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Do Polish people know a lot about the world ?

godzilla853  2 | 6  
25 Dec 2012 /  #1
Hello everyone, i am currently a student in London, i am house sharing with a few Polish people and i would like to learn more abut them because of my problems.

I also am sharing with some English people, and 1 man from Iran, they are very nice and friendly towards me, i only have questions with the Polish.

When i told the Polish lady where i am from, she said i am very lucky to be here in London because i am very "poor". I am Brazilian, she asked if we have roads in Brazil and she told me about mobile telephones and how useful they are here.

1 other Question.

The Polish woman has with her, her baby about 4 years (i think). She also has a friend that comes to visit her many times. They have no jobs from what i can see. How can they live from the British Social Security money as foreign people??
gumishu  16 | 6182  
25 Dec 2012 /  #2
most people in the world are quite ignorant of the world as a whole - you just happen to meet a couple of ignorant Polish people - are Polish people more ignorant than others - I don't know - I don't consider myself ignorant if you ask if all Polish people are ignorant - i'm pretty sure I know more about the world than yourself tbh
kcharlie  2 | 165  
25 Dec 2012 /  #3
Sounds like you live with someone who is possibly a little, how shall I put this gently...


I don't care if you're a troll or not, I just imagined your poor face when you realised the woman thought you're from a favela and have never previously had access to clean water. Oh, how your blood must have boiled.

And on account of being an EU citizen, she has the right to milk the State of whatever country she chooses to reside in, so has decided the Supreme Soviet of the European Union. Oh, I can feel your blood boiling even more!
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
26 Dec 2012 /  #4
do polish people know about the world alot?

I think I do. I have shortcut to Google Earth and Panoramio in my AutoStart folder.
So beware of Google cars. Big Brother is watching you ;)

The Polish woman has with her, her baby about 4 years (i think). She also has a friend that comes to visit her many times. They have no jobs from what i can see. How can they live from the British Social Security money as foreign people?

Just ask them. In Polish it goes skąd bierzecie kasę?
natasia  3 | 368  
26 Dec 2012 /  #5
When i told the Polish lady where i am from, she said i am very lucky to be here in London because i am very "poor". I am Brazilian, she asked if we have roads in Brazil and she told me about mobile telephones and how useful they are here.

This is a type of Polish person - particularly female. I lived in Poland for several years, and knew only nice, well-informed, well-educated people. I then, over the past seven years in the UK, widened, shall we say, my Polish circle (not exactly by choice), and have encountered the 'other' sort of Polish woman ... the ignorant battle-axe who thinks she knows it all, including how to maximise benefits available. She also knows all the Primark SKU numbers and product location by shelf.

These women, I say with absolute certainty and no apology, are monsters. I am sorry that you are living with one. Tread very carefully around her. She will throw out comments to the dozen, considering them wisdom, whereas in fact they will range from the amusing to the deeply offensive. She will, if she needs anything at all, get it from you if you show the least 'weakness' in her eyes (more commonly translated as 'niceness' in a sane world), and she will also, if she gets the chance, revile you and your 'foreign' habits and 'beliefs' to all she can (that is just for fun - that is her entertainment). She will dominate the house, she will consider everybody else beneath her, she will think it fine to have vodka parties until dawn, but if you once wake the baby (especially when she has a hangover), woe betide you ...

And, if you really annoy her, she will somehow turn everyone in the house against you and have you thrown out - seriously.

These women are poison. So I suggest you smile politely and have as little to do with her as you possibly can. And if she comments about Brazil again, just walk out of the room. Or tell her she knows nothing, but then you will be annoying her which is, as I say, a dangerous game to play.

I have such wonderful, clever, thinking Polish friends - but that is not the type you are with here. You are with the Schrolka.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
26 Dec 2012 /  #6
Whether your post is serious or not, and whether she is winding you up or actually serious, regardless I will say that the majority of people in major Polish cities are quite different in their outlook than people who had particularly isolated lives or took little interest in education when they lived in Poland's back-waters or rural areas. Their earlier choices in life lead to various unfortunate illusory notions of others and the result is that they have a steep learning curve when they meet people from more regular backgrounds. I would keep myself to myself and sooner rather than later move out if I were in the company of someone who didn't have any co-habitation charm if in your shoes.

(Of course, rural types move into most cities in Poland and are absolutely fine, but as they say there's always one who isn't. Anecdotally I hear some of the newcomers to Warsaw from other parts of Poland are less friendly than the original locals. Just like London then!)
1jola  14 | 1875  
26 Dec 2012 /  #7
i am house sharing with a few Polish people and i would like to learn more abut them because of my problems.

So you are asking strangers about someone you live with?!

What is your business where she gets her money from?

I'd say you're a troll. Your thread title says that.
pawian  219 | 24792  
26 Dec 2012 /  #8
i am very "poor". I am Brazilian, she asked if we have roads in Brazil

Most Poles know that Brazilians have roads through the jungle to reach distant areas when they hunt for or gather food in the wilderness. The woman who didn`t know it was really dumb.
berni23  7 | 377  
26 Dec 2012 /  #9
Brazilians have roads through the jungle to reach distant areas when they hunt for or gather food in the wilderness.

You know how that sounds?
Brazil has prolly the best roads in South America, including big highways along the coast and also inland.
And even if its hard to imagine there are a few countries beside Poland that discovered the wheel and gave up hunting a few years ago.
natasia  3 | 368  
26 Dec 2012 /  #10
I will say that the majority of people in major Polish cities are quite different in their outlook than people who had particularly isolated lives or took little interest in education when they lived in Poland's back-waters or rural areas.

I would say actually that there is a very strong showing of this 'ignorant' type in the cities - this is the band of people who are just above 'patologia' (probably the lowest socio-economic class you get in cities - alcoholism and abuse are rife - domestic violence almost standard - half the family members die before 50 from alcohol or cancer - etc.). They have often dragged themselves out of what might have been termed 'patologia', and are now first generation trying to move up, but the legacy of their childhood doesn't help, because the emotional tracks laid down in childhood mean that they are generally anti-intellectual, they have the 'working class' respect for clean floors and tea on't table, and they tend to be fairly limited in terms of world experience, outlook, education (probably left academic education at 15), and ... there are a lot of these, in their later 20s, and 30s, in the UK now. In British terms, one might call them 'a bit rough' - but it is a very specific, European/Polish kind of rough.

So, the idea that people of limited world-view, shall we call it, only come from backwaters and farms isn't the whole picture, in my experience. There are those out smoking, pushing buggies and tinkering with 10-yr-old BMWs and Audis on the blackened back streets of the larger cities ... and stealing, and fighting, and swearing, and being ... a bit rough.
pawian  219 | 24792  
26 Dec 2012 /  #11
You know how that sounds?

How? Enlighten me...... :):):)

here are a few countries beside Poland that discovered the wheel and gave up hunting a few years ago.

Of course. But many still didn`t..... Come on, don`t pretend you know nothing about it.
Ant63  13 | 410  
26 Dec 2012 /  #12
She also knows all the Primark SKU numbers and product location by shelf.

Hey Natasia, you must be great at dinner parties. You are so funny. I look forward to your amusing posts.

Hope you had a great Christmas. All the best in the new year and keep it up! It's nice to see some humour here.
Sofflock  - | 5  
26 Dec 2012 /  #13
This is a type of Polish person - particularly female. I lived in Poland for several years, and knew only nice, well-informed, well-educated people.

This phenomena I know as well. Before I moved to Poland I thought this is how they all where, Polish women (especially) when they move to a different country put themselves on a high shelf. I think it has a lot to do with the looks (yes, polish women are very attractive and when they leave they notice).

Here in Poland they act completely different and have dignity and class.

So to answer your question Polish people are usually very well educated and knows quite a lot of the world but what they don't know I noticed they want to learn.

I'm sorry you live with a she demon and I would recommend you look for a different house don't let her poison your life.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Dec 2012 /  #14

I think she's just arrogant, and you shouldn't take it so deep, it's only exposing your insecurities.
28 Dec 2012 /  #15
Generally people in Poland know that in Brazil you speak Portugese not Spanish. That's something.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
29 Dec 2012 /  #16
She also knows all the Primark SKU numbers and product location by shelf.

How do they call her? Sale | discount queen, bargain hunter? :)

What is your business where she gets her money from?

They have such thing as fair play. I like it. Haven't you seen these ads in city buses?

Polish women (especially) when they move to a different country put themselves on a high shelf. I think it has a lot to do with the looks (yes, polish women are very attractive and when they leave they notice).

I always knew that western girls are more developed in many fields. I haven't seen any Polish welder girl yet :(

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