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Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - Szczecin

cyrilraj  1 | 2  
3 Sep 2015 /  #1
I would like to have fellowship with the Christian missionary or Bible Study groups in Szczecin. Kindly suggest me any fellowship you would know, as I am new to Szczecin.

If anyone would like to form a Bible study and prayer group, kindly let me know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Sep 2015 /  #2
There are plenty of such groups. Just walk around until you see a cross above a building - there's a high likelihood that there will be an English speaking priest there that will guide you accordingly. One remarkable thing about Catholic priests is that they tend to be incredibly talented with languages.
jon357  72 | 22981  
3 Sep 2015 /  #3
These people do a great deal of bible study. They aren't for everyone, but perhaps they're worth a visit: jw.org/pl
This: kech.pl may be closer to what you're looking for.

I'm not sure that either operate in English.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
3 Sep 2015 /  #4

This might be more like it if cyrilraj isn't RC. I've had dealings with the head guy, a very pleasant American who helped hook up a Nigerian student of mine with compatriots. They also have a Nigerian priest and all sorts of parishioners. Anyway, they're more trustworthy than the JW cult.
jon357  72 | 22981  
3 Sep 2015 /  #5
They're indeed decent. Unfortunately they don't have a presence in Szczecin. Just Warsaw and (the site doesn't mention it so perhaps they've stopped) Gdansk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Sep 2015 /  #6
They might have an allied presence through these guys - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Catholic_Church - they're in full communion with the Anglican church through the Union of Utrecht. From what I know, the Polish Catholic Church is very accepting towards everyone, so they might be able to help.
jon357  72 | 22981  
3 Sep 2015 /  #7
they're in full communion with the Anglican church through the Union of Utrecht.

They were, but broke it off due to female priests and bishops.

There are a few protestant organisations in Szczecin, but probably not English language:
Roger5  1 | 1432  
3 Sep 2015 /  #8
Szczecin International Christian fellowship.
jon357  72 | 22981  
3 Sep 2015 /  #9
If they're anything like the ICF on Pulawska, they should be OK. Good that you found them!
OP cyrilraj  1 | 2  
10 Sep 2015 /  #10
Thank you all for your information. I will soon be visiting Szczecin in this month end. I will be staying for another 3 months. I love to join in the prayer fellowship which is bilingual in English and Polish. I am not a JW. I am a Christian believer. Even if you get to know any other fellowship in Szczecin, kindly help me to join them. Thank you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Sep 2015 /  #11
I am a Christian believer.

So if you're a Christian, you should have no problems finding out something from the Catholic Church, right?

Even if you get to know any other fellowship in Szczecin, kindly help me to join them.

Just ask at the local Church. There will be English groups in at least one Catholic church, probably the one that is seen as a "student" church.
Chamonix  - | 12  
10 Sep 2015 /  #12
If you want to do true bible study then you need to find a Seventh Day Adventist church, they have them in Poland. You wont get any joy out of Rome because they changed the commandments to suit their agenda. All religions kiss the papal/jesuit ring apart from the Adventists. Hope this helps.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Sep 2015 /  #13
presence in Szczecin

The Polish-Catholic Church has a parish in Szczecin; check out:

It was brought to Poland after World War One by missionaries of Polonia's own Polish National Catholic Church, organised in the late 19th century in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

The validity of its sacraments is recognised by the Vatican.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Sep 2015 /  #14
If you want to do true bible study then you need to find a Seventh Day Adventist church

What rubbish. The RCC is able to study the Bible in exactly the same way.

You wont get any joy out of Rome because they changed the commandments to suit their agenda.

I'm sure anyone that wants to study the bible will get just as much joy out of the Catholic Church than they will out of the loonies in the Seventh Day Adventist churches.

All religions kiss the papal/jesuit ring apart from the Adventists.

Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #15
What rubbish. The RCC is able to study the Bible in exactly the same way.

Did the Roman Catholic church change gods commandments?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
11 Sep 2015 /  #16
The RCC is able to study the Bible in exactly the same way.

Which Bible are you talking delph , the Catholic Bible that the Catholic's use or the King James Bible the Adventist's use ?
They are far from being exact and that is why Chamonix was trying to be polite about it until you (go back and look) baited him into

one of your arguments.
You should have been more specific Chamonix as Poland is 99% Catholic plus delph is a little stinker in starting spats.
Roger's advice seems to be your best bet here.
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #17
None are exact, JohnnyReb. The most literal is probably the New International Version which born again Christians favour. I prefer the Jerusalem Bible, a Catholic translation or JB Phillips, out of fashion now and not literal.

Po3, your link is to a tiny group who don't have a priest of their own any more. There are also no Mariawici in Szczecin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Sep 2015 /  #18
Which Bible are you talking delph , the Catholic Bible that the Catholic's use or the King James Bible the Adventist's use ?

There's no such thing as the "Catholic" Bible for a start.

Anyway, given that the modern Catholic bibles are very recent translations and based upon much more modern ways of translating and so on - one would think that the RCC versions would be the most appropriate if you want a good translation.

Did the Roman Catholic church change gods commandments?




They are far from being exact

Certainly the modern Catholic ones are going to be far better in translation than the King James version.

Sorry, but I find the anti-Catholic overtones here to be quite offensive.
Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #19
I'm sorry? You find the anti catholic overtones to be offensive, then on the other hand, you say -

I'm sure anyone that wants to study the bible will get just as much joy out of the Catholic Church than they will out of the loonies in the Seventh Day Adventist churches.

You say myth and then fail to read your own link which clearly states that they have removed gods second commandment of not making graven images or bowing down to them. What do the catholic church do? They make graven images and then bow down to them. Not only that, they make money from them, selling statues of mary, selling images of their saints etc.

Not only that. Sunday was the first day of the week as Saturday was the last. Saturday is Gods holy sabbath day as the last day of the week. The vatican has made Sunday (the first day of the week) it's holy day.

Who feels they have the authority to change Gods commandments?

This is an excerpt from your own catholic article -

4. We believe the Catholic Church alone has the authority to give to God's people an authoritative list of the Ten Commandments.

Now the gentleman was asking which church does bible study, so i told him that the Adventist church do bible study. The first hour of their sabbath services are dedicated to bible study.

Who has the biblical truth and follows the whole bible and nothing but the bible? Remembering that Judaism only follows the old testament? The answer is easy - The Seventh Day Adventists have the TRUTH

This is laughable.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Sep 2015 /  #20
don't have a priest

Interesting. Where did you find that bit of info? I also thoiught it strnage that Mitred Prleate Stanisław Bosy was listed as the proboszcz (pastor) but is working as administrator in Wrocław. They my be served on Sundays by visitng priests.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
11 Sep 2015 /  #21
The Seventh Day Adventists have the TRUTH

This is laughable.

I couldn't agree more.
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #22
Where did you find that bit of info?

Personal connections.

The Seventh Day Adventists have the TRUTH

This is laughable.

No weirder than any other group who consider a text to be the inerrant word of a transcendent deity.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Sep 2015 /  #23
I'm sorry? You find the anti catholic overtones to be offensive, then on the other hand, you say -

I'm sorry, I should have said "religious fundamentalist nuts".

You say myth and then fail to read your own link which clearly states that they have removed gods second commandment of not making graven images or bowing down to them.

If you actually read the links properly, you'd know that the commandments (in that form) are an invention of the Middle Ages.

What do the catholic church do? They make graven images and then bow down to them. Not only that, they make money from them, selling statues of mary, selling images of their saints etc.

It provides comfort to Catholics. What's the big deal? Does it really hurt anyone if a Catholic prays to a picture of Mary?

Not only that. Sunday was the first day of the week as Saturday was the last. Saturday is Gods holy sabbath day as the last day of the week. The vatican has made Sunday (the first day of the week) it's holy day.

No, the Vatican didn't make it Sunday. It was rather just a historical accident - it's no big deal to anyone. Trying to discredit Catholicism because they have Sunday instead of Saturday as a holy day - really.

4. We believe the Catholic Church alone has the authority to give to God's people an authoritative list of the Ten Commandments.

You see, religions tend to believe that they alone have the authority to decide what is and what isn't. It would be a weird religion that said "well, guys, actually we think everyone is right". I imagine those Seventh Day Adventist lot are remarkably intolerant towards others, too. It's normal.

Now the gentleman was asking which church does bible study, so i told him that the Adventist church do bible study. The first hour of their sabbath services are dedicated to bible study.

Most churches do bible studies. It's nothing special. I know at least two Catholic churches in Poznań that do it in English.

Who has the biblical truth and follows the whole bible and nothing but the bible? Remembering that Judaism only follows the old testament? The answer is easy - The Seventh Day Adventists have the TRUTH

Since when in Christianity has the Bible been the sole source of truth? Jesus himself was making all sorts of stuff up regularly.

This is laughable.

Yes, I agree with Roger that the idea of the Seventh Day Adventists having the truth is indeed laughable.

Hey, Polonius, care to join in? This might be the first thread in which you and the British posters are in full agreement ;)
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #24
the trut

The only true Christian denomination is The Church Of God With Signs Following. All the others are heretics
Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #25
Well this is why it is good that we still have freedom of choice and freedom of speech because if we didn't then we would not have freedom of thought. The poster - Cecilraj has freedom of choice and he will choose the denomination that he/she feels comfortable with.

There are many Protestant churches, however all apart from the Adventists have forgotten the reformation and some even sacrifice Jesus over and over again by the catholic ritual of the eucharist.

Remembering of course that when we look upon the grandeur, pomp and ceremony of the catholic churches, full of images and idols and vast sums of money extracted from the poor while the cardinals and priests drive around as gods in chauffeur driven Mercs,-

The Adventist churches appear more as did Jesus on the donkey. God works in mysterious ways......... ;-)
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #26
Are there many SDAs in Szczecin? I know they've got a bit of prime real estate on Foksal, probably paid for by Americans since there are very few in PL.

As I remember they have some pretty off-centre ideas about electricity, television and other technologies.

"They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,"

Mark 16:17-18
Roger5  1 | 1432  
11 Sep 2015 /  #27
priests drive around as gods in chauffeur driven Mercs,-

I take it you do not live in Poland. The most ostentatious priest I know of drives an old Jag. Most make do with a Matiz.
11 Sep 2015 /  #28
I would like to have fellowship with the Christian missionary or Bible Study groups in Szczecin. Kindly suggest me any fellowship you would know, as I am new to Szczecin.

Have you considered writing to Radio Maryja and asking for their advice? They know lots about religious groups all over the country.

The most ostentatious priest I know of drives an old Jag.

Yes, but that's only because Rydzyk is technically a monk rather than a priest (isn't he?).

and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;

Sod feeding five thousand with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread, seeing somebody knock back a dozen pints of Zywiec without getting the mother of all hangovers would be a serious miracle!
Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #29
Jon357. Adventists don't hold snakes mate. That's another denomination unless of course you are referring to the catholic festival of snakes?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
11 Sep 2015 /  #30

There's an Orthodox priest near us who has a dog of that name. He drives a Polonez (the priest). Don't know if it's chauffeur-driven.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Christian Fellowships & Prayer groups in Poland - SzczecinArchived