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Do Polish people like Turkish people?

capco  1 | 7  
25 Aug 2012 /  #1
Hi i thinking about come to poland for university computer science study and im turkish male 19. polish people are racist? or love turkish people? or not? i can see racism on university? i want know :)

im not muslim and i know little bit english :) i want learn polish. and study here and live poland.
i will do webdesign html-php i can get job in poland?

sorry for bad english.
25 Aug 2012 /  #2
Ever since King Jan Sobieski drove the invading Turks out of Poland proper (read Austro-Hungary), Turkish-Polish relations have never been quite the same:-)
OP capco  1 | 7  
25 Aug 2012 /  #3
thanks for answer but i dont want historic answer i want young people's thinks :)
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Aug 2012 /  #4
i want young people's thinks :)

OK. Reporting to work!

Poles are neutral about Turks who study or work in Poland. It is neither love nor hate.

Are you satisfied?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Aug 2012 /  #5
polish people are racist?


or love turkish people?


i can see racism on university?

OP capco  1 | 7  
26 Aug 2012 /  #6
yeah tanks :) im scary about studying racism, polish prof. act me same as polish students?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
26 Aug 2012 /  #7
i want young people's thinks

Ah I see, what you really mean is will a Polish girl go out with you?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Aug 2012 /  #8
Such questions have been asked ad nauseam here on PF.

Poles are no more racist than Turks; probably a lot less so. Euro 2012 was an excellent example of Poland showing it is a great host to the world's visitors. The success of the games really silenced all of her hateful and spiteful critics.

But let's get to the heart of the matter. Why would you want to move to 21st century Poland in the first place if you thought the Poles living there were so racist to begin with? Do you really think Poland would be a member of the EU if racism was rife and minorities were living in daily terror?

You should just move to Poland and find out for yourself and then come back on here and gives us your story. That would be a lot more interesting.
OP capco  1 | 7  
26 Aug 2012 /  #9
what you really mean is will a Polish girl go out with you?

İ dont ask this in here :) what a nerd question. i believe it will do. im asking for %100 of university life not only girls percent.

sorry for bad english again. i know so many mistakes i have.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
26 Aug 2012 /  #10
sorry for bad english again.

You do realise that classes will invariably be in Polish in Poland's universities, right?

And as a non EU citizen, you will have to pay high fees, right?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
26 Aug 2012 /  #11
Dude it depends on the person. It is strange for a Turk to be in Poland, some will not care, others will not be fond of you, but not because you are a Turk, some people just generally do not like foreigners in Poland while others could not give a crap and then you have a few who might even be interested to chat with you as they find people with different cultures from different countries to be very interesting and exotic. So yeah, 2 types, I mean 3.
OP capco  1 | 7  
26 Aug 2012 /  #12
You do realise that classes will invariably be in Polish in Poland's universities, right?

yeah i know i want learn polish first year in lodz university of foreginers


thanks. its same as all eu countrys :)

Poles are no more racist than Turks; probably a lot less so. Euro 2012 was an excellent example of Poland showing it is a great host to the world's visitors





a lot?
rankalee  2 | 56  
26 Aug 2012 /  #13
Please come only if you found a part time job and if you found a own flat .. I can not see more foreign students living for free in the best hotels of the country and getting free education, why young Poles have to leave their country in their holidays to work for little salary in Dutch meat factories ...to get the money for study and living ..
MoOli  9 | 479  
26 Aug 2012 /  #14
yeah tanks :) im scary about studying racism, polish prof. act me same as polish students?

dude start selling baranina kebabs in Poland and they will love you price it 12 zlotay and see the sea of love:)
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Aug 2012 /  #15
a lot?


Your own media acknowledges Turkey has a problem with racism...

...among Turkish institutional leaders:

Turkish racism: an unpleasant story

"When Gen. İlker Basbuğ, the highest ranking officer in Turkey, defined some citizens as "people who don't really have Turkish blood in their veins," he was revealing just the tip of an ugly iceberg."

...as well as in sport:

Can Turkey kick football racism out of the stadiums?

"While European football is trying to prevent racism, Turkey mostly tends to wash its hands of it"

...coming from the Turkish players themselves:

Emre racism scandal sees Turkey forced to air dirty laundry again.

"'Turkish football player drops 'N-bomb' on the field.'"

But I'm willing to contend that the news media can be biased, so here is a personal account of a black female tourist visiting Istanbul:

[youtube.com/watch?v=lrCPeOINDvk] - My experience with racism in Turkey

I can add more - a lot more - from Greeks, Armenians, Cypriots, Kurds all of whom have experienced state sponsored Turkish violence as recently as the 20th and 21st centuries.

So, you were saying about Poles being racist?

Anyway, you are free to visit Poland but please leave your country's problems with racism back in Turkey. Thanks.
Mishka  - | 4  
26 Aug 2012 /  #16
I'm Polish and totally indifferent. It's not about the skin colour and ancertory at all... just the cultural differences. Some may annoy me, and that's just it. I think that Polish people are often afraid of Turkish, also because of Muslim. But that's not a rule and people are really drastically different. And it depends on where you are, I think that Polish people in Poland would rather stick to themselves because its just easier. And I feel its the same in most of the countries.
OP capco  1 | 7  
26 Aug 2012 /  #17
dude start selling baranina kebabs in Poland and they will love you price it 12 zlotay and see the sea of love:)

hahaha good idea bu i hear kebabs in poland cant be real turkish kebab :) i will do real turkish kebab and profs will be eat fingers.

İskender,Kebab,Döner will solve racism :)


i buyed bilet to varsaw 23.09.2012 :) (bilet is turkish word)


İ dont want blame poland to racist. i dont nationalist. turkey have so many problems but im 19 and im coming poland alone just litte scared and i asked here. You know turkey have how many race / religion in one country?

I think that Polish people are often afraid of Turkish

im afraid too turkish people in poland because %80 this cult member of nurism or

fettullah gülen

. we hate them on turkey too.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
26 Aug 2012 /  #18
You know turkey have how many race / religion in one country?

I am not sure what you mean but if you are saying Turkey has many races and religions, I thought Turkey was pretty much a Muslim nation in the vast majority with an Islamic government.
OP capco  1 | 7  
26 Aug 2012 /  #19
Turkey is modern parliamentary republic. Not islamic republic like a iran, we dont have camels :) The most common religion in the country is Islam but there is no official religion of the state.

we are living like brother my armenian christ friends.


and i know this word: Gość w dom - Bóg w dom
teflcat  5 | 1024  
26 Aug 2012 /  #20
we dont have camels :)

Yes, you do. I've been to the annual camel wrestling festival in Efes.
kanarek26  - | 1  
19 Oct 2012 /  #21
We all know there is racism in poland,turkey,germany...etc but i dont think polish people is racist.its justjudging people with no knowladge.i mean even my wife was thinking that Turkey like arabic country and turkish people really bad.of course i couldnt explain her that she thinking wrong.then she c overiverame to Turkey and she saw everything good and bad.of course there are bad and good people everywhere.

The same like when i was going to poland people told me watch your many and dont get AIDS.stupid isnt it?but i ve been living there 8 months.met with racist,good people who is friendly and still in touch with them.and i am so proud that my children half polish half turkish race.

Dont be scared of anything.go to poland and enjoy your life with lovely people up there.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Oct 2012 /  #22
Turkey is modern parliamentary republic. Not islamic republic like a iran,

Let Erdogan continue getting the generals under control and stir up some more trouble amongst the Turks/Kurds abroad as he constantly does ***, and you will have an Islamic republic before you know it. Turkey is just one step (maybe two) away from becoming another Pakistan.

we are living like brother my armenian christ friends.

Time to officially accept the Turkish guilt for the Armenian genocide then.

*** Gathering tens of thousands of second and third generation Turks in Germany for example (especially the members of the Ülkücü Gençlik/ Bozkurtlar) and then telling them that they are first and foremost Turkish, that they should NOT integrate and should NOT make an effort to learn the local language before they don't know Turkish.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
4 Mar 2013 /  #23
There will be more and more like capco.......Turkey is starting to realise that the EU is not going to let them join soon....and certainly will not let it,s millions swamp us. Poland + other ex commie countries = convenient backdoor.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
4 Mar 2013 /  #24
If you're graduating IT in Polish uni right now, then you could easily find IT job here. How it will be in 4 years nobody knows.

Even if you learn polish, you will have to pay for studies, as you're not from EU. If you can present English certificate at B2 level then you can study in few places in English, but I think tuition are higher when course is in English. I am not sure if it's possible to learn polish for uni level in 1 year only. Maybe somebody here can answer that.

After graduating you can get working visa for 2 years here. Later you have to find IT company which will go through bureaucratic procedure of proving that there are no Polish applicants for the position to employ you legally. Currently it's not impossible as there is big demand for IT workers, but who knows how it'll be in the future. In the end you will need to get married here if you want to stay permanent.

Currently it's better to have diploma of public institution (except of this school: pjwstk.edu.pl), so try applying to public universities or polytechnics. Many private institutions are considered as worthless diploma factories here.

I think you would be ok as turkish student. Shouldn't be treated by professors worse than polish.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
4 Mar 2013 /  #25
During the long years of partition the Turkish sultan continued to call for the ambassador from Lechistan. Poles have not forgotten this.

white trash

Yes, white trash, namely the stinking Hapsburgs, Hohenzollerns and Romanovs. They were the scum that partitioned Poland, their fellow Christian country, despite all the blood the Poles had shed to protect them from Eastern expansionists. Poles have more in common with noble Turks than they do with Germanic scumbags. Poles should have let the Turks take Vienna and then maybe this forum would have more gracious Turkish posters and less German garbage.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Mar 2013 /  #26
Poles have not forgotten this.

Sure... :)

Poles have more in common with noble Turks than they do with Germanic scumbags.

Why don't we send all those noble Turks/ Kurds from western Europe over to Poland then? Do you actually have an idea how many problems the Turkish population of Europe is causing in their host countries?
grubas  12 | 1382  
4 Mar 2013 /  #27
During the long years of partition the Turkish sultan continued to call for the ambassador from Lechistan.

Yes,but he was doing it mainly to annoy Russian envoy.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Mar 2013 /  #28
This thread was started ages ago but the title still makes me laugh. He asks it like 'he just wants to make sure the Polish people love Turkish people.' Why would they love them? I love Turkey peeps. You know, people who bring Turkey to you when you are hungry.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
6 Mar 2013 /  #29
I hope capco is still reading this and goes away with understanding......Poles and the rest of us in the EU are not rascist against Turkey, our problem is that they are so big and there are just so many of them......it is fear of that size and those huge numbers that may make us seem against them. When I served in 6th Allied Tactical Airforce (Izmir) my boss was a Colonel in the Turkish Airforce for a while...seemed like a nice guy....but I woudn,t want the whole Turkish Airforce in my backyard if you see what I mean?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
6 Mar 2013 /  #30
Makes sense Dreadnought. There is a big difference in not liking people of another race and just not wanting thousands of them to move in where you live. The latter is not racism in my view. It's healthy, logical segregation.

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