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Apple v IBM computers in Poland

Spaceman77  3 | 58  
24 May 2010 /  #31
I must admit I'm a Mac fan. I have the latest Macbook Pro 17" and don't regret spending the extra money.
I never had any problems related to any virus with my mac. And I have been a Mac user since 6 years ago. This is my third Mac. (I keep selling it to in order to buy a new one).

When I was running on Windows-based computer, I had to do a factory format every so often because of all the spyware and virus related problems that no amount of anti-virus softwares can protect.

Those problems are a thing of the past with Mac.
I'm sorry if the prices are so high that not everyone can afford them.
My opinion is, that I can not afford to have a computer that will slow me down due to a very inefficient OS.
Nieznajomy  - | 11  
31 May 2010 /  #32
Yeah, I've been much happier with my MBPro than I have been with all the PCs I've ever owned in my life (which is quite a few) but I do think it's hilarious that anti-Mac zealots get so adamant about offering me their unsolicited opinion about what they think of my platform of choice. I will admit that one of my deciding factors was that I've not had a PC in the workplace since at least 1999 (I'm a print designer) and it was real pain in the ass to try and move files back and forth between the two platforms; not all fonts are OpenType, after all. But now, after years of building Windows and Linux boxes, I just enjoy the solid hw/sw integration and the fact that I can spend more time getting stuff done vs farting around with my computer. Cost isn't that much of an issue; tools of my trade, thus justifiable expense.

Also, what's up with using GarageBand as an argument against the suitability of a Mac for music creation? It's a free app that comes with the OS, for crying out loud. Last time I checked, you could run Logic Pro, Cubase, Reason/Record or any number of DAWs, soft synths and weird little apps like AudioMulch just as well on a Mac as anything else. Not that it's inherently superior either, but let's at least be fair.

Ultimately, it boils down to getting what is appropriate to your needs and not getting sand in your vagina about what other people choose to do. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

Apple prices in Poland, well... that's another topic altogether.
Firefly  1 | 16  
21 Sep 2017 /  #33

Apple Computers in Poland

Just interested to know how popular are iMac computers in Poland. Keeping in mind that these computers are some many times more expensive than IBM's.

There seems a lot of apple phones around, ironically those who have one want everyone to know that they have one.
jon357  72 | 23673  
21 Sep 2017 /  #34
how popular are iMac computers in Poland.

Considered expensive. They exist, however they're above most people's budgets. There are Apple shops in the big cities, however I suspect that MacBooks are only a small part of what they sell.
cms  9 | 1253  
21 Sep 2017 /  #35
I spend quite a lot of my time seeing people involved in startups and they all have Apple laptops. In other companies however it is almost unheard of - probably due to compatailibilty of excel and word etc. outside of Starbucks in the main cities you will not see many.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
21 Sep 2017 /  #36
1. now there is no reason to distinguish "Macs" and "PC"- almost all of them now use ibm-compatible architecture (well... AMD64 to be specific). UEFI is a standard too.

2. Price of apple-branded hardware is ludicourously (ok, I know I misspelt it) high, considering they don't really offer anything extra in return than no wonder people don't buy them
jon357  72 | 23673  
21 Sep 2017 /  #37
considering they don't really offer anything extra in return

They last for years and are very well built. More pleasant to use than windows too.

I only use Mac, except for occasionally at work, and even then, I tend to use my own Mac rather than the tinny Lenovo they gave me..

excel and word etc.

Both of these actually run better in their Mac version.

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