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The Polish people have a strange attitude to cats and dogs?

Maybe  12 | 409  
6 Dec 2010 /  #61
why homeless people like to have dogs? One guy noticed that people don't want to give him money for food but they eagerly give it to his dog...

In the UK you can claim extra benefits if you have a dog.......
landora  - | 194  
6 Dec 2010 /  #62
That's really sad that some people can say such things...

No, it's not.
I am responsible for my animal, which is innocent and helpless without me. I am also responsible for my family and, to certain extent, friends. The animals in general usually can't do anything to improve their fate. Humans, however, have brains and means to deal with their own troubles. You're mentioning the homeless - how many of them did it to themselves? A dog thrown out by irresponsible owners did nothing to deserve it!

You look after humans if you want, but don't you dare tell me what I should be doing with my money.

After all, your attitude towards the most helpless creatures shows what kind of person you are.
Maybe  12 | 409  
6 Dec 2010 /  #63
Humans are inherently more valuable than animals... surely?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2114  
6 Dec 2010 /  #64
Yes, but animals are living beings as well. Treating them like **** can't be accaptable!
landora  - | 194  
6 Dec 2010 /  #65
Humans are inherently more valuable than animals... surely?

Depends on a human.
Would you say that Stalin or Hitler were "valuable"?

All the living creatures are equally important. It's just humans usually have a choice - they can move, finde another place to live in, change job etc. Animals can't make such decisions, and we are responsible for making their lives painless or their environment livable and sustainable.
Maybe  12 | 409  
6 Dec 2010 /  #66
Depends on a human.
Would you say that Stalin or Hitler were "valuable"?

valid note..

It's just humans usually have a choice

Not true, look at Haiti.. some of us have choices, millions don't
landora  - | 194  
6 Dec 2010 /  #67
Of course for some of us it's harder, but no one HAS TO live in Haiti. The animals living there have no choice whatsoever, they can't move, not even the slightest chance. Having said that, I'm certainly sorry for people there, I know it's terrible what's going on there and their fate is awful. Still, I'm always more moved by the tragedy of the dogs in a shelter or the "bush meat" being killed cruelly in Africa. Or the species of plants and animals going extinct all over the world just as we speak. That's who I am. And it's my business only what I'm spending my money on.
Piotr123  3 | 54  
6 Dec 2010 /  #68
I think Poland is the normal country in this regard! In many other European countries people care much more for dogs and cats than for their fellow human beings. I think this kind of attitude is very bad for society as a whole.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
6 Dec 2010 /  #69
in benelux they eat horsey , them badduns them

PS: RSPCA older than the police

I have pet snails, how can frenchpeople fry snails alive - they are stuck in middleages or are maybe themselves possessed by satan and have to give this beast worship in form of deadanimals

all this cruelty, greed. While in Tasmania the Tasmania Devil is dying from mouth-cancer.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Dec 2010 /  #70
Some might, perhaps. However, on a relative scale, their attitudes to pets are very healthy. Compared with most Asians, well, the Poles are saints in this regard.
6 Dec 2010 /  #71
Humans, however, have brains and means to deal with their own troubles. You're mentioning the homeless - how many of them did it to themselves?

You're cruel. I have no respect for people like you, sorry.
landora  - | 194  
6 Dec 2010 /  #72
I'm not cruel. I don't hurt anyone, I help my friends if they need help and I give money to WOŚP and Caritas. I always buy food for people if they ask for it (though I don't give money to beggars on the streets). I also feed homeless animals.

What's so cruel in what I'm saying or doing? Please point out what I said that would be cruel or untrue. The fact that 90% of homeless are homeless because of their own mistakes? And 100% of homeless cats and dogs are homeless because of the cruelty and/or stupidity of their owners? If you're homeless there are places where you can go to get food and shelter - but you can't drink alcohol there. Many prefer alcohol to shelter - but this is their own choice! There are places where they will try and help you to get back to normal life - but again, you must be willing to change your ways. I'm merely saying that humans do have a choice! What are the homeless animals supposed to do?

But to be honest, I couldn't care less if you respect me or not. I certainly don't respect people who are cruel towards animals.
6 Dec 2010 /  #73
What's so cruel in what I'm saying or doing? Please point out what I said that would be cruel or untrue.

because people die in Africa and you respect your dog more.
An alcoholic is also a human being and he also deserves for your respect because you never know what story is behind his fate. And you say we all responsible for our fate and, if I understand you correctly, those who screw up don't deserve for rescpect or compassion. Is it that what you mean?

I'm merely saying that humans do have a choice!

No they don't. You talk as if all those beggers where comfy with a fact they are nothing more than human scum (for many people).

There are places where they will try and help you to get back to normal life - but again, you must be willing to change your ways.

Aren't you too optimistic?
landora  - | 194  
6 Dec 2010 /  #74
because people die in Africa and you respect your dog more.

First of all , what's one to do with the other anyway? They are not starving because I'm feeding my dog! (well, I was feeding my dog, unfortunately it died of old age last winter, still miss it :( )

Secondly, I am responsible for my dog. I am not responsible for the whole humanity.

Thirdly, I respect anything and anyone that is alive. I love those close to me: friends, family and pets. Can you honestly say you love all those children in Africa?

Fourthly, what exactly are you doing for the famine victims? I used to spend my money on meat for my dog. Are you maybe buying nice cosmetics? Or expensive clothes? How dare you not spend it on starving children? Is buying nice things wrong, cause the money could be used for charity? Why buying dog food is worse then buying sweets for one's children? Surely they don't need it, they could go without, the money would be better spent for the kids in Africa?

In all honesty, unless you are not buying any commodities for yourself or your family, how dare you tell me what I should be spending my money on?

An alcoholic is also a human being and he also deserves for your respect because you never know what story is behind his fate. And you say we all responsible for our fate and, if I understand you correctly, those who screw up don't deserve for rescpect or compassion. Is it that what you mean?

That is not what I mean at all. As I said before, all the living beings deserve respect. The fact that humans have free will and can shape their fate has nothing to do with my respect of lack of it. The ones that screw up deserve compassion and also help if they are willing to make an effort as well. However, many people want money handed over with no effort from their side. It's the same as with unemployed who can't be bothered to work in a low paid job cause it's not good enough for them - and they expect the country to give them money. Or the families living in 1 room flat with 10 kids - moaning that social help is not enough, but refusing to work and yet producing even more children. I'm all for giving a helping hand - opportunity to work and better oneself. I'm completely against handing in ready solutions.

No they don't. You talk as if all those beggers where comfy with a fact they are nothing more than human scum (for many people).

They had a choice when they reached for the first bottle of vodka. They have a choice of going to a shelter in the middle of winter - if they stop drinking. Some of them are just liars - like a famous beggar in my city who can be seen with one leg injured... just it can be either right or left depending on a day!

People should be offered help, and they very often are...but many of them don't want to use it. And they do have a choice.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Dec 2010 /  #75
but many of them don't want to use it.

for some the shame of accepting charity is to big a burden.

They had a choice when they reached for the first bottle of vodka.

i don't think anyone makes an active choice to be an alcoholic.

my last dog was certainly more important to me than some people. she was certainly better than some of the scum she protected me from.
beckski  12 | 1609  
7 Dec 2010 /  #76
the average life of a polish cat is 2 years

Took this pic in front of a book store window in Warszawa. The Polish kitty doesn't look like he's suffering much. In fact, he looks pretty spoiled to me :)

ender  5 | 394  
7 Dec 2010 /  #77
book store window in Warszawa

Nowy Świat street it's I like this book store just because cat is there still information Do not knock at the window? :-)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #78
she even saved our lives, she woke us up when someone was trying to entry the house while we were sleeping so we owe her a lot.

Hero kitty! :D

In the UK you can claim extra benefits if you have a dog

This is just wrong. :s

I have pet snails

I had a pet snail! But sadly, poor Meow passed away. Very slowly. :[
guesswho  4 | 1272  
7 Dec 2010 /  #79
Hero kitty! :D

You may laugh but it's true. To us, she's a real hero :-)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #80
Well are you going to share with us your hero kitty story?
Wayman  3 | 36  
7 Dec 2010 /  #81
Have 2 Bengals ' females full breed ' love them dearly an we are all moving shortly to krakow '

Passports all sorted the vet even gave me some valium to calm them down for the journey '

think i may have the valium myself ' its a long road trip :)
12 Jul 2016 /  #82
Merged: Which pet is more popular among Poles: Cats or dogs?

Are dogs more popular as pets in poland?
jon357  73 | 22774  
12 Jul 2016 /  #83
Yes, very much so
18 Apr 2017 /  #84

Do Polish people like cats more or dogs more (as pets)?

What do you most polish people prefer as pets?

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