I said a life expectancy. To make it simple for you, it means usefulness.
Yes, you did.
These were constructed with an expected lifespan of approx. 50 years (that's assuming that they were built to specs) and you think that they will last another 200 years? Stay off the subject of property, it's not your strong point.
Hmm, don`t you think that such terms as lifespan and last suggest the overall duration of the thing discussed, and not its usefulness?
life span or life·span (lfspn)
1. A lifetime.
2. The average or maximum length of time an organism, material, or object can be expected to survive or last.
The government will need to begin very soon.
Actually, it seems you don`t know that the government has little to do with those housing cooperatives called spółdzielnia mieszkaniowa which own and run most blocks.
I will comment on what I know, not guesswork.