By socially I mean in terms of views on going to church, immigration, gay marriage, feminism
What you mean is how deep a cultural marxism is rooted in society? No so much. According to poles made by the most left-leaning agency IPSOS for OKO press barely 50% of Poles would accept gay partnership. According to same studies 38% would support gay "marriage" with 57% strongly opposing it.
So in reality those numbers are much lower, since IPSOS is very "progressive" and barely right on anything yet.,3/sondaz-ipsos-wiekszosc-polakow-popiera-zwiazki-partnerskie,752514.html
And feminism is non existent in Poland, and those few feminists like Kazimiera Szczuka, Magdalena Sroda or Manuela Gretkowska are just a laughing stock and don't have support of any significant number of women.