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Polish people and racism.

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #31
Terrorism and muslims who wish to cause harm to our nation in the UK are mislead and not a true representation of Islam at all. my question to you Lukasz is this, 'what is the greatest Jihad??'

What about Kosovo :) Muslims and Serbs were living there and when muslims were close to majority ... started ask for independence (country without Serbs Christians) ... Serbs wanted to "clean" them (what is very bad) ... lost. Kosovo is new muslim state on Europes map ... Serbs live in ghettos there.

I am sure 80% of musilms who live there are not extremists.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Apr 2008 /  #32
I am sure 80% of Muslims who live there are not extremists.

well mate as far as Britain is concerned, last i knew, more than 60% of Muslims agreed with the actions of 9/11 and about 25% were prepared to fight 'the holy war' against the non believers or infidels' so if you think its bad in Kosovo you want to try here in the UK.

As for what they ask for well, they have to get it don't they, there is a fine line between picking out those who are extreme, not just in a terrorist sense, it could include wanting their own state, from those who are everyday Muslims. It is the ignorant who are ticked into believing that all Muslims want this sort of thing around the world.

You see it may not be the Muslims separating themselves from society, it may be the ignorance of that society that alienates them from the rest of the country, whether that be the UK, Poland or even Kosovo :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #33

Tornado you have your true I have mine :)

Serbs were living with Alabanians in Kosovo for 500 years. when Albanians were close to majority everything changed.

Maybe you are right maybe I am right.

For me, modern Europeans are lazy Romans and modern muslims are modern Barbarians.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Apr 2008 /  #34
lol well thats one way of concluding it!!!!

Hay mate don't get me wrong, i hate the extremists, i hate terrorists, i would hang them all, believe me, there not even worth a trial, they should die like the dogs they are.

However i feel that 'Muslims' and 'Islam' have labels stuck to them which are not true and do not represent the majority of the religion and the people of the Islamic faith. I hate religion too and i don't care for Jews, Islamics, Christians etc etc i think its a bag of S**t to be honest and causes a lot of trouble in the world.

whether your a Bosnian Arabic dog or a Serbian Christ worshipper i couldn't give two S**ts as long as your a decent person, its just a shame the rest of the world can't see it that way, although i guess thats the narrow mindedness of a lot of religion :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #35
However i feel that 'Muslims' and 'Islam' have labels stuck to them which are not true

They have in Koran that their religion must conquer north. If you are practicing Muslim you must believe in that. Difference between extremist and normal Muslim is that extremists believe in force and normal Muslims believe in democracy ;) (make love one day we will win elections) It is in Koran in their Bible as long as they consider themselves Muslims they must believe in that.

whether your a Bosnian Arabic dog or a Serbian Christ worshiper i couldn't give two S**ts as long as your a decent person

Serbs are orthodox and as I know their religion has nothing to do with religious wars. Catholics and Protestants could learn a lot form them.

war in Bosna was before 09/11 so Serbs finally were beaten. I don't know if people know how Bosnak soldiers looked like.

Serbs have done a lot of bad things ... all in all I don't think that everything should fall on them.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Apr 2008 /  #36

firstly mate, its the Kuran,

their religin must conquer north. If you are practicing muslim you must believe in that.

what do you mean by that mate???

Difference between extermist and normal muslim is that extermists believe in force and normal muslims believe in democracy ;) (make love one day we will win elections) It is in Koran in their Bible as long as they consider themselves muslims they must believe in that.

so you think they want to sit everybody down, democratically, to say, hay look Islam is the only way, the only life is the one that god decides for you. Look i don't think so.

Serbs are orthodox and as I know their religion has nothing to do with religous wars. Catholics and Protestants could learn a lot form them.

yeah i'm sure they could, like how to burn people alive in their homes, shoot thousands of innocent civilians and leave them in a ditch, rape and pillage Bosnian villages. I can see where your coming from with the learning part there!!!!

Serbs have done a lot of bad things ... all in all I don't think that everything should fall on them.

no of course not, Serbs have done bad things, that does not make every serb bad. :)
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
10 Apr 2008 /  #37
firstly mate, its the Kuran,

Actually he's right. It's "Koran" or "Qur'an" but not "Kuran".
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #38
what do you mean by that mate???

They have in their holly book statements that they have to conquer north and leave south. Check it. As long as somebody is good Muslim has to believe in that. When I see person who don't eat pork pray 5 times a day I know that this little piece of **** believes that Europe one day will be Muslim. It is their religion.

yeah I'm sure they could, like how to burn people alive in their homes, shoot thousands of innocent civilians and leave them in a ditch, rape and pillage Bosnian villages. I can see where your coming from with the learning part there!!!!

it was nationalism not their religion.

no of course not, Serbs have done bad things, that does not make every Serb bad. :)

Smile like clown and play your childish games ... Poland will not be Islamised. It is not racism.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Apr 2008 /  #39
They have in their holly book statements that they have to conquer north and leave south. Check it. As long as somebody is good Muslim has to believe in that. When I see person who don't eat pork pray 5 times a day I know that this little piece of **** believes that Europe one day will be Muslim. It is their religion.

well i can't convince you to change your judgments as you will do them regardless as its natural to you to think that way.

it was nationalism not their religion.

whatever there is no excuse!!!

Smile like clown and play your childish games ... Poland will not be islamised. It is not racism.

agreed its not racism
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #40
I like his views


we love to make jokes form Germans when we talk about Turks there ;-) ... but situation seems to be more serious.
Mali  - | 300  
10 Apr 2008 /  #41
For a nation that has been through so much throughout history, you would have thought that, white supremacy, racism against skin colour and religious groups etc etc would not be something to be worried about in Poland. However it seems there is a sleeping beast within Poland.

No one is going to deny that there are racist bigots in Poland. An aura of xenophobia was created with the onslaught of communism after WWII. There is no excuse for racism in Poland these days and people are actually looking into it and trying to fix things. Prior to its occupation Poland was seen as one of the most tolerant nations in Europe (unlike the pilfering Britain that you like to believe to be an icon of tolerance).

Karl, for someone that is critical of such a deep issue in a nation that they`ve never been to, you`re starting to sound like an ignorant hypocrite. Get off your high horse and look into the racism that is occurring in your own nation.

"There's two types of racism in this country - the racism that discriminates and the racism that kills, which is compounded by poverty."

The recent stabbing by teenage gang members of a 10-year-old Nigerian boy, who was then left by passers-by to die in an open stairwell of a rundown London housing project, has led police to look into antagonisms between the Nigerian and Caribbean communities.



Barack Obama is well in the running for the presidency of the United States of America. He is the first non-white American to have a strong chance of holding the highest office in the USA. But had his Kenyan father chosen Britain rather than the UK for his studies his son, his grandchildren and their grandchildren would have been excluded from the office of head of state. For in this country the constitution requires that that position be filled only by northern European Protestants. No Blacks, no Jews and, indeed, no Irish need apply. The British allow one family, the dysfunctional, high-living white Windsors, the exclusive right to represent them.

elixa  1 | 14  
11 Apr 2008 /  #42
why on earth did you have to bring Islam in this, when the topic was something completly different. Again, typical arrogant posters have to blame Islam for racism in Poland? The topic was Polish People and Racism. I strongly object to the slander about Islam in this forum. God will judge you.
Tran Anh  2 | 72  
11 Apr 2008 /  #43
An aura of xenophobia was created with the onslaught of communism after WWII.

I think xenophobia is a little different from racism and to blame 'communism' for all things is too simplistic. In the cold war, the Soviet rule demanded Poland to be highly suspicious of everything Western (xenophobia) while encouraged Poland to foster cooperation and understanding with many Third World countries (who sympathized with USSR of course). In the Soviet sphere, there was only ideology that counted so racism was pretty much pushed into near oblivion. Russia in the 1970s was a model of both Western paranoia and race tolerance (noting a huge number of TW students there and very few incidents occurring compared to today). The same happened to Poland (the famous Jewish purge in 1968 had more political overtone than your normal racist stuff). Only precisely after the collapse of Eastern Europe's "communism" that the ghost of both xenophobia (towards poorer countries) and racism (towards darker skin fellows) have crept back into those countries (possibly because nationalism is the only 'inspiring' spiritual replacement, at least for now). I am not entirely sure about this level of this 'spirituality' in Poland, but it has already been shocking in Russia and still rising.

In my opinion, if there was one good thing about Soviet 'real communism', it was the very lack of rabid racism that characterizes its successor states.

Prior to its occupation Poland was seen as one of the most tolerant nations in Europe

Prior to what's occupation? Those after 1772 or 1939? Obviously the old Polish Noble Republic was the the model of tolerance for Europe (for the time being) but if you also mean that applies for the Second Republic as well, then you are kinda off the mark. Taking into account all its tremendous difficulties (reborn after 123 years, huge ethnic diversities, two vile and powerful neighbors, internal quarrellings...), still with its treatment of Jews and Ukrainians, I am unconvinced that it could ever win a Human Right Award by its very contemporaries.

Love doesn't need to blind, does it?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Apr 2008 /  #44
Nice post Tran
BTW lukasz,not all BOSNIACS (not Bosnaks) looked like those despicable mujahadeen,if you read any accounts the actual Bosnians were extremely pissed off to be invaded by extremist Muslims but,as they say my enemies enemy is my friend.

And just a thought here everyone, hands up who of you knows the difference between Sun'ni,Sh'ia and Sufi Muslims?
Gab  - | 133  
11 Apr 2008 /  #45

I agree, let's not get carried away. People, read the topic!

I suggest that we start another forum regarding different religions as long as we can all be civil. I would love to talk about things that some of you started, but I am afraid that some of you are incapable of having a discussion, not a fight, but a discussion. It's not about being wrong or right. It's about being able to communicate! And maybe then we can learn something new, u know ... I do not practice any religion, but at the same time I am OK with people who are Muslims, Christians, Catholics or whatever else is out there. It's their choice! They chose a religion for a reason. I may not agree with certain things that a particular religion offers or teaches, but that's just me. I was raised in a Catholic country, but never got into practicing. And think about it, we can find both good and bad people in every religion, in every country etc. Let's concentrate on the positive instead always having to stress the negative. Let's try this for a change.

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Apr 2008 /  #46
again,nice post Gab,please stick around regardless of the random nature of the post editing by the pf team :)
(i think your suggestion that me and thee start a new forum nudged those posts to oblivion/random chat :) I suppose thats only fair as poaching isnt the best etiquette)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
13 Apr 2008 /  #47
(unlike the pilfering Britain that you like to believe to be an icon of tolerance).

I have never said the UK is an icon of tolerance, you will never hear may say such a thing.

Karl, for someone that is critical of such a deep issue in a nation that they`ve never been to, you`re starting to sound like an ignorant hypocrite. Get off your high horse and look into the racism that is occurring in your own nation.

so i'm not allowed to comment as a forum member, i know about all the problems in the UK and i don't deny them, however ths topic is about discussing the issue in Poland s it not??? so i was just giving my views :)

If you want me to talk about the UK thats fine, however i would probably be told of for going 'off topic' so whats the point :)


i like the personal touch, i don't know if its to grab my attention or show that your pissed with me, probably the later.
David_18  65 | 966  
13 Apr 2008 /  #48

I know what you are talking about, im really sick of all this Polish razists and nazis.
last time i was in Poland and i wanted to bring my African friend and when i told one of the familys that im related to that we needed a place to sleep they told me they wouldt invite him becuse he was black. I got so mad that i havent talked to them since then. I had aloot of conversations with my family in Poland about black people and middle eastern people, and i cant see any difference to my Polish family in USA they are almost even worse and always talk about the "White power". I cant understand how a country like Poland that had "Multiculturalism" for like 1000 years can change to a Anti racial nation.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Apr 2008 /  #49
bollox Poland ever had multi culturalism....It had Poles and it had Jews,and the 2 groups only mixed when they had too.Of course others went to Poland but this was in the days before nationalisim/race conciousness in its modern sense.
Gab  - | 133  
13 Apr 2008 /  #50
hello isthatu2,

Poland had more than that: we had Jews from many countries migrating thru Poland to the West, we had Romanian Gypsies (even till this day), we had some Greeks or people of Greek descent. But they are all frowned upon, I am not going to deny that. Also, some "temporary" immigrants that come to Poland to get education, e.g. from the Middle East and even from Africa. But it's a very small percentage, u know. I would not call that a great "diversity " at all. It's like someone said earlier, they are not exactly welcome in Poland, let's face it. Nowadays we have more and more Asians (Korean investors in particular) coming to major Polish cities like Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan ... They bring along their families and do business in Poland. And Polish people are not quite used to that, putting it softly. So, again, whether Polish people want to admit it or not, they are not particularly "happy" about this new situation. I am used to diversity, but I guess some people mind that.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Apr 2008 /  #51
yay,your still here Gab,:)
No,when I wrote of "others" I meant all the various nationalities that at one time or another went to Poland,being a Scot I know we certainly sent a few over ,but,heres the thing,"we" looked pretty much the same and "we" were catholics,that isnt in my eye "multiculturalism "in its modern sense. Diversity of population maybe.

Either way its silly to brand all people of one nation as the same,I know rascist nut jobs living in my town,doesnt make me or most of the rest of the population rascist.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
13 Apr 2008 /  #52
i am actually quite embarrassed by my own country fellows in the usa and elsewhere.

Those that came from Poland recently?

i think i am one of very few Polish people who will vote for senator Obama.

yeah your choice,, the guy came out of now where and wants to run the country
Not enough info about him to make me even consider him, Hillary has bill to back
her up.

I already know the Clintons can run the govt and make things happen.. I dont
trust Obama,, not while a civil war is going on in another country.. he can
Pull out his paint brushes and make a beautiful mural for all to see. but can
he run the govt?? I dont believe hes got what it takes to make /keep peace.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
13 Apr 2008 /  #53
Hillary has bill to back her up.

and thats a good thing, P?

they are both blatent and proved liars - is this the sort of person you want representing you... surely not
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Apr 2008 /  #54
Vast majority of Poles are less racist than any other people...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
13 Apr 2008 /  #55
and less homophobic as well, huh?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
13 Apr 2008 /  #56
they are both blatant and proved liars - is this the sort of person you want representing you... surely not

And we know oh so much about Obama RIght?? I never heard of the guy till
this year.. Senator WHO???

no, I know they can run the govt. I liked bill.. and like Hillary..
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
13 Apr 2008 /  #57
aha, i see, better the devil you know... bit like bush the sequal, huh??
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
13 Apr 2008 /  #58
what do you know about Obama??

come on.. give us some insight my friend :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
13 Apr 2008 /  #59
the most important thing i know about Obama is that he represents change and quite frankly this is the only way forward for America

hundreds of thousands of Americans will be voting for him for this very reason - he is Americas strongest chance of repairing their damaged image in the eyes of the world

slowly Americans are waking up to exactly what the world thinks of them and how tarnished their standing in the world has become in recent years - under leaders like clit and bush.

fortunately, as much for America as the rest of the world, your people are waking up to this and seeing that change is the only real way forward

Obama represents this change - Clinton is a step back

this is the most important thing you need to know about obama
osiol  55 | 3921  
13 Apr 2008 /  #60
Better the debil you know.

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