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Do Polish people like Turkish people?

Marsupial  - | 871  
2 Feb 2017 /  #61
Turkey was doing good. An example to the entire area. Who allowed it to change into whatever the hell it is now?
mafketis  38 | 11260  
2 Feb 2017 /  #62
Turks themselves, of course!

I remember when Erdogan was supposed to be an example of how an Islamist could be a good responsible leader. So much for that. The problem is that the more secular Turks (who are closer to Italians and Greeks culturally) have been outbred by low information Anatolians who are fine with making women wear headscarfs and integrating 11th century religious practices into the legal system.
Marsupial  - | 871  
2 Feb 2017 /  #63
Well not all Turks. People on this Polish forum should know what it means to swim against the tide.
3 Feb 2017 /  #64
You are not muslim, it should be easy to integrate into community. Speak some Polish, make some friends and you are ready to go. Good luck
18 Oct 2019 /  #65
I've never seen so many racists in one topic. Stay the **** away from Polish *****. We don't consider Poland to be Europe anyway. Poor man's Russia.
pawian  226 | 27817  
19 Oct 2019 /  #66
Are you a Turkish citizen angered by the Polish support for Kurdish cause? There have been a few demos against the Turkish invasion of northern Syria where Kurds had their safe haven.

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