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Advice needed on Dental implant in Poland

Yingli  1 | 2  
30 Mar 2013 /  #1
Hi guys, I have been thinking about travelling to Krakow or Warsaw for dental treatment but do not know which clinic is good.

Can anybody here recommend a good, reliable polish dentist who is experienced in dental implants, crowns and bridges but also does not charge too much?

Is it still worth it cost wise travelling from the UK to Poland for dental treatment, considering the cost of flights and hotel bills? How much do the locals pay for an implant or a crown?

Really need some adivce. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Zibi  - | 335  
30 Mar 2013 /  #2
Check out Eurodental in Warsaw. They do a good job, speak the language.
OP Yingli  1 | 2  
31 Mar 2013 /  #3
Many thanks Zibi . Googled Eurodental and found the following address, is this the one?

Śniadeckich 12/16 Warsaw, Poland
+48 22 627 58 88

Hope you don't mind me having more questions: have you had an dental implant done by them? Is it cheaper to get it done in smaller cities in Poland?
Zibi  - | 335  
31 Mar 2013 /  #4
Let me check again. If you visit their address at: eurodental.pl you will see three locations. I used one on Nowowiejska 37. Yep, had implants done and other work. Costly. Whether more costly than smaller cities... I wouldn't know but perhaps it's true. After all they're in Warsaw and not in outlying areas. There are many other clinics who do implants in Warsaw. Google would be your friend in this case :-). I was satisfied with their quality even if my wallet felt lighter :-). Then again you have to compare your local prices vs. Warsaw and then factor in costs of a flight (two or three really) and a hotel. Perhaps some smaller locations have lower prices and would be worth visiting assuming you can find direct budget airlines to them, like.... Gdansk, Poznan etc.
Forfour44  9 | 94  
31 Mar 2013 /  #5
Try Lublin. New airport. Cheap flights.
I have a dentist who is lovely, she speaks English too. She doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Norwegian  5 | 55  
1 Apr 2013 /  #6

Try the clinic: dentestetica.eu

Its the best clinic in Krakow. Not the cheapest but for implants quality, safty and guarantee is more important then 5-10%!

OP Yingli  1 | 2  
7 Apr 2013 /  #7
Many thanks to all of you! I'll certainly check every clinic recommended.

Forfour44, could you please give the name & address, esp business email of your dentist? Have you tried implants or crowns by her?
usther  - | 2  
1 Jun 2013 /  #8
Hello from Paris, France
Please, be very carful wiyh polish dentists.
Especially prof. W. Hedzelek and his dental clinic "Candeo"in Poznan.
I paid flight from Paris to Poznan, Poland and hotel..
I asek an appoitement with prof. W.Hedzelek, in Poznan his young assitant dr Pawel Niedzwiecki received me insteed.
By email prof. Hedzek has accept the quototation made by parisian dentists.
When I came in Poznan, he would I pay twice prices, by saying I had problerms that french doctors had never found.
Prof. W.Hedzelek and his assistant Niedziewcki are the liars, 3 parisian dentist has made me the same quotation..
Next year I went to Walbrzych, dr Pawel Ossowski has made the crown that came down one month after hi made it.

Best regards
Uster, Paris
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2013 /  #9
Is it still worth it cost wise travelling from the UK to Poland for dental treatment, considering the cost of flights and hotel bills?

I can recommend : dentopolis-poznan dot pl

Prices are on the website.
usther  - | 2  
1 Jun 2013 /  #10
That it worth many problems when came back in Paris.
None french dentist would repair the defect made by polish dentist.
Morover I have to pay another implant in France, because polish dentist dr Pawel Ossowski has made a very bad job.
Zazulka  3 | 128  
1 Jun 2013 /  #11
I used one on Nowowiejska 37

Many years ago I had some dental work done at Nowowiejska too . Highly recommend them. A very well known and expensive :) dentist in Toronto complimented their work.
25 Jul 2013 /  #12
Yingli, check out the healthtravel.pl in Wrocław, you can contact Radek, he is patient manager there. Visited them once, they know the ropes. As far as I remember you can ask Radek to organize trip to Krakow, I met great people when I spent a week in Wroclaw with this team.
19 Aug 2013 /  #13
How much of a recommendation would you give for Dentopolis?
Has anyone had any implant work at their practice?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Aug 2013 /  #14
How much of a recommendation would you give for Dentopolis?

Highly - they've always done a great job with me, and been very honest about the cost of treatment. No problems whatsoever with communication as well - but for me, the absolutely most important thing was being fair and honest about treatment - I never had the impression that they were trying to rip me off with unnecessary treatments.

If it's important to you, they have absolutely no problems with English - it's not the kind of place run by people who speak broken English.

Has anyone had any implant work at their practice?

I haven't personally, but I have a friend here that got one done at Dentopolis and was satisfied with it. I can put you in touch with him if you want?
3 Sep 2013 /  #15
Try Dentim Europe in Katowice. Our friend Barry has finished a dental implants treatment over there. So happy that he even made a video about his trip to Poland.

Google their website for prices and special offers as he has used one of them - can't remember which one was it but saved him lots of money.
30 Oct 2013 /  #16
Visited Warsaw about 6 years ago, via an agency who arranged hotels, met me at airport etc.
Taken to see a dentist called Dr. Tomasz FOIK.
After examination he told me what he could do, and the actual cost. He told me, (in perfect English) that I was under no obligation at all, and if I decided not to go ahead, that was no problem at all.

His surgery made a lot of English Dental Surgeries look Third World!
I went ahead with the implants -- and it was the best thing I have ever done! He was very precise in his instructions post-op, and I followed them exactly.

Don't now have the surgery address, so suggest Googling his name.
Szczerbaty  4 | 49  
2 Nov 2013 /  #17
Cheap does not always mean better. All the dental work I had done in Poland in my eight years there has had to be replaced.
jon357  72 | 23490  
2 Nov 2013 /  #18
I've found the dental work I've had done at home in Poland to be absolutely first class. Then again, a friend who's a dentist does it all and doesn't charge me anything. This person is also a well-established dentist that is busy enough not to need to get involved with 'medical tourism' people coming from the UK etc and in any case doesn't speak English.

If you're thinking of coming to PL for dental work or other medical procedures, be careful - it isn't unusual in Poland for doctors and dentists to suggest billable treatment that you don't really need - especially if they are unlikely to see the patient again. I'd be very careful of things o n the internet too, like the two posts which preceed yours - they just don't ring true.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2013 /  #19
These are very true words. Anyone posting as a guest on PF on a thread like this is likely to be spamming their own business - which is pathetic.

One reason I can recommend Dentpolis in Poznan is that they were quick to advise me on preventative care - which was very nice.
6 Nov 2013 /  #20
I recommend Albusdent in Cracow. I had there an implantation of 2 teeth 1 year ago and I am really satisfied. The staff was really friendly for patients, I had my own personal assistant, she took care about me really much, was helpfull. I will come back to this clinic in December and I'm happy for that fact. My dentists were professional and they just do their job without extra money. I really recommend that dental clinic.

They changed adress, they are on Balicka street 73 now.
6 Nov 2013 /  #21
Thanks for that post John. Could you perhaps tell us where you're from? So we know what level to compare your recommendation to. Thanks.
18 Dec 2013 /  #22
I am living in Warsaw for over three years and had The same problem. A friend of mine recommended MM DENT Studio on Grochowska street - I have never been to a dentist like this....It was rather SPA than dentistry. I do recommend them.

All info availabke here: MMDENT.waw.Pl

Btw: them do speak English.

19 Dec 2013 /  #23
Check MM Dent on Grochowska Street in Warsaw (mmdent.waw.pl). They do speak englisha and have great doctors.

I am living in Warsaw for over 3 years and i'd say it was not easy at all to find a good dentistry (with english speaking doctors). Been there several times (even made an implant).

Hope U gonna like it.

8 Jan 2014 /  #24
Go to yournewsmile.eu
We organize everything for you travel, hotel, dentists and entertainment. Go online to find out details.


8 Jan 2014 /  #25
Hi did you manage to get sorted and find a decent dentist. I had implants done in Cornwall by a Polish dentist who was good but need more and they are so expensive in the UK. Barbs
19 Jan 2014 /  #26
Sorry... implant-clinic.pl
Localhost  - | 1  
20 Jan 2014 /  #27
In Italy cost very high, please, very good dental clinic?

to direct experiences, please.

Many thanks.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
20 Jan 2014 /  #28
my quote in Szczecin, Poland : less then 1000 eur per tooth plus 75 eur for photos or whatever they call it. Price estimate given for 4 implants. Mind it takes time and probably several trips would be necessary - if you consider doing it here.
18 Mar 2014 /  #29
What price was your inplant? I'm going to Warsaw in May and need 2 inplants and 2crowns.
Regards denise.
18 Mar 2014 /  #30
For a good dentist you're looking at about 14,000zl in total. You might find somebody who'll do it for as little as 8,000 but you may well not like the results of work that cheap.

BTW: you are looking at at least two trips, not one.

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