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Do Polish People steal a lot?

krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Jun 2007 /  #91
I was in Sweden last year and you had to drive with your lights on during the day, but now they realize that it emits too much heat therfore contributing to the global warming. So now Poland has to follow the trend untill somebody too realizes that it's nonsense.

Good for headlight companies.
beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Jun 2007 /  #92
Heck no I don't steal. My parents always taught my siblings and myself that we'd go to HELL for doing things like that! Then again, they pounded that same thought in our head, pertaining to almost every temptation we may encounter in life!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
30 Jun 2007 /  #93
re: Thery are always thinking how to make money off others so they can buy wódka and papierosy. That's why they got them big foreheads.

- All the Polish people do these things? Hm, how come then I am Polish?

Does krysia have a big forehead too?

Judging from the side pic, she has a rather extremely receding one, which may be responsible for the intellectual content of her posts.

Haw, haw, krysia.
krysia  23 | 3058  
30 Jun 2007 /  #94
That's why they got them big foreheads.

It was a joke puzzler. Someone had a topic about why Poles have big foreheads. One of the most entertaining ones next to Polish big boobs.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
30 Jun 2007 /  #95
Krysia, then profound apologies from me. All the best.
27 Aug 2007 /  #96
stealing is not isolated to a certain race. How ridiculous to think so. It is like saying do Americans eat alot of hotdogs or wear cowboy boots????
budzin  2 | 10  
27 Aug 2007 /  #97
Now mark your 2x4s with Polonium.

Dude, you're a riot!
CWEJGCHAFT  - | 15  
28 Aug 2007 /  #98
Babcia , what race , Poles arent a race, we are a nation .

oh and I think yes, Polish people do steal a lot, you can complain about stereotypes but those stereotypes dont come out of nowhere.

before the war and I think till the fifties there even existed special Thief Schools , and there were two styles of this in Poland , one was the Warsaw one where they were taught to be more respectful adn dont rob pregnant women, old people and had some sort of code of conduct however silly that may sound.

the other was the Lodz school , which basically taught the theives the same things but no rules they told them to use anything and any means to rob someone - ie. bashing old ladies included.

as for why thieving has been such a prblem amongst Poles and still is , its because of the history, our nation has been poor and oppressed most of the time throughout the last 500years , so that is why people dont trust governments, the rich and have no faith and above all no respect for authority.

so there has been all this theivieng, and now since the 1990s comes along drugs for which you have to pay money at last , so of course the drug addics in big cities where there are drug cultures they are just the same as the junkies and crackheads doing crime in England or the US.

oh yea and its been like Mexico, the cops take bribes , Poland is the biggest producer of illegal amphetamines and extacy tablets in Europe. .

Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
28 Aug 2007 /  #99
CWEJGCHAFT, so what did you steal today?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Aug 2007 /  #100
Polish people in the US are mostly middle-class (although this is an endangered species), and middle-class people tend to obey the law, work hard & constitute the backbone of any civilized society...the people who steal most are: the Elites, who steal

billions (the top politicians, corporate gangsters, stock/securities speculators) & the
'underclass' (some African-Americans, illegal immigrants) who steal relatively little, but
make more noise and draw attention because their crime often involves violence...of course, there is the old saying 'Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they

make you a king'...oh, and the Elites commit violent crime too, sometimes on a mass scale as in Iraq, sometimes just political assasination...sometimes they do it for 'theatre'

as in the 9-11 attacks...but since they control the media, it gets a different spin.
randompal  7 | 306  
28 Aug 2007 /  #101
Most people DONT steal if they have an opportunity.

Stealing is one half opportunity and one half desire. Take away the opportunity and presto your stuff is still there, because desire alone doesn't cause break-ins. Can't take away the desire, though...that's just human nature. But looks like Irish just points the finger at the poverty-level scumbags while forgetting all the rich twats who steal (ie, fraud, white collar crimes, etc) not because they need it but because they wallow in gluttony and greed..
www  - | 2  
29 Aug 2007 /  #102
Nonsense... Polish people do not steal a lot. I can know, because I'm a foreigner living in Poland and usually I'm robbed when being abroad ;) not yet so in Poland!
ogorek  - | 165  
15 Sep 2007 /  #103
stealing is not isolated to a certain race. How ridiculous to think so. It is like saying do Americans eat alot of hotdogs or wear cowboy boots????

of course...as you may know that cowboy boots were a Polish fashion exported a few hundred years ago

This is now not a problem anymore. As mentioned earlier - these accused Poles did steal due to hundreds of years of oppression, poverty and the need for basic survival. But this stealing was not always direct stealing - as in mugging, hold-ups etc but creative ways of obtaining money or food or a way of living.
osiol  55 | 3921  
15 Sep 2007 /  #104
In one year of having Polish temps in the company, the total list of things stolen by them looks a bit like this:

1 broken sharpening stone,
1 Tescos bag load of potting compost,
Innumerable brain cells (they supplied spme vocka for the summer barbeque).

There were probably about 20 different temps in total over that period.
witek  1 | 587  
15 Sep 2007 /  #105
Nonsense... Polish people do not steal a lot. I can know, because I'm a foreigner living in Poland and usually I'm robbed when being abroad ;) not yet so in Poland!

what is your adres?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
15 Sep 2007 /  #106
Nonsense... Polish people do not steal a lot. I can know, because I'm a foreigner living in Poland and usually I'm robbed when being abroad ;) not yet so in Poland!

I agree that it's nonsense! I only steal a little. :P
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 Sep 2007 /  #107
Now mark your 2x4s with Polonium.

best responce in the whole thread. roflmao

i do think polish and people from other former soviet satllite countries steal more then your average american. it's a cultural thing.. i think it stems from the oppression and deprevation that the peeps have had to endure over the years. no not everyone but i can pick the bad carachters out pretty easy. sledz, sometime when we get together we can talk about it.. the ones that smile probably won't rob you. ;) :D
16 Sep 2007 /  #108
we live in a culture where dishonesty is proper. In japan stealing is not good behaviour so people generally do not steal. Strong community with long tradition create trust. Polish people are mostly catholic and do not steal. Some polish people may have lost that cultural security. It is the host country's responsability to create an ethos where mutual respect is no 1.... more closely to do as I do rather than do as I say.
Ronek  1 | 261  
16 Sep 2007 /  #109
I just wanted to say that this is the most BS thread I've ever seen.

People STEAL, alright?
they do all kind of horible things and it has nothing to do with nationality.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Sep 2007 /  #110
People STEAL, alright?
they do all kind of horible things and it has nothing to do with nationality.

You are right. The people who stole my garden furniture are no less bastards than any other nationality that would do the same.
osiol  55 | 3921  
16 Sep 2007 /  #111
nothing to do with nationality

The debate is about as worthwhile as 'Why do people think 'a lot' is one word?'
OP sledz  23 | 2247  
16 Sep 2007 /  #112
I went to a Polish wedding last night and watched these old ladies cramming
pastries into thier purses, they practically took the whole table with them.

I know every race has thier thieves, it was just a question how common place it
was with Poles
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 Sep 2007 /  #113
and you're sober and up this early? lol

sledz.. you can lead a horse to water... :)
OP sledz  23 | 2247  
16 Sep 2007 /  #114
I had to drive so only had a couple of beers, it was a good time!

My first Polish wedding alot of beautiful girls there:)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
16 Sep 2007 /  #115
I went to a Polish wedding last night and watched these old ladies cramming
pastries into thier purses,

if i have one generalsation about Poles its the fact i believe they have £ signs rolling in their eyes, really they do anything for money, you name it they will do it, i don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing but it can be annoying.
ogorek  - | 165  
17 Sep 2007 /  #116
try 50 years of communism rot on for size some day
svengoola  - | 69  
17 Sep 2007 /  #117
Someone stole a kiss from me......Does that count?
19 Sep 2007 /  #118
i dont think stealing is race specific. its stupid posts and opinions like this that are causing alot of the tensions poles and others races or suffering in the uk right know.
26 Sep 2007 /  #119
i dont think its good to blame every1 for some people who do it. my gf is from poland and she is not like that. i would just like to let u know any of countrys in war well ur goverment is stealing everyday for example iraq.
Iskra  1 | 42  
26 Sep 2007 /  #120
I heard this:

Polish are very intelligent. That is GREAT but also can be GREAT in being a criminal too.
Therefore the ones who streal, and do anything of criminal actions, are often given the opinion then that Poland is full of these types of people.

See my point? Its just that we're good at everything we do. Whatever it is :P

As for do ALL POLISH steal? No - the worst thing I ever did was "innocently" pick up a candy from a store when I was a child. My Mama didn't know about it and I walked out of there with it in my hand until my Mama asked me where I got that from! hehe

Thats all ive done close to stealing. But I was about two years old at the time.... can you blame me for that?? :P

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