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Polish people and racism.

22 Feb 2015 /  #511
Yes racism still exist in Poland. I am Polish woman with black boyfriend and I am pregnant too. I would never trust having my biracial child raised in Poland which is why I am happy UK is my new home.

And you use a proxy server to tell the lies. Grow up or you'll get banned. Admin

As a Polish woman, I can tell you that we don't like Muslims.

Please tell me you joking. I am Polish woman too but I don't hold that view. Only Polish men and old Polish women think like that.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #512
Racism in Poland is no greater nor more dangerous than racism in the UK. So far nobody has been killed in Poland in connection with racism.
22 Feb 2015 /  #513
My family and friends in Poland are not happy I am dating black man. When I go to Poland with him everyone stares at us. It is very rude. People don't do that in the UK.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
22 Feb 2015 /  #514
I am Polish woman with black boyfriend and I am pregnant too.

Yes, a Polish father would expect his daughter to be married before the baby was born.
Black male's don't seem to think that is importand and have six kids with six different women.
Maybe this is why there is Racism in Poland.
22 Feb 2015 /  #515
Maybe this is why there is Racism in Poland.

This is very rude stereotype. I think you are racist and probably because no Polish woman wanted you.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #516
because no Polish woman wanted you.

Thee shall not be blessed by thou grace ye Polish women of many uses.

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
22 Feb 2015 /  #517
No it is not a rude stereo type, it is a fact with lots of statistics to back it up.
Those statistic are part of the reason WHY there is racism.
Your Polish father has seen it all his life and has good cause to not be happy.
His unhappiness is the pain he feels for your bad choice because he loves you, not him.
MarcinBu  - | 8  
23 Feb 2015 /  #518
My family and friends in Poland are not happy I am dating black man. When I go to Poland with him everyone stares at us. It is very rude. People don't do that in the UK.

It is not rude it is because you are going against family values and dating and reproducing with a man whose culture has not really created much useful for civilization. The Europeans or descendants of Europeans in America invented, cars, cell phones, computers, modern medicine, the scientific method, democracy and all the freedoms we now enjoy in many western countries.

In America, blacks get this thing called Affirmative Action where they can score lower on standardized tests and still get into good colleges and get good jobs because of racial quotas. This is to off-set their average lower intelligence. The creator of DNA Watson said they are of lower intelligence. Also all non-Africans have Neanderthal DNA in them. Neanderthals had larger skulls and larger brains than the Africans.

Discoverer of DNA: independent.co.uk/news/science/fury-at-dna-pioneers-theory-africans-are-less-intelligent-than-westerners-394898.html

Keep to the topic please.
23 Feb 2015 /  #519
Basia2464, why are you so surprised? I have a right to say that Muslims are not welcomed in Poland. So far I have met only two Polish people who have nothing against Muslims. While I was abroad I didn't meet a single Polish citizen who would tell me good things about Muslims. Haha, it is completely untrue that "only Polish men and old Polish women" don't like Muslims. 90% of my female friends don't like Islamists too. I am 20 year-old. Moreover, you said "I would never trust having my biracial child raised in Poland which is why I am happy UK is my new home" so stop talking about Poland if the UK is your new home and you are happy with it. You know what? My teacher was a Black men. He and his family never experienced racism in our country. The fact that someone looks at you and your partner doesn't mean that it is racism.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
23 Feb 2015 /  #520
I was thinking some of my comments could be understood wrong about cultures and religions but I see a big racial bigotry here, unbelievably sad... Nobody chooses where they are to born, in which color, ethnicity, culture etc. Maybe you do not want to live with these people, but it never gives you the right to insult that people either.
23 Feb 2015 /  #521
istannbullu34, personally I don't care about skin colour because no one chooses it as you said. But culture, religion and behaviours are something that can be changed because it isn't a biological feature. As I stated many times before - I am against Islam in my country and I have a right to say so. This is my country. Disapproving of certain things (especially when they are inconsistent with our own culture in our own country) isn't racism. If I am in other countries, I always behave like the ethnic people there because I am only a guest.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 Feb 2015 /  #522
Well said Haylel.......I would like to elaborate on that.

I was thinking some of my comments could be understood wrong

We understand you just fine, you don't want to accept what we are saying.
The truth sometimes is sad.
We admit we are racists and have listed many reasonable reasons why we are.
It has nothing to do with where you were born, colour, ethnicity.
It has to do with "how you act", how you respect a country that you are a guest in,
how you don't try to force your religious beliefs on us with a do or die attitude,
treat others (including your own) with humanity, don't expect everyone to wait on you,
not living today with mid evil rituals, treat women with an equal respect, quit blowing up innocent
people, not going to a foreign country and expecting them to accept and start living a
culture that you left because your Koran tells you to rid the infidel's from Allah's paradise.
That is why we are racists is because we refuse to be intimidated, we refuse to give up
our religious beliefs, we refuse to start living someone else's culture because they
demand it, we refuse to move over and let someone else instill their values on us.
We don't demand that you become Christians.
Muslims get along with NO COUNTRY in the whole world, not even some of their own.
They contribute NOTHING to society but destruction and pain.
White countries not only get along with most countries, they feed most countries of the world.
The word racist is not a bad word as much as some want to use it for a crutch for their ills.
I will repeat myself again, "You forced me to become a racist".

Two more off-topic posts and this thread will be closed.
MarcinBu  - | 8  
23 Feb 2015 /  #523
Here, I'll make it very simple:

If wanting to protect and preserve your own culture, language, traditions, family values, way of life, architecture, history and freedoms, somehow makes me "racist" by your convoluted definitions then yes I am racist and proud of it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Feb 2015 /  #524
Sadly, I find that more religious people are, more intolerant they are of the "outsiders".
MarcinBu  - | 8  
23 Feb 2015 /  #525
Yeah, like the Christians that go around beheading muslims, and suicide bombing them, killing their artists that depict Jesus and raping muslim women?
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Feb 2015 /  #526
I don't think you get what I said..
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Feb 2015 /  #527
Polish people will learn to live in harmony with black people, muslim people and all other kinds of people who are non Polish. Polish people are learning the same as other countries more advanced than Poland have learned that we are all one people living on one planet.

The Polish people living in the UK who have married into Muslim, black, Indian and Pakistani families and who have numerous children with mixed ethnicity and religious beliefs will ensure the process is sped up.

Racism is now mainly perpetuated by the ignorant and the stupid....and of course a few old farts who do not possess the ability to change.

I am against Islam in my country and I have a right to say so.

That Haylel would depend on your information sources now wouldn't it. Most people who hold opinions such as yours are not aware of the full picture. All the racists on this page hold prejudice, and its no surprise considering the media manipulation out there.
23 Feb 2015 /  #528
Polish people and racism is the title of this thread. Since my posts keep getting deleted I will make this my last post in this thread and say just this:

When the indigenous people of a country, be it Poland, the UK, France or any other civilised first world country are struggling to provide and look after their own native people, why should we feel comfortable looking after people from elsewhere? - whether that be jobs, refuge, benefits etc, ect. People are waking up and refuse to submit to PC brainwashing and you can feel it on the streets, there's tension and animosity.
23 Feb 2015 /  #529
Wroclaw boy, you are just another person calling everyone "racist" because someone doesn't agree for certain things. It only shows what type of person you are. Ignorant and stupid applies to it. People fighting for their countries' identity are not racists. If my ancestors hadn't fought for Polish culture and identity (instead had tried to learn to live peacefully with their occupants), we would have been crushed under Russian, German and Austrian occupation. The Western Europe is plain example of how being extremely tolerant and pro-multiculuralism destroys one's culture. Foreigners burning their host country's flags in public, attacking soldiers and ethnic citizens, not respecting the law... We will not learn to live with such people as, unfortunately, the British or Swedes did. Wroclaw Boy, I don't know if you are Polish but if you aren't, you shouldn't speak for us. Media manipulation? Haha, typical statement. I form my opinions on personal experience.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
23 Feb 2015 /  #530
Wroclaw boy, you are just another person calling everyone "racist" because someone doesn't agree for certain things

Haylal, posters have openly admitted to being racist, i.e. MarcinBu and JohnnyReb. You can hardly blame WB for referring to them as racist if they are happy to describe themselves as such.
23 Feb 2015 /  #531
Roger5, it seems that he referred to me as well. That's why I replied. I don't consider myself "racist".
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
23 Feb 2015 /  #532
That Haylel would depend on your information sources now wouldn't it. Most people who hold opinions such as yours are not aware of the full picture. All the racists on this page hold prejudice,

I Live in an Islamic country, so can i say what i think about Islam without being considered racist by you?

Because everyone that says the truth about Islam today is considered racist by people like you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
23 Feb 2015 /  #533
my problem with people making sweeping statements about 'the Muslims' is that the vast majority of peaceful normal people are being lumped in with extremists and terrorists. A bit like 'the Irish' in the UK back in the 70s and 80s.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
23 Feb 2015 /  #534
A Muslim that says that would ostracize his daughter if she have a non-muslim boyfriend, or agree with physical punishments to his wife is still considered pacific.

A Catholic that thinks the same, would be considered pacific?

Look for the video of Ben Shapiro talking about the Myth of the peaceful majority of muslims.
23 Feb 2015 /  #535
my problem with people making sweeping statements about 'the Muslims' is that the vast majority of peaceful normal people are being lumped in with extremists and terrorists.

This is one of the silliest things people often tell me. Well, let me think... NAZI were a minority in Germany in the beginning. Vast majority were peaceful people. Did you forget what happened later? "Peaceful Germans" were irrelevant! History is the best teacher. Right now there is Islamic country which kills even its own people and attacks Europe. Yep, where is the majority of "peaceful" Muslims? Why don't they try to stop their Muslim brethrens? Yeah, only Jordanian King took actions and Egyptian president tries to do something too.
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Feb 2015 /  #536
Vast majority were peaceful peopl

All those uniforms, flags, salutes and street battles were soooo peaceful, weren't they. Fortunately in Poland far right politics is a thing of the lunatic fringe.
23 Feb 2015 /  #537
my problem with people making sweeping statements about 'the Muslims' is that the vast majority of peaceful normal people are being lumped in with extremists and terrorists. A bit like 'the Irish' in the UK back in the 70s and 80s.

The problem is that Muslims are not doing a good job of going against the extremism. Just look at the Islamic State. Muslim countries are doing **** all in fighting them. Polls show that very large percentages of Muslims hold extremist views. They might not be terrorists but a lot of them agree that drawing the prophet warrants the death penalty.

I believe the native Tatars make up most of the Muslim population in Poland and they are peaceful. However, Poland should absolutely limit Muslim immigration.

Some of you should try living in Israel. It can be terrifying. A lot of the Muslims in that region would love to see the Jews wiped out. That is how extreme they are. The main reason anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe is because of Muslims!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Feb 2015 /  #538
street battles were soooo peaceful, weren't they

Which as usual were caused by the antifa criminals, yeah they weren't peaceful.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
23 Feb 2015 /  #539
All those uniforms, flags, salutes and street battles were soooo peaceful, weren't they. Fortunately in Poland far right politics is a thing of the lunatic fringe.

So you are saying that a Nazi for using a uniform and do a salutation, even if he didnt went to war, was not peaceful, right?

Well, do you know that Muslims also have a dress code (Hijab/Niqab/Chador/Etc) and do a salutation typically muslim? (Assalamaleiko. Non-Muslims arabs say just Marhaba or Kheefik).
23 Feb 2015 /  #540
All those uniforms, flags, salutes and street battles were soooo peaceful, weren't they. Fortunately in Poland far right politics is a thing of the lunatic fringe.

In the beginning. Can you read with understanding? Just to be clear, far right National Movement has a lot of followers. Also, right-wing very conservative PiS party is the second largest party in Poland. People started to have enough of liberal PO party. But this is not the subject of this conversation, so I'll let it go.

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