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Bureaucratic issues in Poland - I sorted complex problem using the telephone and email

OP Magdalena  3 | 1827  
14 Feb 2011 /  #31
Why they require two visits in person is surreal.

You had to go to GUS in person, twice? I never did. And got my REGON no problem at all.

And do you still claim that I don't need a NIN to do business in the UK?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Feb 2011 /  #32
You had to go to GUS in person, twice? I never did. And got my REGON no problem at all.

I never had to either - just to the Urzad Miasta to submit the forms, once to the tax office (where they helpfully pointed out that one of my PKD codes meant compulsory VAT registration) and then back to the Urzad Miasta to pick up the documents. After that, everything was automatic - no need to talk to GUS, no need to talk to ZUS (my accoutant sorted that). The REGON came automatically in the post as well.

Quite painless really.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Mar 2011 /  #33
Parliament adopted a government bill to reduce administrative barriers for citizens and businesses. It is the largest of the existing laws of nature deregulacyjnym. It eliminates about 200 certificates

- Deregulation and limited liability company in 24 hours on the Internet (The Act will come into force on 1 January 2012).
- Information from the Internet KRS (Business registry).
- The abolition of the obligation to hold NIP by individuals (from 1 January 2012).
- Electronic invoice (It shall apply from 1 January 2011).
- Less paper obligations for business (The Ministry of Economy has prepared guidelines for the deregulation of the Act II assuming liquidation of 50 information obligations for businesses. It is estimated that the introduction of the new arrangements will reduce the costs imposed on business by about 3.14 billion zł.)

- E-court

From here: Karieraprawnika (In Polish).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Mar 2011 /  #34
The abolition of the obligation to hold NIP by individuals (from 1 January 2012).

It was supposed to get abolished for sole traders as well, but it was retained due to the EU requirement for businesses to have a unique tax reference.

Certainly, the introduction of the PESEL being used as a personal tax number is a very sensible move.

Electronic invoice (It shall apply from 1 January 2011).

Any idea what this is about? Is it just legalising electronic invoices from non-VAT payers?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Mar 2011 /  #35
Any idea what this is about?

Only what the article says:

Now works for the Regulation of the Law on tax on goods and services on the invoices sent by electronic mail.

Electronic invoices, and without a secure electronic signature, have become the same document as paper invoices. According to the Regulation, it is possible to issue, transfer, sharing and storing invoices electronically. It shall apply from 1 January 2011

Is it just legalising electronic invoices from non-VAT payers?

Non-VAT payers? I hope not.

Thought you might have liked that article Delphi
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Mar 2011 /  #36
Electronic invoices, and without a secure electronic signature, have become the same document as paper invoices. According to the Regulation, it is possible to issue, transfer, sharing and storing invoices electronically. It shall apply from 1 January 2011

Hmm. I wonder - businesses have been issuing electronic invoices for ages, but perhaps this means that it will be (now) legal to keep these invoices on CD/pen drive/hard drive instead of having to print them out?

(must ask accountant)

Non-VAT payers? I hope not.

Grr. It would make my life so much easier if I could just issue invoices by e-mail - every month, I have to spend about 35zl on posting 10 invoices to different clients :(

Thought you might have liked that article Delphi

I did indeed, thank you :)

Definitely a step in the right direction - it seems to me that Poland is adopting the UK model, where there's less paperwork but more regulations to comply with. Good or bad? Not sure.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Jul 2015 /  #37
Merged: press 1, press5, press 12, press 23....(automated switchboards)

Do you like the press 1, press5, press 12, press 23 business when tying to contact some firm or institution?
I know it's done to cut costs for the company and to hell with the customer's comfort and convenience.
My question is: compared to live, normal flesh-and-blood receptionists taking your call and transferring you as required, how much shopping do recorded messages do at Arcadia or wherever, stopping on the way for a meal at McDonald's and topping up at BP or Orlen?

So isn't the press 1/press7 rigamarole nothing but a short-sighted saving which increases unemployment and does not spur consumer spending becoming therefore a drag on the economy as a whole?

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