welshguyinpola 23 | 463
13 Sep 2011 / #1
I have been reading, with great interest, the articles of Jamie stokes concerning an ex-pats life in Poland. Does anyone know this guy? Here are some examples of his work:
The ability to complain bitterly and at great length is an important skill in Poland. When you start to learn Polish one of the first verbs they teach you is 'narzekać.' It's right there on page three, just after weather and professions: "This is Pan Kamiński. Pan Kamiński is complaining to his wife. Pan Kamiński's wife is a lighthouse keeper. She does not like fog." It's all useful stuff.
Let me know if this stuff is familiar to you.
The ability to complain bitterly and at great length is an important skill in Poland. When you start to learn Polish one of the first verbs they teach you is 'narzekać.' It's right there on page three, just after weather and professions: "This is Pan Kamiński. Pan Kamiński is complaining to his wife. Pan Kamiński's wife is a lighthouse keeper. She does not like fog." It's all useful stuff.
Let me know if this stuff is familiar to you.