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Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

jon357  72 | 22778  
31 May 2018 /  #91
I disagree that Poles are xenophobic.

If you look at the latest official stats from CBOS, you'll find that Poles disagree with you.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
31 May 2018 /  #92
So you claim that Poles suffer from a mass phobia? That's a fascinating medical diagnosis to make.
These made up medical terms are meant to force acquiescence to the regressive agenda through guilt.

A preference for your own culture and people is not a phobia of other cultures.

A concern about people shouting "Allahu Akbar" while driving trucks into crowds, firing AK47s at them, detonating bombs or stabbing people on bridges is a healthy concern based on real events... best to keep those problems at a safe distance to limit exposure.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
31 May 2018 /  #93

We just dislike faggots. We consider homosexualism a mental disorder (Like WHO until your ill lobby changed the definition). That's why nobody likes you, homo.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2018 /  #94
Ah yes, obsessed with race AND gay sex. Clearly issues there.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
31 May 2018 /  #95
I'm sorry for you Delphian. To be obsessed with gay sex ( as you expressed in your post many times) and with race must be very hard on you. Open up and talk about your childhood traumas. I can lend you a sympathetic ear. (Disclaimer - I'm sure obsessions of an individual known as a Delphindomine doesn't represent values and stance on those issues of the Scottish society at large).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
31 May 2018 /  #96
It is for guests in this country to repsect Poland and its people and adapt so that they fit in.

That is enough for countless social marxists to call a country or person a xenophobe. I don't agree with it but that's the label poles get from the left.

Things like this really aggravate average poles like when an eu politician I believe one of thr higher ups in the EP or EC was saying 60k fascists marched in Warsaw. There were people in that crowd who were survivors and far more who lost family and friends during ww2.
31 May 2018 /  #97
I was reading the rcent report about starbucks training starting for culture awareness and sntir acism. Why is it only Ameica? Why not the tarbucks in Poland? Ans why not do cultural awareness by the govt how these people here should not treat each other. Why not do a whole cultural seminar on how to treat your customers or customer service? I got hanged up on yesterday and had a lady tll me shes wont anweer what her western union rates are over the phone and another shop literslly only tell em after getting my number from my fsmily in America whos end me the money, Why not work with your custoemrs and be upfront or open instead of ripping your countrymen off or being rude, disrspdtful and lying to them? That is much more improtwnt than any starbucks race awareness training.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 May 2018 /  #98
Why Poland can't keep Germans out and away is obvious.

Why Poland would let any Asians in is not.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
31 May 2018 /  #99
Poles and Germans share a common white, Christian, European heritage which links the two, even if native tongue does not!
The same of course, can't be said for Asians, and the reasons for letting the latter in over the former should be obvious; CHEAP LABOR.

31 May 2018 /  #100
Poles and Germans share a common white, Christian, European heritage

Ahem, Poland shares a common heritage with Asians that Germany does not, through the Mongol invasions and baby-making. Even Dirk Diggler accepts this (see other thread on Mongol horde).

So Poland's 'heritage' is fundamentally different from Germany's white, Christian heritage - and that difference is the Asian genes pumped into what is now Poland, to give the round flat faces that are distinctive in Poland but not seen in the 'white Christian' Germans.

Poland's 'heritage' is Eurasian, not European. ..allthough, of course, we should also remember that Christianity is an Asian religion (made up on the continent of Asia and exported to Europe)
Ironside  50 | 12312  
31 May 2018 /  #101
through the Mongol invasions and baby-making.

Dude, you're so ignorant and stupid at the some time. Your all post confirms your have no clue.

Talking out of your backside.
31 May 2018 /  #102

Rather than just insult, why don't you provide a counter argument to point out why what I stated is incorrect?

Do you disagree that the Mongol invasion reached Poland, but not Germany?

Do you think it possible that all those young men of the Mongol army remained celibate during their conquering holidays in Poland?

I've never seen a German that looks like Beata Szydlo or the Kaczynski twins.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
1 Jun 2018 /  #103
Dude, you're so ignorant and stupid at the some time. Your all post confirms your have no clue.

If you want to be nasty, at least use proper English. Please.

I know you can do it if you concentrate. What you just wrote is beneath you and takes away from your image and the standing here.

BTW, I know that "ignorant" and "stupid" are not the same, but in this case they seem redundunt. Or was it your intention to use both terms?

Just trying to be helpful.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
1 Jun 2018 /  #104
I've never seen a German that looks like Beata Szydlo or the Kaczynski twins.

there is nothing mongoloid about Beata Szydło

the prevalence of Central Asian genes in the Polish population is not that large at all
kaprys  3 | 2076  
1 Jun 2018 /  #105
Kaczyński and Szydlo are no more mongloid than Queen Victoria. Was her bloodline (German or not) affected by the Mongol invasion?
There are different types within races. Europeans are mixed.
Even though it's pretty obvious there must have been rapes during Mongol invasion I doubt they would later nurture babies born from such pregnancy. Assuming the raped women survived.

Oh, and Himmler - some think he was partly Mongolian, too.
So did the Mongols get that far?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Jun 2018 /  #106
there must have been rapes during Mongol invasion I doubt they would later nurture babies born from such pregnancy

course they would, just like all the post world war 2 babies in Berlin...
1 Jun 2018 /  #107
Kaczyński and Szydlo are no more mongloid

Are you kidding? Short, thick-limbed, round heads, flat faces, narrow eyes, dark hair, no obvious sign of a neck...

Duda's facial features and little round head also owes something to the East. They're hardly Teutonic or Nordic looking, are they?

Europeans are mixed.

Yes. And in Poland they are mixed with Asians.

That must be quite galling for an ethno-nationalist...

Here is a scientific paper in one of the higher journals, that documents 'non-European lineages' in modern Polish populations - from Asia (Siberia)
Ironside  50 | 12312  
1 Jun 2018 /  #108
Rather than just insult, why don't you provide a counter argument to point out why what I stated is incorrect?

It was a deep disappointment talking H.
For a long time I believed that you're a nasty person but learned. I have thought you twist and manipulate and lie about issues due to your ideological optic. Never I have thought you are just a BS-sh..er who dress his prejudices and views in a respectable veil of knowledge.

Boy I couldn't be more wrong.

Long versus rounded head ( or in this case faces) is not really indication of a Mongol gene. Not by a long shot. Especially if your conclusion it is based on a casual organoleptic impression .

Besides is not as if 'a round face' could be found only in Poland but not in Germany or any given country. Also a race divides into subgroups but it doesn't mean one can put down those subtle differences within the same race to something as obscure and unscientific as a 'Mongolian rape gene' - that is just laughable.

There were three major incursion into 13th century Poland by let term it - 'Mongolian' hordes.

They had primely plunder and murder in mind.

1. If they captured some young women (or men) if they didn't killed them. Generally they took them as slaves with them. So those captives didn't contribute any genes to the population they remined

2.If a raped woman escaped:

a. has a child survived till adulthood? (need I remind you about harsh conditions and rates of the children mortality of the 13th century).

b. could as a bastard find suitable love interest to procreate - not that easy.

c. could be left in a church or a monastery as an infant and if those institutions raised it, more oft or not such a child would became a nun, a monk with not real chance to spread his or her genes around.

d. not all warriors in a Mongolian horde were Mongolians, Tatars or what have you. Often part of the army included contingents of warriors from territories subjugated by Tatars i.e. Moscow.

To sum it up.
Given all the circumstances impact of 'a Mongolian rape gene' on a general population's gene pool had been negligible.

Sure they are some Mongolian genes but those were result of a peaceful settlement of some Tatars warriors on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian.

It doesn't account for so many 'round faces' you see around. Also DNA as far as I know do not support your laughable claims.

As to your point about Asia. Sure Indo-European or Aryans came to Europe from Asia. So you're correct on this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #109
Yea but nonetheless poles have shed much of their mongol/asian characteristics over time. Thats.why you see blue eyes in much of the population which almost no asians have and very few poles have an epicatanthal fold. However poles do share r1a with Eurasians namely russians/Siberians stretching to Iran and Indias so there is some common genes.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
1 Jun 2018 /  #110
Did you know that in 1350 Warsaw had no public restrooms?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
1 Jun 2018 /  #111
You can't help insulting people - I'm an ethnonationalist - oh, how cute.
Poles, as other Europeans, are mixed. Some might be mixed with Mongols, others with Scots, Jews, Germans, Hungarians, Greeks - the list goes on.
The epicanthic fold appears not only in Asians. You wanted an example of a German who looks Mongol - you got it. Even two.
Why are you so obsessed with race?
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
1 Jun 2018 /  #112
You do realize, don't you, that "Mongoloid-looking" can also mean "stupid" aka mentally challenged! Trust you meant "Mongolian-looking".


As you are doubtless aware, Poland shares far more of a Christian, specifically Roman Catholic, heritage than most of her neighbors, except perhaps the Czech Republic, whose citizens often look curiously like Poles at first glance:-)

You seem to be drawing exaggerated conclusions concerning the extent of Asiatic influences in Poland. And while we're on the subject, check out the faces of the Bavarian-GERMAN film director, the late Rainer Werner Fassbinder, and tell me if you don't think he looks more than slightly Oriental:-) His family are dyed-in-the-wool locals from way back when. Makes you wonder then just how far the Mongols' reach actually spread.
1 Jun 2018 /  #113
Lyzko, orthodox and the former byzantine empire were just as christians and more so thsn the cstholcis. in fact, the cstholics stood by their actions everything against th christian vlaues. do you know how many innocent people or witches the catholic church killed? Its much better to by byzantine or orthodox than that smut.

That's why you see blue eyes in much of the population which almost no Asians have and very few poles have an epicatanthal fold.

Not really true in many places in Poland. there are some dark and Asiatic looking mofos. just look at a lot of the hooligans or the low brow thugs theys traight look like they're not white.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
1 Jun 2018 /  #114
Nevertheless, many nations such as Albania (non-Slavic however), Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia, boast large Muslim, obviously non-Christian, communities.
Poland doesn't, clearly a positive effect as far as their concerned, as regards issues such as social, above all cultural, cohesion.

Russia considers herself for instance as "Russian Orthodox", a different type of Christianity from Poland's clearly Rome-centered Catholicism:-)
Poland clearly has become, and is fast becoming, more Occidental!
1 Jun 2018 /  #115
Lyzko, are you even Polish? what Bullcrap are you blaubhering sbout? aoccidental? because it is part of a culture that murdered millions including innocent women calling them witches, its superior than orthodox or byzantine? a culture that has its traces in greece and egypt, birthplaces of civilization? where do you get this crap about occidental or being more white or more cultured or positioned further west is superior? ain my mind zjapan is superior to much of europe and it is located on the other side of the world. occidental, or geography or other crap you try to mask your deficie cies ir inferiority co olex dont work on me bro. Occidental, lol. People like you are the reasons white kids in America are whiggers and no one wnats to be caleld white or admit to being white and clings on to their small heritage of whatever else they have in their blood. Being white or occidental is synonym for being weak, soft, push over. Russians at leats get some respect i. u.s. jails and orisons and culture. lol, occidental. you wouldnt make it three days without getting beat up inan ice center or prison like I had to go through.

lol Id like you tot ell those rude people here after cslling them asking what their western union rates are and where you cana cruslly get a fsir western u ion price akin to kantory or ezchange rate that western union lists on their website after they hang up on you or cuss you out thst theyre more occidental than russians or similar to italians. lol.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Jun 2018 /  #116
I thought you were banned. Your 'style' gives you away.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #117
Lyzko, are you even Polish?

Obviously no... he hasn't even been to poland in over 20 years by his own admission..

western union rates

Just transfer money via chase quick pay or PayPal or even transfer. Far cheaper than western union.

And that's not true in all systems. Ours arent divided out by race nearly like the west coast. But ya if you make yourself a victim or give off the vibe that you won't defend yourself everyone's gonna try to punk you no matter your race. Unfortunately too many whites go in thinking they can remain neutrons only to get their ass whooped and then are surprised when no one comes to their defense eben the co's
kaprys  3 | 2076  
1 Jun 2018 /  #118
Sorry, I didn't see your comment before.
Google 'brown babies' of Germany - too many were given up for adoption. And that was the 20th century.
The Mongol invasions were in the 13th century - the Middle Ages full of superstitions and short of food.
I don't know if you're aware of the Polish custom of putting a red bow on the pram. It's to protect the child as according to folk tales mamunas would swap human babies to their own - odd looking, ugly, crippled- children. A mother had to abandon the demon's child to get her child back. Imagine what happened to those abandoned kids.

Hopefully, some communities kept children that looked differently.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #119
Google 'brown babies' of Germany

I did... And all I found was black guys abandoning their offspring and leaving their burden for the government and others to care about... in other words nothing new
1 Jun 2018 /  #120
I'm an ethnonationalist

I didn't say that you were.

You do realize, don't you, that "Mongoloid-looking" can also mean "stupid" aka mentally challenged!

No, it was an insult (now archaic) that stems from a perceived simialrity in appearance between with Down's Syndrome and people of Central Asian ('Mongols'). It was in common usage many decades ago, but not any more.

So, because people with Down's typically have learning difficulties and look unusual, people would insult each other with the slur 'Mongoloid', or 'Mong'. The last time I heard it was in the movie Pulp Fiction.

You seem to be drawing exaggerated conclusions concerning the extent of Asiatic influences in Poland.

You're right, I am, mainly to needle Ironside and fellow ethno-nationalists that can't abide the idea of a racially 'pure' Poland that might be 'tainted' with Asian genes.

Actually, as far as I remember, the genetic marker for the Mongol influence in Poles has been looked for and couldn't be found.

There is a curious 'look' that some Poles have, though, which does look a bit Mongoloid, and is enough to water the seeds of doubt in the minds of the racists ;)

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