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Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

Lyzko  41 | 9545  
1 Jun 2018 /  #121
I've yet to meet any Poles of whom it could be said that they look Mongoloid, sorry to disappoint you. Ever so slightly "Asiatic" though, I will admit a great many!

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #122
From "Complete Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Eastern Eurasian Haplogroups Rarely Found in Populations of Northern Asia and Eastern Europe."

The results of our study provided an additional support for the existence oflimited maternal gene flow between eastern Asia/southern Siberia and eastern Europe revealed by analysis of modern and ancient mtDNAs previously [...] It is noteworthy that another eastern Asian specific lineage, C5c1, revealed exclusively in some European populations (Poles, Belorussians, Romanians), shows evolutionary ages within frames of 6.6-11.8 kya

Full article: journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0032179

Nonetheless, R1a/R1a1 is the most common halpogroup in Poles and that comes from India/Iran/Afghanistan. But of course theres cross breeding, mutations, etc.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #123
You're right, I am, mainly to needle

So you admit to being a troll and talking garbage. Good on you as mods seemingly tolerate you.
2 Jun 2018 /  #124
So you admit to being a troll and talking garbage

No, just magnifying a real phenomenon to draw out your racist knee-jerkism.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #125
You mean spew nonsense to bait people? hmm ... hey but that is still trolling. the very definition of trolling even.

Yes, I'm a racist. I'm prejudiced against boring, stupid trolls that have nothing interesting to say.
2 Jun 2018 /  #126
As well as being a racist, you also seem to have trouble understanding English and with basic comprehension. Read it again slowly. Try and think (if it doesn't hurt).

Try and write a single post that avoids childish aggressive terms such as 'stupid'. It just goes to prove the point I was making about you.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #127
As well as being a racist, you also seem to have trouble understanding English and with basic comprehension.

Indeed, I'm a racist and therefore I'm slow stupid and have a low IQ. No wonder I'm struggling with English, I can barely string a sentence together if at all.

However it doesn't change the fact that you're the most stupid troll I have came across, even STIUPIDER than I.
You just plainly admit to your trolling. Are you a kid or are you slower than I, or are you just so damn fat and lazy that you cannot even bother to lie.

Go and munch on your snacks.
2 Jun 2018 /  #128
even STIUPIDER than I.

I'm not supid enough not to know that "STIUPIDER" isn't a word, even if spelled correctly.

I did not admit to trolling. I admitted to exaggerating a point to the opposite pole of your exaggeration, in order to test your response to the hypothesis, which was fully as expected.

I wont deny that it gives me a small amount of pleasure to watch you hoist yourself by your own petard of reactionist anger, and thereby underline the point I was making. Maybe, hopefully, I've contributed to raising your blood pressure a little more towards self-deletion from the population.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Jun 2018 /  #129
of course 'Stupider' is a word! Stupid - stupider - stupidest...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #130
As well as being a racist, you also seem to have trouble understanding English and with basic comprehension. Read it again slowly.


I noticed the same damn thing. I wrote "Dobra 22/24" as the address where I stayed. Later, some bozo wrote "you were 22/24" meaning my age.

And never mind that in the history of mankind, nobody ever said, I was 22/24. That's an address, a-holes.
2 Jun 2018 /  #131
Ha ha! Ok, I'll concede that one: not listed in the OED but referenced as a grammatically acceptable extension. In defence, it was commonly taught in UK education that the correct form would be 'more stupid', just as you couldn't split an infinitive, but in recent years with many of these 'rules vs guidelines' the pendulum of acceptable usage has swung the other way. At least for some generations, supported by the current dominant wave of grammarians.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #132
the correct form would be 'more stupid'

"The stupidest" is used deliberately under the artistic license that allows such departures from perfection.

Perfection requires "whom did you see?" Anybody who would actually say it today would get that look, "what's wrong with you, man?"
2 Jun 2018 /  #133
No, just magnifying a real phenomenon to draw out your racist knee-jerkism.

I don't understand. Why do you call someone a racist when you can see clearly that race matter?
In the ranking of most violent cities my country has 17 cities:

Of the 50 cities on the list, 42 are in Latin America, including 17 in Brazil, 12 in Mexico, and five in Venezuela. Colombia had three, Honduras had two, and El Salvador, Guatemala, and Jamaica all had one.

The relation between bad behavior and race is undeniable.
Maybe because you were born in Poland, you can't understand it, after all Poland has very high rate of whites.

I speak from my experience dealing with all the races. Except Jews and Muslins; I did not meet any Jews/Muslins here.

In my city if you enter a "wrong" street you can take a shot. And do you really think that sort of thing is done by white people?

I see people with "high technical qualifications" * going to Europe, and when they arrive they do the same ones they do here; transform the company where they entered into a scheme of corruption inviting "friends" not for the technical qualification, but for alliance. I see several of them communicating in online forums of my country making alliances (inviting others of my country instead hire local), speaking of Europeans always with disdain, making comparisons, and NEVER admitting the possibility of a European having a better education and level.

I live here and I say: the members of my country are the TRUE racists.
The "racism" of the European means "We want to preserve our race and our country"
The TRUE Racism of my country means disdain of the European race.

If you do not want to see this, I'm sorry.

In my opinion, all european countries should revisit immigration laws by employment, investment, and simply end mass immigration.
You can not harm the security of the white race because of economic issues. You will be importing silent enemies.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #134
my opinion, all european countries should revisit immigration laws by employment, investment, and simply end mass immigration.

Poland and Hungary are leading the way in this. Now austria and Italy are following the populist line. I worry though it may be too little to late.

Muslim and african migrants were never keen on coming to poland because we don't pay 1500 euro a month for them to sit on their ass and cause problems. Here you have to work if you want something
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #135
I'm not supid enough not to know that "STIUPIDER" isn't a word, even if spelled correctly.

lol! Lo and behold - what make troll bite?! It should be harder. What a genius you're, you!

I did not admit to trolling.

Yes you did. Dude are you sure that English is your first language? I doubt it.

to test your response to the hypothesis,

Nonsense! You spewed an absolute garbage with marked you as an illiterate baboon who is babbling about something he has no clue about.
IF you would spend like five minutes to read on the subject you wouldn't make an absolute ass out of yourself. I guess you are too lazy to do that, you would rather spend this time asking your poor ma to bring you more pizza.

' taught in UK education' ah Ok!

I wont deny that it gives me a small amount of pleasure to watch you hoist yourself

I hope you didn't wank to this, that would creep me out, you're a miserable little c..t, geez you are not even hiding it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #136
You spewed an absolute garbage with marked you as an illiterate baboon who is babbling about something he has no clue about.

Spewed, absolute, garbage, illiterate, baboon, babbling...

All in one sentence. Prose at its best.

BTW, you forgot moron, incoherent, racist, xenophobe, etc. Just trying to be helpful.

Not my fight, but I take notice of such things. As I do when I hear "kurwa" with that Polish rolling r.
2 Jun 2018 /  #137
Lo and behold - what make troll bite?! It should be harder. What a genius you're, you!

Now THAT'S illiterate! The more angry you get, the worse is your English :D

you're a miserable little c..t,

I'm quite jolly at the moment, as it happens, watching you spray angry vulgar spittle all over this thread :D

Poland and Hungary are leading the way in this.

At the cost of depopulation and a brain drain. Whatever you think of the racial or cultural aspects of their immigration and domestic policy, it isn't doing anything to improve the pool of talent vital for the economy, such as R&D. As a policy, they don't seem to have found the balance that they presumably want - university rankings (where most R&D happens) remain very low, many academics emigrate, and very few researchers immigrate.

Muslim and african migrants were never keen on coming to poland because

Choice of immigration destination is primarily driven by language, historical ties (colonialism, alliances), presence of an existing immigrant population, and opportunity for entry-level work. Poland only scores in the last point, due to a large low-skilled and grey economy. That's why Poland is a big draw for Ukrainians, where the language barrier isn't so great, but is not a big draw for e.g. Portuguese or Bulgaria. Welfare doesn't really matter to young men of working age who want a job on a construction site or a warehouse.

Africans or Asians cannot access welfare in the UK either, where the language and historical ties (ex-pat communities) are the major draws. Such people are not allowed to work in the legal economy without going through the stringent immigration process (which requires a fairly high income of your sponsor).

So while your conclusion about them being less keen on Poland is correct, your reasoning is way off.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #138
Now THAT'S illiterate!

dude you're as interesting as a pancake. Vulgar? sure, angry? nah, deliberate. you being passive-aggressive - telling.

see ya,

All in one sentence. Prose at its best.

geez man, stop begging for attention its embarrassing.
2 Jun 2018 /  #139
dude you're as interesting as a pancake

Yet you keep coming back to the table for a nibble... ;)
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Jun 2018 /  #140
Oh, you've been a novelty to me for like five minutes. You see I have been ignoring your post until a day or two ago due to the fact I have taken you for someone you're not - one of the former poster. AFTER I responded to you it downed on me you are not him. So, you're just a one day wonder. Enjoy it while it last, that all the crumbles you gonna get.
2 Jun 2018 /  #141
...and you're back again! People will say we're in love ;)

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #142
So while your conclusion about them being less keen on Poland is correct, your reasoning is way off.

As soon as Denmark cut the welfare paymwnts for.migrants they all scattered to sweden ans germany like cockroaches when the light goes on. The fact is most the economic migrants in places like germany dont want to work. There is no incentive when the government gives them 1500 eu a month which is 10x to 15x more than theyd make in their sh1thole country.

opportunity for entry-level work.

Rofl if the muslim migrants actuslly took low skill jobs and assimilated that wouldnt be a problem. But they dont. Every no go zone whether in sweden germany france etc has far higher unemployment than the rest of the country. In certain no go s esp in france its as high as 40 50%.

Choice of immigration destination is primarily driven by language, historical ties (colonialism, alliances), presence of an existing immigrant population,

Right then why are sweden and germany the top destinations? Sweden had no colonies while Germany's were all but wiped out in ww1. Muslims and africans dont speak swedish or german. The existing population I agree with - they came for the handouts, told their buddies back home and more came to leech off taxpayers and instead pf.assimilating, asking the europeans to assimilate to their culture.. complete with sharia marches and asking churches to take down crosses because it's offensive. Not to mention the skyrocketing rapes, violenc, terrorism etc

No ones stupid. Everyone knows why those people.chose sweden and germany when there were tons of safe countries they could've settled in on the way. But they came for handouts. They don't want to work. They even admit this in interviews when reporters go to the jungle in calais
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2018 /  #143
africans dont speak ... german

Visit Namibia...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #144
it isn't doing anything to improve the pool of talent vital for the economy, such as R&D.

I beg to differ. Corporations are constantly opening up new facilities. Unemplpyment is at a record low and one of the lowest in Europe. And far less poles are leaving since the economy has improved so much in the past 10 years and wages continue rising.

Also birthrates are steadily increasing, thanks in part to the 500 z program. Poles would much rather have a slightly smaller population than import muslims and africans who breed like stoned test bunnies. Besides, we've already taken in around 2 mln Ukrainians and they actuslly assimilate, work, pay taxes and contribute. The economic migrants from me and africa do not. At best they open up a kebab stand or sell individual beers on the beach. Otherwise most of them sit around all day all week long, no job to go, nothing productive to do. Why would they if their laziness is being rewarded. Germany now spends more money on migrants than it does on education for its citizens. Waste of taxpayer money if you ask me..

I've seen this sh1t with my own eyes - in UK and in Germany. There's dude sitting around all day long at cafes just chatting and smoking cigs or hookah. No job to go to, no worries about paying bills, no concern for making the rent that month. Why would they worry when the taxpayers are funding them and will then fund their children, then those children's children just as they have in France for decades. This is a new phenomenon for germany and sweden and theyre already getting sick of it and they dont have nearly the numbers that france and to an extent uk does.

And r and d is a tiny fraction of every corporations budget, even in pharma. The lnly time companies spend a ton of money on r and d is when their product or service has become totally outdated as ford is now realizing hence its huge boost in r and d for electric and hybrid vehicles which lagged way behind the competition. Bulgaria was and perhaps still is an r and d leader in Europe yet its always been a **** poor country. R and d is an afterthought for most corporations as it does not immediately impact shareholder value.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #145
Visit Namibia...

They could speak hundred languages and still don't want them anywhere near me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #146

German is not official language of Namibia. It is English. It is recognized as a national language only due to the large amount of.germans still living there and running the farms. The majority speak an African language with 10% mostly white europeans who are responsible for basically all modern developments in the country speak a european langauge like german or Afrikaans.


German is a recognized language in.namibia the same way it is in poland - due to a small.minority that speak it.

But even if it were, how many Namibians are coming to europe? Very few. Most of the people.are coming from Syria, Iraq Afghanistan Nigeria Ghana Eritrea Somalia north africa etc where german, swedish, etc is not spoken.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2018 /  #147
And r and d is a tiny fraction of every corporations budget

Maybe in Flyover Country where the coal mines hum and the nuclear reactors glow. Many tech companies here spend enormous amounts of money on R&D.


German is not official language of Namibia

Only since 1990. Before, the official languages were German, English and Afrikaans.

They could speak hundred languages and still don't want them anywhere near me.

Namibia is beautiful. You should visit one day.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #148
As soon as Denmark cut the welfare paymwnts for.migrants they all scattered to sweden ans germany like cockroaches when the light goes on.

How dare you! You make too much sense.

Therefore, you are a coldblooded, hateful, trolling, xenophobic Muslim hater.

Did I miss anything?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #149
No, the difference is I dont care and I'm not going to apologize for pointing out facts and the reality. If people want to be naive and ignore it thats their right. But then they shoulsnt be surprised when native europeans who pay taxes and whos ancestors fought and died for independence are going to rekect their country just being handed over to migrants and the people have to work to support them and their 10 kids. That's what many European countries leaders did till it bit them in the ass once people demanded a stop to open borders and hordes of migrants. Parties are winning elections solely on anti migrant messages. Then merkel goes on tv begging germans not to vote for the mean islamaphobes lol. Well b1tch if you didn't invite young able bodied men from every turd world nation and give them 1500 euro a piece people wouldn't have voted for afd. Same with poland and Hungary - the eu claims to love democracy and free elections but when the people give a nationalist populist government and theyre a majority well then the eu hates them. But when the Spanish government orders cops to beat people up who want to vote up in a referendum its okay - it's now a Spanish issue because of course the government is pro eu.

Namibia is beautiful. You should visit one day.

No thanks. I prefer countries where more than 1 out of 10 people don't have hiv. If I want to see a wild jungle and a bunch of rabid people living in squalor i can go to the west side of chicago and save on airfare.

Before, the official languages were German, English and Afrikaans.

Yes because of the much larger white population back then. It isn't the africans that speak german or Afrikaans, it's primarily white european farm owners.

Many tech companies here spend enormous amounts of money on R&D.

Even for tech companies like Google Apple Facebook etc r and d is all but a few percent of their spending. Apple spent 10.6 bil in 2016 on r and d which was the highest till then and still.might be. That 10.6 bil represents 4.9% of a 216 billion revenue which was a record amount. Normally they spend as little as half a billion to 1 2 3 billion with 2018 reported to be 4 billion. With revenue expected to be over 230 bil, that's only 1.7% going for r and d. And still they spend far more than many other companies whos r and d is usuallt closer to 1 2%. The reason is simple - it doesn't immediatelt increase shareholder value.

And fyi r and d is usually the first to receive cuts when a company performs poorly, even before marketing. Now pharma companies who typically had the highest r and d % stopped spending as large amounts on r and d as they realized its more profitable to simply buy out patents and existing research. R and d does not create immediate value and it is seen as a waste by the markets. I don't like it I wish companies would spend more on r and d so we can have more new inventions, new medicines, but the market makes the rules, not me.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #150
The first thing I realize when I wake up is that I woke up. Again.

The second: that the hordes of muslims spreading where they should be shot at the border rather than directed to the nearest welfare office is for real, not a dreadful nightmare.

Then, I realize how supremely lucky we are here. At least our Latino invaders are Christians, except, of course, for those extremely rare moments when they steal, sell dope, rape, and kill. But, then, nobody is perfect, so how can we blame them.

I prefer countries where more than 1 out of 10 people don't have hiv.

You forgot to mention that 9 out of 10 who have it believe that the way to fix it is to rape a 12-year-old virgin - if they can still find one.

And we let this human garbage in here. Unbelievable.

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