I have met different nationalities from around Europe but Polish seem to be obsessed with peoples race. Even here, every thread on this forum even if talking about food, politics, romance will some end with racists rants. Then they say " oh there is racism everywhere".... yeh but not as bad with Polish's obsession with being the master race. It's like some how the scars of world war 2 holocaust, have been imprinted on Poland's mono culture. Well a few other countries could be worse like Russia, but another story.
Like some of the rude remark I have seen about Jewish people on this forum, and thinking that a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland. It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.
Obviously women are not as bad as men, so this is most focused at men. Like a lot of polish people have migrated to European countries, but don't want any immigrant moving into their country even if they people are educated and skilled.
Whatever happened to people being nice and kind?
Like some of the rude remark I have seen about Jewish people on this forum, and thinking that a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland. It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.
Obviously women are not as bad as men, so this is most focused at men. Like a lot of polish people have migrated to European countries, but don't want any immigrant moving into their country even if they people are educated and skilled.
Whatever happened to people being nice and kind?