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Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

Meowmeow  5 | 57  
30 May 2011 /  #1
I have met different nationalities from around Europe but Polish seem to be obsessed with peoples race. Even here, every thread on this forum even if talking about food, politics, romance will some end with racists rants. Then they say " oh there is racism everywhere".... yeh but not as bad with Polish's obsession with being the master race. It's like some how the scars of world war 2 holocaust, have been imprinted on Poland's mono culture. Well a few other countries could be worse like Russia, but another story.

Like some of the rude remark I have seen about Jewish people on this forum, and thinking that a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland. It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.

Obviously women are not as bad as men, so this is most focused at men. Like a lot of polish people have migrated to European countries, but don't want any immigrant moving into their country even if they people are educated and skilled.

Whatever happened to people being nice and kind?
gumishu  16 | 6182  
30 May 2011 /  #2
It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.

is it that what you see? - Hitlers ideals influencing Poles - or is it just your way of explaining things?

people dislike Jews because of the perception they are crooks (like those from American Jewish Congress who want to put their hands on Polish property not having the appropriate inheritance rights (or would like to see compensations - some 65 billion dollars) (or crooks like Adam Michnik)
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
30 May 2011 /  #3
Even here, every thread on this forum even if talking about food, politics, romance will some end with racists rants. Then they say " oh there is racism everywhere"....

Lets clarify this part first.. From what I see, 98% of people here on this forum are not Poles. So, if there is racism on this forum, it is by non-Poles, mostly Europeans. So, if Poles say racism is everywhere, they are not wrong, aren't they.
30 May 2011 /  #4
Seeing as you have one of the longest posts that I have seen on the subject in many years, I think you have joined the club haven't you?

Pot & Kettle and all that malarkey ;0)

Condoms 'too big' for Indian men. In other news, Indians are the crybabies of Asia
RobertLee  4 | 73  
30 May 2011 /  #5
Obviously women are not as bad as men, so this is most focused at men.

Polish women are rather naive and ignorant. If race X is being openly antipolish, they either aren't aware of that or somehow fail to understand that it's time to stop being apologetic. Once a Polish female journalist interviewed Giles Coren and her reaction to his incoherent antipolish rambling was something like: "well, do you at least like this Polish food?".

Like a lot of polish people have migrated to European countries, but don't want any immigrant moving into their country even if they people are educated and skilled.

I'm a Pole living in Poland and I'm not against immigrants, as long as they are at least neutral towards Poland, express a desire to integrate and don't form large closed communities. This is nothing more than what Brits or French want from immigrants, and Poland wasn't ever a colonial power that owns something to African or Asian people.

Like some of the rude remark I have seen about Jewish people on this forum, and thinking that a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland. It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.

You should see what Jewish people write about Polish people. They don't stop at "a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland". It is offensive on so many levels.
legend  3 | 658  
30 May 2011 /  #6
I hope the topic creator realizes that all these things were LONG before WWII, Nazis, Hitler, etc.
Secondly we hate Hitler and what we say has nothing to do with the Nazis.
In fact Polish people have like 1000 years of experience with Jews so we know what to say.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 May 2011 /  #7
ale journalist interviewed Giles Coren and her reaction to his incoherent antipolish rambling

well that is strange as Giles Coren's grandparents were Polish...maybe he was trying to be funny?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
30 May 2011 /  #8
express a desire to integrate and don't form large closed communities.

Would that include speaking the native language after a few years and not opening up specialist shops everywhere selling their funny smelling foods?
If so,can you point that out to your Polish mates in Britain then?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 May 2011 /  #9
Why are polish people obsessed with race?

Why are non Polish people obsessed with what Polish people think about race?
30 May 2011 /  #10
Polish's obsession with being the master race.

No such animal.
chichimera  1 | 185  
30 May 2011 /  #11
Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.

You don't need to apologise. The way you see people and the way you judge them tells a lot about yourself. I'd say it tells more about yourself than about anybody else.
30 May 2011 /  #12
Why have you deleted all the later posts?
The topic of this thread is Why are polish people obsessed with race? and not about people's issues with moderating this forum. A thread about that already exists.
cheesymac  4 | 60  
30 Nov 2011 /  #13
Merged: Polish people become racist if they are spoken about there race?

Did Martin Luther King JR. yell cracker everytime he was approaced by racists?
So, why do the kind Polish people act like monkey's by becoming racists, when spoken to by a racist?
Also, what is Polish infactuation with blacks? Why the racism towards browns?
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Nov 2011 /  #14
Did Martin Luther King JR. yell cracker every time he was approached by racists?
So, why do the kind Polish people act like monkey's

Because they do not look like Martin Luther King.
cheesymac  4 | 60  
30 Nov 2011 /  #15
Sure, are the British racists towards Poles?
Are the Russians? Germans?
They belittle you.
30 Nov 2011 /  #16
Why the racism towards browns?

Polish people don't share "white guilt" so they are more realistic.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Nov 2011 /  #17
Largely because they haven't experienced multi-culti but they are slowly being exposed to new races so they have a chance to say sth.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
30 Nov 2011 /  #18
Yep I can see that, did Martin Luther King JR thought you that or is it just you being just a shade lighter than the Africans you were talking about?
cheesymac  4 | 60  
30 Nov 2011 /  #19
I have nothing against black people.... indigenous to the USA... I have everything against blacks from Africa that live off. feed off. blacks from the USA worked for through slavery, segregation, etc.

Africans are weak and do not need sympathy once in Europe.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
30 Nov 2011 /  #20
And here it is folks, a racist free society, in a nutshell coming from the horse's mouth so to speak and they still wonder why no one likes Yanks
David_18  65 | 966  
30 Nov 2011 /  #21
Whatever happened to people being nice and kind?

Go on and live in your anti-polish bubble.

Some are racist and some are not.

Poles are rather Nationalistic and knows how it is to loose their country, but if you call that racism be my guest :)

Poles are a proud people and wont let anyone stomp on them.
cheesymac  4 | 60  
30 Nov 2011 /  #22
Except James Thompson and this UK woman on the tram.
legend  3 | 658  
30 Nov 2011 /  #23
Europeans are racist. And thats a good thing (not all but a large portion).
There is a lot of countries in Europe and being nationalistic is perfectly fine (unless you are a commie or liberal).
Europeans have accomplished many things and people (including the media) put white people down for mentioning this (they cry like a baby wawa white supremacist wawa). Yet Blacks, gays, and others get put on a pedestal.

We arent invading anyones land with millions of immigrants. Non-white minorities are.

If you want go to America its already a jungle. Leave Europe the hell alone.
jochemczyk  1 | 35  
1 Dec 2011 /  #25
From what I heard growing up in a polish community in England it was not about one race being better than another, it was a case of it not being right to mix races in the sense of white and black , asian, arab etc. I never heard Poles say that they were better than other races just that you should'nt mix them. My Dad married my Mother who was English and that was fine but as mentioned in my other post " do poles hate muslims' it was not ok to marry a person from the North of Poland If you came from the South. Go figure
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Dec 2011 /  #26
I have nothing against black people.... indigenous to the USA.

I suggest you look up the word indigenous.

I have everything against blacks from Africa that live off.

Are you an afro-American. If so lol!
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Dec 2011 /  #27
Blacks, gays, and others get put on a pedestal.

Really? What pedestal and who are the 'others'?
suka mc  
1 Dec 2011 /  #28
We aren't invading anyone's land with millions of immigrants. Non-white minorities

All your posts that I have read over the past weeks, reek of self pity.
Find a women to love who can love you and have children. Be a man.
Accomplish something and stop living vicariously. If you are homosexual just do the second part.
Barney  17 | 1637  
1 Dec 2011 /  #29
Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?

They are not, nor are they obsessed by Jews, Muslims, gay people, conspiracy theories and other such internet rubbish.

I met a Polish person once and they were normal, well I suppose she did have big feet and bad taste in music.
noreenb  7 | 548  
1 Dec 2011 /  #30
I don't think Polish people are obssesed with race. They just like to look at people who differ from them. They like originality, they seem to think that from other country means more exciting, interesting, compelling, astonishing. Why? Because many of Polisfhpeople do respect different nationalities and we treat the same way we wanted they treated us.

It is not strange for me at all.
I'd rather say that foreigners who come here have to fight with stereotypes they have about poeple from my country and, when they talk to real us they have to change their opinion.

For many of them it is funny.
My friend who was born in Australia used to laugh on all bus when some Polish people where looking at him and his friend from RPA, who is black. When he was describing the situation he was laughing like crazy.

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