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Do Polish people like Turkish people?

istannbullu34  1 | 100  
7 Mar 2013 /  #31
You are coming from a more racist country to a less one, as being a Turkish here, I feel more comfortable than Turkey. Old people are afraid of us but I understand them, because I am also uncomfortable with muslims and most of turks. During the time I've been here I was generally treated pretty good, I was just harassed by some skinheads 1-2 times. I had more problems because of being a Kurd in Turkey...

If you don't have prejudices and youre openminded, friendly, etc etc, you wont have a problem... it depends on your behaviors.

Our nation is "generally" racist, religionist and dont like other nations. But I mean "generally" not all of them. So if you come here you ll see, its really a great country. for me its at least 2x better than Turkey.
theworldgenius8  - | 1  
6 May 2013 /  #32
yes, a polish female can have a huge relationship with turkish people, for example I have a polish girlfriend at school and im turkish( it's true! )but if a male turkish faces a male polish they have a big chance of turning on each other and sometimes a female polish faces another female pollish they dont get along well too.Polish people is not racist at all but ill give you a hint; turkish people mix with a lot of people from different places and countrys for example,polish people, indian people, american people, english people ( sometimes even turkish boys can get an english accent if they've been there for a long time ), austlalians,swedish people and kurdish people. This means that turkish people mix with people a lot and if you are going to poland looking for a wife, try white skinned, yellow hair girls, they are nice and if they like you you should have brown hair, white skin, (type of things you should know to do ) protective anger if somebody drives your couple mad, how to entertain/persuade them, ( onto personal stuff ) your smarts and her smarts should be very close and very high.The male should do most of the stuff than the female if not in a long time, she will brake up with you
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
6 May 2013 /  #33
This thread was started ages ago but the title still makes me laugh. He asks it like 'he just wants to make sure the Polish people love Turkish people.' Why would they love them? I love Turkey peeps. You know, people who bring Turkey to you when you are hungry.

Someone should have introduced him to google translate and the word ''like'' or accept.

Everything has pretty much been covered in this thread.
wang  - | 19  
6 May 2013 /  #34
I guess yes.. opinions from Turkish students in Poland :

Polish people like to study and create their own career way. I really like it. That's why I like to study in Poland. When I go to libraries, even sometimes it's hard to find place. Because all students are studying. Secondly, I'm a foreigner here. That's why lecturers like me more. Sure I like it. :)

Said from Turkey

I remember very well my first day of studying. Honestly, I were felling horrible, I had to do many stuff with my lessons and registration however as I told before thanks to so nice people I handle all of that hard time and my all amazing friends help me during to that period.

Burak from Turkey

if you need more visit this blog with interviews with foreign students in Poland.
ilhanburak  - | 1  
24 Jun 2013 /  #35
some of polish people think that we sell women for camels.
some think we marry 4 women even more.
some have sympathy
somw are neutral
some like to have fight with foreigners no matter where they are from.
some are helpful. willing to help foreigners.
16 Feb 2014 /  #36
I studied civil engineering in english with many turkish students here in Poland (and with people from other countries too) and we had a lot of fun. Turkish guys were great lads and we were studying and partying together. And I think they had a lot of great time here in Poland.

In terms of history, yeah Sobieski defeated Ottomans and broke their might with use of his famous Polish Winged Hussars (one of the absolutely top cavalery units in history) and because of it Turks respeced Poland for many centuries. One of the example was that when Poland was on its knees, 100 years after Vienna, partitioned by Russia, Prussia and Austria, Ottoman Empire was the only country in the world that didn't recognised partitions of Poland - and we still remember this honorary behaviour here in Poland even after more than 200 years (and what is funny, Turkish diplomats read loudly during diplomatic meetings with other great powers that "Diplomat form Lechistan didn't arrive" which angered and frustrated partitioning countries). Turks were opened for and helped Polish refugees and there is even cementary in Istambul of Polish citizens and troops who fought in revolutions against Russia and Prussia.

So I think there's a lot of respect between the two nations.

And as I mentioned earlier, guys from Turkey with who I studied always were positive about studying and living here in Poland.
Levi  11 | 433  
11 Nov 2015 /  #37
Poland is one of the countries that recognize the Armenian Genocide commited by Turkish forces against Christians last century.

Ex Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Ryszard Czarnecki said he's proud Poland has already recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide.

Until 1913, 30% of the Turkish Population were christians. Now, less than 1% is.

From 1914, a terrible genocide start, where the christian population was decimated. 4 Million Christians where executed.

80% of Armenians, 65% of the Greeks and 92% of the Assyrian Population was murdered.

The Assyrians, one of the oldest civilizations of the history, almost went extinct (ISIS is completing the job nowadays). Proportionally, this genocide was way worst the the Holocaust.

All that just because they were... christians.

And differetly than Germany, that recognized the Holocaust, Turkish authorities fiercely deny it and is even a crime talk about it in Turkey.

IF, ONLY IF, the Turkish people recognized this terrible act, maybe they would be much more popular in the world.

Including Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13087  
11 Nov 2015 /  #38
Poland is one of the countries that recognize

Poles respect Turks and have nothing against them.
11 Nov 2015 /  #39
Poles respect all people and nations, they only ask for the same respect in return.
11 Nov 2015 /  #40
I'm afraid Poles don't really like foreigners, not to mention people with more pigment in their skin or muslims!!! Several days ago a Christian Syrian who lived and worked in Poland was beaten because patriots assumed he's a muslim. They bragged about it in the now-removed Facebook post, including gems like "and he should pay for his own treatment".

Also just before the celebrations of the Day of Independence, muslim foreigner asked (in Polish) if he can join the march because he likes and supports Poland. It all went well until he added he's a Muslim. Then they started posting hateful comments.

I heard Turks liked and respected Poles after Sobieski, even when Husaria broke into enemy camp after the battle and casually slaughtered 10,000 people including the wounded, unarmed and support troops. When Poland was under Partitions (Zabory), Turks enraged Russian occupants by always having a place for a polish emissary on their moots ("Dla posła z Lechistanu"). Can you verify this story, capco ?

Also many Poles are racist. The newest racial slur is 'ciapaty', from 'ciapki' wich means colorful spots. Heartland countries tend to have many nationalists, which means little tolerance.
nothanks  - | 626  
11 Nov 2015 /  #41
IMO Poland is somewhere in the middle for treatment of "non-Europeans". You won't be idolized like in Sweden but you won't be brawling like in the Balkans.

Poles respect and in many ways align with Turkish Conservative society [yes I know Turkey is considered secular in the ME]. Polish & Turkish men also share similarities, which IMO are the differences between us and Germans for example.

Beyond the random Bar fight late at night in a tough area on a special night, the worst treatment you will receive is people ignoring you. Hahah.
11 Nov 2015 /  #42
I think you mentioned you're not a muslim ? This means you're allowed to drink alcohol. Many Polish people like to drink, and you could keep relations friendly by buying people drinks.

Another thing to keep in mind: because of its history, current Poland is currently incredibly pure racially. Only 0.4% of people in Poland aren't Poles! Anyone who looks a bit different will stick out like a sore thumb. That's why many Poles wrongly claim Poles are very friendly and tolerant - they deceive themselves, they really believe it, because they effectively don't get out much.
nothanks  - | 626  
11 Nov 2015 /  #43

I think he would find it difficult to socialize by not either drinking alcohol OR eating pork. "I do neither" is going to rub people the wrong way. But that's just me.
Levi  11 | 433  
12 Nov 2015 /  #44
I Think the same.

Withou eating Pork or drinking, it will be difficult to socialize.
Sczur  - | 28  
12 Nov 2015 /  #45
That is what I like about Polelock
Tartar  1 | 22  
13 Nov 2015 /  #46
I was in Antep recently (15 minutes to the Syrian Border) and can say that Turkey is incredibly racist.

In Poland you can walk without any problems at all; however in Istanbul every time I go near Taksim, there are problems..

If you must use the word racist, then you need to start with Turkey as it is the worst I have ever seen.

Turkey is amazing, the food, the people and of course the Government propaganda & control of the internet.

The Mirror newspaper was quoted -> a paper that supported Stalin
The Daily Mail News paper openly supported Adolf Hitler.

oh and did you know that the UK does not have just one fascist party, but a lot of parties.
* They also nearly made peace with Germany in 1939, instead of going to War for Poland and liberating Poland from Fascism, to leave Poland in the safety of (*mass slaughter*) Communism.
Ivanov  - | 1  
29 Jan 2017 /  #47
When I see all comments here some of them are very annoying while the rest are either neutral or totally with prejudge comments. Well guys I really don't know what poles are thinking about Turks in general while in 90s until 2007 most poles were usually came over major Turkish metropolises were mostly women escorts but to be honest; the educated Turkish view about poles are usually either:

1-)diaspora village of early 1800s founded polonezkoy or polish village whom fled away from first German later Russian invasion and lived guess around every country in the world for their 200 years of long colonial life under foreign yokes.

2-) the polish patriot and poet Adam Mickiewicz's museum and home in Istanbul where he died in exile while organizing resistance groups for their independence efforts

I guess my personal view from few polish people I've meet in different countries are they most neutral about Turkey. But to be honest; I guess the guy whom started this post better look for an ex colonial English speaking cheap Asian country like Malaysia or Singapore for an affordable education rather then Poland in order to improve his english speaking skills. I mean Poland must be nice place and I have read plenty of things about krakow and few things from history about battles between Poland and Ottoman Empire must be an really nice motivation points to visit there.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
30 Jan 2017 /  #48
Ever since Erdogan, Polish-Turkish relations have naturally become a bit, dare we say, strained.
Marsupial  - | 871  
31 Jan 2017 /  #49
No problem with turks. However, turkey is now an ex democracy. It is now a dictatorship.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
31 Jan 2017 /  #50
And? China is dictatorship too and it blooms. Average wages (and well-being) in China are higher than in Poland already.
Marsupial  - | 871  
31 Jan 2017 /  #51
Its true. I can't stand them but i live in a country with its tongue up the commie behind. I would never go to china and Turkey unfortunately is off the list now.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
31 Jan 2017 /  #52
Righto, Marsupial! Looks like it's going to become even more of a dictatorship until Tayyip Recep Erdogan's finally ousted from office!
Ataturk'd be turning over in his grave (unless he was cremated):-))
Marsupial  - | 871  
31 Jan 2017 /  #53
I fully agree. Good luck to them with regression.
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Feb 2017 /  #54
No, I think that Poles don`t likes Turks. Why should they? Turks still didn`t give them back decapitated heads of Polish King and greatest Polish hero of all times. Plus, Turks still endangering vital Polish strategic interest by supporting Greater Albania (Shiqpria). That for starter
Marsupial  - | 871  
1 Feb 2017 /  #55
I prefer chicken. Turkey tastes weird.
Crow  155 | 9700  
1 Feb 2017 /  #56
Chicken? Sure? Well, it always depend on the rooster. But principle is same
mafketis  38 | 11263  
1 Feb 2017 /  #57
it's going to become even more of a dictatorship until Tayyip Recep Erdogan's finally ousted from office

Turks do not have a good record in getting dictators out of office and Erdogan has a constituency (anatolian peasants) who quite like his style and theocratic tendencies.

It's too sad, because there's a lot to like about Turkey, but in its current political situation..... no.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
1 Feb 2017 /  #58
Tansu Cillar! Where are you when Turkey needs (someone like) you??!
Veles  - | 197  
1 Feb 2017 /  #59
I'm completely fine with the Turks, but no one seem to care anymore since the thread was opened 5 years ago.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
1 Feb 2017 /  #60
Sure, 'cuz things have gotten a lot worse in the past five years:-)

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