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Polish people and racism.

4 Jan 2014 /  #481
I don't thinks so.
I think is more of the language barrier rather than personality issue.
One day I saw a chinese guy went out for a walk nearby Kabaty forest in Ursynow, Warsaw right next to my Mom's ranch. I greeted him but he couldn't say a word to me so I tried to speak to him using simple words in english and using hands gestures at the same time, and that seemed to work and he told me everything about himself, nice ! Now every time when he passes by mom's ranch he always says hi to us and waive his hands.

I personally have a positive outlook on chinese nationals or chinese immigrants residing in our country.
Paulina  17 | 4484  
5 Jan 2014 /  #482
I've heard about some rumors? that Polish people are unfriendly towards Chinese people, especially those from the mainland, and consider us, erm sort of, not worth contacting with?

It's hard to say, but I don't think so, to be honest.
Poles in general aren't accustomed to people of different races. There are some in the biggest cities, but not as much as in the West, for example.

The city where I live is rather provincial and I've seen very few Asians here.
I remember walking during the Night of Museums around the city in 2012 when swarms of people took it to the streets and I guess thanks to that I saw three (wow! xD) Asian men. They were walking next to a pub and there was a group of noisy people outside of it. I must admit that because of this forum I started thinking that Poles are some horrible racists and I expected those people to say something nasty, since those Asian guys were talking loudly and drawing attention. But only one Pole said something. You know what he said? He said: "I wonder what it would be like to visit China, you know...?" And he said it with such longing that it disarmed me completely xD

I don't even know if those men were Chinese, though. They could be Vietnamese, but I don't really know what the Vietnamese language is like.

I'm sure there are some racists but I think people are usually just curious.
As for the political issues, I don't think it matters that much, since Poles lived under the communism and know what it's like. So they can probably even feel some solidarity.
ylzmichal  3 | 13  
5 Jan 2014 /  #483
Well thanks for these comments, it seems that it is simply unfamiliarity rather than unfriendliness.

Chinese people are the sort who generally don't talk initiatively towards others, but will react friendly when you greet them warmly.
johnny reb  49 | 7911  
21 Feb 2015 /  #484
Merged: Reasons why some Poles are racist towards Muslims and Blacks

I am very interested in hearing from Poles and others for their reasons of being racist and prejudice
towards Muslims and Blacks.
It seems they are taking over the non christian countries first as they are easier to convert to their beliefs.
(That is their agenda to convert the world to Islam)
Poland is not infiltrated with them 'yet' because of the strong Roman Catholic population.
They want to come to the white Christian countries for a better life yet want to convert people once they get there to
Islam to be like what they just left.
Being White Chritian countries see that actions speak louder then words they don't swallow the propaganda that comes
with these people so in return become racists and prejudice towards their agenda.
Your thoughts please.
21 Feb 2015 /  #485
Poles who are racist are racist for exactly the same reasons as racists everywhere else on the planet: ignorance and/or stupidly. Fortunately the main cause is ignorance, and there is a cure for ignorance.
21 Feb 2015 /  #486
With sadness, but I like to watch the lemmings who watch / read propaganda related to racism on the corporate media. The goal of the mind-control is to divide and conquer.
21 Feb 2015 /  #487
As a Polish woman, I can tell you that we don't like Muslims. Recent studies showed that 66% of us don't want more of them in Poland. We are aware of what is already happening in Western Europe because of Islam and we will never allow it in our country. Islam doesn't belong in Europe. We also don't like multiculturalism and political correctness. I rarely observe any prejudices toward Black people. Asians are even liked here. The Arabs and Turks are more unwelcomed. Personally, I also don't like Muslims. I have seen with my own eyes what they do in Holland and Germany. If they don't like European values and freedom of speech, they should come back to their countries. No one invited them here.
Vox  - | 172  
21 Feb 2015 /  #488
Johnny reb
Poles are not racist against Muslim and most are not racist against Blacks.
johnny reb  49 | 7911  
21 Feb 2015 /  #489
I see that in the post above yours.
Just because there are no bombs going off in crowded business centers,
"Honor Killings", nor killing of innocent children or anyone else in Poland yet
is the reason why you feel the way you do.
I think they said they will be attacking Italy next.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
21 Feb 2015 /  #490
We are aware of what is already happening in Western Europe because of Islam and we will never allow it in our country.

Very well said!

I am south american and i ever feel welcome in Poland! And i go there every month!

They like me because they know that, differently than Muslims, South-Americans like polish culture and don't want to destroy it.

The few countries that survived the Muslims invasions (Poland, Armenia, Israel) are countries that never left their beliefs.

On the other hand, now you see what cities like London, Paris or Marseille are becoming. A huge mess.
MarcinBu  - | 8  
22 Feb 2015 /  #491
Agreed, I am racist against Muslims and I also wouldn't like Poland to end up like Western Europe. Also against blacks because I see what happens in America. Asians I like, they are intelligent, peaceful and hardworking and South Americans are nice too. However, I want to keep Poland for Polish people. I want to preserve the culture, the history, and the genetic adaptations to the climate. To others: Stop posting threads about turkish man with polish woman and all this other crap. You only get the dumb polish girls that can be weeded out of our gene pool if they wish.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Feb 2015 /  #492
We have been sold out by our governments incompetent losers they are, don't let it happen there and don't let this trash in.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #493
Marsupial stop talking trash if you please.

MarcinBU do not concern yourself overtly with Poland. Chances are you will spend your life in the U.S.
22 Feb 2015 /  #494
Vox, it is okay to disagree and voice your reason why. But I hope you are honest enough to admit their opinions are shared by the majority of Europe, North America, Australia, Asia and South America

Harry: prejudice is mainly ignorance. Racism is mainly first hand experience. Major difference.
22 Feb 2015 /  #495
Prejudice and racism are ignorance because you don't judge ppl by who they are but on the base of your assumptions.

Let's forget that we have Muslims in Poland for centuries, we had mosques and that even some of our nobility was muslim. Forget that any country that treats their citizens in a different way because of their religion or race is a ********...

When I hear opinions like the ones here I'm sick. We are really not very different from animals if we are prepared to misjudge ppl just because we don't like their religion or race. In my town there was an Arab doctor who was the best in his field in the region, his kids went to school with us and just a thought of one of you, so full of yourself, mistreating them is repulsive to me.

To be honest I would be happy if there were no religion at all but since it exists we should treat all of them the same way. A bad Buddist/Muslim/Catholic/Jew is simply a bad person. Period.

And to Maciek- who says Poles wouldn't want to get rid of ppl like you first? I know I would. Give me a normal tolerant Muslim over you any moment.
22 Feb 2015 /  #496
Shaman, you seem the type that would label me racist for clenching onto my wallet extra tight when passing by a group of men cursing with saggy pants and hooded sweatshirts

Life is full of exceptions but wise people learn from the experiences of others. No one in this thread is advocating to deform a mosque or even physical or verbally mistreat someone. Simply stating it's less stressful, time consuming and yes sometimes safe to remain among your own.
22 Feb 2015 /  #497
Shaman, when we talk about how we don't like Muslims, it is about FOREIGNERS from other countries. We don't have anything against OUR Tatars who are POLISH. Even the most radical anti-muslim organization Polska Liga Obrony stated that THEY RESPECT OUR MUSLIMS, OUR TATARS. It is all about being aware of what is already happening in the West and not repeating their mistakes. As a Polish, I would certainly get rid of YOU, not Maciek. You will speak differently when first Muslim ghetto forms in Poland, when they will start shouting for their rights.
MarcinBu  - | 8  
22 Feb 2015 /  #498
When Muslims will establish ghettos in the large cities of Poland, telling Polish people to leave because this is a "Muslim area" and trying to establish Sharia law by voting it in the courts, you will understand why I am so anti-Islam. This is exactly what is happening in Britain right now. And no I will not remain in the USA as we are already picking out land in Poland.
22 Feb 2015 /  #499
MarcinBu, hopefully when the time of Muslim invasion comes, we will all assemble and fight them off like Jan III Sobieski and his brave soldiers :)
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Feb 2015 /  #500
It seems they are taking over the non Christian countries first as they are easier to convert to their beliefs.

Said one fanatic religious extremist about another group of so called religious extremist fundamentalists.

Reminds me of how the US went to war with Vietnam over an alleged, media fuelled propaganda program to convince the population that communism was spreading to America....and we all know how that ended. LOL I wonder what Alex Jones would have had to say about that back in the day.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
22 Feb 2015 /  #501
When Muslims will establish ghettos in the large cities of Poland, telling Polish people to leave because this is a "Muslim area" and trying to establish Sharia law by voting it in the courts, you will understand why I am so anti-Islam.

I agree that Muslims should not be asking for Sharia Law or any special treatment but that works for all minorities, respect the country you live in. It means white races/ Christians get no special favours either when they live in Black/Non Christian countries. Immigration is okay if controlled carefully and one race doesn't try to overtake another.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #502
kaz200972 it sounds good in theory. It doesn't plays itself out like that.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
22 Feb 2015 /  #503
Said one fanatic religious extremist about another group of so called religious extremist fundamentalists.

Why you call him fanatic?

It is funny.... if a Catholic talk about preserve catholic traditions, he is called fanatic.

If a muslim says "I Am against ISIS, but i would kick my daughter out of home if she dates a non-muslim" , well, he is still considered a peaceful muslim not radical.

Double standards. Catholics can say NOTHING even in a Catholic country. On the other hands, Muslims can do whatever they want.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #504
Said one fanatic religious extremist about another group of so called religious extremist fundamentalists

I would take religion over so called secular state every day now.

A secular state claims to be neutral with regards to religious beliefs when in fact it is a myth. What is really happening is that religious values are being excluded from public domain while secular one are allowed to take a precedence.

For example the state is not neutral when it promotes so called equal right for homosexuals but rather its privileging certain secular values over less permissive religious alternatives.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
22 Feb 2015 /  #505
Vox, i agree with you.

I would also like to remember that the countries that resisted to the hardest invasions and won the fiercest wars was those with strong religious values:

Poland: The country that stopped the Ottomans. Otherwise Europe would be a caliphate already.

Armenia: Resisted the invasions of Turkey and crashed Azerbaijan when (Together with URSS and Turkey) they tried to invade then.

Israel: Needless to say anything.

Malta: Even when sorrounded by hundreds of thousands of invaders, this tiny country won a war with ration 1:80 against Bedouin forces.
22 Feb 2015 /  #506
it's not just Poles, why do you generalise?

When countries cannot afford to look after their own due NATIVE people due to the economic downturn of the last 7 years or so, why then, would we welcome foreigners coming here for jobs/benefits with open arms? Stick to your own countries ffs
johnny reb  49 | 7911  
22 Feb 2015 /  #507
Oh Calmit I agree with you 100%.
Let me give you a couple of examples what is happening here in the "generous" U.S.
Muslim "imports" in Minneapolis are now demanding a tax-funde 'halalâ" non-pork food shelf at a free food pantry for the poor.
(As if it's not bad enough that nearly all the American Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis.)
Their relatives here are demanding that Americans adhere to the same Sharia Laws the Islamic State fighters are trying to impose throughout the Middle East.

Their arrogance and self-entitlement has to be unprecedented for a group on the public dole.
Welfare, schools, hospitals and social services have been crushed by the burden of immigrants who lack the most basic skills to live in a modern society.

They have to learn how to use toilet paper as they are use to using their bare hand.
Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis have refused to take blind passengers with their guide dogs because dogs are unclean in Islam.
The refuse customers transporting alcohol in their cabs.
They came here taking advantage of American generosity (as they eventually will in Poland) and returned it by enforcing their own brand of Sharia Law upon us.

Each refugee already has access to the following:
Free food, free low cost government housing, free medical, free child care and $2200 for every man, woman and child per month.
In the public schools in America (thanks to the libs. and the start of the down fall to America) prayer has been removed from the schools.

Students can't read their bible's in school, wear a t-shirt with a christian logo, pray, ect.
Yet a school in Ohio, the Muslims DEMANDED that the school provide a room so their children could pray since THEIR RELIGION required it at certain times of the day.

Sad to say the school system caved and built them one.
In Detroit the Muslims have taken over a neighborhood and have their loud speakers BLASTING down the streets annoying (insulting) their adjoining American neighbors.
Even after the neighbors signed petions to rid the racked the Muslims won out.
Now you just watch it to start happening in England and France where they are deeply rooted.
This is not about being racist towards individuals personally, it is about the Koran and what it teaches them.
22 Feb 2015 /  #508
@ Johny. We have similar things going on here in the UK.

I won't beat around the bush, it's the Muslims causing most of the problems.
Vox  - | 172  
22 Feb 2015 /  #509
No, its a ruling class in the respective countries that is causing problems by creating conditions amicable for those people.

The subject of the thread is POLISH people and racism. Can ALL posters keep to this topic please or posts will be removed.
johnny reb  49 | 7911  
22 Feb 2015 /  #510
Exactly, this thread is about Racism and how it does and will effect Poland in the future and "WHO" is the problem promoting the racism.

Our new arrivals from the Middle East, are not only killing us but walking on us, compliments of our Muslim president,
I mean why wouldn't someone want to come to welfare America where having six kids pays more in a month, without leaving their couch and t.v., then a good paying job does in Poland for a YEAR !

The Polish people's Roman Catholic beliefs hopefully will not let their country be ruined by a warped culture by having another religion forced upon them.

Ask Polish me one more time why I was forced into becoming racist.

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