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Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts':

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
31 Dec 2013 /  #61
You live in a country full of bigots.

a country full of bigos? what?
Polish Patriot  
31 Dec 2013 /  #62
Compared to western Europe, Poland is rather anti-Semitic, xenophobic, and just...weird. It's like it culturally doesn't belong in the EU.

Your remarks are stupid , nothing to say more from my side . I don`t answer to gaby.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Dec 2013 /  #63
yeah, it's kinda sad that a Pole (she is) is talking so bad about her own country. Hating politics is one thing and degrading your country, is another.

All he know is Poland under Soviet Occupation, her parents were fighting against independent Poland and wanted to change Poland into another Soviet republic with the help of bayonets of the Red Army. She is a product of that environment 4ner, fighting against religion, the church, tradition and values that is all contusion of her parents fight. You cannot even call her Polish in the cultural sense of the world. Those people were carpetbaggers of the Soviet advance in Europe.

Today The only difference is that all that red shyte comes from the west this time, as ideology and PC is all the same Trotskyism BS. That the reason that she can be regarded as some kind of artist cause she spit on religion and tradition.

As I said she is Soviet Poles and her words carry less importance than a fart of a donkey.

She'll have the Nazi flash mobs barking and farting at her now.

Hey are you yet another moniker of that sobieski dude? the same shyte the same stupidity.

Well...she does have a point. Compared to western Europe, Poland is rather anti-Semitic, xenophobic,

Well, how do you know troll? Reading press or/and PF? Poland is not more xenophobic that western Europe I would say is much less as it goes.

As For anti-Semitic are you Jewish? If not what is your issue? Mind your own businesses .

In the meantime, I hope a sensible government for business will annul this stupid holiday and let us all earn a crust.

If your business cannot make it without few day that it is already dead crappy business.
If those workers cannot earn their living without working those three days or what not days - that means they were in crappy job being exploited by a greedy scumbag.

I mean in middle ages were their life depended on their agriculture and such they could afford to have holidays and now with all that technology and stuff people have to work everyday to make needs end there is something wrong with those businesses and those jobs and crappy windbags like Doug.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
31 Dec 2013 /  #64
She used the word 'fart'. It wasn't something I invented out of my imagination. What more is there to say on the subject?

OMG... The fact that the same word is used doesn't mean that one can invent whatever crappy title they are capable of inventing o_O

Because what she said was 'coarse'.

Not as much as your title. That interview is very long and if it wasn't for your title I probably wouldn't have paid much attention to that tiny fragment.

If you don't like what Agnieszka Holland says, then have a go at her, not me.

She's not writing on this forum and she's not inventing crappy titles.

It was her metaphor, not mine.

It was just a fragment of her metaphor.

I did some googling to have a look at titles in Polish press and news portals.
Who chose to stress the "farts"?
Let's see...

" I live and work outside Polish . When I go wrong strikes me as a wave of air, something like a closed room without interruption let go of someone farts . This is something that is stuffy ," - said on Radio ZET Agnieszka Holland.

Surprise, surprise... :)

And now, who chose to stress her message? :)

Only in some lander with Catholic majorities.

True, but still, it is free of work in those regions.
And it's free of work in the whole of Sweden. The same with Finland, I think. I'd have to check the rest of countries I mentioned.
31 Dec 2013 /  #65
I think that people should have the option to work just like in the Uk you cannot be forced to work it unless you aggree to payment or days off in lieu

international companies dont comply with the non working days I work all the weekday holidays as I deal with countries that are not run by the vatican and life goes on

the world turns on its axis 1 man works and another relaxes
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317  
31 Dec 2013 /  #66
She used the word 'fart'. It wasn't something I invented out of my imagination. What more is there to say on the subject?

Write a book on the subject if it makes you happy in some way. But however many words you use, or however many posts you make, it will still be her metaphor and not mine. Have the last word, if you like.
milky  13 | 1656  
31 Dec 2013 /  #67
That the reason that she can be regarded as some kind of artist cause she spit on religion and tradition.

hahah I can just picture the vast majority of Artist in Poland splitting their sides laughing at the naivety of that statement.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Dec 2013 /  #68
Hey you can let your imagination run wild if you like it doesn't just the fact that she is nothing special, the big deal is she is spits on religion, Poles and tradition and that make her such cherished "artist" in some circles.
milky  13 | 1656  
31 Dec 2013 /  #69
Funny how anyone Polish who is critical of the establishment/elite or inwardness of Poland are accused of being Jewish or communist and if your a foreigner you are accused of being an arrogant westerner- even if you are from a country like Ireland which in many ways had a similar history.

You'll always be a bad driver if you attack all criticism.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Dec 2013 /  #70
even if you are from a country like Ireland which in many ways had a similar history.

On a surface, to be honest Polish history is nothing like Irish history.

Funny how anyone Polish who is critical of the establishment/elite or inwardness of Poland are accused of being Jewish or communist and if your a foreigner you are accused of being an arrogant westerner

Who is critical of establishment? So far people you are talking about and likes of you are barking at the Church, traditions and that what is left from the national pride. Typical commie repertoire. She is a Soviet Pole. Let me put it plainly to you, you are Irish right? So her parents have been planted in Poland by Soviets, have you heard about planted settlers in Ireland?

On this forum most westerners are arrogant or ignorant. Probably those who are not do not post here leading enjoyable life in Poland.
By the way what do you mean by inwardness?
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jan 2014 /  #71
On a surface, to be honest Polish history is nothing like Irish history.

of course they are very different but below the surface there are some similarities. Even Norman Davis has made this comparison in God's Playground.

Who is critical of establishment?


are barking at the Church,

I wouldn't waste my breath on the church tbh, nothing but enforcers of OCD and herd behavior.

So her parents have been planted in Poland by Soviets, have you heard about planted settlers in Ireland?

Explain? Please!!!lol
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jan 2014 /  #72
Even Norman Davis has made this comparison in God's Playground.

Norman Davis is not inflatable, his book i maybe good for ignorant English speaking world to learn first things about Poland but is not the holly writ.


I'm criticizing all the time current establishment in Poland and none call me commie, a Jew or anything like that, you are making things up.

I wouldn't waste my breath on the church tbh, nothing but enforcers of OCD and herd behavior.

You are cheer-leading for those who do.

Explain? Please!!!lol

In 1944 when Soviet Union stated to instal their Soviet order on Polish lands controlled by the Red Army they planted here about 200 000 to 300 000 people very loosely or not at all connected to Poland. Including people who never were Polish citizens, Russians, people from ethnic minorities in per-war Poland, all kind of petty criminals and a few traitors and cowardly nobodies. Most of them have been given new names and new stories. They have been criminal apparatus who hand in hand with NKVD divisions in Poland have been murdering Polish heroes proven in fight against Germans and all what was per-war elite. Her father before the war was a communist (V-column) during the war was in the Red Army and after the war as communist was fighting propaganda war against Polish Underground. Her mother was also deeply involved in the official Communist propaganda and working in Soviet radio and press actively collaborating with Soviet occupation of Poland.

She is a person fanatically obsessed with anti-religious and anti- patriotic phobias. However she thinks that for the Jews "tribal instinct" should be the most important.

As I said she is typical person I call a Soviet Pole, one whose cultural connection with Poland is controversial at best and in my opinion is non existent.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jan 2014 /  #73
maybe good for ignorant English speaking world

The ignorant don't read books unless they are Autobiographies written by ghosts.

I'm criticizing all the time current establishment in Poland and none call me commie, a Jew or anything like that, you are making things up.

"The rationality of the ruled is always the weapon of the rulers."

any links to verify all of this?
10iwonka10  - | 359  
1 Jan 2014 /  #74
It depends what someone likes. I don't like her 'art'- is heavy, pessimistic,war and Jewish obsessed and watching it makes me close to fart.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jan 2014 /  #75
She talks from the viewpoint of someone with leftist/liberal views.

That explains it all.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jan 2014 /  #76
viewpoint of someone with leftist/liberal views.

being open minded is good.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
1 Jan 2014 /  #77
As long as it is not getting too extreme and prejudiced.

Maybe next time she can be open mined and show other side of the story like anti-polish feeling in Israel or Jews 'bravery' in Palestine?
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jan 2014 /  #78
Why should she? She was talking about her home, Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jan 2014 /  #79
Poland is as much her home as a host is a mother for the Alien:
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jan 2014 /  #80
It's her home. No question about that. Of course she emigrated, but so did you.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jan 2014 /  #81
It's her home. No question about that.

Nah, her home Soviet Poland called PRL do not exist, she has no home.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jan 2014 /  #82
It's certainly her home. Even though she left during the PRL. Unlike some who had it good and had to leave afterwards.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jan 2014 /  #83
It's certainly her home.

That is your opinion, I say it is not her home.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jan 2014 /  #84
An opinion based on fact. It's where she's from.

I applaud her comments. Better than blind praise that nobody really believes.
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317  
1 Jan 2014 /  #85
Better than blind praise that nobody really believes.

Isn't that what a lot of posters here are looking for?

A true friend tells the truth, and not necessarily what you want to hear.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jan 2014 /  #86
An opinion based on fact. It's where she's from.

what fact? the she was born there? Means nothing, she doesn't belong, she is not culturally or emotionally connected to Poland, possibly to PRL Soviet Poland.

I applaud her comments.

You can applaud what you want it dean;t matter. The fact is that you applause her comment because you are a commie like her.

If you think that Poland atmosphere is stiffing and not liberal enough for your liking move along to the place that will be closer to your ideal. Funnily enough you prefer Poland.

Better than blind praise that nobody really believes.

I'm not praising Poland, I do criticize current politics very often or politicians and yet you are defending them, you are inconsistency which is typical for ideologically driven people.
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
1 Jan 2014 /  #87
I say it is not her home.

Her home or not her home. I definitely would say she feels there like at home. This explains it:

"Four members of Holland family received in 2006-2013 total grants for 19,632,353 zł. Pani Agnieszka Holland alone received from 2006 total 12,099,900 zł , her daughter Katarzyna Adamik - 2,558,831 zł (plus her share for "Janosik", total over 5 mln zł), sister Magdalena £azarkiewicz - 2,510,000 zł and son in law Piotr £azarkiewicz - 2,403,622. Raising star in this clan is a composer, sister's son Antoni, known as "Komasa" his wife's maiden name, who herself is a sister of director Komasa (guess who is a composer for his films?)."

Now, that's something that really makes you want to fart...

I call it a smooth transition from PRL to PRL-bis, called by some III RP. A really, really smooth transition.
Polish Patriot  
2 Jan 2014 /  #88
I feel sorry for her - her personal life is not so colorful as someone would expect .

fakt.pl/Corka-Holland-na-salonach-Pieknie-wyglada-Katarzyna-Adami k-na-gali-Orly-2013,artykuly,202744,1
fakt.pl/Corka-Holland-z-dziewczyna-Chcemy-slubu-i-dziecka,artykul y,223593,1.
jon357  72 | 22981  
2 Jan 2014 /  #89
she is not culturally or emotionally connected to Poland, possibly to PRL Soviet Poland.

Makes no difference, does it. Your time in Poland was under that system too.

you are a commie like her.

Everybody else says I'm a capitalist.

If you think that Poland atmosphere is stiffing and not liberal enough for your liking move along to the place that will be closer to your ideal. Funnily enough you prefer Poland.

Poland's centuries old liberal; tradition means it's far from stifling.

plus her share for "Janosik"

You mean royalties? She films something popular and you criticise her getting paid for it?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jan 2014 /  #90
World-famous film director Agnieszka Holland sharply critical of Polish political and cultural life: Is this insulting or just plain talking?

Reading the article * GOOD POST BTW* where she was saying :The cultural climate is very stifling here."

as many times as Poland has been * Occupied * I think whats left of the older generations might be trying to keep Culture a Priority.

Yes I see her comment insulting. people grow up,live the way they were taught , or know, whether it was high expectations in her family culture or not who is she to judge in the first place? if its stifling its simple dont go. her comment in a newspaper article isnt going to change a culture that has been this way for well over a thousand years.

And one last comment for AH. If you dont go to Poland putting your nose where it dont belong you wouldnt be sniffin farts now would ya?

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