest to me that if they didn't bribe, how would they know how much to pay the doctors??? Not the brightest of sparks

A friend went to a specialist in Lithuania, he is the only person in his field of expetise in the Baltic countries (there is on specialist for Poland).

I thought it was demeaning to have to pay the doctor a brown envelope. He worked his butt off to became a specialist and is so underpaid that he has to take extra money, it is insulting to everyone.

Bribes really do save lives...................................

Until there is a crack down, like in other areas of Polish day to day living, it will continue.
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Mar 2010 /  #38
I always bribe doctors, as far as im concerned its a neccesity in Poland,

That is pretty depressing, especially since I understand why...
But, on the bright side, at least you know that money goes straight to the doctor, not to some overblown insurance company.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Mar 2010 /  #39
Sick people pay the bribes, I know it sounds obvious but you know yourself, when you are sick you will do almost anything not to be sick any more.

My point there is i believe successful individuals carry a certain charisma about them and the Doctors feel this and perform accordingly. A Doctor treating a solicitor or lawyer for example would probably perform better for them than say a poor farmers housewife, thus a bribe may be offered and taken. I always recieve exceptional treatment purely for being English. i could go on but i dont really have the time.

I'll continue later.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #40
A Doctor treating a solicitor or lawyer for example would probably perform better for them than say a poor farmers housewife, thus a bribe may be offered and taken.

I don't think that is the case. I have very little experience with doctors but any I have had have been far from this picture you are painting. I mean you'd have to be a real dick to treat a lawyer better than a farmer's wife.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Mar 2010 /  #41
Have you not witnessed the way certain Poles treat each other based on their social status? Happens all the time.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #42
No more than anywhere else.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
6 Mar 2010 /  #43
It's not uncommon that esp. surgeons get a little bribe before the op. There are also some jokes about this among medical staff.

But it's less common now than earlier. Bribes in general are less common now.
beelzebub  - | 444  
6 Mar 2010 /  #44
Anyone who would let another suffer because they didn't get the proper bribe is a **** and I hope they die a miserable, slow and painful death.

That said I saw a lot of compassion and "free" under the table care in Poland. I think the low salaries tend to insure more of the people who become doctors there actually care about the patients. They can't be doing it for the money.
opts  10 | 260  
6 Mar 2010 /  #45
I always bribe doctors, as far as im concerned its a neccesity in Poland, not so much for myself as im English.....they do try harder for foreigners - well Western foreingers atleast. But for Polish family members i alwasy bribe and they ALWAYS accept.

Dumb foreign f… like you should discourage such practice and not perpetuate it.

Why are you so proud of your English ways?
beelzebub  - | 444  
6 Mar 2010 /  #46
Why are you so proud of your English ways?

It is not the English way if it is happening in Poland...that makes it a Polish way.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Mar 2010 /  #47
Dumb foreign f... like you should discourage such practice and not perpetuate it.

Classic reply from a Pole who is more than aware of this corrupt life or death procedure. I actually expected a few more by now.

Firstly: Foreign or not i care about people who are close to me and wish for them to have the best treatment, this means parting with cash or presents in Poland.

This issue has absolutely nothing to do with England or our way of life. I did not believe when i first arrived in Poland i thought my wife was exagerating. Sadly it was i that was mistaken, i have handed over chocolates, bottles of whiskey, cash, all to often and some times in person. Ive NEVER known a Doctor or nurse to turn it down.

This is one of those situations where it will have to get a lot worse before it gets better i mean its so integrated in the system.
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
7 Mar 2010 /  #48
i have handed over chocolates, bottles of whiskey, cash, all to often and some times in person. Ive NEVER known a Doctor or nurse to turn it down.

They hardly get paid enough anyway so i don't see what the big problem is.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Mar 2010 /  #49
Thats a pretty arrogant thing to say. Are you suggesting its OK for us to bribe and for them to take based on them not earning enough? The problem that you dont see is that many people dying from various diseases and crippling illnesses are poor Polish people that cant pay a 1000 PLN fcuking bribe. Also bribes and social status does not determine ones right to life saving tretament.

Lets take a fairly typical Doctor a gyneacologoist for example. His basic net wage should be around 4,000 PLN netto. Most gyneacologists have a private practices outside of normal working hours, they charge around 60 - 100 pln / patient and can easily see 10 + in an afternoon session. Being conservative we can forcast a monthly wage of around 15,000 PLN, sounds pretty good to me.

Wroclaw Boy:
I always bribe doctors
Do you realize that you have just admitted committing crimes penalized with imprisonment for up to 10 years ?

Shut up faggot those communist scare tactics surely work on the average Pole but not me. Whats the bigger crime not paying a bribe and looking on helplessly as a relative lives in agonising pain?
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
7 Mar 2010 /  #50
The problem that you dont see is that many people dying from various diseases and crippling illnesses are poor Polish people that cant pay a 1000 PLN fcuking bribe.

Do they have like a medicare in Poland where the government pays for most of it ?
It works well in Australia and we have hardly any health systems problems.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Mar 2010 /  #51
Thats a pretty arrogant thing to say.

So have you been turned down service, or do you know of anyone that has been turned down service due to not paying a bribe?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Mar 2010 /  #52
Reminds me of the Polish (?) joke I have heard, "The operation was a complete success but the patient is died".

It is mad in modern day Poland to have anything of the sort, I am sure most of you agree.
opts  10 | 260  
7 Mar 2010 /  #53
Shut up faggot those communist scare tactics surely work on the average Pole but not me. Whats the bigger crime not paying a bribe and looking on helplessly as a relative lives in agonising pain?

Wroclaw Boy,
Why are you telling Grzegorz to shut up? This forum allows people to express their points of view. I agree with Gzregorz. People that give bribes and people that accept them should be penalized. When you started this post, you said it with pride that you offer bribes while in Poland. Again, you are perpetuating the practice, one that was very common during communism, and there is nothing to be proud of.

(You are still a dumb f... k)
f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Mar 2010 /  #54
welcome to capitalism, opts, where money talks. Like I said before, at least you know the money goes straight to the doctor, not 15 fat middlemen.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Mar 2010 /  #55
It's not a question of being proud of it or not. The question is does it happen. I think that's an honest question. Trying to silence someone from mentioning it is shameful at best. If it is happening, it needs to be made public, or it won't go away.
enkidu  6 | 611  
7 Mar 2010 /  #56
Well. If a doctor would demand some money from me, or else... - I would palpably call it a "bribe".
But situation described in the first post is quite different. If you always "bribe" doctors. If handling a money to them is your own initiative, not their demand - you have no moral right to call it a "bribe".
OP Wroclaw Boy  
7 Mar 2010 /  #57
When you started this post, you said it with pride that you offer bribes while in Poland.

Its not with pride mate believe me, its common here if you dont pay an incentive (shall we say) you get crap service period or back of the line.

You think im proud to have to pay a bribe? jeeze thats one silly ass thing to say.

(You are still a dumb f... k)

Right back at yah, sorry if my revealing the truth hurts you.

So have you been turned down service, or do you know of anyone that has been turned down service due to not paying a bribe?

As it happens yes, a relative on my Wifes side.

Why are you telling Grzegorz to shut up?

Becasue Gregorz is trying to use the old communist scare tactics he of all people is more than aware of this corrupt practice and is simply ashamed.

Heres what happened to another relative: she was called in for a consulation with the Doctor who decided who gets what treatment. This Doctor explained that the first available appointment for Chemotherapy was in March (this occuered in early january), she left the office feeling rather downtrodden as you might inamgine so they went to see the Doctor who was paid an incentive, he instantly had her back in the same ladies office and it was a different story, the very same day she was cleared for treatment and an appointment made the very next week to begin chemotherapy.

Money talks hey....
beelzebub  - | 444  
7 Mar 2010 /  #58
They hardly get paid enough anyway so i don't see what the big problem is.

I agree they get paid very little...the problem is when they start EXPECTING the bribe in order to provide the service. I too have given my doctors whiskey, chocolates etc when they were exceptional to me but it was a reward after the fact rather than a bribe before hand.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Mar 2010 /  #59
Shut up faggot those communist scare tactics surely work on the average Pole but not me.

Pederast, be happy that your stupidity makes me laugh as I could turn your life hell for this nonsense. You openly admitted committing serious crimes and still don't even realize how stupid It was... You aren't really anonymous on the internet. It wouldn't take much to take you to the court for these things, even If you wouldn't be sentenced, you would have to spend a fortune on lawyers, so better go ask admin politely to delete that post and next time turn on your brain before you type.

Whats the bigger crime not paying a bribe and looking on helplessly as a relative lives in agonising pain?

My mom had today a serious heart surgery operation (really, I'm not making It up) I came in with 10k in cash and was pushing It into that guy's mouth until he repeated 10 times that for sure no extra money is needed as they will do their best anyway (and looks like really did a great job, will be rewarded If they like It or not), I was ready to give him that money and even much more If he demanded that but I was recording all of that, If he took that money I would wait until everything is done and then would ruin his little pathetic life, punks who take money for these things are trashes and must be treated as such, enough of "they don't earn enough" crap, any doctor who isn't a total **** can easily make a few average national salaries, If you must pay then do It but next eliminate the trash, who took the cash, cut off dirty hands which take that cash, that's the only solution to this problem.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Mar 2010 /  #60
so better go ask admin politely to delete that post and next time turn on your brain before you type.

Go for it, I will put up the money for the lawyers. Lets break this bribery case wide open and expose the ********.

So when can we expect this thing to get started?

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