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IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?

hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #121
based on logistics Poland's EU accession makes sense, based on economics not so much

I have already told You, the goal is to expand EU as much as possible on European continent, in 20-30 years Poland will be well off economically and then it will benefit the old EU.

unless you stuff a 100 Zloty note in their pocket

Delphiadomine is talking about it all the time, so I guess it must be some truth about it, but I have never given any bribe nor I heard about it, I always treated is as a myth, did You really gave a bribe to a doctor?

Nevertheless, I was never treated as badly as in Britain, but I was an immigrant there and they really made me feel as one, maybe the Brits are treated better.

How long have you been back, how are you readjusting to life in Poland? will you go back to the UK?

I was there 9 months and I am back for 4 years now, I never realy adjusted to life there, I was in Northampton which wasnt very nice, maybe if I tried London my experience would have been different, or maybe Your countryside which is stunning, no, I am not planning to go back
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
19 May 2011 /  #122
I don't see you doing much to preserve Polish culture by sitting in America.

You are the last person to judge if somebody is preserving their culture. So by your logic all the German Americans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans are letting their ancestral culture erode by living in America? Frankly they are expanding it to America by living in America.

Are your Russian Americans letting Russian culture erode by living in America? I don't think so. They have expanded it in areas where there are Russian Americans, like San Francisco.

So, little Polack racist - what do you know about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Multi-cultural Poland in the 17th century only hurt Poland because it balkanized Poland. Similarly to the destruction of Yugoslavia, the various ethnic groups in Poland were more loyal to their ethnic identity then to Poland and therefore undermined Poland and made Poland more vulnerable to outside forces. This led to Poland's breakup into pieces ruled by others.

Russki racist, do you know the people in Siberia see their identity more as Siberian then Russian and are considering breaking off from the rest of Russia?

The more you put ethnic groups into a country, the more vulnerable it is to falling a part. This goes back to what happened to the Roman Empire and then some.
A J  4 | 1075  
19 May 2011 /  #123
You lost one zero, i heard it is 20 million

That's why I said at least, which in this case, was a *very* modest estimation, to say the least. (But thanks for adjusting it!) My point was though: Poland doesn't have to deal with immigration on such a huge scale, and they're probably losing more people than gaining people at the moment, so why even complain about people who might want to work and live there in the future?

Velund  1 | 511  
19 May 2011 /  #124
do you know the people in Siberia see their identity more as Siberian then Russian and are considering breaking off from the rest of Russia?

I and my colleagues regularily visit various parts of Siberia and Far East, and vast majority of people laugh very loud once another idiot starting to talk about "siberian nation" and/or invent "siberian language". ;) BTW, the last one I seen in person had family ending with -ko... ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
19 May 2011 /  #125
So what about this article "Russians fear Siberia will go the path of Ukraine"?


Are they idiots at the kyiv post?
BBman  - | 343  
19 May 2011 /  #126
Muliculti is coming to Poland, no doubt about it. Poland will be full of third worlders on the dole. The west will make sure this happens.
Velund  1 | 511  
19 May 2011 /  #127
Are they idiots at the kyiv post?

Maybe, maybe... ;)

As I mentioned earlier, the last "siberian patriot" I seen in person was ukrainian by descent.. ;)
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
19 May 2011 /  #128
If i may advise Poland as a non-Polish person, i would advise to set a maximum of 0.1% non-Europeans (38.000).

finally a post worth reading. someone who thinks logically. BRAWO, BRACIE!

the majority of the posters on here are so damn retarded. honestly.

Of course immigration is welcome in poland--as long as it's from europe and by WHITE europeans only. SIMPLE.

EVERY polish person i know and talk to, including my huge polish extended family (living all across europe, in brazil, israel, and US) all say that they would never in their lives want to see 'colored' people - aka asians, africans, arabs - in their country.

Racists? well duh, they're Polish and damn proud to be, unlike you scums.

All of them also agree that the worst immigrants of them all, without any doubts, are the MUSLIMS... black, white, tanned/brown-- it doesn't matter about skin color! This satanic cult of a religion is the biggest threat to all of Europe.


A J  4 | 1075  
19 May 2011 /  #129
the majority of the posters on here are so damn retarded. honestly.

Let's talk about being retarded for a second, shall we? (This is going to be good, I promise!)

EVERY polish person i know and talk to, including my huge polish extended family (living all across europe, in brazil, israel, and US) all say that they would never in their lives want to see 'colored' people - aka asians, africans, arabs - in their country.

So if they would never in their lives want to see *any* coloured people, then why in the nine hells would they choose to live in a country like Brazil or Israel?

Palivec  - | 379  
19 May 2011 /  #130
Do I understand this right? The people that care the most about the "racial purity" of Polska are the ones that live in other countries? LOL, the irony... :D
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
19 May 2011 /  #131

most of those living abroad are distant relatives of mine, many whom I've never met or even heard of, and from what my mother told me, they were forced to leave Poland after WWII. Why? I really don't know. Maybe they are Jews. ;) After all, the ones living in Manhattan are filthy rich!

But majority of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended family do live in Poland, so be it.

annnnnnnnnnnd btw, STFU+GTFO. kthxnBYE =)))))))

oh and Palivec, it is ironic indeed. :D
A J  4 | 1075  
19 May 2011 /  #132
Do I understand this right?


The people that care the most about the "racial purity" of Polska are the ones that live in other countries?

Yup, you've pretty much summed it up!

hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #133
why even complain about people who might want to work and live there in the future?

bacause We are talking about the future?it is not such a distant one

That's why I said at least, which in this case, was a *very* modest estimation, to say the least.

oh come on, be more specific, everyone knows, there is no Poles in Poland anymore, so why understate the numbers, You dont have to be gentle with us, We dont need it as long as You are telling the truth...
A J  4 | 1075  
19 May 2011 /  #134
bacause We are talking about the future?it is not such a distant one

Yes we are and no it isn't. But what would be *your* problem with people who want to live and work in Poland when you need them, regardless of where they're coming from? Not everyone's a Terrorist or a criminal you know!

oh come on, be more specific, everyone knows, there is no Poles in Poland anymore, so why understate the numbers, You dont have to be gentle with us, We dont need it as long as You are telling the truth...

I'm not going to claim to have a monopoly on the truth, but what you're trying to tell everyone here isn't a solution either. Why do you need to have a problem with people who work and behave themselves, regardless of where they're coming from or what they believe in? You don't have to be best friends with them if you don't want to. Of course there are a few differences which you can choose to magnify and make ultra-important, but really most people just want to live their life, just like you. What's so scary about that?

hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #135
it is not a distant one, it is happening already
I am just against multiculturalism, it has nothing to do with terrorists, racism, is it so hard to understand?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 May 2011 /  #136
I am just against multiculturalism

Lock yourself up in a room and be against it ... it doesn't matter ... you will not be able to step a reasonable level of it :)

is it so hard to understand?

Its foolish, nothing else. Otherwise perfectly noticeable ... that you are up to no good :)
hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #137
You Yourself dont know what You want so stop talking, how was it again?polonized multi culti?
Most of Poles are on my side with it, so stop trying to adjust country and people to Your standards, and maybe just move to US- You wopuld be happy there
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
19 May 2011 /  #138
hubabuba wrote:

You Yourself dont know what You want so stop talking, how was it again?polonized multi culti?

yeah, i mean LTB is not polish, she doesn't know what she's talking about......oh wait......she IS polish.....hmmmm......

fancy that.
milky  13 | 1656  
19 May 2011 /  #139
IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?
With a minumum wage of 2 euros an hour, I very much doubt it, more chance of the Sahara dessert becoming the next sink hole.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
19 May 2011 /  #140
milky wrote:

With a minumum wage of 2 euros an hour, I very much doubt it

agreed. i mean, as long as basically every other country in western europe pays better, i think poland is safe from the cultural invasion.

you guys can continue to enjoy your vanilla, don't fret. sorry LTB.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
19 May 2011 /  #141
One shouldn't criticise them, but this revolting mentality.

Look who is talking ...

And you are talking about sending people back to where they came from, so by your own opinion (not mine), you should leave the U.S.
Hence you are a hypocrite.

Well, he is not, he is talking about India, Pakistan or Africa. Tell me where in those places are immigrants from Poland, bah, from Europe? ? eh?

how long did you pay into the sytem? how long have you been drawing from the system?

What is that to you? You are supporting unconditionally your government policies, eh? So, as long as what he is doing is legal, it should be OK with you.

or maybe you a hypocrite and you support those of governmental polices which suites you ?
Stu  12 | 515  
19 May 2011 /  #142
Look who is talking ...

Hey sh1thead ... I DO have a job. Grubas hasn't. He has stated he rejected work cause being on benefits gives him more money. Hence he has no balls, no pride, no nothing. He just holds up his hand and expects people to give him money for free. I hate those people.

His argument that he pays taxes, is BS. He's just given less money from the government ... well, first they give it to him, then he has to pay it back. Still, they are all handouts.

I have no problems with people who have lost their jobs and are on benefits for that reason. Or for any other reason for that matter. Sh1t happens. It can happen to all of us (unfortunately). But the way it works over here is when you are fit to work, you have to work. If you refuse, your benefits are cut. And rightly so. And if that means you have to do a job for a while that is under your level of studies or skills, then so be it.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
19 May 2011 /  #143
I DO have a job.

Yes you do, you told us, and even before you told us as suspected as much. Getting paid for playing all those games is a nice way of earning monies but expecting some kind of respect just because you do what you do, is a big misunderstanding.

Let face it you are not very bright person, and passing moral judgment on somebody you don't even know is priceless, particularly coming from somebody who is payed from tax monies to do ....er ...to play.

As for grubas I suspect that he is getting monies from private insurance, what wrong with that ?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 May 2011 /  #144
fancy that.

Its a HE ... its a Pole ... and its someone who belongs to a class and standard of people who think with reason and with compassion.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
19 May 2011 /  #145
Ironside wrote:

You are supporting unconditionally your government policies, eh?

I argue with this turd about Poland and the VWP and that's the conclusion he draws. Come on, man.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
19 May 2011 /  #146
Getting paid for playing all those games is a nice way of earning monies but expecting some kind of respect just because you do what you do, is a big misunderstanding.

what is wrong with having a job you actually like and enjoy?

Let face it you are not very bright person, and passing moral judgment on somebody you don't even know

well, you do that all the time :)

let's stay on topic!
Ironside  50 | 12334  
19 May 2011 /  #147
what is wrong with having a job you actually like and enjoy?

Nothing at all, but is not the reason to go about it on the Internet along with a filthy language.

well, you do that all the time :)

Nope, I don't pass moral judgments on people, sunshine.:)
I abuse (not that often) morons, idiots, half-wits, pompous pricks, slow but average guys who thinks themselves bigger that life characters,false sugar- smiles, and preaching do goodies, and few others :)

Its all based on their posts,99% accuracy.

Come on, man.

and a slime weirdos.

Well, I suppose I'm not always 100% fair, but who is ?
pawian  219 | 24831  
19 May 2011 /  #148
Can poland maintain its identity now the western european trash can cross its borders when ever it feels like? Will white become shite ?

Diversity can be fun. I have nothing against Polish streets becoming more colourful. Polish culture will prevail anyway, and the colour of skin doesn`t matter. I know a few black/Asian students who feel as Poles and it is perfectly OK.

The baby in this pram will be Polish with a strong Indian/African cultural background.
nunczka  8 | 457  
19 May 2011 /  #149
Poland along with the rest of Europe is doomed.The third worlders breed like cockroaches. They destroy anything that they come in contact with. The first big mistake was to allow them entry..
milky  13 | 1656  
19 May 2011 /  #150
Let face it you are not very bright person,

good point

Poland along with the rest of Europe is doomed.The third worlders breed like cockroaches. They destroy anything that they come in contact with. The first big mistake was to allow them entry..

are you a nazi?

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