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The Polish people have a strange attitude to cats and dogs?

Marek11111  9 | 807  
18 Oct 2010 /  #31
Well, you'll find animal abusers pretty much anywhere you go but there's something else I'd like to ask you Marek, you seem to be very negative toward the country you live in. Why do you suffer so much? I bet Poland will appreciate a patriot like you to come back and constructively help your motherland on its way to become more successful. Nothing to insult you, just a suggestion.

Who said “ dissidence is not a unpatriotic “
Yes I think people in united states have strange attitude to dogs it seems like dogs have more rights than humans, saving the dog and letting humans to expire

If you do not see that as strange, well you are a strange or misguided.
landora  - | 194  
18 Oct 2010 /  #32
My dog was certainly worth more then many humans I know. Why would I care about soma random strangers more then about my own, beloved dog?
pawian  219 | 24546  
18 Oct 2010 /  #33
the average life of a polish cat is 2 years and too many chained dogs.

Last year my oldest cat died - she was 18.
This year her daughter died - she was 17.

We still can`t forget.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Oct 2010 /  #34
It's good to hear that there are more animal lovers out there. We have a Siamese cat and she's pampered like a baby :-)
pawian  219 | 24546  
18 Oct 2010 /  #35
The 18- year-old cat used to sleep with me, on the pillow, next to my head. I miss those nights with her so much. Now we have two tomcats, both stray and found in the street during winter time, but they are not so delicate as previous female cats.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Oct 2010 /  #36
Nothing's gonna ever replace her, that's obvious. Mine does the same thing, she sleeps with me all the time. Actually, she even saved our lives, she woke us up when someone was trying to entry the house while we were sleeping so we owe her a lot.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Oct 2010 /  #37
The dogs are often chained, starved, kicked, left without water during Summer heat.

they need to get a animal shelter group and get busy taking care of these abused
slap some heavy fines and jail time..
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2114  
18 Oct 2010 /  #38
Leave Norway to those who enjoy it.

Enjoy... lol torture themselves!

they need to get a animal shelter group and get busy taking care of these abused animals.

I have nothing against chaining animals, but starving+kicked+left without water during summer is beyond my mind O o
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Oct 2010 /  #39
agree.. except the chains cannot be left to get imbedded into the animals skin.
this is totally where i draw the line and me thinks that I would love to take the chain
that bound these poor animals and wrap it around the neck of the owner who thinks
he can do this and let it get so imbedded he feels the same pain that the poor animals
who wore this for so long........... yeah I would.

but you would never do that. :) right mr grunwald?

and I think a nice fenced in yard is more appropriate for a loving caring animal
that makes sure people dont steal from them and a warm bed and fed well should
assure that your home will never have to worry again about invaders.

my dog eats like a king and sleeps like one too. and hes groomed and bathed
and when i pick him up, he acts like hes going out on the town to find himself
a lady dog, ( but hes not going) lol. he has a girlfriend named sally across the alley
and shes a beagle and hes beagle and cocker spaniel.

they wag their tails and I swear he sucks up at least twenty or more bugs in that sniffer
of his while hes sniffin the ground.. lol
Ksysia  25 | 428  
18 Oct 2010 /  #40
you seem to be very negative toward the country you live in.

no, he's answering a stupid qustion with mockery. you're answering mockery with your little mythology. why would he not live where he decided to - and be able to mock it? no reason - apart from strange people who believe that other people shouldn't travel.
18 Oct 2010 /  #41
the average life of a polish cat is 2 years and too many chained dogs.

because most of the cats are homeless?

Chained dogs are to guard possesion at night. During days they have to be on chain because they are dangerous and if they bite anyone owner will have really big problems

My dog was certainly worth more then many humans I know. Why would I care about soma random strangers more then about my own, beloved dog?

I hate such people. CHILDREN IN AFRICA ARE STARVING!!! That's why!
DarrenM  1 | 77  
18 Oct 2010 /  #42
I think we Brits have a stranger attitude:


The RSPCA brings 2,000 prosecutions a year for cruelty. "Now, with CCTV and the internet, the cruelty is out there more," an RSPCA spokeswoman said.

"We investigate 100,000 cases every year. Recently we've had calls from people facing financial difficulties or because they have been evicted and their new home won't accept animals."

Goldfish Chris Caswell, 30, was arrested on Friday after buying a goldfish in a pet shop, swallowing it whole and posting the footage on Facebook.

Susie Anthony Parker, 29, microwaved his girlfriend's hamster after a drinking bout following a row. He was jailed for nine weeks on Tuesday.

Lola Mary Bale, 45, became public enemy number one for dumping Lola in a wheelie bin last month. She was charged with animal cruelty last week.

Smokie Smokie the kitten was found on a rubbish dump in Hull on Tuesday after being thrown in a bin, and then loaded into an industrial crusher.

Amos A rabbit dumped in a carrier bag outside a rescue centre in Dundee earlier this month was so neglected its teeth reached over its nose.

Sidney The goat had to be put down after its horns were ripped out and its legs broken in an attack in Greater Manchester earlier this month.

Bilbo Darron Goodwin, 41, from Poole, will be sentenced this week for feeding his Staffordshire puppy antidepressants and suffocating it with a towel.

Pink The stray white cat was dyed pink and thrown over a garden fence in Swindon on Friday. The RSPCA denounced the stunt as a "sick prank".
18 Oct 2010 /  #43
peterweg  37 | 2305  
18 Oct 2010 /  #44
People in the cities tend to be a bit better, but still often they get rid of their dogs when they want to go on holidays. A friend of mine found a dog in a forest, tied to the tree, with a bin bag on its head.

Not unusual . My wife grew up next to a forest, people were always abandoning dogs in the woods.

From what i have observed, Polish People in the country anyway, seem to chain or lock up their dogs. I find this strange.

Any dog more than 150 meters from a house, without a collar, can be shot. Dogs in the country are used to guard the house, having it roaming about the garden means it could be poisened/killed by a potential burglar - without entering the property.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
18 Oct 2010 /  #45
I was told the reason there is a big dog and a little dog is so the little dog will bark to wake the big dog up.
Olaf  6 | 955  
18 Oct 2010 /  #46
Polish people have a strange attitude to cats and dogs

I would guess that it has to do with cultural and traditional reasons.

Different countries, different attitudes.;-)

- That is because the cats and dogs in Poland are VEEERY different. Also they wear out too soon.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
18 Oct 2010 /  #47
the average life of a polish cat is 2 years

that's because a meal from a 2 years old cat taste the best...

convex  20 | 3928  
18 Oct 2010 /  #48
nature's tasty treat.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Oct 2010 /  #49
I remember our dog chained all day, sleeping in his doghouse. At night he was let off the chain and roamed around the village until dawn. I remember he was hit once, when bunch of eggs were found broken in the hen house one morning.

I also have a bad memory of my grandma drowning newborn kittens in a bucket of water.
18 Oct 2010 /  #50
I was told the reason there is a big dog and a little dog is so the little dog will bark to wake the big dog up.

Not exactly. Most big aggressive dogs tend to be guard dogs. Small aggressive dogs are generally alert dogs. An alarm dog lets you know that there is some danger close. A guard dog will take action against the danger but may well not let you know about it.

I found a dog like that in Britain once. It was the plastic bag over the head bit I hadn't heard of.

Mind you, a friend of mine in England found a mother cat and kitten stuffed into a bird cage and thrown into a bin.

I found my Warsaw cat (a very distinctive breed) in the engine bay of a Peugeot 205, she was about two weeks old then.
convex  20 | 3928  
18 Oct 2010 /  #51
They usually hang out there because it's warm. They either figure out to get lost whenever there is any noise, or quickly learn what a fan belt is.
18 Oct 2010 /  #52
They usually hang out there because it's warm.

Not in her case: she was just lost and had climbed in there because it was less frightening than the big bad world.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2114  
18 Oct 2010 /  #53
but you would never do that. :) right mr grunwald?

I have them in "chains" (my dogs) more like a rope actually but as long as the chains wouldn't hurt them I wouldn't mind

except the chains cannot be left to get imbedded into the animals skin.


but you would never do that. :) right mr grunwald?

I honestly have no reason to do that
My cats tho... they are an annoyance... still I wouldn't be able to do that to an animal

why would he not live where he decided to

Decided to?! Right had a vote in my mothers stomach...
*145 braincells FOR and 100 braincells against being born in Norway*

and be able to mock it? no reason

I mock it cause I live in the sorry state I live in I mock my own life I mock fortune which gave me the life it gave! ;)
sascha  1 | 824  
18 Oct 2010 /  #54
That is because the cats and dogs in Poland are VEEERY different. Also they wear out too soon.

Of course they are not and stop with your psychobabble.

Give some arguments, pls.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
18 Oct 2010 /  #55
I found my Warsaw cat (a very distinctive breed) in the engine bay of a Peugeot 205, she was about two weeks old then.

We adopted a cellar cat from Goldap, brought her to Olsztyn. She was very happy... until some bastard poisoned her, and all the other cats 9and one dog) in half the osiedle.
resident  1 | 27  
4 Nov 2010 /  #56
I found my Warsaw cat (a very distinctive breed) in the engine bay of a Peugeot 205, she was about two weeks old then.

and know you are confessing to being a cat thief? you do not FIND a cat in a car. what were you doing looking in someone elses car? why did you take the cat? did you not think that the cat clearly belonged to someone?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Nov 2010 /  #57
I once heard this riddle from a Pole:
Co to jest - kudłate, ma cztery nogi i leci w powietrzu? - Kot kopnięty w tyłek!
(What is furry, has got 4 legs and flies in the air? - A cat kicked in the behind!)
6 Dec 2010 /  #58
Merged thread:
Is there something about Polish people and dogs?

I am only 25% polish, but all of the people I know of 50% or more are dog trainers or, like me, just LOVE dogs.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Dec 2010 /  #59
My dog was certainly worth more then many humans I know. Why would I care about soma random strangers more then about my own, beloved dog?

because it is right thing to care for human being and if you eat cow you can eat dog or you may to choose eat human I choose to help
6 Dec 2010 /  #60
My dog was certainly worth more then many humans I know. Why would I care about soma random strangers more then about my own, beloved dog?

That's really sad that some people can say such things...

Have I already told a story why homeless people like to have dogs? One guy noticed that people don't want to give him money for food but they eagerly give it to his dog...

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