The salary in Poland is 4 - 6 time smaller than in Germany.
In a big supermarket called "Rewe" costs "Michalki", "Ptasie Mleczko", "Malaga" and all the other ones, at least 3-5 Euro ..
I know, the same price is in Poland, for Ptasie Mleczko for example, like 12 Zloty ..
Even for German circumstances, this chocolate has a high price for the weight .. how can Poles afford it??
In a big supermarket called "Rewe" costs "Michalki", "Ptasie Mleczko", "Malaga" and all the other ones, at least 3-5 Euro ..
I know, the same price is in Poland, for Ptasie Mleczko for example, like 12 Zloty ..
Even for German circumstances, this chocolate has a high price for the weight .. how can Poles afford it??