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Do Polish people have a temper?

22 Mar 2010 /  #1
I've heard that Polish people have been known to have a little bit of a temper. I find this to be quite accurate in my family since my dad says his grandfather was always getting into fights with people on the subway and yelling at bad drivers etc.
asik  2 | 220  
22 Mar 2010 /  #2
Do Polish people have a temper?

It's like a question, are (all) polish people blond and with blue eyes?
OP Allison  
22 Mar 2010 /  #3
I don't really know what you mean by that, but certain ethnicities do kind of have more of a temper than others so I was just curious. I just want to know whether that steryotype is true for MOST poles or not.
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 Mar 2010 /  #4
some do, some don't
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
22 Mar 2010 /  #5
I've heard that Polish people have been known to have a little bit of a temper. I find this to be quite accurate in my family since my dad says his grandfather was always getting into fights with people on the subway and yelling at bad drivers etc.

its not the nationality its the generation.
OP Allison  
22 Mar 2010 /  #6
For example, Spaniards almost always have a bad temper and it has nothing to do with the generation. This is undeniable if you have ever seen any Spanish people.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Mar 2010 /  #7
I find this to be quite accurate in my family since my dad says his grandfather was always getting into fights with people on the subway and yelling at bad drivers etc.

This is certainly a clear proof that all Poles have a temper.
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 Mar 2010 /  #8
seems the proof is that allison may be full of bigotry..
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
22 Mar 2010 /  #9
Spaniards almost always have a bad temper

thats a definate generalization, everyone has their moments.

I always thought spaniards were sweet talkers/like to dance etc etc.
I know a spaniard on here who is pretty sweet..

my dad and his dad grew up in some tough times, which called for tough skin.
my brothers how ever are happy go lucky guys, like to hang out and both are
spawn of polish blood.

tempers are something we all posess, and given the right elements we can all
have our moments!!
asik  2 | 220  
22 Mar 2010 /  #10
I don't really know what you mean by that,

What I mean is, you shouldn't see Polish people as one person.
Come-on, what kind of generalisation is this. There are some people with temper ( Polish incuding) and there are some people (and Polish including!) without temper .

It all depends on individual's personality and temperament which can be divided into groups of people with specific and different behaviours as ie: choleryk or flegmatyk etc.
king polkagamon  
22 Mar 2010 /  #11
Poles are more temperamentful than Czechs but less than mediteraneans.They are on the same level with Russians but Russians are more explosive they can run amok.

In my opinion the most temperamentful Slavs are the Serbs.
frd  7 | 1379  
22 Mar 2010 /  #12
I heard that Poles have livers and some even have bladders.
KWnorow  - | 22  
23 Mar 2010 /  #13
I am Polish and I don't have a temper. I skip that entirely and go right to rage. :)
dnz  17 | 710  
23 Mar 2010 /  #14
I've heard that Polish people have been known to have a little bit of a temper. I find this to be quite accurate in my family since my dad says his grandfather was always getting into fights with people on the subway and yelling at bad drivers etc.

They do when you catch them trying to rip you off. Also i find it ironic how any Pole can shout at someone for being a bad driver as they are all shocking.
espana  17 | 951  
23 Mar 2010 /  #15
Do Polish people have a temper?

no they do everything that you ask for money , even pick up a ****.
OP Allison  
25 Mar 2010 /  #16
What I mean is, you shouldn't see Polish people as one person.
Come-on, what kind of generalisation is this. There are some people with temper ( Polish incuding) and there are some people (and Polish including!) without temper .
It all depends on individual's personality and temperament which can be divided into groups of people with specific and different behaviours as ie: choleryk or flegmatyk etc.

I know that but this is just silly. People steryotype and there is nothing you can do about it. My parents steryotype people that way and I guess I learned it. It certainly does not make me a bigot though.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
25 Mar 2010 /  #17
Another idiotic, very general question...

Are all Americans stupid?
OP Allison  
25 Mar 2010 /  #18
They do when you catch them trying to rip you off. Also i find it ironic how any Pole can shout at someone for being a bad driver as they are all shocking.

Well he was not ripping someone off. I guess it probably had more to do with the fact that he was a New Yorker because New Yorkers are generally impatient and more tempermental than others. Btw, what do you mean by saying all Poles are shocking? That doesn't make any sense.

@filios No! Only Polacks are stupid. hehe.

I also find it ironic the way people don't like me asking this question, but they steryotype looks with nationality. ie. Polish women have big hips
Filios1  8 | 1336  
25 Mar 2010 /  #19
steryotype looks with nationality.

Stereotypes only work with arabs and asians. Don't you know anything? :)

To answer your question of the thread (no matter how overly general it is...)
No, I am cold blooded and rarely ever fluctuate in blood pressure.. In other words, I don't get mad :)
OP Allison  
25 Mar 2010 /  #20
You seem want to avoid the subject and talk about something else. Only asians and arabs have steryotypes? Wtf? Are you stupid?
king polkagamon  
25 Mar 2010 /  #21
We in Balkans have temper.We say here that the blood is boiling.Above Lubliana people are much more quiet.Poles are not temperamentful but they are more temperamentful than Czechs who seem to them as rather passive.While many Czech women told me that they regard Greeks as temperamentful no polish woman told me the same if this means anything.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
26 Mar 2010 /  #22
You seem want to avoid the subject and talk about something else

Talk about what?

Only asians and arabs have steryotypes? Wtf? Are you stupid?

Stereotypes that actually are grounded in any truth... An East Indian or Pakistani smelling of shi$ as opposted to Poles being stupid? No contest. I can smell these people from a mile away, while Poles have one of the highest average IQ's in Europe, right after Germany. Stupid? Well, whats your standard? In U.S I'd be considered a genius. ;0 Here I am an ignorant.

no polish woman told me the same if this means anything.

Well, I am half Greek, and I am a cold fish ;) I guess the Greek genes were not strong enough.
OP Allison  
26 Mar 2010 /  #23
@Filios I was just joking about Poles being stupid. I was teasing. btw, how do you know you are smart? Have you had an IQ test? How is it that American steryotypes are the truth and Polish ones are not?

I guess a lot of people here aren't grounded in the truth to you then. They talk about Polish people having a certain appearance and certain personality traits all the time.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Mar 2010 /  #24
People steryotype and there is nothing you can do about it

Speaking of temper and stereotype, I would like you to explain the road rage in US because that's the stereotypical Yankee image I have with guns and all the wild wild west elements in it, minus the horse of course.
OP Allison  
26 Mar 2010 /  #25
My parents said he was just like that about everything. He had a bad temper in general. Not just road rage here. Although I agree, that is kind of an American steryotype.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Mar 2010 /  #26
Not just road rage here. Although I agree, that is kind of an American steryotype.

So what’s the point of your thread again? Since you agree that the temper stereotype is already taken by the Yanks.
I think you will have to start a new tread, something more original, not yet claimed by anyone.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
26 Mar 2010 /  #27
was teasing. btw, how do you know you are smart?

Yup, I realize that :)
I am smart enough to realize that I am ignorant. That's a hell of a lot smarter than already 3/4 of the world's population ;)
OP Allison  
26 Mar 2010 /  #28
So what’s the point of your thread again? Since you agree that the temper stereotype is already taken by the Yanks.
I think you will have to start a new tread, something more original, not yet claimed by anyone.

Well, the only reason I started this thread is because a guy was talking about Slavs having tempers (had incidents in his family lol) so I wondered if Polish people fit into this. I didn't realize that what I was talking about was a New Yorker thing until I thought about it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
26 Mar 2010 /  #29
there is an old Polish saying I often head: "cicha woda brzegi rwie"
OP Allison  
28 Mar 2010 /  #30
f stop: "cicha woda brzegi rwie"

The English meaning is "silent tears water edges" if I am not wrong. I am curious as to what this means.

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