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Polish people and racism.

johnny reb  49 | 7926  
17 Sep 2016 /  #901
And reverse your argument Johnny and see what's happening in England now

Please explain what you mean by reverse my argument.
The Poles are raping and assaulting the English people and demanding Catholicism be taught in the public schools ?
The grade schools in London are 25% Polish children ?
Is it the Polish goal to covert everyone to Catholicism ?
Is it the Polish men's goal to breed every English girl possible to destroy the English gene pool ?
Poles are taking over the taxi business and every corner convenience store ?
Do the public service commissions answer their telephones with "push one for Polish and two for English" ?
Do the Polish people 'sneer' at the English people walking down the street ?
Tell me what part you want me to reverse ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Sep 2016 /  #902
Racist violence against Poles in the UK is gaining momentum no one appears to care.

Student stabbed in neck with smashed bottle 'for speaking Polish' in Telford

Crow  154 | 9531  
18 Sep 2016 /  #903
Student stabbed in neck with smashed bottle 'for speaking Polish' in Telford

Horrible news.

But, i must say, i`m not surprised. What to expect from society that looks favorable at combined military actions by mujaheediens of Islamic league and British army. Everything, is upside down there. Quite confused situation. Ruling ideology in today`s England is Nazi-Islam.
4 Oct 2016 /  #904
British guy here- can confirm the racism against Poles in the UK got a bit worse. But then so did every part of racism there. In honesty, other communities (Pakistani, Indian, African etc) are doing more to PRO-actively repair their image/reputation by DELIBERATELY engaging more with other people. The Muslim community refuses to be branded by the news/other ******** and you can SEE they are working to destroy a negative image, just with how they speak to you, look at you. The Polish there have continued doing their usual thing- and none of their interactions help people understand WHO they are= which leaves people to judge them from the news and statistics (All lies). Not sure why I am writing this but any community can change how people view them- but no one is going to do that for you.

On the other side living here with my ex- girl who was Korean/Japanese- well, another story. Literally feared walking outside from the names, looks, and physical aggression people show at a 'foreigner'- let alone how this country treats immigrants trying to gain residence. Purely disgusting. I keep an open mind but I am still trying to figure out HOW people can be so openly racist here- with the feeling of justification.

Am no patriot, and no nationalist, my family were immigrants to the UK too. I know Poland has what it takes, its not your fault you were robbed of so much time during communism. So no judgement- just concern. You will get there.
Lonman  4 | 109  
11 Oct 2016 /  #905
Ill jump in here as I always like a good verbal flogging. I have stayed away from the Forums for a couple years as I found most of the talk repetitive and angry. As an expat (US) is my view but one who has spent a fair amount of time in Poland over the last 15 years. I also spent a good part of 2015 and 16 working in the refugee camps and route.

1) Most Syrians do not want to come to Poland. Is cold, the language is difficult and is not known as a welcome place.

2) Many many are family people looking for a safe place. Yes I saw with my own eyes the high amounts of single men from all over the Middle East and Africa on the route trying to get in... they are different and that problem is the fault of the EU. But a good majority of the Syrians just want to be safe for awhile and go home

3) I know from many of my Polish friends especially women there is a great deal of fear associated with men from this region and any type of refugee centers

4) I also think the problem is the large scale of last years crisis. Trying to force so large a population even into country like Germany is too much worse for Austria. Small numbers and with local support no problem. That is how is has been working in the US recently. (npr.org/2016/09/15/494043613/syrian-refugee-family-knows-english-is-the-key-to-independence)

5) I think we as humans do have to have a place for those who need refuge. Stupid arguments about a certain % of apples being poisoned are ridiculous. By that argument we should not get on a plane or ever drive a car on a Polish highway during the holidays.

That is all.
nothanks  - | 626  
12 Oct 2016 /  #906

Welcome back. I agree with all your points and have heard the same type of refugee center experience that you describe. Personally, I would like to see this event/situation treated as a lesson for future "crisis" for example climate change in Africa. And my lesson is: help should be provided in Africa/Middle East ie UN funded camps which can be maintained by the refugees themselves. Not only the financial benefits of such a decision but also: we are currently rewarding people that could afford and be physically fit enough to make the trip. So the elderly and women with families are stuck in the Middle East. This is enriching the crooked smugglers.
Ronman68  - | 1  
12 Oct 2016 /  #907

In Reference to your comments about camps being closer to home country. Those are there in Turkey and elsewhere. One thing that was happening last year was a realization among many that their resourese were drying up (eg $) and they saw no end to the war in Syria. So when the opening happened they took it. There are huge camps already like you suggest. In the bigger picture the EU must end the attraction of the EU as an easy place to migrate to work work and better life. T
Albany NY  2 | 19  
30 Oct 2016 /  #908
From my experience, many but not all Poles are bigots. Blessed Virgin Mary please help Poland.

Racism and bigotry are widespread in Poland. Tak tak. I strongly urge foreigners not to financially invest in Poland. It would be better if another country would take over Poland and rebuild from scratch. Just my opinion. Everybody's opinion and experience is welcome.
7 Mar 2017 /  #909

On race and desperation

I have been living here for quite some time, and I have an observation to share.

I'm curious, are the Polish people very desperate to show that they are not racist, that they have a tendency to lean on more or have more inclination towards the non-white?
cms  9 | 1253  
7 Mar 2017 /  #910
You would have spent your time better if you went to the pub or for a walk in the park in the snow, or watched a movie, rather than cogitating nonsense questions.

Or are you yet another troll ?
28 Jun 2017 /  #911
Hey Gab
I read your soliloquy and i must say i am impressed with your awakening. You articulate from "the soul of humanity ".
I recognise" the naivety of truth "within your contribution. if only others could achieve this level of empathy , not just polish persons , but people full stop.

Yes poland has a issue with racism , its too obvious to ignore let alone comment . USA has same issue but more sophisticated.
The problem for the racist polish in the UK is that the fight against racism was challenged in the 1970s , the battle was fought and won . so when elements of this battle are bought to the fore , we identify and push back. (Google, the death of Blair peach and the Southall riots) also (rock against racism ) , it should be said that , with the introduction of cultures such as the polish, and their introduction into UK society , they have alot to learn about modern Britain.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Jun 2017 /  #912
they have alot to learn about modern Britain.

You have a lot to learn about English language.

Yes poland has a issue with racism

USA has same issue but more sophisticated.

USA has more sophisticated issue with racism? hahaha
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2017 /  #913
Racism is everywhere its just a few very liberal eu countries that have spent tons of time, money and effort to fight a problem that was already very small and resulted in hardly any deaths. Thanks to that culture they've created a society where even saying something like 'boy, there's an awful lot of new mosques here now' or even something that can be easily proven by statistics like 'rape cases have gone up exponentially since the European migrant crisis' gets you labeled nazi, racist etc. I'm all for fighting discrimination esp at an institution level, but when free speech gets stifled because someone might get offended and peoples safety is at stake.. Well a good dose of common sense is needed.

I hate to break it to you agniesca but most people in the world are racist or at the very least hold strong prejudices - examples: in China the people believe that all blacks are backward, poor, and violent. Meanwhile they view Jews as the archetypal businessmen and even one of the best selling books in China is titles something to the extent of 'business secrets of the jews' or Jewish guide to business something like that. Meanwhile in India, Hindus believe they are superior to Africans in nearly every way. Even Ghandi called Africans lazy and uncultured and had a rather supremacist view of Indians. Yet he's soooo celebrated as a figure of social justice. In europe, (generally speaking) poles and Russians are wary of each other, no one in the Balkans gets along anymore, Greeks hate Jews, sicilians don't really like other northern italians, no one seems to like the Albanians or gypsies, Jews (esp zionists) don't like Palestinians and Persians and vice versa, azeris and Armenians don't get along, and there's tons of other examples... Of course these are all generally speaking - not everyone is those societies is racist and the number of people who hold racist views seems to be declining with globalization

You can't totally ever eliminate racism and it appears ever more clear each day that a ton of problems arise when a society is essentially forced to be multiracial rather than experiencing globalization and new ideas and new people at its own pace. Even with all these affirmative action programs here to get blacks or others into jobs and colleges they just interact with their own kind. If you dont believe me take a drive to any us college and go to the cafeteria.

People simply subconsciously hang out with their own type. Even in an uncontrolled environment like a college cafeteria where no ones telling anyone where to sit and with who to interact you'll see the Asians sitting with Asians, white frat guys w frat guys, blacks with blacks and usually the only table with some diversity tends to be the most liberal types with the funky hair colors and piercings who go out of their way to make friends with a person of a different race crews religion while not realizing many times they're trying to make friends with someone that's a minority due to their minority status thereby increasing their own 'tolerance clout' rather than making friends with a person due to their personality and not their race creed religion etc. And even at that table its mostly lgbt whites looking for the token black guy or girl who had trouble fitting in at the black table.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jun 2017 /  #914
People simply subconsciously hang out with their own type

An excellent analysis! It is the PC dicatorship and the liberal lefitsts backing it that is the root of the problem. It goes against human nature as exemplified by the saiyng: Birds of a feather.... Anarcho-leftist oddballs tryng to show how "tolerant", "liberal" and "accepting" they are of minorities are mainly ego-tripping show-offs. The weird hairdos, piercings and duds prove their desire to call attention ot themselves above all else.
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
29 Jun 2017 /  #915
I have Polish ancestry, am Politically Incorrect and I am White which automatically makes me a racist.
Why is it that only White people are racists ?
Isn't that being racist in itself ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2017 /  #916
@johnny reb

No johnny your just the awful cis white priveledged male that much of the youth hates now.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2017 /  #917

It's mostly middle aged men that use the term CIS , Dirk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jun 2017 /  #918
It's mostly middle aged men that use the term CIS , Dirk.

What does it mean?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2017 /  #919
oh right lol, its what 'transwomen' use to describe 'real women', meaning that someone was born a woman and didnt get there some other way..:)

It really gets on my nerves. I am not a 'CIS woman' I am just , you know, a woman.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jun 2017 /  #920
It really gets on my nerves.

Thanks Roz, I knew nothing about this. What an annoying term, I agree!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2017 /  #921
Its rather commonly used here to differentiate between basically a non transsexual non gay person I.e. cisgender cissexual. Apparently there's dozens of these pronouns adjectives that have come into English vernacular the past few years. Now if someone doesn't want to be called he/she they can be called 'ze'

There's dozens of these new words we had to learn through some 'sensitivity training' at my college. It was kind of ridiculous because it was like a 2 day all day long event. Thank god for weed..

See to most people yes that would annoy them and confuse them to no end... Id imagine even transsexuals say a man to women want to be called a woman as opposed to something else esp after all the money time etc spent on their transformation.

Hmm strange I've actually only heard this term being used within the past year or two and usually by young millenials at the uni in the process of getting their bachelor's. Usually it was to criticize a 'cis white male' as an oppressor, and to force that person to defend themselves against being an oppressor. Unfortunatlet no matter how many rallies you go to money and time spent on causes, it is never enough because of your white skin and anatomy. Seems silly but alas that is how the campuses function in many of best colleges in the U.S.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2017 /  #922
If I remember correctly there were some 7 different genders and some 20 pronouns if not more could students to 'pick' to be identified with. I couldn't tell you what binary, non binary and some of the other ones are though.

Those bastards wouldn't let me chose to be identified as 'dear leader' : /
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2017 /  #923
Now if someone doesn't want to be called he/she they can be called 'ze'

oh my son and I call them 'they' but the problem is that son kind of says it in italics...:):)

Thank god for weed..

too right..:)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Jun 2017 /  #924
racist views seems to be declining with globalization

It should be mandatory to travel abroad for 6 months straight once in your lifetime. Works wonders.

You can't totally ever eliminate racism

Of course not. There will always be a Neanderthal who hates all other cavemen because they smell differently.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jun 2017 /  #925
Usually it was to criticize a 'cis white male' as an oppressor, and to force that person to defend themselves against being an oppressor.

The thing is that they're doing a lot of harm this way, because even people like me (who sympathise with LGBT issues and believe in the right to marriage for gay couples) instantly get pissed off with such stupid language.
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
29 Jun 2017 /  #926
When speaking of LGBTLMNOP's brings us back to worldly beliefs vs. spiritual beliefs.
Guess who wins in the end.
Which has nothing to do with racism.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jun 2017 /  #927

inter alia Commonwealth of Independent States ( a total post-Soviet flop)
In Geography Cis-Alpine and Cis-Jordan.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2017 /  #928

I know what you mean. Its counterproductive. Unfortunately much lucid debate or any other vocalizations of nuanced opinions is simply stifled on campuses all around here. Amusing but sadly a local college recently held a mock funeral - the death of higher education for such very reasons. There are rallies, demonstrations etc pretty regularly and what's unfortunate is that their screaming and bullhorns often disrupts lectures. However if a professor tells them to be quiet so he or she can teach those same students will then demonstrate till that professor is fired. I don't mind having blm lgbtq etc demonstrations or rallies on campus because you need social justice warriors in society. However a lot of the participants form a sort of mob mentality and will scream chant and cry to get their way - usually the firing of some professor, administrator or the shutting down of an invited speaker they disagree with. Many professors have been called the 'f***ing (cis) white male' line by their own students which is totally disrespectful and in most other countries would result in that students expulsion. Not here though - its the professor who is let go. They tend to not be interested in lucid debate. Most students that identify as say conservative, republican, etc keep their mouths shut and won't debate out of fear. In fact sometimes its not enough to just go to class, keep your mouth shut, and study - no... Oftentimes students in the class will ask you why you weren't at some rally or demonstration and God forbid you say because you were busy or worse that you don't really care. There is social injustice - I'm not denying that. Its a lot better than it was for minorities and lgbtq people but nonetheless there's still issues. The problem is that many of these students will put on a mask of helping others but instead create an atmosphere where they can never be criticized and any opposing views or even probing type of debate is simply shut down and doesn't exist. Its almost like the fascism of the 30s and 40s. Lets just hope it never gets to the stage where they're burning books on campuses like mark twains huck Finn because it isn't compatible with their worldview.

Very true. Most of the people who eat drink and breathe racist ideology I.e. skinheads are often unemployed, undereducated and simply looking for a scapegoat. Its one thing to be patriotic for ones nation and want that nations people to control their own destiny but another to advance your own nationalitys agenda at the cost of others. Racism, or at least phobias, are increasing though especially in europe towards Muslims. This is understandable because of all the terrorist attacks, rape cases, etc. However one must understand that the average Muslim family is perhaps very culturally different but most are not terrorists, rapists, etc. It all comes back to how you were raised and your own conscience. The problem is that many of these migrants were used to a pretty lawless country without the liberal laws and social safety net that much of western Europe has and they've exploited that system for their own benefit - especially financially. Many of them have a sort of conquerer mentality which is further fueled by radical imams explaining how Muslims will conquer Europe through birthrates and establish sharia. When people see these sermons online or are accosted in a Muslim area or perhaps know someone who was forced to move or otherwise change their life to accomdate people who aren't even citizens that's when tensions arise and racism increases. At the same time though many Muslims don't view Europeans as equals but rather kuffar to be conquered. Again not everyone but nonetheless much of these migrants have little education so all they know is what they learned from an imam at a mosque - many of which are fundrd by Saudi to spread wahabism/salafism. This is what poland wants to avoid. Most poles know that the average Muslim isn't a terrorist but they simply don't want the risk of 1 or 2 slipping in out of thousand.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2017 /  #929
phobias, are increasing though especially in europe towards Muslims.

That's truth, I wonder what could be the possible reason for that. I heard there was some Muslim running people over like in Carmageddon video game in France or Germany but that must have been some fake news.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2017 /  #930

Well like I said its mainly because of the terrorist attacks. Most poles and most Americans as well know that the majority of Muslims aren't terrorists. However they simply don't want a few terrorists to sneak in with the families which has obviously happened in Germany, France, uk, etc. Its not just cars either - its beheadings of soldiers on uk streets, assault style attacks on cafes concerts, etc. Polish people just don't want any part of it. Also polish men aren't scared to take things into their own hands. When that Tunisian guy stabbed a pole they burned down his kebab restaurant. When some middle easterners started getting too frisky with the polish girls at the beach they all got beat up. In those type of scenarios the police do little to stop them.

Another issue is culture clash...

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