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Polish people and racism.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #211
they can't learn german or they don't learn? maybe they don't wish to learn really. maybe you guys treat them such badly that they don't want to hear german language anymore.

maybe....maybe...maybe....I think they are just to stupid.

Classes with mostly turks are low level in every study...they tend to underachieve everywhere...do you want to spend your life blaming somebody else?

German parents take their children out of those classes and try to put them into german-mostly classes for better learning.

And it's not the teachers!
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 May 2008 /  #212
I'm a man...

I thought you were a dog, G... A boy is still better than a dog, you should feel honoured, really... :)

Europeans who have an IQ of 105

With all due respect...erm...i'm afraid we're not that smart ;)
Maybe 100, maximum (average, of course).
southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2008 /  #213
And it's not the teachers

I do not think the german teachers put some extra efforts to help the underachieving turkish children.Anyway.However children from other minorities do very well in the german educational system.
isisores  - | 46  
2 May 2008 /  #214
And it's not the teachers!

blaming somebody else? me or you? what's that, in every opportunity saying turks are stupid they have lower iq etc.. etc.. even it has relationship with the subject or not. we talk about how nice turkish sounds above german, you tell me turks are stupid their children stupid...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #215
However children from other minorities do very well in the german educational system.

And that shows that all this "those bad, turk hating, xenophobic germans...it's ALL their fault!" fells flat!

Also asked about their likes and dislikes Germans show always that they are not hostile to the foreigner per se...every study shows that we only have a problem with ONE group...guess who!

we talk about how nice turkish sounds above german

If that isn't a sure sign of stupidity then I don't know...
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 May 2008 /  #216
Classes with mostly turks are low level in every study

It's more a matter of education than intelligence.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #217
I do not think the german teachers put some extra efforts to help the underachieving turkish children

There are schools in Berlin whith nearly 100 percent turkish/arab youth...the teacher really do their best.
But what do you do for youth who still barely speak the language, are disinterested, do not regularly visit the school and are often highly agressive and disrespectful to their teacher?

The Rütli school in Neukölln had to be closed because the teachers got on strike, they feared for their lifes!
Can you imagine that with german pupils????

It's more a matter of education than intelligence.

I don't think so!
We have children of the fourth generation here in Berlin which are even worse than the first generation...uneducatable!
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
2 May 2008 /  #218
To distort this and tell that Mozart prefered the turkish language for aesthetic reasons is grotesque

I never said this, I didn't even suggest that. But Mozart DID avoid using German in his operas and he DID write a opera in Turkish. "The Abduction from the Seraglio"
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #219
But Mozart DID avoid using German in his operas and he DID write a opera in Turkish.

And he did so because he disliked German???
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
2 May 2008 /  #220
No, I never said that either. He did it for its appropriateness for the piece. I wasn't trying to bismirch German in my comment, but simply promote the Turkish language and Turkish culture as being valid in Europe, which for some reason around here is a controversial thing to say. I didn't want this thread to devolve into "which language is better." Listen, I want to get out of this argument if it's going to be: "German sucks"

"No it doesn't"
"Yeah it does, it sounds like a cat barfing"
"Well, Polish sounds like someone sneezing"
"No way"
"Yes way"
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 May 2008 /  #222
I don't think so!
We have children of the fourth generation here in Berlin which are even worse than the first generation...uneducatable!

So your theory is that they must be too stupid to learn as every other "normal" German students ?
If their parents don't educate them well, then THEY are the ones to blame, not the kids.
It's a problem of culture, nothing to do with being smart or not.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #223
Excuse me....but if it's part of the "culture" to be ignorant to the education of their offspring...well...screw that culture!

I once saw a doku about teaching in such a problem class...I couldn't stand it to see the teacher in the front preaching to a group of desinterested youth who didn't listen, had nothing on their tables, talked loudly in turk with themselves and frankly couldn't be arsed to listen to this poor sod called teacher.

They even had still their jackets on...
Do you know that teacher get regularly beaten up by their students???
Unthinkable with Germans...

Of course....these kids will get barely an education, most won't get a certificate at all, unable to communicate in german...but when they don't get work who's fault will that be? The Germans, of course!

That is sick man!
southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2008 /  #224
It's a problem of culture

You have to realize that the Turks feel superior to anyone.They feel deep contempt for the Westerners.
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 May 2008 /  #225
I'm not defending these kids, i'd rather defend their teachers, but i just don't see the point of saying that they are nothing more than stupid asses, and you must understand that if these kids act like that in classes today, why would their kids be different. It IS a matter of education, culture. The problem is not the kids, it's the parents. We have the same kind of troubles in France too.

You have to realize that the Turks feel superior to anyone

Really ? That's news to me, i've never heard that before...
I don't want to say you're a liar or something, but being a Greek (you are, right ?), can you be objective when talking about Turkey ?...history facts :)

They feel deep contempt for the Westerners

The Westerners in general feel sometimes superior too...
taiji000  1 | 13  
2 May 2008 /  #226
Just totally depends on the person. There are rasist in every country.
When my parents and later grandparents visited me in Paris (used ot live there for some time). My parents really like those all diffrent people, no discimination at all.

And then the biggest surpise was when my grandparents came. My grandfather just fall in love with black girls. Becasue they ara so well build ~(he is kinda fat too :P) and they look like they eat well, and he wanted me to find a black girl (eventually i did). MY grandmother liked chinese/japanese people, because their skin is so nice she said.

My grandparents were over 70 back then. And stil not rasist at all.

Then a year ago i went with my black girlfriend to Poland. We spend 3 months there! Travelled across Poland. First we visited my hometown and village where my grandparents live. Its small village in south east poland, just 20 kilometres from the borderd with Ukraine, so according to fellow poles it suppose to be very rasist. And it wasnt at all! Of course people looked at us, but they just did, because it was something unusuall to see. WHen i bad dreadlocks everyone looked at me too.We were speaking Spanish to each other, and as i dont look very typicaly polish, people were free to talk about us. And in 3 months we havent heard anything bad!

In fact i heard loads of possitive things such as: ' grzesiu, why dont you find a blakc girl for yourself' it was a mom to his like 30-something years old son :P.

Bet there are rasists in Poland but we just didnt happen to come accross any...
As im a male and my gf is black we have it better than blakc male + white gf.
I just noticed that if the girl is really cute then noone really is rasist to her :P and in fact i would say that the most rasist people we came accross were black people.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 May 2008 /  #227
It IS a matter of education, culture. The problem is not the kids, it's the parents.


But...it's as I said already the third or fourth generation...their parents and their grand parents were already born here and got to school here.

And NOTHING has changed...that is not normal!
Should we just accept it, just shrug and say: "Well..it's their culture!" ???

What do you advise?

I just think education met her limit if there is no will to become educated...

PS: And ignoring a good school education, ignoring the importance of learning the language of the host country, ignoring the need of good, respectful behaviour IS stupid!
isisores  - | 46  
2 May 2008 /  #228
Really ? That's news to me, i've never heard that before...
I don't want to say you're a liar or something, but being a Greek (you are, right ?), can you be objective when talking about Turkey ?...history facts :)

actually it's sad but because of greek education system, not all but many greeks hate turks unconditionally. yes i can't say greeks are our favourite nation but if turks dislike greeks for one, then greeks do it for ten. and of course we don't have superior feeling. all nations get proud of theirselves some bit, it's the nationalism. but surely we are not excessive like greeks supposes us. turks are hospitable people and don't judge people with races. it's the truth.
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 May 2008 /  #229
But...it's as I said already the third or fourth generation

And as i said :

if these kids act like that in classes today, why would their kids be different

These kids will probably become parents...if they educate their kids the way they were themselves educated, things won't change.

their parents and their grand parents were already born here and got to school here.
And NOTHING has changed...that is not normal!

Yeah, i agree, not normal, but somewhat logical, unfortunately.

Should we just accept it, just shrug and say: "Well..it's their culture!"

No, i will never accept it, but i prefer to be sure about whose fault it really is.

What do you advise?

Educate their parents, make them understand how the society works (not that simple, i know).

PS: And ignoring a good school education, ignoring the importance of learning the language of the host country, ignoring the need of good, respectful behaviour IS stupid!

They don't ignore all of that, they just don't realize. I guess that most of them don't live in beautiful houses with gardens in flowers. I guess their parents have crappy works that take them most of their time (it means less time to educate their kids) and that pay nuts.

It's a difficult problem, i know that finding solutions isn't easy either.
osiol  55 | 3921  
2 May 2008 /  #230
It's a vicious circle.

The parents got nothing from education, so they will never go anywhere in life.
They tell their kids that education won't do anything for them, so the kids follow the example.

It's a vicious circle.
2 May 2008 /  #231
The parents got nothing from education, so they will never go anywhere in life.

Who are we to say such things? I think some people are quite happy and satisfied with a simple life? Face it, losers, winners, bad, good, ugly, beautiful, sad, happy and so on. It's all needed..

Besides, I've seen a lot of well educated people who behaved like little children at some point, so I really don't believe that education makes a person smarter. I think culture, wisdom and most of all insights gained from personal experience have more to with it?

They tell their kids that education won't do anything for them, so the kids follow the example.

I do agree with you on this one, and I do think children should recieve as much education as they can take. I also would like to see free education for everyone, because in most cases, it's unfortunately still a matter of money and perhaps even class..

I don't believe a career is a succesful measurement for health or happiness anyway. Making a career for yourself doesn't even have that much to do with intelligence, but more with timing, decisions, social networking, friends or in some cases, just luck..
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 May 2008 /  #232
It's a vicious circle.

Not always so.

It is almost a stereotype, confirmed by countless immigrant stories where parents do all they can to help kids get education better than they could get. All that so that the kids' lives are easier. (Not that education always ensures that)
southern  73 | 7059  
3 May 2008 /  #233
don't want to say you're a liar or something, but being a Greek (you are, right ?), can you be objective when talking about Turkey ?...history facts :)

You,as French can be objective when talking about Turkey?...history facts.French have been the biggest Turkophiles I know.Even from the 16th century there was mutual agreement between Sulejman and Ludwig.French fought as allies of Ottoman Empire in Crimea in 1854.In 1920 French helped Kemal providing ammunition to fight the Greek army even though officially they were allies with Greeks(in Entente).They gave all territories they had gained by Sevres treaty to Turkey.(French PM said:We were forced to sign the treaty,we were sad after it).And still today they support the entrance of Turkey into EU.

For me this turkophilia is unexplained and not justified at all.What common does France have with Turkey?Maybe you view them as exotic I do not know.

You should ask all neighbouring balkan nations what Turkey and Turks are like.Ask Serbs,Greeks,Bulgarians,Croatians.You will get very interesting answers.Also ask the ones who had limited turkish occupation like Hungarians and Ukrainians.What they really think.

If all this does not agree with the german experience illustrated by Bratwurst Boy,then you are free to be turkophile.
espana  17 | 947  
3 May 2008 /  #234
france team ,,, just look at the Midfielderse
Hatem Ben Arfa »Abou Diaby »Alou Diarra »Lassana Diarra »Claude Makelele »Florent Malouda »Rio Antonio Mavuba »Samir Nasri »Franck Ribéry »Jérôme Rothen »Jérémy Toulalan »Patrick Vieira.

2 real french only.
the german look german for me (but not Kuranyi)
Polson  5 | 1767  
3 May 2008 /  #235
Even from the 16th century

French fought as allies of Ottoman Empire in Crimea in 1854

In 1920 French helped Kemal

I'm sorry i wasn't born then :))
My point of view is not made on history facts.

And still today they support the entrance of Turkey into EU

I'm not sure about this one... There are many debates about the entrance of Turkey in the EU and i'd say that there are not more pros than cons...

For me this turkophilia is unexplained and not justified at all.What common does France have with Turkey?Maybe you view them as exotic I do not know

Are we that Turkophile ?... I think we are Turkophile as much as we are Hellenophile ;)

one real french only

Hum...what ?
All of them were born and raised in France, they ARE French. Many of these black players are actually from the French Antilles (French West Indies as they say in the dictionary).

One "real" French, what does that mean ?! If you mean Whites, then i see at least 3 players among those you gave me : Ribéry, Rothen and Toulalan.

the german look german for me

HAHA, yeah, sure ! Gomez, Trochowski, Podolski, Klose, Kuranyi... So German ! ;))
espana  17 | 947  
3 May 2008 /  #236
i m not talking about the colour just look the names ,
german have 4 (2 polish , one hispanic and a turkish)
but in france is to many ,
good for france !!!!!!!!
Polson  5 | 1767  
3 May 2008 /  #237
France is known for being a land of immigration ;)

but in france is to many

So do you think we should not allow these super players to play for France because of their skin color or names ? I don't think so :)

good for france !!!!!!!!

Of course it is, we are world vice-champion, and among the favourites to win the Euro in one month (yoohoo, can't wait !!)

lesser  4 | 1311  
3 May 2008 /  #238
france team ,,, just look at

French teams, 1959 and 2008. Global warming :))
Polson  5 | 1767  
3 May 2008 /  #239
Global warming :))

Haha, well, global warming doesn't only concern France...
Imagine the 2035 Poland football team :




Lee Tanganiak


Rudolwski (black man from sunny Germany)
Andres de Diazki
Nowak (yeah, a "normal" Pole ^^)


Geraldinhowski (former Brazilian citizen, chose Poland cuz Brasil was a bit too cold..)
Molotov (both parents are from Bulgaria)

Don't forget the coach : Sir Carlos Firenzia de Alves Anderssonovitch Tao (of English-Spanish-Italian-Argentinian-Swedish-Belarusian-Korean descent.......)

2034 World Cup is ours !! ;P
ArcticPaul  38 | 233  
3 May 2008 /  #240
To say a person of colour is not really French (or British or German) is pure ignorance!

If a person is born and raised in a country he is a product of that country.
Culture is learned NOT genetic.

As for Turks v Greeks.... In my experience most Turks are friendly and curious to learn.
Maybe fourth generation german Turks are just sick of not being accepted as Germans?
I know many European Muslims feel 'between' cultures.
Too western for their ancestral homelands,
too exotic (dark) for the countries they try to live in.

One race, the human race.
Stop looking for differences and start accepting the similarities.

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