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Cricket in Poland - Wroclaw, Katowice, Warsaw (casual group)

nrx  1 | 40  
30 Jun 2011 /  #1
Hi Folks!

I was wondering if anyone plays cricket in Wroclaw. I don't except any organized teams but even if there's some casual sport going on, I'd be happy to know about it. If anyone is seriously interested in playing cricket, there's already a group on facebook by the name of 'Cricket Wroclaw'. Its a new group so there isn't much activity going on but the whole point of this post is to change that. Feel free to join it and the group administrators would be happy to provide you with more information.


p.s. we've got all the stuff.
beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Jun 2011 /  #2
Cricket in Wroclaw

I'm sure Polskadoll may be able to offer you some advice. The subject is right up her alley ;)
Rakshita  4 | 9  
31 Dec 2015 /  #3
Merged: Cricket in katowice


I know football is a very popular game in Europe. Being an India and a huge fan of cricket, I would be relocating to katowice, Poland in Feb 2016. Do you know if there are any cricket clubs in katowice?

Thanks in advance!!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Dec 2015 /  #4
Rak, google is your friend.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
31 Dec 2015 /  #5
there are any cricket clubs in katowice?

No. Lived there for 20 years. No cricket.

Tennis is THE sport in Katowice. I heartily recommend it to you. Much as I love cricket, the summers are too short for pitches to be maintained.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
31 Dec 2015 /  #6
********, there's one in Warsaw, so it is possible. Perhaps you could find enough people out of the city's 300,000 people who might be interested and start a club yourself.

oops. The PF computer doesn't like your name!
Harry84  1 | 82  
3 Jan 2016 /  #7
Hello Guys,

Even I am looking for cricket club in warsaw, so let me know if you find anything.

Thanks & Regards,
3 Jan 2016 /  #8
cricket club in warsaw

Kabir2101  1 | 12  
18 Jan 2016 /  #9
Hello All,

Can we find any badminton courts in Katowice ?
Do people play the sport in Katowice ?
Looker  - | 1129  
18 Jan 2016 /  #10
If you can read Polish there's a discussion about it:

Some links are hidden - so you'd need to register over there to check them.
austin 316  
14 Mar 2016 /  #11
Hey ********

Katowice mate does not have any cricket. There is a town fairly close to Katowice called Bielsko Biala where I am starting the first ever cricket team. The idea is to be ready soon to start playing matches in Krakow and Warsaw. If you are interested then ring me on 721197191. Steven
Abid88  1 | 5  
24 May 2017 /  #12

How can i play Cricket in Poland club and national team ?

Hi there...I want to play cricket any suggestion where I search cricket club or addmition?
mafketis  38 | 11105  
24 May 2017 /  #13
.I want to play cricket

Poles have too much personal dignity to play "cricket".
jon357  72 | 23355  
24 May 2017 /  #14
Hi there...I want to play cricket any suggestion where I search cricket club or addmition?

There are seven teams in Poland, four of them in Warsaw. Have a look here for details: cricket.pl

Poles have too much personal dignity to play "cricket".

Now now, don't be so naughty; you may find someone coming after you with a large wooden bat.
venavinis  - | 5  
7 Aug 2017 /  #15
Are you playing badminton in Katowice? If so, could share info. I live in Gliwice & nobody plays here.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Cricket in Poland - Wroclaw, Katowice, Warsaw (casual group)Archived