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How do Polish people see homosexuality?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 Jun 2018 /  #121
Crow, you simply don't understand that some people do not bother if someone is professional and kind, but they feel this constant need to lurk under the bedcovers of people. It may particularly disturbing in someone who claims to be over 75 now.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2018 /  #122
Who gives a sh** for persons private life

Some find the personal lives of strangers to be fascinating. You can't stop them doing that. You can however hurt them very badly if their prurience intrudes on your life.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #123
Who gives a sh** for persons private life if person is good professional and seams to be human being that respects universal values of kindness.

Nobody until we have to pay for their treatment:

The most recent published estimate of lifetime HIV treatment costs was $367,134 (in 2009 dollars; $379,668 in 2010 dollars). Mar 8, 2017

It's a neat arrangement. They f*** around, we pay. The above is from that homophobic and hateful organization known as CDC.

jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2018 /  #124
They f***

No bad thing. There are very few 90- year olds who wish they'd f*cked less.

we pay.

'They' do too.
johnny reb  49 | 7960  
13 Jun 2018 /  #125
Nobody until we have to pay for their treatment:

Just like we have to pay for obese people that have diabetes, heart decease high blood pressure and the multitude of expenses from being obese.

Or how about the financial burdens alcoholics cost us ?
Maybe we should should hang them too.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2018 /  #126
Just like we have to pay for obese people that have diabetes, heart decease high blood pressure

Quite. I've paid into the state health system in the UK, Poland and other places for years (and have private insurance too). I've almost never used it, but don't begrudge people who have more compex health needs being treated instead.

My very good friend is extremely fat (though dieting now). His healthcare needs (including heart trouble) and the cost of the therapy he's having from a dietician are probably very expensive. I'm slim and healthy, but I don't grouse about the cost of his treatment.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #127
Maybe we should should hang them too

He would if he could, well after conducting a few experiments.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #128
Just like we have to pay for obese people that have diabetes, heart decease high blood pressure and the multitude of expenses from being obese.

Nice try. Fail.

Obesity, alcoholism, and cancer are not defended or promoted. Many organizations spend tons of money to reduce or find cure for obesity, alcoholism, and cancer.

Homosexuality is defended and promoted as normal.

From ABC News:

More than half of the new HIV infections diagnosed in the United States in 2005 were among gay men, a team at the University of Washington, Seattle, noted.

3% of men are gay. They get HIV at the rate of 50%. That's 17 times higher than the heteros. Yet, nobody is doing any "research" how to reduce it because they already know it so why waste money. No 12-step programs. No 5k walks. When they walk it is to promote and glamorize their gayness.

Now it's the time to bring up something about my Russian heritage.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #129
Hmm you could be a closet fag with your obsession with gays. after all plenty of politicians have been caught chewing the pillow at night after condemning gay people as part of their day job.

***** or Butch I wonder?
johnny reb  49 | 7960  
13 Jun 2018 /  #130
Obesity, alcoholism, and cancer are not defended or promoted.

Billions are spent on soda pop alone to promote obesity
Billions are spent on promoting alcohol drinks
Billions are spent promoting GMO foods linked to cancer
All of these are defended by people who stanchly ignore the Consequences.
No difference paying for these peoples bad decisions as there is homosexuals bad decisions.
Well......unless you are a hypocritical bigot that is.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 Jun 2018 /  #131
Now it's the time to bring up something about my Russian heritage.

Not at all. it's time to bring up the fact that you:

1. constantly rant about the rectum,
2. constantly rant about the male organ,
3. constantly rant about the male organ inside the male rectum,
4. Rant about a monument in Warsaw that is supposed to be erected (sic!) in order to show all the above to the world.

Once you stop talking about it, you start ranting about how ridiculous the use of the Pan/Pani form in Polish is.

Good grief, you are about 75! Time to grow up, clown.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #132
Billions are spent on soda pop alone to promote obesity

You are so right.

Just found out that this weekend in Chicago there will be three parades: Fat and Proud Parade, Drunk and Proud Parade, and Gay and Proud Parade.

I feel so neglected. My problem, besides being a Russian trool with Putin on my speed dial, I actually have a six-pack and I don't mean beer. I don't drink. No HIV. Boooring.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
13 Jun 2018 /  #133
I actually have a six-pack

After you lean against a dresser? Otherwise no way Jose.
johnny reb  49 | 7960  
13 Jun 2018 /  #134
Fat and Proud Parade, Drunk and Proud Parade, and Gay and Proud Parade.

Hell Rich, those parades go on daily on the streets, in the Malls and in the parks of Chicago.
Why do you focus on just one of them unless you are a bigot to single out just one group of them.

My problem, besides being a Russian trool

Is that you have no life besides being obsessed with gay people for some odd reason.
May I ask WHY you are so infatuated with homosexuality ?
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Jun 2018 /  #135
Nobody until we have to pay for their treatment:

If we were to be frank, its not them but pharmaceutical companies who taking money to you. They giving you life, they taking it from you. From all of us. Facing them is facing fact that we all live lives of slaves.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #136
May I ask WHY you are so infatuated with homosexuality ?

I don't answer questions like: did you quit beating your wife. .
johnny reb  49 | 7960  
13 Jun 2018 /  #137
I don't answer questions like

I thought it a very fair question but obviously you didn't by coming back with such an insultive reply to avoid answering it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #138
I have my rules. You have yours. No problem.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2018 /  #139
Obesity, alcoholism, and cancer are not defended or promoted.

All three have been promoted like crazy by the private sector. Cigarette ads used to be common, the alcohol manufacturing lobby are very active and there are some very unhealthy foodstuffs that are advertised daily.

Homosexuality is defended and promoted as normal.

On here I see enough attacks, in this very thread. And btw, it's something that normally occurs within nature (and is not going away).

Hell Rich, those parades go on daily on the streets, in the Malls and in the parks of Chicago.

Very well said.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #140
And btw, it's something that normally occurs within nature (and is not going away).

So does masochism and suicide.

I couldn't have come up with a lousier argument.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
13 Jun 2018 /  #141
How do Polish people see homosexuality? Like most overwhelmingly straight Judeo-Christian or Muslim fundamentalists, with one eye closed and their head facing the other directionLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Jun 2018 /  #142
They get HIV at the rate of 50%.

I think its even higher in the us. Either way gay men esp gay blacks account for the majority of hiv/AIDS. Far more than heteros and even drug users thats for sure.

So does masochism and suicide.

And atleast they keep that **** at home instead of dressing in a latex catsuit and reading books about changing their gender...


And yet if you objected to having a satanic looking tranny reading books about changing genders to your kids youd be labeled the hater... crazy civilization we live in..

As much sh1t as people talk about russia here at least that kind of sh1t is flat out illegal
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #143
Why do you focus on just one of them unless you are a bigot to single out just one group of them.

I listed them - Fat and Proud Parade, Drunk and Proud Parade, and Gay and Proud Parade - to show the idiocy of bringing up the fat and the drunk as equivalent to gays' HIV. All three conditions are self-inflicted. Only one has pride connected to the life style that causes it. Guess which one.

Being fat or drunk was never used to boost egos and morale. They don't parade looking for admiration. At best, they look for excuses. Gays want approval and admiration knowing damn well that it is what you do that gives them HIV and AIDS.

BTW, I didn't bring up the fat and the drunk first. Another poster did. My post was in response.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2018 /  #144
So does masochism and suicide.

No they doesn't.

I couldn't have come up with a lousier argument.

You just did.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Jun 2018 /  #145
They don't parade looking for admiration...

Well.... actually now there's a movement against 'fat shaming.' Basically, its mostly morbidly obese women upset that no one wants to date them (aside from black guys who love fat white girls) and calls them fat... which is what they are. Since they are criticizing people for criticizing them for being fat, they themselves are proud of being fat. Kelly Clarkson is one of the 'anti fat shaming'

Anti Fat Shaming Fatass (I gave up dieting because it was a loser's game)...

Drill Sarg defends fat shaming video

But at least these people aren't making movie after movie, attending event after event promoting their agenda.

The same cannot be said of gays. It doesn't matter whether its the Olympics, a Saint Patrick's Day Parade or whatever else - fags will ALWAYS use the opportunity to promote 'equality.' But the thing is in the west they already have equality - (unfortunately) gays can marry, gays can adopt kids, gays get all the same rights of hetero couples. What they are REALLY promoting is for young people to also become gay. A kindergarten teacher recently revealed that she purposely chose books like King and I, Daddy's New Roomate, etc to promote homosexual agenda to 6 year olds. One European country handed out an assignment that asked young kids questions like 'are you homosexual' 'if not, why did you decide to be heterosexual?' 'are you heterosexual because of an irrational hatred of homosexuals' and other bullshit. I'll have to find the video and post it - just don't watch it on a full stomach...

Raised Without Gender -
Yes, in the cucked multikulti utopia of Sweden there are 'government funded gender neutral kindergartens'

These faggots adopt kids and they purposely dress up their son as a girl and give him long her... and no wonder these kids look confused and that the rate of suicides is far higher amongst trannies and fags than normal people... Now they even invent words like 'mapa' because mama and papa are no longer good enough after tens of thousands of years of homo sapien life... oh and don't forget the retarded new pronouns like 'hen' 'ze' etc.

A teacher exposes the LGBT agenda in schools.

Thank God this isn't the case in Poland. But I fear that one day it will happen. The fags and their leftist allies and foreign NGO pushing multikulti b.s. are pulling the same EXACT **** that they did in every other country. First they demand recognition. Then pride parades. Then civil unions. Then marriage same as heteros. Then they demand adoptions. Then they demand their agenda be pushed in schools - just as they're doing in Illinois now which now has an 'LGBT history month...' what about Italians? what about irish or poles? no surely the gays contributed far more to Chicago than other groups...

Fortunately, the institute of marriage as defined solely as between man and woman is protected by the constitution.

Thank God that our constitution protects the institute of marriage as a union solely between man and woman. Furthermore, the majority of society rejects
pawian  224 | 27191  
25 May 2019 /  #146
How do Polish people see homosexuality?

Some people think it is wrong. E..g, PiS` Interior Minister and the police under his leadership don`t like certain activist who wore a T-shirt with a rainbow Polish Air Force marking


  • z24813130VSamsob.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 May 2019 /  #147

Ah a Jewish owned media outlet normalizing and promoting lgbt in a society where the majority of people don't want it... What's new?

Polish pilots didnt sacrifice their lives so some pedal can put a rainbow flag in their roundel.

He needs a lesson in patriotism from some kibole and narodowcy.
26 May 2019 /  #148
Who are you to say what they fought for? And you do realise some of they could have been gay?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
26 May 2019 /  #149
Stop you ignorant rants. I'm sure they didn't fight for a totalitrian left ideology to be forced onto the country.
26 May 2019 /  #150
Again, you can't speak for them nad neither can I. I'm sick and tired of ppl atributing their own views towards ppl from the past.

Plus, it is quite possible that at least few of them were gay. Are Dirk calling the ppl who are his heroes 'pedaƂy' as well?

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