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How do Polish people see homosexuality?

Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
11 Jun 2018 /  #91
How in the Hell is that a comparison?
You are trying to compare someones race or nationality to a sexual preference?
Are you a total idiot??
11 Jun 2018 /  #92
And why shouldn't he? All of those can't be chosen, you are who you are...Or do you believe the choose it and can be cured?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
11 Jun 2018 /  #93
Why should anyone be "proud" of their sexual inclinations or preferences

I think it is because before, gayness had to be hidden. Now people can say 'yes I am out and proud' and surely that is better than committing suicide or living a lie (which is what people used to do. I say people, really I mean men, as there was no legislation about women.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #94
I'm sure you would be totally fine with a sign outside a grocery store saying "Polish nationals and Polish Americans not welcome", right?

Absolutely. It wouldn't affect me much as I have a polish citizenship through birth and blood, but regardless that is the owners right to refuse service. I refuse service because of a hunch that a person will make excuses when it comes time to pay. And then another comoany will take the job and ill hear through the grapevine that my intuition was correct.

Why do they parade?

Because they want their depravity to be public for all to see - whether you want to see it or not esp if you live or work in that area isnt up to you.

Its all part of the leftist agenda to normalize non traditional lifestyles and choices and makr them appear normal even though its a tiny fraction 1 to 2% that participate in such things. But by appearing in public and constantly rubbing the 99 98% hetero face in it whether its in Warsaw or the Olympics or eben a freaken st Patrick's day parade they have to put their agenda on display to get the people use to it and hence make it appear 'normal'

And now the left is taking it a step further. Various outlets are promoting relations with animals and making a guy who had sex with dolphins out to be a hero or writing headlines like I'm a pedophile not a monster (salon magazine/salon.com)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
11 Jun 2018 /  #95

I get your point but I still think the word "Proud" stinks.
"Glad to be Gay"?
I don't know,you are what you are.....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jun 2018 /  #96
Are you a total idiot??

Are you illiterate? Dirk wrote "A private business should be allowed to refuse service for any reason or none at all."
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Jun 2018 /  #97
While still at a loss about "gay pride", the question is how did Warsaw justify a monument to people who are only notorious for liking another guy's rectum?

The list of monuments honoring achievements, bravery, sacrifice, art, and science is long and rightly so. And now gays.

And that's in a country that allegedly is the second least friendly to gays.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #98
Well yes if its a person's private business why should they be forced to give service if they don't want to? Its not a public or government institution. Its a private business. If you dont want to do business with someone thats your right.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #99
Well yes if its a person's private business why should they be forced to give service if they don't want to?

A private licensed business is required to operate according to the license.

The SC ruling about the gay cake was not about that business being privately owned. It was about the owner being compelled by the state to create custom art who he found morally objectionable. To me, the artist being religious or not is irrelevant.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #100
private licensed business is required to operate according to the license.

Absolutely. But i don't believe most licenses prevent you from refusing service. Like I know there's laws against housing discrimination which people simply.get around by background and credit checks which usually is enough to keep ghetto trash out. But like for example a lead abatement license that i have doesnt state I can't refuse service. And I don't think restaurants bakeries etc habe anything in their license that prohibits them from refusing service. In fact I've seen businesses with signs that state we reserve the right to refuse service, no more than 2 teenagers allowed in store at one time (usually seen at gas stations in bad neighborhoods), no shirt no shoes no service, etc
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #101
no shirt no shoes no service, etc

...for the specific reasons like those it is fine. Race and gender - I wouldn't even think about it.

Personally, I am a first class racist, xenophobe, and a sexist pig when looking for a doctor. When my rear end is on the line, there are only my rules. Just saying...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #102
.for the specific reasons like those it is fine. Race and gender - I wouldn't even think about it.

Yeah but still if you dont want gays or whoever coming to your place of business as an owner I dont see why you don't have that right... kind of like when a movie theater refused to show some new Disney movie promoting gays because the owners don't believe in that

Im not saying that a person should especially if they have like a brick and mortar location it could really bite them in the ass, but I don't see why they don't have that right. Recently a bar in Portland had a black only night so I dont see why I can't have a white only or trump supporters only decade.
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
12 Jun 2018 /  #103
Maybe because the fact if someone is gay or not has nothing to do with your "business"

Unless you're running a heterosexual dating agency i dont see the problem.

If you own a bicycle repair shop, or whatever other kind of business, its not like a gay guy is gonna whip his dick out and slap some other dude in the face with it for fun.

Get with the times, show some acceptance and get your head out of your arse. That would be my advice.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Jun 2018 /  #104
Pride gatherings

what are those? What next? Pride of being a wanker and a Wanker Pride march, to fight prejudice against wankers and even protest against the world which is insulting and degrading - should be self-loving. Then a Perverts Pride march - after all those people didn't chose to be perverted they just can help it, you seem particularly prejudiced against perverts - should be strange-love.

Hey how about those 50 years old who like to screw around with 18 years old - what would be a banner hmmm .... Came to Daddy?lol

Now, what about those who are into hookers? and so on ...

That only for a start. Next would be those who can't get it up and their Pride March, then those with some of fetish, of course we cannot forget about sadists and masochist, but they could like have a joint Pride parade, easier to find a match.

How about those women who cannot get any action, we wouldn't want them to be left out. What would be their main banner on a Pride parade - Cannot get any and I'm Proud of it? I don't know, that is a next level of absurd.

Hence all that Pride thingy is a big ideological circus and my only beef with it that so many people are buying into that BS. I guess the ability to think ain't a necessary requirement for survival.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Jun 2018 /  #105
Rich Mazur

Dude, who cares???
He is not interesting enough to be a poster of note, and has no hope of being one, However he strive for attention so he resorts to trolling as it is the only way for him to be noticed. Pathetic really.

You're sad with your investigation of a nonentity whose personality is flat like a pancake, nah like creps.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #106
How about those women who cannot get any action, ...

...aka lesbians.

Lesbian - a woman too ugly to get a man, or one in need of an edge to advance her career.

No, there are no lesbians. Only the fakes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #107
Get with the times, show some acceptance and get your head out of your arse. That would be my advice.

By doing business with homos I am saying that their faggot ways dont bother me and its not big deal. Besides, it rather not catch aids herpes and got know what else.

Just because uk has been conquered (obviously where you're from as no one else uses 'arse') by muslims thanks to your acceptance of multiculturalism and faggotry doesnt mean that we poles will accept it. That's why poland is on the rise while uk is in decline.

We prefer to remain traditional and sick to Adam and eve, not Adam and Steve.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #108
The maddening part of the gay movement - and I don't mean two fags f****** - is that they never tell us, the normal people, what the end game is. That envelope is forever to be elastic and stretch without bounds. Just like with blacks. First it was tolerance. Now they want monuments in Warsaw.

What's next? Gay pope? Lesbian UK queen? Separate state?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #109
Well now they're promoting 72 different genders, saying sex with animals is okay and writing headlines like I'm a pedophile not a monster.

Poles know its a slippery slope. They should've kept pride parades illegal. Soon they'll be asking for gays to be able to marry, then adopt, and before long the leftist media in Poland will too be writing how sec with animals isn't a big deal.

The gays demand tolerance, acceptance, respect but they NEVER show the same towards people who disagree with them. And if you're one of the unfortunate ones who lives or works along a pride parade route too bad you have to witness the depravity firsthand and if you dont like it or don't want your little kids to see it well then you're a homophobe in their eyes
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #110
The more I read about them the more I like Putin.

Yes, I am a Russian troll, so go get a cookie.
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
12 Jun 2018 /  #111
@Dirk diggler
You couldnt be more retarded if you tried.

That sort of bigotry cannot even be discussed, history has shown already many times that time will cure it. Probably why Poland is also far behind on the race acceptance.

What we can discuss is how you're wrong in measurable facts. Im not from UK, nor do i live there.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
12 Jun 2018 /  #112
Some time ago, Rafal Ziemkiewicz wrote an interesting analysis about how the left's narrative on sexuality has changed. He repeated it on television yesterday. He said, a few years ago, the left's argument was that you shouldn't be treated worse if you are homosexual, because people don't choose to be gay, they just are. The whole point being made was that people don't get to choose what they are, they just are what they are and can't do anything about it, so they shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.

Now, that argument has been made completely null and void, because the left is saying that you can be whatever sexuality you want and can be whatever you want, a man, a woman, both, neither, whatever other options there are. It's hilarious how twisted up in their own sh-t they get.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #113
I have a challenge for the "gays are nice and very normal" posters here.

Imagine that you are talking to your 11-year-old daughter who just got her first period. Time to talk sex and how babies made. Sentence-by-sentence, post your speech to her explaining what a hetero man and woman do during sex. Down to the very last clinical detail. I am sure you can do it here without violating forum rules.

Now pretend you are telling her what two gay men do during sex and post it here. I figure if you can explain it to her you can do it here just as well.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #114
history has shown already many times that time will cure it.

Only if they want to be 'cured' aka become social marxist feminazis and soy boy cucks. Eastern europeans tend to prefer their countries homogenous, traditional and conservative. That's why gay marraige is outlawed. Its a shame they let the pride parades happen they use to be banned too. Also thats what's allowed us to not have islamic terror, Pakistani rape brigades, and keeping the institute of marraige protected by the state as solely between man and woman. We see no reason to adjust our constitution to accommodate a depraved minority constituting 1%, at most 2%, of the society

Probably why Poland is also far behind on the race acceptance.

And we're totally fine with that. We don't want to become a country full of turd worlders like france, Germany, sweden etc and then have the same economic burden and problems with violence, rape, lack of assimilation, etc. We only welcome people who will work and contribute not pop out kids like stoned test bunnies just to get more benefits.

Atleast when the muslims finish taking over western Europe theyll at least ban pride parades and get rid of the gays just like Kadyrov did in chechnya. Theyll make it rain men - off rooftops.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #115
the left is saying that you can be whatever sexuality you want and can be whatever you want,

Good point.

We only welcome people who will work and contribute not pop out kids like stoned test bunnies just to get more benefits

Easy with that argument. I wouldn't welcome any foreigners, no matter how great they are. There is 100,000,000 Chinese ready to flood the US.

You want them? Nice, smart, and hard working people, all of them.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
12 Jun 2018 /  #116
The problem with the LGBT community is that they like to brag and show off about it.
I think most of us tolerate their behavior but we are not so happy when they loudly proclaim that they are proud of it.
Same with Muslims,Jehovah's Witnesses and a host of others.
If you have weird or unusual beliefs or preferences,keep them to yourself.
We are not interested and do not need to know.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Jun 2018 /  #117
The stats the alphabet community avoids like I avoid skunks is their lifespan, suicide rates, and the number of "partners".

The question they will never answer is if they would like to form separate communities, far and away from us, the "hateful" heteros. Like a separate state.

They also brag how many of them there are. OK, how many would like? 20%? How about 50%? I would have no problem answering this question: give me 100% today and I will be fine.

They will never go there because they know they need a healthy host to live on, the heterosexuals. They also know that biologically they are useless.

The same question asked of the heteros would immediately result in: please go. 100% hetero would be perfect.
Crow  154 | 9260  
12 Jun 2018 /  #118
As Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said (citation): ``The government is here for all citizens and will secure the respect of rights for all citizens. We want to send a signal that diversity makes our society stronger, that together we can do more.``
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Jun 2018 /  #119
You want them?

Well there's pros and cons. Poland took in a bunch of ukranians because it reached the point where it needed an uninsired underclass to do the ****** jobs poles didn't want, no different than arabs importing indians and philipinos or Americans eith Mexicans


Diversity always means less hetero white christians. Especially when it comes from a lesbian.
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Jun 2018 /  #120
Who gives a sh** for persons private life if person is good professional and seams to be human being that respects universal values of kindness.

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