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Buying cell phones from those small Poland shops under the train station. Are they Legit?

WarsawNoob  14 | 24  
1 Dec 2010 /  #1
I found a phone that is 1000zl in Saturn for 700zl at one of those small shops. How can it be so much cheaper? Does anyone have any experience buying from them?
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Dec 2010 /  #2
The phones are legit, it might not have been legitimately acquired :)

Is it with a contract?
1 Dec 2010 /  #3
I found a phone that is 1000zl in Saturn for 700zl at one of those small shops. How can it be so much cheaper? Does anyone have any experience buying from them?

Far lower overhead, lower profit margins, more creativity with regard to supply (not illegal supply but the owners will do things like buying a car boot-load of phones in UK/France/Spain and then driving them back to Poland).

Saturn tends to be more expensive than other suppliers for pretty much everything. A good alternative is ceneo.pl It's a price comparison site for online shops and you can usually save at least 20% on Saturn prices, usually more.
OP WarsawNoob  14 | 24  
1 Dec 2010 /  #4
no contract and unlocked.

Thanks for the link, that looks interesting.
1 Dec 2010 /  #5
no contract and unlocked.

There is a guy in Arkadia in front of Saturn, that sells the phones, he is a solid bloke, tell him what you want and if he does not have it in stock he will get it for you. I have never had a problem with him and we must have bought about 8 phones off him over the years. Tall blonde hair guy. If you have a problem, even though it is under guarantee, he will fix or replace it for you. That sort of service is very rare in PL.
OP WarsawNoob  14 | 24  
2 Dec 2010 /  #6
That sounds interesting. Do you happen to have his phone number?
3 Dec 2010 /  #7
Just go to Arkadia.
ARC  1 | 13  
3 Dec 2010 /  #8
I bought from those little shops in the Rotunda underground and at that place that isn't there anymore by the old Marc Pol, that used to have all the clothes and phone shops in it...the one where workers rioted...and never had a problem. They all refunded or repaired when needed without a hassle which is more than I can say for most major shops in Warsaw. I bought my last phone in an Era shop as I was in a hurry as I had to go abroad and they had the one I wanted...paid far too much.
21 Dec 2010 /  #9
the one where workers rioted

They were not workers, they were the owners of shops and their businesses were being destroyed, to make way for a park...?
ARC  1 | 13  
21 Dec 2010 /  #10
You posted nearly 20 days after the thread had died just to argue semantics? Wow.
21 Dec 2010 /  #11
they were the owners of shops and their businesses were being destroyed, to make way for a park...?

No they did not own shops: they leased premises from the city and their leases had expired. From the very beginning KDT was always going to be a temporary structure: if those people weren't smart enough to plan a future which didn't revolve around a job they knew would only be temporary, that's nobody's problem but theirs.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Buying cell phones from those small Poland shops under the train station. Are they Legit?Archived