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Are Border Collies popular in Poland?

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #1
what is the chance of getting a border collie in Poland?

I am thinking about getting a pup there. Is it a popular breed?

Also, does nay body on this board own one? I know it is a very active breed and it is actually a working dog.

Any suggestions?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Sep 2010 /  #2
what is the chance of getting a border collie in Poland?

I'm sure that there must be some, but for sure I have never seen one in my area.

If you can't get one in Poland try over the border in Germany.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #3
ah, good idea. Thanks Wroclaw:)
McCoy  27 | 1268  
4 Sep 2010 /  #4
Any suggestions?

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2010 /  #5
Do I sense a Lassy-complex? :))

But to be serious, Border Collies are beautiful dogs - I'd have one if I had the time to maintain it or a Labrador.


M-G (would get a pup and a kitten of the same age and watch them grow up together)
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Sep 2010 /  #6
Do I sense a Lassy-complex? :))

Lassie was a Collie not a Border Collie, they look totally different.

I like Husky's personally, the ones with crystal blue eyes.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #7
Do I sense a Lassy-complex? :))

what is that?

I am thinking about getting a dog and I had a pleasure of going to the dog agility show 2 weeks ago and BC impressed me a great deal. So I am doing a research. It is not going to happen for another year. I am not sure if Collie is suitable for me since I will be living in the city, but with a big park 2 minuted away.

We will see. I am good at training dogs for some reason, which I found out when I was dog sitting in the past for 3 weeks. The dog was Springer Spaniel and was very unruly, but when he left my place, the owners said that they had never seen him being so calm and well behaved.

I also managed to teach my cat (half- Siamese) some tricks as well and this bread can be very difficult and strong headed.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2010 /  #8
Lassie was a Collie not a Border Collie, they look totally different.

Ok, my bad - I thought all Collies looked kinda the same.

Huskies are beautiful, I heard they are the kind of dog that is the closest to the wolfe. They certainly look very much like it.

what is that?

It was a joke. But in the 70's when the TV-series Lassie was on, loads of ppl wanted to have a dog like that, without knowing how to handle a dog of that kind. In NL this behaviour has kinda come to be known as the Lassie Complex. It's not only for dogs, but all sorts of pets.

The only trick I could learn my cat was eating. Oh and he does fetch balls of paper, like PGTX's Rex does.


M-G (tiens)
jeden  - | 226  
4 Sep 2010 /  #9
there is difference between collie and border? I dont know wchich I have XD
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #10
It was a joke.

I know it was.

But in the 70's when the TV-series Lassie was on, loads of ppl wanted to have a dog like that, without knowing how to handle a dog of that kind. In NL this behaviour has kinda come to be known as the Lassie Complex. It's not only for dogs, but all sorts of pets.

well, I am more responsible that that. My father is a former vet, my sis has five dogs, so we have always been within the animal environment and have a lot of respect for them.

The only trick I could learn my cat was eating

that is not a trick, that is instinct.

there is difference between collie and border?

there is:
border collie
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Sep 2010 /  #11
that is not a trick, that is instinct.

That just goes to show how much I was able to teach him :)

Edit: that pops up another question, related to the topic at hand: in how far are "race"-pets preferred in Poland? I mean do Polish ppl specifically look for a certain race of dog or cat or do they generally don't care as long as it's a suitable animal?


M-G (he is a drop dead gorgeous fellow, but my oh my was he stubborn)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #12
That just goes to show how much I was able to teach him :)

well, cats are difficult to train and they are not suppose to be trained anyways. The catch mice, so they fulfill their duty.

Dogs on the other hand are designed to work for people, but they have to be trained.
I believe that dog owners neglect dogs when they don't train them.

Border Collie seems like a challenge and a lot of work. I like the challenge, but I think it is an intense dog. Very agile and as fast as a silver bullet.

PS. aren't you suppose to be drinking with the underaged Spanish ladies by now, or they are imaginary too lol
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #13
There is two great lines of Borders in poland working and show's decide what u need and then start looking.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #14
Thanks Kasz. It will be next year.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
4 Sep 2010 /  #15
Also, does nay body on this board own one? I know it is a very active breed and it is actually a working dog.

My friend had them for years...whilst they are bred for working (farms - sheep herding etc), they're also BRIILIANT pets..so loving and REALLY REALLY inteligent! I would advise a good obedience class to ensure the pup gets some good grounding though and if you're working full time get a dog walker or a friend to take it out in the day...

Good choice..

No so keen on the Lassie type Collie though..I got bit by one of those fekers as a kid!

I love the German Wirehaired Pointers..they are truely a beautiful dog with a placid temperment..my brother has one and its the nicest dog Ive ever met! Even when my the baby pulls his tail he's never even snapped!

  • German Wirehaired Pointers
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #16
If u want dog to have fun in some ordinary meaning buy some other breed.If u want Border U have to know that they are most inteligent breed ever, they are rly cool but u need alot of time and preferably some experience to be good leader for him. If u are 100% sure u have enught knowledge and time to handle dog like this start looking for proper breeding now, U may not find right litter/cast right away so the best way to buy dog is start looking for him b4 even birth of puppys. From my point of view borders are not popular in poland not many ppl have any idea bout those dogs even if u look at some owners. Anyway like i said there is few very good lines and in Poland u will pay way less then in lets say Germany.

Sry for my eng. Check Stanleys Coren and John Fisher books, first one posted some time ago the best ranking counted by inteligence of dif breeds. Both are just pro in Cynology. Read bout positive trening and clicker methods. U will need this knowledge. If u will find correct litter/cast now in this moth lets say it will be ok mostly 9 weeks pregnat then 8 weeks until u can pick him bam new yr ;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
4 Sep 2010 /  #17
I agree with your post 99% but they do make good domestic pets too given the time and attention, but Aphro would need to live in an area with lots of outdoor space where the dog can have a good run, they're one of the most energetic breeds ever. There are some VERY good breeders in the UK since we have a lot of sheep farmers so maybe this is an option for Aphro? With lots of farms going to the wall means, unfortunatley dogs needing homes :(

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #18
My friend had them for years...whilst they are bred for working (farms - sheep herding etc), they're also BRIILIANT pets..so loving and REALLY REALLY inteligent! I would advise a good obedience class to ensure the pup gets some good grounding though and if you're working full time get a dog walker or a friend to take it out in the day...

that is really my concern. I have watched videos and have done some research and it appears that I might not have enough time for the dog, but I fell in love with them, because they are truly amazing. We will see.

Good choice..

thanks shell:)

I love the German Wirehaired Pointers..they are truely a beautiful dog with a placid temperment..my brother has one and its the nicest dog Ive ever met! Even when my the baby pulls his tail he's never even snapped!

those are true beauties as well, although hunting dogs and ideally need a lot of attention as well.

If u want Border U have to know that they are most inteligent breed ever, they are rly cool but u need alot of time and preferably some experience to be good leader for him.

I am well aware of that.

If u are 100% sure u have enught knowledge and time to handle dog like this start looking for proper breeding now, U may not find right litter/cast right away so the best way to buy dog is start looking for him b4 even birth of puppys.

that's a good idea and a great suggestion. I have looked at some breeders already.

Anyway like i said there is few very good lines and in Poland u will pay way less then in lets say Germany.

good tip - thanks.

Sry for my eng.

it is perfect.

Check Stanleys Coren and John Fisher books, first one posted some time the best ranking counted y inteligence of dif breeds.

I will def check it out.

Read bout positive trening and clicker methods.

I am just getting myself familiar with it.

U will need this knowledge. If u will find correct litter/cast now in this moth lets say it will be ok mostly 9 weeks pregnat then 8 weeks until u can pick him bam new yr ;)

great idea, thanks a milllion. I know that those dogs are quite a lot of work and need a proper training. Decisions, decisions:)
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #19
well im sure he have car, and few of world top dogs are from apartmens, most ppl keeps borders,aussies in cages in home, apartament anyway, but theese dogs like Amathyst said will need load of exercise and runing aporting etc so u have to take him to forest, clearing/glade . Check some Cynology disciplines like frisbee,agility,flyball etc. Happy border is tired border some goes to other shepherd breeds.

I just readed ur post :) im rly happy that u made some arrangements b4 even thinking bout buying dog. All shepherd breeds and especially Borders and Aussies are cool but extremaly inteligence alot ppl throw away those dogs after yr or two cus they cant handle them. In 99% cases like this ppl fail to even bother to google breed they want. I wish u luck in serching pup and hope to see u on some CACIB exhibit or some agi,frisbee competition . :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #20
but Aphro would need to live in an area with lots of outdoor space where the dog can have a good run, they're one of the most energetic breeds ever.

I know that. I have a huge, really huge park 2 minutes away from my place. My worry is if the dog will like living in the apartment.

There are some VERY good breeders in the UK since we have a lot of sheep farmers so maybe this is an option for Aphro?

hm, sounds tempting, but this will be next year.

With lots of farms going to the wall means, unfortunatley dogs needing homes :(

so sad:(.I found a Canadian website for Collie rescue as well and it was very upsetting.

well im sure he have car, and few of world top dogs are from apartmens, most ppl keeps borders,aussies in cages in home, apartament anyway, but theese dogs like Amathyst said will need load of exercise and runing aporting etc. Check some Cynology disciplines like frisbee,agility,flyball etc.Happy border is tired border some goes to other shepherd breeds.

I got a really big park 2 minutes away:). I know it will need a lot of exercise. Any dog is happy when it is walked and gets a lot of exercise, but I know that BC are even more demanding. trust me.

For me the issue might be time, that is why I am trying to find out about this breed as possible.

Would the dog be comfortable in the apartment and do I really have to keep it in a cage?

I think that I can be a good leader to the dog.
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #21
well about cages is 50:50 ppl who says its good idea and otehrs who says its not. Most good breeding allows pups to get to know with cages, putting some toys in it etc. It helps alot with learing cleaning in home, allows u to avoid dmg coused by bored dog when u are not in home. and finally alow him to rest when its time to rest. Without cage is rly hard to force them to just lay down and do nothing...

very common mistake made by ppl very often is missunderstand how activity in case of those dogs works. He need alot of runing etc, but allowing him to run free in garden alone dosnt count! 1 hr of treining/playing with his leader is way better then 3 hrs runing free alone. Ofc 1 hr per day its not enught. Contact with leader is what those dogs need the most. They dont need alot of space in apartment.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #22
I just readed ur post :) im rly happy that u made some arrangements b4 even thinking bout buying dog. All shepherd breeds and especially Borders and Aussies are cool but extremaly inteligence alot ppl throw away those dogs after yr or two cus they cant handle them. In 99% cases like this ppl fail to even bother to google breed they want. I wish u luck in serching pup and hope to see u on some CACIB exhibit or some agi,frisbee competition . :)

yes, I am really serious about it and want to prepare myself:)

well about cages is 50:50 ppl who says its good idea and otehrs who says its not. Most good breeding allows pups to get to know with cages, putting some toys in it etc. It helps alot with learing cleaning in home, allows u to avoid dmg coused by bored dog when u are not in home. and finally alow him to rest when its time to rest. Without cage is rly hard to force them to just lay down and do nothing...

ah, I understand. Do you own a colli? Aussies are wonderful too. They would be my second choice.
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #23
Nop i dont have my own border, i was planing to buy one for few yrs, alerdy got german sheperd and small terrier.I work with dogs. And now im waiting for my Aussie pup :) litter/cast is planed at the end of month so i will pick him after new yr aswell but everything is set up alerdy so now its just waaaiting. I decide to buy Aussie not Border cus aussies are litte less "crazy" :P In my opinion cage is perfect solution if pups are used to it from first days.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
4 Sep 2010 /  #24
those are true beauties as well, although hunting dogs and ideally need a lot of attention as well.

You would think, but my bro and his wife work full time and the dog gets walked twice a day (a good hour each time - but they live out in the sticks and the dog get to run up and down hills when he goes out!) and seems to be happy with that...But I think they've evolved more to be domestic pets..I love our Furgus :) He's the best dog in the whole wide world..He's soooooooo laid back temperment wise :D He must take after my sister-in-law..defo not my bro! LOL.

Sheep dogs are good pets too, my mates sis has one (he was brough over from a family farm in Ireland) and he's a gem!

most ppl keeps borders,aussies in cages in home, apartament anyway,

Thats just phucking horrid...Cages are for sleeping..not to be locked in...The whole idea of the cage came out of some research that dogs needed their own space, not so they were to be locked in there because people cant be bothered with them..

I know that. I have a huge, really huge park 2 minutes away from my place. My worry is if the dog will like living in the apartment.

I dont really see this is as a MAJOR problem if you have the time to take the dog out - or say for instance you have a reitred neighbour who would like to get out..Lets face its dog walking is a sociable thing..so its does you a favour and gets them out of their flat? Maybe its different in Poland but in England dog walking is almost like baby and mother clubs they all meet up in the local park and give their dogs a good run and have a good gossip :D

hm, sounds tempting, but this will be next year.

Its a good option, whilst these dogs may have issues, they also need love and as I said my mates sis has a Collie from a family farm in Ireland and he is the most loving dog ever..When they come up north to visit my mate he comes and is spoilt rotten...All dogs need is a good run and lots of love...

I got a really big park 2 minutes away:). I know it will need a lot of exercise. Any dog is happy when it is walked and gets a lot of exercise, but I know that BC are even more demanding. trust me.

You can buy a special harness that you attach to yourself so when you go for a run the dog runs too (not sure if this is popular in Poland but I see a few in my local park..) You're the sporty type so I reckon the Collie will be tired before you are LOL :D
Kasz  1 | 75  
4 Sep 2010 /  #25
Thats just phucking horrid...Cages are for sleeping..not to be locked in...The whole idea of the cage came out of some research that dogs needed their own space, not so they were to be locked in there because people cant be bothered with them..

Ofc lol i never said cage is to keep dog in it 24/7.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Sep 2010 /  #26
I work with dogs.

are you a dog trainer? Lucky me:)

And now im waiting for my Aussie pup :) litter/cast is planed at the end of month so i will pick him after new yr aswell but everything is set up alerdy so now its just waaaiting.

congratulations:). Post a pic once you get him/her:). They come in different colours too. So they puppy will be approx 4-5 months?

I decide to buy Aussie not Border cus aussies are litte less "crazy" :P

so they are THAT crazy. Hmmmm.......

In my opinion cage is perfect solution if pups are used to it from first days.

I can see your point.
4 Sep 2010 /  #27
Contact with leader is what those dogs need the most. They dont need alot of space in apartment.

Two breeds of dogs that are very loyal dogs are the Akita inu and Kai ken, I have seen the Akita Inu being offered in Poland but never the Kai Ken.
Kasz  1 | 75  
5 Sep 2010 /  #28
Im a homemade behaviourist and treiner yea i dont have studyies for that closest behaviourist studys are in England i think. Still i have alot of work. Yep i think puppy will come around january/February to us. I dont want to scary u about Borders, from my observations and according to books Borders are dogs with bigest willing to work aussies in same setup are on second place. If u check inteligence page Borders are on first place Aussies on 42. To be honest how aussies looks was major point to pick aussie not border i just love the way they look :) Note that borders are pro in every treining beside IPO.
beckski  12 | 1609  
16 Sep 2010 /  #29
In Poland I don't recall seeing any Border Collies. The most popular dog I had seen was the Yorkshire Terrier. Very cute and fluffy :)

when the TV-series Lassie was on, loads of ppl wanted to have a dog like that, without knowing how to handle a dog of that kind. In NL this behaviour has kinda come to be known as the Lassie Complex.

People may not have realized, Lassie on the television series was actually a male dog. The reason being, a male dog's fur is much fuller and thicker, as opposed to that of a female dog.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Sep 2010 /  #30
In Poland I don't recall seeing any Border Collies.

not really, but I am sure that I will get one, since I am very impressed with that breed and I know I can handle it. Well, next year is the plan.

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