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Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts?

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
4 Apr 2012 /  #1
Just wondering what some of your thoughts are on this. They are fighting to get a place on the multiplex on Polish television. It seems they were not given a place for financial reasons although others who had worse financial situations were given a place on the platform.

There are close to 2 million signatures so far in a petition against a decision not to grant them a place.It is interesting that a lot of people involved in the demonstrations rarely watch it or do not watch it ever, yet they feel the channel does a lot of good for people [those who are for example free] and seemingly in a fight for free speech feel they should be on the multiplex so people can have a choice if they want to watch it or not.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
4 Apr 2012 /  #2
They are fighting to get a place on the multiplex

what does that exactly mean "on the multiplex......". Where I'm from, USA, a multiplex is a movie house with many screens.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
4 Apr 2012 /  #3
What do they do good? Telling babcias to give their pension to Rydzyk?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Apr 2012 /  #4
What do they do good?

Who should define what "good" is ?
fringxx  - | 30  
4 Apr 2012 /  #5
I'm not an enthusiast of Trwal Television, but I wouldn't really say that the only thing they say is to give your pension to Rydzyk, it's a pretty harmful generalisation I guess..
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
4 Apr 2012 /  #6
a multiplex is a movie house with many screens.

It means that in the UK too.

In Poland a multiplex is I think the term for digital television, rather than the old analogue (analog) broadcasting system
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
4 Apr 2012 /  #7
what does that exactly mean "on the multiplex

It's about replacing analog with digital TV transmission (done in the US few years ago).
During this switch several digital frequencies will become available for transmission 'over the air', therefore free
of charge. The government wants only 'friendly' stations to be there. TV Trwam would have to be on cable
or satelite for additional fee.

Some of TV Trwam programming:

on raising retirement age to 67 (Polish)
on demographics/low birth rate (Polish)
on Smolensk tragedy investigation (English/Polish)
on winter problems with agriculture (Polish)
rybnik  18 | 1444  
4 Apr 2012 /  #8
Thank you InWrocław and xzqbq7
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2012 /  #9
The government wants only 'friendly' stations to be there.

It's a little bit more complicated than that. Trwam will still be available afterwards, for those who want to watch it - though I expect their spamming the airwaves in Warsaw a few years ago by illegally manipulating the frequency they went out at wouldn't count in their favour.

There are close to 2 million signatures so far in a petition

Interesting how many regular viewers they actually have.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Apr 2012 /  #10
Funnily enough, I like the music they repeatedly use when they list the next 24 hours' programming. The fact they repeatedly use it in short bursts suggests it's a sampling from another composition. I guess they could have composed their own jingle but I'd expect that to have been tailored and longer in length, so I reckon it's from another commercially available track.

I think in the past it was Richard Clayderman's (Ballad pour Adeline.

Anyone know what the current melody they use is called - or if it's somewhere to be downloaded?

(I'm talking about the music they play over the scrolling "Program Dnia" segments.)

OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
13 Apr 2012 /  #11
Yeah I know what you mean. I don't know what the name of it is though. It is calming isn't it?

By the way sorry for the confusion about multiplex people.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
17 Apr 2012 /  #12
Yeah I know what you mean. I don't know what the name of it is though. It is calming isn't it?


Yes, a lot of their output graphics etc are in good taste. I've been unable to find out so far where the music's from, but will keep trying. It is a really nice bit of music, hard to grow tired of. If anyone who can write Polish properly wants to email them and ask...?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Apr 2012 /  #13
Merged: 20,000 march in defence of TV Trwam

Some 20,000 gathered in Warsaw’s Three Crosses Square on Saturday, where Bishop Antoni Dydycz celebrated mass at St Alexander’s Church. The crowds were peppered with Polish flags PiS nad Solidarity emblems and placards proclaiming “We won’t give up TV Trwam!”, “Poland awake!” and “God, Honour, Homeland”. The protesters marcfhed to PM Tusks's office, where PiS leader Kaczyński addressed the marchers. Solidary Poland head Zbigniew Ziobro was due to speak outside Parliament, the final destinatioon of the march. Will any of this have nay efffect on the intransigent Tusk who cannot stomach having his rule openly criticised by Father Rydzyk's media.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #14
Some 20,000 gathered in Warsaw’s Three Crosses Square on Saturday

A sea of mohair.

“We won’t give up TV Trwam!”,

Nobody's asking them to.

“Poland awake!” and “God, Honour, Homeland”.

Mixing patriotism with something quite different. If Rydzyk and his media empire (shunned and criticised by the Vatican) disappeared tomorrow, Poland would still be there. And better for it.



The opinion polls tell the true story.

Will any of this have nay efffect on the intransigent Tusk who cannot stomach having his rule openly criticised by Father Rydzyk's media.

Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Apr 2012 /  #15
A sea of mohair.

That is not nice given you are ardent defender of gays parade ! What would you say if somebody said - sea of f.... ?Not nice right ? For somebody who claims to be bleeding hearted liberal you are pretty insensitive of feelings of people other than your cronies. I would say that you are pretty ruthless.

Funny though you are preaching liberalism and tolerance it the light of your statement it seems more like means to get your way than anything else.

Mixing patriotism with something quite different. If Rydzyk and his media empire (shunned and criticised by the Vatican) disappeared tomorrow, Poland would still be there. And better for it.

I disagree, more Independent sources of informations is better for any Democratic country. By the way it is not empire and never have been shunned by the Vatican

jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #16
sea of f..

Sea of what?

I disagree, more Independent sources of informations is better for any Democratic country

And it still exists and will continue to exist. Despite breaking the rules of their licence on many occasions.

By the way it is not empire and never have been shunned by the Vatican

It's an empire and you should check out what the Vatican has said about it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Apr 2012 /  #17
The number of marchers in defence of TV Trwam has been revised upwards to some 30,000. Jarosław Kaczyński addressed them otuside PM Tusk's chancellery saying:

'We have come here to defend TV Trwam, but we also want to defend the future of Radio Mayja which may also be attacked in future. Those who speak the truth must be silenced. Catholics, true Catholics are being marginalized and are to be second-class citizens. We are in favour of truth, whose defence not everyone has the courage to pursue…. A huge amount of Polish industry has been destroyed. Who defended it if not Radio Maryja and TV Trwam? Let us remember who spoke the truth and who was right…Without pluralism and freedom there are no free media and no democracy. Polish Catholics have the right to their media. And the media should be variegated. That is being questioned by political correctness which is the biggest threat to democracy. We should be able to say ‘no’ to political correctness. No-one has the right to muzzle others who disagree with them. We must defend in Poland law-abiding governance. The council’s decision has entirely illegal. T was taken from the view of political correctness and hatred towards truth… We are taking part in the biggest march. These marches have a clear goal – Poland, independent Poland, democratic Poland, a law-abiding, just and proud Poland...'
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #18
Polish Catholics have the right to their media

Notice there are no problems with Radio Jozef, the Church's official station. radioradio7.com/radio/Poland-Radio-Plus-Jozef-965-FM.html

say 'no' to political correctness.

Notice the empty rhetoric.


I think we can halve that figure.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
21 Apr 2012 /  #19
From what I understand over the issue, Trwam did not explain their financial plan for their channel; how they would cover their operating costs, what proportion would be generated from advertising, that sort of thing. They left all the monetary aspects of their application blank, and therefore the application was rejected for being a void application; NOT because of any political plan to oust them from the airwaves.

If you want to apply for a license to operate a business (and a TV channel is a business) then you have to meet the criteria. If you can't do something as simple as explain how you're going to fund your business, then you don't get your license, and that applies as much to Trwam as it does to TVN Turbo.
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
21 Apr 2012 /  #20
If you want to apply for a license to operate a business

If you bothered to read the KRTV papers you would've known that it is NOT only business. They are supposed to
ensure that different point of views have access. It's called media plurality or something like that. Currently 100% of media
on multiplex is pro goverment...

Also, which one it is? It's "Rydzyk's empire" in which case obviously they have enough money to operate and should be

given licenese unless for politics.... or they are an unfunded poor strugling TV station, in which case they are no threat and
should be given license based on plurality...

Ooops, sorry, I forgot you want to have it both ways. It's just like with your famous tolerance that applies to one side only.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #21
t is NOT only business.

It is also following the rules. And they have a history of illegally breaking them, especially the stunt they pulled with the cable frequencies.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Apr 2012 /  #22
From what I understand over the issue,

In Poland is a big block of mainstream media, all connected one way or the other said TV Trwam is not big or competitive TV station but is nuisance for those who want monopoly on information hence all that hassle !

At the moment Poland is switching to digital TV. There few digital television transmitters.
The TV channels need a new governmental concession to be able to use those transmitters.The point is TV Trwam has already got concession for emitting TV programs and use of those transmitters should be available to all TV station holding concession. They have to pay for its use anyway, so refusing TV Trwam the right to use digital transmitters based on stipulation that they wouldn't be able to pay, has nothing to do with business decision but everything with political decision.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #23
Out of interest, of the people on the forum who live in Poland, how many regularly watch TV Trwam?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Apr 2012 /  #24
how many regularly watch TV Trwam?

noone in this house
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Apr 2012 /  #25
Sporadically both in Poland and the good ol' USA!
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
21 Apr 2012 /  #26
Wasn't there some letter from The Vatican or Pope congratulating either Trwam or Radio Maria on their anniversary, on some website in Polish and English if my memory serves me correctly. I might've been dreaming of course, but I think I saw it somewhere. I hope I'm not going senile already.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2012 /  #27
, on some website in Polish and English if my memory serves me correctly.

The Vatican website roundly criticises the Rydzyk organisation for engaging in politics under the name of religion. Also, on his last visit to Poland, John Paul II refused to to come to the window for or even acknowledge the Family when they turned out to greet him waving their mohair berets. Something of a sore point for them.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
21 Apr 2012 /  #28
Wasn't that the old days some years back. Now, wasn't there some Vatican support letter recently? I saw it somewhere unless it was just me getting confused,,,not impossible I admit, I'll see if I can find a link, too tired tonight.

I think this was the new pope's blessing of RM, or so the report suggests. Any comments? Be interested in reading your response to this.

Ironside  50 | 12928  
22 Apr 2012 /  #29
I think this was the new pope's blessing of RM, or so the report suggests. Any comments? Be interested in reading your response to this.

Yes it seems to me too. So much for the Vatican shunning RM.
jon357  72 | 23482  
22 Apr 2012 /  #30
So much for the Vatican shunning RM.


"The Holy See urges Poland's bishops to gather together to try to overcome the current difficulties brought about by some of the broadcasts and positions taken by Radio Maryja," Kowalczyk said in a separate letter sent to the Polish episcopate.

In January, the Roman Catholic Church already issued a sharp rebuke to the fundamentalist Polish priests, led by Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, who run Radio Maryja, the Trwam cable television station and the Nasz Dziennik newspaper.


Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts?Archived