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How do Polish people see homosexuality?

NomadatNet  1 | 457  
23 May 2011 /  #61
So, you reducted the marriage issue to sexual relation. In the real life, marriage is not about sexual relation.

Not to contradict yourself,, what you need to do is not only to be against marriage of homosexuals, but also, to be against their sexual relations without marriage. Then, I can understand.. But, then, seeing homosexuality as in born, nothing to do about it, is something like you are putting your nose into things in born. You can put your nose of course if it is a problem in born and if you know what to do.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 May 2011 /  #62
I will never support their marriage.

Nobody needs your support or otherwise.

Man to man is just wrong

Man has legs - are cars wrong?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 May 2011 /  #63
I remember reading an article about Jesus; that he was gay. The author (don't remember the name) reviewed Jesus' life and concluded that only a gay man (God?) would act as Jesus did.

Marriage is for straight people. Gay couples should be able to form a union but call it something else.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 May 2011 /  #64
Remember, ZIMMY, gay meant happy back in the day. Don't let Jesus's beard fool you ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 May 2011 /  #65
The beard was a nice chestnut in color. I was only a little kid back then but I remember the sun light shining on it.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
22 Dec 2017 /  #66

Homosexualism in Poland

According to the latest CBOS poll 55% of Poles see homosexualism as something abnormal but also believes we should tolerate the affected. 24% of Poles believes that homosexualism is something abnormal and shouldn't be tolerated at all. 64% of Poles are against same sex marriages and 84% are strictly against same sex couples having right to adopt children.


If you suffer from homosexualism disease stay away from Poland. You're place is called Psychiatry Ward.

Source: wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/sondaz-jak-polacy-traktuja-homoseksualizm/6t2rg0b
terri  1 | 1661  
24 Dec 2017 /  #67
Just in case anyone hears this. Poles could call you 'Ciota' - (homosex.)
mafketis  38 | 10911  
24 Dec 2017 /  #68
I think ciota is closer (in overall tone) to American faggot (f@gg0t if that's a banned word here)
jon357  72 | 22979  
24 Dec 2017 /  #69
It translates more or less as 'queen' . A cognate of German 'tante'. There are a few other Polish words that are used less often, plus in Warsaw there are still the vestiges of a Warsaw 'Polari', unfashionable now, but still used by people over a certain age.

Snotty really does think about this a lot. I wonder if there's anything he's not acknowledging about himself.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
24 Dec 2017 /  #70
It translates more or less as 'queen' .

There's probably different usage in America and the UK, I think in the US queen usually implies an older man, while ciota like fag(got) is more like sissy....

A cognate of German 'tante'.

more like a loan translation.
jon357  72 | 22979  
24 Dec 2017 /  #71
Pretty well. I've noticed that in PL the word 'ciota' tends to be used most by people who are themselves in the subculture. There's also 'klota' (mostly about younger people), a word that straight people don't usually know, never mind use.
11 Jun 2018 /  #72
[moved from]

yeah, freedom is a terrible, terrible thing,

First: gay march, as well as feminism, etc, are part of Cultural Marxism (CM), which is a ideology whose objective is to reach the communist by changing structure of society: family idea for example.

CM exists because the philosophers of communist party noticed that there was a resistance in the society to accept communism because family/christian "culture".
Search: Cultural Marxism

The fact is: If the gay march happened in a private area (a club for example) that would be completly different than it was happening in the street. As street is a public space, who walk on it has to follow rules, if he doesn't follow rules then he is actually attacking freedom (property).

The gay march in my country often has people putting religious symbols in anus or vagina.
Any person that does it solely in the street would be arrested, not because sexuallity idelogies but because it is very ill.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
11 Jun 2018 /  #73
The gay march in my country often has people putting religious symbols in anus or vagina.

really? how bizarre. I have been to a few Pride gatherings and saw nothing like that. Maybe it was your tortured imagination or fantasy or something?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #74
Well they do in the us and other countries. I had the misfortune of seeing one while driving. How these people aren't ticketed for indecent exposure and lewd conduct is beyond me.. but I guess the local cops were told ticketing half naked fairies simulating sex acts would be homophobic and they couldn't afford the bad pr.

Utterly disgusting. Props to the countries like russia that made this crap illegal... keep that **** at home in the bedrroom not in public like 99% of society
11 Jun 2018 /  #75

See yourself...


I am trying to help so that your country does not become a sh1t because of "freedom" ideas. Dont be idiot.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Jun 2018 /  #76
I have been to a few Pride gatherings

This is an honest question: what are they specifically proud of?
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
11 Jun 2018 /  #77
Proud of bring themselves probably - certainly beats being a paid troll in a poorly lit Moscow basement while the boss is having parties on the superyacht.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Jun 2018 /  #78
Proud of bring themselves probably

Ah, that famous Polish reading comprehension at work. Did you notice "specifically" in my post above?

For your convenience: specifically - an adjective meaning in a way that is exact and clear; precisely.

Would like to try again, this time skipping that old and tired Moscow basement routine?
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
11 Jun 2018 /  #79
Sure - they are proud of being themselves and not compromising their idenity by pretending to be somethIng different.

That is better than pretending to be a retired PolAm engineer in some dull suburb of Chicago for instance.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #80
what are they specifically proud of?

Annoying the 99% of society that aren't depraved homos and keep their sexuality where it belongs - in the bedroom.

On the bright side at least when the muslims take over western Europe you won't have this problem anymore. It'll be raining men - from rooftops.

Most poles do not support homos and that's a fact.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
11 Jun 2018 /  #81
Dont be idiot.

thanks for your concern but I can assure you I am not 'idiot'.

what are they specifically proud of?

being able to be themselves without censure from society I suppose.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #82
As the famous polish saying goes:

Tu jest polska, nie bruksela, tu sie pedalowania nie popiera!

(This is poland, not brussels, here faggotry is not supported ... sounds better in polish as it rhymes)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Jun 2018 /  #83
Sure - they are proud of being themselves

Can somebody here please help this guy and explain the concept of gay pride?

BTW, which one is it: dull suburb of Chicago or dark basement in Moscow?

Anyway, after my first post, I felt kind of weird. Maybe I was too quick with that 'never again'. Now, after three weeks on this forum, all my doubts are gone.

My problem is not that some of you hate my guts. It's OK and I actually don't mind it as it provides me with opportunities to respond.

What bugs me is the sophomoric way how you show it, with that infantile "you are not Polish", "basement in Moscow", and similar gems of human thought.

Instead, you could put some effort and respond with a well constructed sarcastic remark, for example. Or do a verbal jiu jitsu. But that would require higher level of linguistic expertise, as good sarcasms that cut well and to the point are signs of higher intelligence.

Calling me old is not. It's a self-admitted fact and, as such, under the basic rules of decency, should never be used as a verbal weapon against me. Instead, try to be more creative so that your age and intelligence is never in doubt.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #84
Can somebody here please help this guy and explain the concept of gay pride?

I already explained this. Gay pride means grossing out the 99% of society who doesn't participate in such acts, keeps their sexuality at home instead of flaunting it in public then calling people homophobes when theyre disgusted by it or don't want their young children to see such things, provoking a reaction just to get a chance to call someone a homophobe/intolerant, etc.

They take the opportunity to promote their sick anti human agenda. It doesn't matter if its an Irish parade or the Olympics - theres always some fag talking about 'rights' and equality. Even the most kinky straight people who are into polyamory various fetishes etc wont go around parading in the street and simulating acts with their partner. They're not demanding the right to legally have multiple spouses. Why? Because they don't care - they leave it for the bedroom. Not fags though. They demand to be seen and if someone disagrees with their lifestyle for whatever reason be it religious or simply because its anti human and defeats the whole purpose of life which is to reproduce, theyre automatically called homophobe.

Gays demand tolerance, acceptance but they NEVER give it back to the people who peacefully reject homosexual relations. They want you to accept and tolerate their opinions and lifestyle but theyll never accept and tolerate people who don't share their views. Instead, they just use the same tired words like homophobe, bigot, etc etc.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
11 Jun 2018 /  #85
On the other hand, Jack Phillips and his defenders who applaud the Supreme Court'd decision, forget one simple item, namely, that in defending "artistic freedom of personal expression", that freedom MUST cut both ways in order to be truly "equitable" to other affected groups, right?

This time, he's defending his right to turn down a wedding cake to a couple whose beliefs are repugnant to him along with many others, I should add. Next time, who's stopping him in the state of Colorado from designing a swastika-cake for an Alt-Right event?? Moreover, in the defense of his artistic "freedom", how would Mr. Jack Phillips feel about a counter group asking him to design a cake showing a the image of a cross with feces smeared on it to represent a criticism of Christianity??!

Free speech, for the umpteenth time, ain't so free.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #86
A private business should be allowed to refuse service for any reason or none at all. It is afterall a private business.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Jun 2018 /  #87
I already explained this. Gay pride means grossing out the 99% of society

I would like to read is what gays, or their apologists, claim are the gay reasons to be proud. I think that my question is legit, as pride goes with exceptional personal achievement and an accident of birth.

This point is relevant to that rainbow thingy in Warsaw, hence on the subject.

What you wrote - and I agree with you on all points - would be an answer to the question: Why do they parade?
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
11 Jun 2018 /  #88
So imagine if you got terribly sick in some horrible small town in Illinois on a Sunday and there was one pharmacy with the drug you needed. But when you get there the owner says that he will not serve Poles. Is that ok ?

Businesses expect the protection of the state if they are robbed or on fire - in return they must live by the laws of the state.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
11 Jun 2018 /  #89
I find myself agreeing with Dirk here.
I really can't see what there is to be proud of about being Gay.
I can't say I'm proud of being Hetero.That's just the way it is.
Why should anyone be "proud" of their sexual inclinations or preferences?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jun 2018 /  #90
A private business should be allowed to refuse service for any reason or none at all.

I'm sure you would be totally fine with a sign outside a grocery store saying "Polish nationals and Polish Americans not welcome", right?

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