Oh Rosy you are just to much sometimes.
Tori it is 'etc' not 'ect' just saying.
See, we do have our own language because it is ect. in the United States. lol
You are not being realistic, you're being an off the wall racist.
No, we sent the British home in their knee high knickers after spanking them good.
We then created the Great United States of America with zero help from Britain. I think you know that.
The United States had no tolerance for British law......OMG we were RACISTS!
The Polish people see how constructive racism works and they want no part of Britain's failing economy and immigration problems with the Muslims.
Poland may send the Brits packin' too when your economy collapses.
They want to keep Poland Polish and if they are forced to be racist to keep Poland Polish they will.
It is not a bad thing to be intolerant to a undesirable religion that want to kill you because you don't believe as they do or teach your children undesirable sex acts with the same sex as being a "natural thing".
Polish people are intolerant to all that crap and stand strong against it and if you Liberals want to tag the name "Racist" for doing that then we are very proud to be called Racists.
Now that your condescending words Racist, Homophobic, Bigot and ECT.
are no longer belittling and now meaningless, what are you going to come up with next?
How about "uncivilized"? lol