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Why are Polish people such hypocrites about immigration?

6 Oct 2015 /  #1
For hundreds of years MILLIONS of Poles have emigrated to prosperous, Western nations in order to send money back to their own: USA, UK, France, Germany, etc.

Now when a few THOUSAND immigrants want to come to Poland from poorer, war-torn countries, Poland throws a hissy-fit about it.
Polish people are hypocrites.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Oct 2015 /  #2
For hundreds of years MILLIONS of Poles have emigrated to prosperous, Western nations in order

in order to build mosques over there? nope
OP Priya  
6 Oct 2015 /  #3
Polish people bring their papist religion though, which is pagan. Not that it matters.
I am a Christian by the way even though my parents are from India.
Lebonese Christians are not welcome in Poland anyway.
Poland is hypocritical, and in truth, NOT a christian nation, but a pagan one.
6 Oct 2015 /  #4
Catholics are Christian. Poland is one the most Christian countries in the world. You claim to be a Christian and yet you are probably a heretic Protestant (judging from your propaganda).

Poles immigrated to other white dominated countries and adapted well. Their cultures and religions were similar. the US and other countries welcomed Poles for the most part.

Most Muslims are not exactly white, and their cultures are completely different. There is nothing wrong with Polish stance.
6 Oct 2015 /  #5
MILLIONS of Poles have emigrated to prosperous nations.

You need to learn the history. Citizens of Poland, one of the few 'exemplary countries' in the EU when it comes to economic and social development, STILL cannot come to the US without a visa. And during socialism, hardly anyone was allowed to even have a passport (if they did, they would be allowed to go to Czech Republic or NRD). Besides, when Poles do emigrate, their first question is NOT: "Where do I go to get the most benefits to milk the locals from their hard-earned money?" - they go to work instead, try to compete the best they can, most of the times get two jobs in order to have a chance to prosper, help their families, and survive. People from Poland, Germany, and the West in general have slowly but steadily learned the game played by the 'poor migrants' - most of them know exactly what they're doing. Their ultimate goal is to get a better life, nothing else. It would be perfectly fine as long as they don't play the victims and not try to scam other taxpayers. In summary - want to the West? No problem, but GET TO WORK and ask about social benefits later. Otherwise, stay in your country.

Here is a typical path of a migrant from Poland:

- A man (or woman) goes abroad (alone) and try waters. IF they are successful finding a job, they work hard, save as much money as they can, send some money to Poland. Then, after a long while (it may take up to a few years), once he/she earned enough money to afford to work 1 job instead of 2 or 3, they think about coming together again on a permanent basis.. Then, if they continue liking the new country, they either stay there or move back to Poland.

Here is a typical path of a migrant from Asia or Africa:

- They research and sort countries by the best social benefits. 'How much money will I get when I go to the new country as a 'refugee'?' / 'Will the new country cover my medical expenses, my education, will they find me a job?' / 'When I take the whole family with me, will I have better chances to get free stuff?' / 'How much time can I live off unemployment benefits?' / 'How much extra stuff can I get if I'm illiterate.' etc.

The bigger picture in summary may be this. Most migrants really don't like their own countries and their own cultures. In the last years, during the Internet revolution, the younger generation realized they don't want to live the way their parents/grandparents did. But instead of cleaning their own backyard, they choose the 'easier' way - 'migrate' to the West and make mess there (again, keep in mind they don't want to clean up their own country). Nevertheless, that would still be fine (everybody wants to have a better life as quickly as possible), but the culture of corruption they have been brought up in is (at least initially) too strong to defeat and that's the main reason many of them don't assimilate in other countries as well as Poles or migrants from other Easter European countries do.
OP Priya  
6 Oct 2015 /  #6
The ironic thing is that whenever you go to a Western European country how they describe Polish the exact same way you describe Asians: low class parasites, filthy beasts who steal jobs and milk the system.

Ultimately Polish people to me represent a particular form of greed and hatred, not to mention hypocrisy:

Imagine a people who: worship a poor jewish carpenter who preached love, but

1) hate other nationalities
2) hate other religions
3) hate other races
4) are impervious to the fact that other Europeans see them the same way they see Asians: outsiders, barbarians, dirty, scummy, devious.

If Jesus were alive you would consider your people the anti-Christ.

I only hope that Polish that migrate to more loving, tolerant cultures come back and change the medieval barbaric mindset they find in such a backwards wasteland.
6 Oct 2015 /  #7
Regarding Christianity - that's yet another trickery played by the 'poor migrants' on Christians (this time). They assume Christians are so naive that they will allow aliens to destroy anything just to help the 'poor.' Sorry, besides the history you need to study the Bible too - Jesus said:

"If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat" - 2 Thessalonians 3:9-11

So there it is, no free stuff for those who are unwilling to contribute. Want to prosper in the west? - get ready to work hard for little money at first, learn how to use bathroom, try to compete with others the best you can, and then you may have a chance of success. Otherwise, try your luck within your own culture, people, and folklore.
OP Priya  
6 Oct 2015 /  #8
Jesus said that?

No, Paul said that.

Jesus (the Jew, whom your people hate) said:

Mt. 5:42. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

Luke 12:33. "Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, nor moth destroys."

And regarding "The West" no one in the West considers Poland to be a part of it, with your alien culture and backwards superstitions.

In fact, most Westerners viewed Polish as the same as Asians for hundreds of years: oslo2000.uio.no/program/papers/s18/s18-blackbourn.pdf
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
6 Oct 2015 /  #9
Now when a few THOUSAND immigrants want to come to Poland from poorer, war-torn countries, Poland throws a hissy-fit about it.

More like a few MILLION Muslim immigrants want to come to Poland in the Trojan Horse disguised as immigrant refugees.
Poland is very wise to their motivations and desires.
The Koran demands that Muslim make any country they live in adapt to them and Sharia Law.
The last thing they plan to do is assimilate.
OP Priya  
6 Oct 2015 /  #10
I don't know why you would think I'm sympathetic to Islam, my ancestors fought against Islam just as hard as yours did, but you don't realize that the Polish hate EVERYONE.

They hate Americans
They hate British
They hate Germans
They hate Jews
They hate Russians
They hate Lithauanians

They have zero sense of hospitality and charity towards ANYONE, and are using "Islam" as an excuse for the way the treat Christians.
Marsupial  - | 871  
6 Oct 2015 /  #11
Yeah muzzie trash and after your list you're still not.coming in.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
6 Oct 2015 /  #12
Who you trying to fool Fool ?

but you don't realize that the Polish hate EVERYONE.
They hate AmericansThey hate BritishThey hate GermansThey hate JewsThey hate RussiansThey hate Lithauanians

Seems the Muslims hate the same people that the Polish do or should I say that the Muslims hate every one who is not Muslim.

They even hate each other enough to kill each other.
The Muslim philosophy toward the "infidels" is to convert them to Islam or kill them.
Starting to get the picture "why" Poland throws a hissy-fit about it.
OP Priya  
6 Oct 2015 /  #13
Islam is not a good religion. Neither is Catholicism: they both have a brutal history of mass murder against Christians.

Who can deny this?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
6 Oct 2015 /  #14
a few THOUSAND immigrants want to come to Poland from poorer, war-torn countries

Many misconceptions. The most important

Most of the ongoing migrant tide to Europe are not fleeing war. They're fleeing massive social dysfunction and/or looking for a life funded by German taxpayers.

None of the migrants arriving want to go to Poland. Find "a few thousand" of these who want to come to Poland and I'll buy you a car. Poland has a very minimal social safety net and finding employment is very difficult for anyone without very high levels of fluency in the local language. The migrants want to go to Germany and Sweden (though Finnland is apparently becoming popular now with Iraqis as it doesn't have so many.... Iraqis (go figure).

NB a few Christian Syrian families were settled in Poland recently (at no small expense) and the majority left within a few weeks for Germany.
Levi  11 | 433  
6 Oct 2015 /  #15
"Polish people bring their papist religion though, which is pagan. Not that it matters.
I am a Christian by the way even though my parents are from India.
Lebonese Christians are not welcome in Poland anyway.
Poland is hypocritical, and in truth, NOT a christian nation, but a pagan one."

1 - You don't know nothing about catholicism, Priya (as we can see by your name)

2 - You are not Lebanese, nor christian. If you where, you would know that most Lebanese christians also are under Pope Authority via Bechara Rai (which possibly will be the next Pope).

3 - Poland loves the lebanese christians.
nope  2 | 43  
6 Oct 2015 /  #16
I don't really understand how can someone say: polish people do this or do that, Poland likes these people and hates some others.... I think it's a personal matter and can't be said for a nation of 40 million people. Yeah, maybe the majority are against the immigrants from the middle east but everyone has something they call a reason for thinking that way. People march against immigration everywhere : London,Berlin,Paris......what's different about Poland ?
Vox  - | 172  
6 Oct 2015 /  #17
For hundreds of years MILLIONS of Poles have emigrated to prosperous,

Could you back up this claim with sources?

Poles have emigrated to prosperous, Western nations in order to send money back to their own: USA, UK, France, Germany, etc.

Once again, sources.

Now when a few THOUSAND immigrants want to come to Poland from poorer, war-torn countries

Do they? For the last times - sources!

Poland throws a hissy-fit about it.

Need to break it to you gently - you are ranting.

Polish people are hypocrites.

Yeah? Good for you.
6 Oct 2015 /  #18
these incoming avalanche of "migrants" all of the sudden are not "migrants" really.

it is very well known that at least 20% of them are just ISIS terrorists, inflitrating to destroy Europe from inside :(
Brummieexpat  - | 4  
6 Oct 2015 /  #19
Ultimately Polish people to me represent a particular form of greed and hatred, not to mention hypocrisy

TROLL.... I'm and Englishman living in Poland with My Polish Mrs and her family what you've said above is the biggest load of bollocks I've ever read
6 Oct 2015 /  #20
the focus must be on telling everyone the truth about who all these arabian part terrorists, part men who want to take advantage of the free money pouring to them from the governments, who they really are
michealhijazin  - | 2  
6 Oct 2015 /  #21
I am a Christian Jordanian, we HAVE borders with, IRAQ, SYRIA, ISRAEL/PALESTINE and SAUDI ARABIA. 20% of our population are refugees.
So trust me when I say, Europe is going to suffer badly from refugees, this is just the beginning! you have to wake up before its too late! REFUGEES will make Europe struggle.

Do NOT accept refugees in your countries.
6 Oct 2015 /  #22
these millions of invaders are not even "refugees",

many of them are just isis soldiers, looking to make much more damage to their western enemies

Let's go back to the Polish people please.
spiritus  69 | 643  
6 Oct 2015 /  #23
Polish people are hypocrites

Correction. We are ALL hypocrites but that doesn't stop us from being right occasionally.

In this case I don't agree that Poles are being hypocrites. The Polish emigrees moved abroad to build a better life for themselves and their families by embracing the culture and work ethic of the host country. This current wave of economic migrants do not share that philosophy as has been proven time and time again in other European countries where people from an Islamic culture have arrived.

Ironically, Muslims in the UK often complain about the influx of Eastern European immigrants.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Oct 2015 /  #24
The ironic thing is that whenever you go to a Western European country how they describe Polish the exact same way you describe Asians.

Not really.
nothanks  - | 626  
6 Oct 2015 /  #25
OP wants to punish Native Poles because of the actions of those that left the Motherland behind [for the West]. Doesn't make much sense
befranklin  1 | 41  
6 Oct 2015 /  #26
Polish people bring their papist religion though, which is pagan. Not that it matters.
I am a Christian by the way even though my parents are from India.
Lebonese Christians are not welcome in Poland anyway.
Poland is hypocritical, and in truth, NOT a christian nation, but a pagan one.

This sounds very judgmental which isn't very "Christian" at all. I'd say your Christianity is worthless because who are you to judge another man walk with Christ.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Oct 2015 /  #27
They hate Americans
They hate British
They hate Germans
They hate Jews
They hate Russians
They hate Lithauanians

and homosexuals
BBman  - | 343  
6 Oct 2015 /  #28
For hundreds of years MILLIONS of Poles have emigrated to prosperous, Western nations in order to send money back to their own: USA, UK, France, Germany, etc.
Now when a few THOUSAND immigrants want to come to Poland from poorer, war-torn countries, Poland throws a hissy-fit about it.
Polish people are hypocrites.

Poles don't want Arabs/muslims. They cause too many problems in western europe and do not integrate well. There are well over 50k vietnamese in warsaw, i don't remember the last time there was a rally against them.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Oct 2015 /  #29
vietnamese in warsaw

must add them to the hate list
Avalon  4 | 1063  
6 Oct 2015 /  #30
Along with builders/developers :-)

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