why the Polish government hounded Jews who lived outside Poland
To give them medal? I qestion your choice of words, they asked for extraditing knowing pretty well that it will not be granted, it was a show.
I would be grateful if you would stop implying all sort of things which are not true. By the way since when they become Jews? According to the definition you were promoting here, they were Poles weren't they?
If not that there is something fishy with your defension.
Last but not lest, they were criminals, bloody murderers and them being Jews or Martians shouldn't shield them from the court. Interesting that both Britain and Israel choice to shield that scum. I wonder why.
Unpatriotic Commie Jew is the label for all those who don't turn a blind eye.
What about a Soviet Pole?
Polish non-governmental watchdogs say incidents of racially-motivated violence are increasing,
Well milky what kind of whacky radical commie fringe you calling from?
Makes no difference, does it. Your time in Poland was under that system too.
Sure it makes a difference. Are you claiming that family home do not influence children? Hey, next time when we are talking issues I will be getting personal as well. I don't care but I remember that you don't like it.
Everybody else says I'm a capitalist.
Modern commie is not about economy but about culture, so called gays right, women right, majority right, PC and all - typical commie mussing and ideology cut to fit it all.
It is not about right or anything, its build on a pure illogical nonsense, its about tools to turn society into clay social engineer can model into somebody's utopian society.#