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Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #151
hordes of muslims spreading

It's not even all that bad in most of the us. The hordes are limited mainly to Minneapolis which has an enormous somali population and Dearborn Michigan. These people are masters at defrauding welfare. There's a ton of documentaries on it how they will claim each others kids saying that it's part of their culture (They use the whole it takes a village to raise a child line) and even though many speak English theyll ask for translating services which are often referred to their friends who will then charge crazy fees. They live in 400k houses and have luxury suvs but have food stamps and shop at goodwill. They even went as far as to demand seperate entrances for men and women and seperate shopping hours at places like goodwill and salvation army.

But still we have it way way way better than france, Germany, sweden etc. Our problem is more with the extremely disproportionate black violent crime and the ridiculous amount of people on welfare/disability. If you go on the bureau of labor statistics website and look up labor participation theres a link that takes you to reasons why people aren't participating in labor force. The largest category is 'people who don't want a job' and represents some 80 million people aged 16 to 65 - the labor force. Other reasons were things like early retirement, going to school, taking care of family, etc but the largest reason by a long shot was people who don't want a job.

That's why the unemployment levels are bullshit. Everyone criticized trump and Romney when they said unemployment levels are far higher and could easily be 20% 30% or more. It's absolutely true because unemployment rate does not account for people who don't want a job and people who haven't worked in a year. Also the unemployment rate does include people that aren't working but are looking for a job and those working overqualified jobs or not working as many hours as they want to.

And we let this human garbage in here.

And yet the polish pm gets criticized for saying that the migrants bring diseases... Even though it's fact that tons of them have scabies not to mention hiv rates that are literally 1000 times higher than in Europe.

Back to the topic of the thread please
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2018 /  #152
Even for tech companies like Google Apple Facebook etc r and d is all but a few percent of their spending.

The so-called "R&D Intensity" of tech and pharma companies varies quite a bit. It's usually between 4 and approx. 25% of revenue.


I prefer countries where more than 1 out of 10 people don't have hiv

Who said you should hit the sack with a Namibian gal?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #153
That's one of the reasons to travel... experience what the locals offer... Why do you think theres so many western men travelling to various countries like Thailand, Brazil, Phillipines and slavic countries as well? They dont keep coming back to ukraine because of their vodka and cathedrals...

Anyway back on topic...

The reason why poles are 'obsessed' with race and nationality is because it's an important part of a person's identity. As much as leftists try to argue nationality and race are social constructs there are tangible biological and genetic differences between the races. A race is made of people of various nationalities i.e. china, korea, vietnam etc all have different customs, languages, etc but they are asians. And even between nationalities of the same race there are biological and genetic differences.

Poles went through hell and back over the past 300 years so theyre not going to just hand over the land, customs, even language that they fought and died to preserve.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #154
Well said. Straight and to the point.

Some things are simply non-negotiable. That sentence should be a road sign at the intersection of Aleje i Marszalkowska.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #155
Some things are simply non-negotiable.

That's how the poles and the elected government felt. They abided with almost all of the ridiculous dictates and rules the eu imposed which had a huge negative impact on many small businesses. There's some hundreds upon hundreds different laws and rules on how to make a simple towel or toothbrush. They accepted that but once the eu tried to write our immigration policy for us and tell us we must take in x amount of peiple from x y and z countries no thays a red line. They wanted us to take in migrants but at the same time the ec and ep criticized poland for taking in ukranians. This proved that it wasn't about taking in migrants that they were mad about it was that we took in ukranians and not muslims. One of the eurocrats I believe verhofstadt said that poland was 'islamaphobic' for taking in tons of ukranians but not muslims.

Which brings me to my next point, if these muslim and african migrants are supposedly such a great benefit to the countries they came to and are culturally enriching the society, than why is the eu trying so hard to redistribute them to other countries? Seems to me they now realize they are a burden and want to spread that burden around. If they were so wonderful and such a net benefit theyd want to keep them for themselves - not try to force other countries to take them in and punish them when they refuse.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #156
why is the eu trying so hard to redistribute them to other countries?

This is exactly what I say when I hear that bulls*** about the masses of immigrats, migrants, and the refugees being such a treasure: Where are bidders?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #157
It seems only the Libyans, soros affiliates and some businessmen are profiting off this. The average european suffers. If not by rape, mugging, vandalism, declining property values, robbery, terrorism than at the very least financially. The libyans by tradficking them and getting money from the eu now to stop the flow, soros groups for basically acting as a taxi service between Libya and Italy - oh boy were they furious when the Italian government made them stop ferrying migrants, and the businessmen who built or owned warehouses where theyd stuff them like sardines, feed them ramen noodles and invoice the eu 100 euro per day per migrant. The Italian mafia claims they make more off the migrants legally than off of drugs. If they were coming to poland id probably build a warehouse on my property too. They even get extra money on top of the 100 eu a day if they also offer language lessons.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2018 /  #158
than why is the eu trying so hard to redistribute them to other countries?

First of all, the migrant/ refugee crisis was not created by the European Union. When hundreds of thousands of people flooded Greece and Italy, what was the EU supposed to do? Let both countries rot and pay the price for the meddling of some other nations in the Middle East? If any country is to blame (other than the meddling ones) then it is Turkey. They waved everyone through.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #159
Heres a video of a woman being accosted merelt for being a woman and trying to order a coffee. The sausage fest tells her that it is not appropriate, not in line with their laws/customs, etc

Except its not saudi Arabia. Not even Morocco or turkey. It's france - one of the birthplace of feminism (along with sweden lol)....oh the irony


This is the scene all over uk france germany sweden etc. Migrant men just sitting around all day drinking coffee or tea and smoking hookah or cigs not worrying about any sort of job or how theyll pay the rent and bills - no that's for the taxpayers to figure out.

Weirdly enough the africans actually assimilate better than the muslims. A lot of them actually appreciate being in a new land and look to get a job.

First of all, the migrant/ refugee crisis was not created by the European Union.

Never said it was. In fact I wrote above it wasn't the eu who created It but they exacerbated it. It was created by the Syrian war. But then once merkel threw the doors open to germany and said come one come all it exacerbated the problem.

No one wanted to help the Greeks and italians stop the flow and all the migrants wanted to go to germany for the handouts. So they let them go through instead of detaining them and halting the flow since no one wanted to pitch in and stop it. All these libtards singing welcome refugees at first and merkels 'we can do this' was all the craze. Then the cologne rapes occurred, tons of terrorist attacks, and before long the germans weren't quite as welcoming. Before long german shopkeeper selling self defense items like mace, batons, etc couldnt keep an inventory because these items were selling out so quickly. And before long people had enough of 'say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here's and populist parties started winning elections all over germany. Even merkel would come to admit the existence of no go zones.

Word spread quickly and every turd worlder from Afghanistan to Iraq to Bangladesh to morocco tunisia etc started coming, mainly pretending to be syrian, once they heard merkel was offering 1500 euro per head. That's 10 to 15x the monthly salary of these countries. Same with africa. Once the eritreans Sudanese syarted coming so did the Nigerians ghanans Somalis etc
2 Jun 2018 /  #160
Unemplpyment is at a record low and one of the lowest in Europe.

Because Poland has been highly depopulated due to emigration, so there is a brake on growth due to lack of workers, and basically anyone can get a job. Hence the allowing of all those Ukrainains to plug the gap, and the use of North Korean slave labour.

There is a serious problem of a lack of talent in Polish academia, R&D.

You think R&D is unimportant, but it's not just the amount of spending on it which is important, it's the amount of growth and spin-outs it generates. Countries like the UK and USA has close links between business and universities and institutes, who co-develop new technologies and products. That doesn't happen in Poland, where researchers are paid peanuts and anyone with talent can leave the the UK or Sweden to pursue physics/engineering or biotech - and that generates billions for those countries' economies, and helps support other key sectors (such as farming) through information technology and efficiency.

The brain drain and under-investment of universities is a serious issue for Poland, but one which successive govts don't seem to address. The current govt is making it worse by politicising universities and research, and packing positions of power with inexperienced or unqualified stooges. The atmosphere is fairly hostile to creativity and freedom of research, and salaries are appalling. Academics are not flocking back, they're still leaving.

? If any country is to blame (other than the meddling ones) then it is Turkey.

Isn't it primarily the USA (and supporting UK)? For going in gung-ho and f**king up those countries without a viable plan, and failing to act when they should to clean up the mess they made, because suddenly they didn't like the sight of body bags coming home and didn't have the stomach for the long-haul, allowing in the likes of isis and affiliates to either take power and drive people out, or set up a business ushering anyone from sub-Saharan Africa and the near-east through North Africa and Syria?

Who turned/allowed Libya and Syria to become a transit departure plounge for migrants to reach Europe? Who then walked away when it went t1ts-up, because of their own weak leadership and incompetent and gutless militaries? The bucks stops with the USA, I think (I am not letting the UK off the hook, but the UK is unable to conduct any military operations without an American say-so and support, so would never have been able to get involved without the USA as the leading partner).

The reason why poles are 'obsessed' with race and nationality is because it's an important part of a person's identity.

So how do you square the circle of mixed race people, of which the USA and western Europe have many millions, in all walks of life? Where do they fit in your Old World Order?

Please stick to the topic

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