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IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 May 2011 /  #31
20 years ago gays couldnt marry etc etc friggen etc

In Poland they still can't, is it possible for you to consider that Poland evolves in a completely different direction or that what happening in Poland is evolution while whats happening in UK is degeneration?
jef  - | 3  
18 May 2011 /  #32
What kind of **** is this?Why is it ok for other nationalities (not EU)to live in Poland?Give me one reason for that,we (unlike you)don't owe them anything so "colonial guilt" is not a valid reason.

so then you tell me why is so many polish in america,i didn't know that usa was in europe.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
18 May 2011 /  #33
So then you tell me why so many Irish or Italian are in the U.S.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #34
We?? And where were *you* living again ... ?

Yes,we.I am still connected to Poland,I am still a citizen of Poland, still have some assets there and I am still concerned about Poland because I may be back some day.
jef  - | 3  
18 May 2011 /  #35
So then you tell me why so many Irish or Italian are in the U.S

so that call immigration if you don't know,that's is the reason that people from outiside of eu came to eu as well,not like this is my country no one is welcome what is that.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #36
Just read this thread.

This thread is representative of people from western Europe, not Poland. I am the Pole so I know what I am talking about. You stay with your ideas ... which are vague and stupid.

they do integrate

They do integrate when immigration policies are good and the people of the home country also support this integration process.

one generation and they are through and trough Polish

Not really ... it takes integration everywhere.

However ... I think me and the rest of the Polish public should decide for our country and how it would integrate. You and your failed policies, reckless violent nature are not invited.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #37
In Poland they still can't, is it possible for you to consider that Poland evolves in a completely different direction or that what happening in Poland is evolution while whats happening in UK is degeneration?

anything is possible, but dont stop with the UK, its happening in the developed world the world over - i assume a list is not required.

The UK is a rich country Poland isnt -yet-, regardless of multiculturalism. Some may consider multiculturalism a degradation of society but remember its only that (in the worst case scenario) for one maybe two generations, after that the immigrants offspring are predominantly UK, Americans, Spaniards or what ever by default. They go to local schools, watch national TV, basically becoming immersed into that society's culture thus becoming that society.

I dont know many Pakis/Indians walking the streets of the UK wearing turbans and all that seek and Hindu clobber anymore, the second and third generation are Brits and proud.

We are all the result of our society's and cultures, its what makes us us. Skin colour doesn't mean jack shite anymore.
A J  4 | 1075  
18 May 2011 /  #38
No worries, AJ ...

Do I *look* worried?


only two more weeks and I will be living over there.

Take some Tulips and a good recipe for cheese with you, because I've only just recently heard from a Polish guy that they're dying for some good yellow cheese over there! Make sure that they can't ever tell you that you haven't contributed anything and well.. Make us proud Stu!


We have to tolerate "Westerners" in Poland since Poles can live in "Western" Europe but there is no reason whatsover to tolerate foraigners from countries outside the EU. Personally for obvious reason I tolerate Americans living in Poland but the rest OUT!

Gee, I feel so welcome! Thank you so much Grubas!


What kind of **** is this?Why is it ok for other nationalities (not EU)to live in Poland?Give me one reason for that,we (unlike you)don't owe them anything so "colonial guilt" is not a valid reason.

Because Poland *also* has laws which enable foreign people to ask for a work-permit or temporary VISA? (Just remember that Poland will need workers too in the not-so-distant future!)

grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #39
[quote=jef]so then you tell me why is so many polish in america,i didn't know that usa was in europe.
No,you tell me why there is so many Americans who are NOT NATIVE AMERICANS in America.US is a country of immigrants and EVERYONE who is not a a NATIVE American came from somewhere or his/her ancestors did at some point.For above reason you can not compare US to any country in Europe and I don't have a problem with ANYBODY coming to US.Understood?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
18 May 2011 /  #40
hubabuba wrote:

why the countries were created and fought for its right to exist in the first place?

clearly so that you could have the whitest, most polish and monocultural society possible with everyone looking the same, speaking the same language, believing in the same religion, eating the same food.....cause that's what you got.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #41
Gee, I feel so welcome! Thank you so much Grubas!

No problem.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 May 2011 /  #42
anything is possible, but dont stop with the UK, its happening in the developed world the world over - i assume a list is not required.

Not really, it happens in a significant number of countries but thats not the world, not even the majority.

regardless of multiculturalism. Some may consider multiculturalism a degradation of society but remember its only that (in the worst case scenario) for one maybe two generations,

Rubbish, you got hundreds of thousands of third generation muslims screaming for Sharia law.

after that the immigrants offspring are predominantly UK, Americans, Spaniards or what ever by default.

Tell that to the negros inhabiting black-only ghettos in US.

They go to local schools

Local muslim schools that teach how Islam is the new way and f*ck everyone else for example?

Anyway straigt to the point, UK and US are prime examples of failure of the assimilation you describe, by now its a fairytale living in the heads of people like you, out on the streets its a different story.

Poland is much safer than say UK and i dont want dirty intolerant colored people setting up Mosques and promoting their backwards barbaric ways, most Poles dont feel as strongly as i do but luckily most are not in favor, especially the ones who were in UK, you're a rich country but minorities made it a dump.

You dont invite a bunch of monkeys and then bend over to accomodate them, and thats what UK did.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #43
Just remember that Poland will need workers too in the not-so-distant future!)

Are you ******* kidding me dude?Poland has enough workers only the wages are still low and the immigrants certainly DO NOT help to fix this problem.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #44
Sorrry to burst your bubbly but when Poland catches up to the western standard of industrialization they will need alot more skilled labor....and they will come from elsewhere too.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 May 2011 /  #45
just to straighten the record, you're talking about the future (which is never certain), grubas is writing in the present tense, so you are quoting his post but not responding to it :)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
18 May 2011 /  #46
LTB wrote:

I am the Pole so I know what I am talking about......You stay with your ideas ... which are vague and stupid.

Really? So now I need to be Polish to have my point validified? I also noticed that you didn't deny what I said about Poles and their xenophobic tendencies.

LTB wrote:

They do integrate when immigration policies are good and the people of the home country also support this integration process.

point being, you need the support of the home country. so many things in life look great on paper but....

do me a favor....go ask your mom or aunts and uncles what they think about lots and lots of hispanics and blacks and indians and chinese flooding into their country to live and work, be neighbors with them....and get back to us all on what their reaction is.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #47
xenophobic tendencies.

I don't need to state the obvious, a bit "NO" to this accusation. At most we are just not used to, and its not a problem when a neighbor would come of another color, we would still be friendly.

.go ask your mom or aunts and uncles

They are all educated, confident and dignified people which high self esteem and good morals. I know them better than you ... even my friends.

Some of my friends (including myself) have spouse from another race. They are all good people with nice jobs and a healthy Polish family now. There are no issues, and the diversity is enjoyed, and people try to be helpful.

Its about the bringing up of a person ... how sincere are you, and what are your values.
Palivec  - | 379  
18 May 2011 /  #48
just to straighten the record, you're talking about the future (which is never certain), grubas is writing in the present tense, so you are quoting his post but not responding to it :)

But he's right nevertheless. Poland is in the EU, and with economic success the country will become multicultural (again). Assuming that Poland stays in the EU and becomes economically successful it's irreversible. The same happns everywhere in Europe.

And multiculturalism has quite a few advantages too... better restaurants and a improving local cuisine for instance... :D
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #49
just to straighten the record, you're talking about the future (which is never certain), grubas is writing in the present tense, so you are quoting his post but not responding to it :)

*gets red*


18 May 2011 /  #50
I don't need to state the obvious, a bit "NO" to this accusation. At most we are just not used to, and its not a problem when a neighbor would come of another color, we would still be friendly.

Today I was walking down ul Zlota and there was a group of about 10 blacks hanging around, nothing threatening. Now multiculturism is visable on the streets of Warsaw.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 May 2011 /  #51
But he's right nevertheless. Poland is in the EU, and with economic success the country will become multicultural (again). Assuming that Poland stays in the EU and becomes economically successful it's irreversible. The same happns everywhere in Europe.

"will", "Assuming"... weakens the argument.

You cannot prove that any system as complex as country's economy and society will look one way or another in the future. Not that I disagree with yours and his predictions, but you can't say anybody is right when that say that something will or will not happen.
A J  4 | 1075  
18 May 2011 /  #52
Are you ******* kidding me dude?Poland has enough workers only the wages are still low and the immigrants certainly DO NOT help to fix this problem.

Short-term thinking. (And negative.)

Sorrry to burst your bubbly but when Poland catches up to the western standard of industrialization they will need alot more skilled labor....and they will come from elsewhere too.

Long-term thinking. (And positive.)

grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #53
Sorrry to burst your bubbly but when Poland catches up to the western standard of industrialization they will need alot more skilled labor....and they will come from elsewhere too.

When Poland catches up to western standard of wages and industrialization we will make POLES a skilled labor and immigrants we may or may not need to do cleaning and other deamining jobs.And then and only then Poland can introduce SHORT TERM visas for foraign workers willing to do jobs Poles don't want but after say 6 months contract the foraign workers will have to go back to their countries of origin.No family members should be allowed to come with workers and no extension of work visas should be allowed.Period.I don't see any reason to have foraign workers in Poland working better jobs then Poles.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #54
When Poland catches up to western standard of wages and industrialization we will make POLES a skilled labor and immigrants we may or may not need to do cleaning and other deamining jobs.And then and only then Poland can introduce SHORT TERM visas for foraign workers willing to do jobs Poles don't want but after say 6 months contracts the foraign workers will have to go back to their countries of origin.

Well....Poland is under EU law and when you accept the possibility for Poles to wander across Europe and to look for work and life everywhere in the EU you have to accept that other workers from everywhere come to Poland in search for work and life.

Do you have an idea about how many Poles are right now immigrant laborers in other countries???

It goes both ways....
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 May 2011 /  #55
This is indeed a serious threat.

Anyone who denies that immigration from Africa, Turkey and Asia downgrades Europe is either
-a non-European immigrant himself/herself.
-a selfish European person who only supports 3rd world immigration because he or she is attracted to nonwhites.
-a leftwing extremist, thinking that Europe is not just for European people but for everyone.

Everyone knows that once a few Africans/Indians/Turks/Arabs settle somewhere and don't face too much problems, they will invite their family and friends and breed like rabbits.

Then quickly some streets and then some suburbs will become non-European, just like happened in other parts of Europe. Some cities already look like they are taken over by 3rd wordlers.

So it's best to take action at the very beginning or Poland will lose the battle.
Other countries made the mistake to start taking action when these 3rd world goldseekers came by thousands.

If i may advise Poland as a non-Polish person, i would advise to set a maximum of 0.1% non-Europeans (38.000).
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #56
Well....Poland is under EU law and when you accept the possibility for Poles to wander across Europe and to look for work and life everywhere in the EU you have to accept that other EU workers come to Poland in search for work and life.

I am NOT reffering to EU citizens.Since Poland is a member of EU (which I am strongly against btw) we have to deal with EU citizens according to EU law,but I am talking about all other like Indians,Pakistanis and so on.Short term visas will prevent them from settling in Poland and this way Poland will avoid massive immigration from 3rd world countries.Short term visas is an answer,if they want to make few PLN's then ok but no way they should be allowed to settle and bring their families.Strong immigration law enforcement will be needed,no exemptions from the rules nor ANY possibility to change the status when working on short term work visa.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #57
If i may advise Poland as a non-Polish person

Why don't you work harder on your main focus ... :D ...

You Mr. need lots and lots of self confidence to realize that your problems lay within yourself, and not outside :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #58
I am NOT reffering to EU citizens.Since Poland is a member of EU (which I am strongly against btw) we have to deal with EU citizens according to EU law,but I am talking about all other like Indians,Pakistanis and so on

Here we agree...I don't know why Germany's needs of skilled labor shouldn't/couldn't be fulfilled by EU-member workers...no need to look to other continents and cultures for that. Poland likewise.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
18 May 2011 /  #59
but after say 6 months contract the foraign workers will have to go back to their countries of origin.

You are a Pole living on the social welfare in the U.S.
Do you not think you have double standards?
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #60
They do integrate when immigration policies are good and the people of the home country also support this integration process.

No integration is needed nor is necessary.Work 6 monts,make few PLN's then OUT,and another batch.The immigration enforcement will have to be paid from funds collected from foraign workers and their employers.No reason to burden Polish citizens not interested in hiring foraign workers.It may sound a bit harsh but Poland has to take care of Poles.Period.Also there is already too many people in Poland and we all know that 3rd worlders multiply like rabbits when only given a chance to settle and that affects standard of living of citizens.

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